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Fandom everything changed when the fire nation attacked [atla au]


certified weeb
Hey gaang! I'm coming to you live on this Ides of March from my bedroom to bring you an Avatar: The Last Airbender plot I've had kicking around for the better part of ten years and just can't seem to get off the ground. But a bit of quick housekeeping first.

Feel free to call me any permutation of my username you can conceive, but Kei works just fine too. I'm in my late twenties, like late twenties so I'd prefer if you were like 23+, thanks. I'm queer, and open to any sort of sexuality or label imaginable both in and out of character.

I'm multipara with an average of ~600w per response and ~1300w per starters and the like, though I can go as low as 200 and as high as 3k or so. I'm looking to double, and am happy to write any canon for you. For my end I'd like if you could write an oc for my oc, and we can either make one together or you can make your own, whatever you're most comfortable with. I'm happy to write in private messages, email, or discord.

And last but not least, my limits: substance abuse, self harm, sexual abuse, the usual nasties, and the in or out of character mention of: alcohol, drugs, smoking, vaping.

Alright! If you're still here, onto the plot!​

I want to explore a version of Avatar: The Last Airbender where Aang fails. Where Ozai won, and the world is officially under Fire Nation rule. Now, as Aang is my baby boy and I love him very much, I'd prefer if he doesn't die (especially as I'm tired of seeing Aang is dead AUs aksjdf). I'm thinking it'd be more interesting and fun if Aang got captured by the Fire Nation, who kept him alive thinking they might have a use for him down the line or something. Having a fully realized Avatar at your command? It's pretty enticing. But Aang, unwilling to let them win, sort of like. Willingly lets the spirit of the Avatar pass through him, like forfeiting his right as Avatar so that the next in the cycle can be born. He forfeits his bending, his past lives, everything: because it's the only chance they have, the only one available.

He forfeits the Avatar spirit and becomes just your regular rando (maybe he could keep his airbending if that's something you're interested, but I think nonbender Aang would be super interesting!) to allow it to move on to the next element in the cycle: water. Which is where my OC comes in, as I'd love to be the avatar role if that's alright 🥺

So in the time (months? years?) Aang is captured but has yet to give up the Avatar spirit, the Fire Nation occupies every nation. The world is in chaos and completely under their rule. And they know eventually when Aang dies in their cells that the next Avatar will be born to the Water Tribe! It's next in the cycle. And sure, they could kill all of the Water Tribe like they did the nomads, but then they'd have to do the same with the Earth Kingdom next and honestly? Why rule the world when there's no one left to rule? No one who knows how to best utilize their environments (hunt the native fauna, farm the native flora), no one left to pay taxes and shit?

So instead, they separate the two tribes and shuffle them around. They put all the benders in the Northern Water Tribe where they can keep an eye on them, and put the "extras" (nonbenders, senior citizens, """useless""" members of society, as far as they're concerned) in the Southern Water Tribe. They assume that all benders and thus the Avatar will be born to benders, so they leave those in the South Pole alone. And once they find out Aang has forfeit the Avatar spirit, and the cycle has begun anew, they start distributing tests to all the children and newborns in the North Pole to determine who is the next Avatar.

What they don't expect of course, is for the next Avatar to be born to a nonbender in the Southern Tribe.

Of course the Southern Tribe is kind of preoccupied with surviving, especially in this Fire Nation occupied world. So they don't run tests or anything because they assume what the Fire Nation does: why would the Avatar be born here? They might not even be aware of Aang's state, that the cycle has moved on. So the new Avatar trains as a warrior, a hunter, a protector: all the things the Southern Tribe needs. They don't even realize they can bend, let alone more than one element, until they're much older and then of course they have to start hiding it, aware of why the tribes were separated by the Fire Nation.

I'd also love if the world didn't advance nearly as technologically or mechanically like it does in Korra or the comics. In the comics they're like lol snow mobile two years post show. Like. heWWO? I like the vibes of the world building in TLOK fine, I just always felt it to be super jarring that it's so soon after A:TLA which feels so so different in tone. I'm just thinking it might be fun if the vibes were more similar to A:TLA ! Maybe even after conquering the world the Fire Nation decided they don't need to continue advancing their mechanics, because they won. They don't need to build more machines to win, they've already won. So maybe the world is in a weird stagnate moment as far as technological advancements go, while small pockets of the resistance still try to tinker with decaying Fire Nation machinery that's just been left out in the world or something.

And of course, if the new Avatar is now in their teenage years or early twenties, that means the Gaang is somewhere in their thirties. Because I believe in hot older resistance fighter Zuko supremacy and I think y'all deserve that 🙏 I think it would be really fun if the Gaang is like underground and shit and haven't been seen in years because they're all incognito still trying to overthrow the Fire Nation and shit. And who's in charge? Is it still Ozai? Is it Azula? Did Zuko somehow convince Azula to join their efforts? Who knows! That's something we can totally plot out together.

I'd be happy to write anyone for you! Be it Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Aang, even Iroh! Just name your price :3c !

I hope to hear from you soon, please private message me if interested! I'll delete any responses to this thread 💙

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