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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems...

"Well, she said to leave her alone so I was going to leave her alone, but you were just standing there as if what she is crying about was your fault. So, I was just trying to do... something..." Lloyd trailed off. What was he doing? He really needed to get some sleep.
After he got enough rest, Cole steadily stood up, and started walking again. He had still no clue on his whereabouts, but everything was a better option to do than doing nothing.
After crying her heart eyes out and sobbing till even her lunges were sore, Lake was just staring blankly at the ceiling. Her head had never felt so empty and it had never been so quiet.. Just the sound of birds singing outside hurt her ears.

Everybody had someone now. Aurora had JK, Sapphira… Well, Lake wasn't that blind, even she could tell that Lloyd and her looked good together… And she… She had Cole… Or at least what was left of him. There has to be a way to bring back his memories. Lake thought. A bird flew against the window with a loud thump and Lake froze. Not in shock, but in plan. She bolted up right and snapped her head towards the window. "The facility…" She mumbled, before quickly shutting her mouth and surroundings before she went in thought.

Tobias used that miracle injection on me when I could barely breathe and move.. Maybe if he still has one- No! He doesn't have one, otherwise he would have used it on Cole already, but if I can just get it, then maybe it could bring back Cole's memories.

She looked at the door and bit her lip. But I'll have to get it from the facility and If I ask the others to come they'd probably say to just wait it out… Maybe I should go alone… Yeah, I mean, I can't really put the others into trouble or Tobias will have my head.

Lake carefully and silently climbed out of bed and put a pair of clean clothes in the bag that she had used before. Opening the window, she quickly wrote a short note for the others that said Brb, don't worry about me :3 and climbed out of the window, tip toeing down the wall.

"Wow, some powers really do come in handy." She giggled softly as she reached the ground and started walking in the direction they had come from when they arrived to the school, hoping that she would find an airport soon and that she wouldn't be missed.

(Decided to post since it was so quiet ;3)
Sapphira noticed that the sobs from Lake's room had stopped. She turned, glancing at Lloyd, before slipping into the room. She glanced around. "Lake?" she called, stepping forward. Lake wasn't on her bed. Instead, there was a note, and an open window. Sapphira rushed over to the window, peering outside it. "Lake!" she hissed, spotting the girl. "Where are you going?"
"Shhhhh!" Lake hissed and turned on her heels, glaring at Sapphira. "Don't shout, will you!" She said in a loud whisper. "Just keep your mouth shut. I'll be right back, I wrote it on the fucking piece of paper." She made a loud sigh in annoyance and adjusted her hat. "Just keep Tobias off of my back, I'll be back in a couple of days… If I'm lucky." Lake added in a mumble before running off.
"Lake, wait!" Sapphira pulled her head inside the window as the girl darted off, rushing out of the room. She went to find Oliver and Aurora, hoping they'd know what to do.
((Anyone still following this thread? If you are and you're reading this, i'm really sorry that i just left and abandoned this and left for so long but I should be back for good now. Let me know what you think of a reboot of this RP! (^U^)))
((OK I'm gonna make it now then. It doesn't need to be same characters but it can be if you want. Also, we'll be starting fresh not from where we left off. I;ll post the link for the reboot in a couple mins :D .))

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