Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Lady Sabine



Year 1107

Twenty-First of August

Player Characters |


Faatima Segnet | 1046 - {Age: 61} |
@Lady Sabine

----the face she shows to the court is that of an aging, love poem obsessed old woman who was once the favored lady-in-waiting to Vivienne. Only a few people know that she is truly the spymaster for the entire kingdom, a Venator, and easily one of the most powerful allies in this fight for the throne.

Reithauri "Auri" Aslin | 1084 - {Age: 23} |
@Lady Sabine

----the youngest of the Great Lords, Auri Aslin is a fish out of water in the cutthroat politics of court. A sweet and generous young man, he has dedicated his life to studying and raising prize horses, not to fighting for the throne. Behind closed doors, though, he has secrets that could easily ruin everything he has worked so hard for.

Terrin Waywater | 1084 - {Age: 22} |

----Cunning and manipulative, Terrin seeks to gain the throne and restore his family name. Long ago the Waywaters were a powerful family owning acres upon acres of farmland and, there pride and joy, a river. To their dismay, the river and lots of land were taken from them leaving them with only a small amount of farm land. Terrin wanted his family to return to its previous status so he began to work hard. After some time he managed to receive a betrothal to Princess Amelie. Being the oldest daughter of the king, who had no sons, this marriage would have made Terrin the heir to the throne. Weeks later the king, queen, and his daughters were poisoned and killed. Terrin was mortified, not because his wife to be had been killed, but because his right to the throne had been.

Armand Orainne | 1080- {Age: 27} |

----With a legacy of power and authority behind him, Armande Orianne seeks to maintain and expand upon the influence of his House by any means necessary. True to the reputation of his House, he is ruthlessly determined, as well as professionally educated and trained to maneuver the most delicate political landscape with cleverness and charm. Already with the mint and banks under his reign, only the throne remains to be claimed, regardless of his lack of connection to any kingly bloodline.

Character Ideas | if you're having trouble thinking of a good character, here are some starting points!

The Mistress

----supposed lover of Julianos III, she claims to be pregnant/have already given birth to the king's son. In her mind, this gives the infant a claim to the crown though the law does not allow for bastards to inherit.

The Distant Cousin

----generations ago, one of his grandmothers married a royal prince. This tenuous link to the royal bloodline, however, is the strongest one currently presented and gives the Distant Cousin a decent claim.

The Military Man

----a highly ranked Lord or Duke from the West, the Military Man has many knights in his retainer and a large private army. Whether he intends to use it to grab the throne or just support someone else's claim is the real question.

Prince Charming

----a young aristocrat of good breeding and impeccable manners, Prince Charming is everybody's buddy. He is invited to all the parties, the talk of the town, the star of the show. If winning the crown was a popularity contest, he'd have it hands-down. Problem is, it might take a bit more than just charm and good looks to get him on that throne.

The Royal Adviser

----extremely clever, exceptionally well-learned, and very familiar with Julianos III's policies. From a technical standpoint, the Adviser might have the best skills and knowledge. The problem is that his blood is far from blue, and he's made his fair share of enemies over the years.

The Priest/ess

----devoted follower of the Father/Mother, the Priest/ess has come to court to find a worthy candidate and give him or her divine approval.

The Assassin

----the one who poisoned the royal family, the assassin has an agenda and xe's not afraid to do whatever it takes to change the world... or rule it.

Characters I don't want to see | it's nothing personal, but these archetypes are boring and don't add anything to the story

The Debutante

----it's this young lady's (or young man's) first time in court and daddy wants her (or him) to get married! It's cool if your character is looking for a spouse in addition to other motivations, but it must be secondary.

The Maid

----this servant girl is probably going to fall madly in love with the first nobleman who talks to her. Can I hear a "no"? Any servant characters should have motivation and be actively participating in politics, and the social repercussions of any interclass relationships must be explored.

The Foreign Prince/ss

----exceptions made if xe is actively participating in the mad scramble for the crown and is unique & interesting.

The Long-Lost Prince/Royal Family Member

----unless he's another bastard and doesn't actually have a good claim, I don't want any previously unknown royals popping out of the woodwork.

The common Highwayman/Woods Witch/Robber/Blacksmith/Seamstress

----if the guards wouldn't let your character through the castle gates, they don't belong in this particular RP unless you have a pretty great reason for them to be present in the castle and talking to all these aristocrats.

Deceased Characters + NPCs |


Julianos II Castalon | 1051-1103 {ruled 1075-1103}

----often thought of as sickly and weak, Julianos II fathered only one son and spent much of his reign in convalescence due to chronic lung infections.

Vivienne de Lume Castalon | 1052-1094

----wife of Julianos II and mother of Julianos III, Vivienne was a strong queen who often ruled in her husband's stead whilst he was bedridden. She opened many doors for women in politics as well as on the battlefield, but died in a riding accident before many policies could be made law.

Julianos III Castalon |1074-1107 {ruled 1103-1107}

----determined to strengthen the Castalon dynasty once more, Julianos III was starting to build the military might of Synaria and was a staunch supporter of the Faith of the Father. His assassination is rumored to be due in part to these actions.

Annalise Huston Castalon | 1075-1107

----beautiful but mild-mannered, Annalise was beautiful and little else. She was not much liked by Queen Vivienne due to her demure temperament and lack of ambition, but she made many friends among the court in spite of her husband's aggression.

Amelie Castalon | 1105-1107

----the elder princess, Amelie was a well-mannered child, always smiling and laughing. Her father wrangled a betrothal pact to her a few weeks before the assassination.

Lissabet Castalon | 1106-1107

----the younger princess, Lissabet was only sixteen months old and rumored to be sickly and weak, for she was only rarely seen outside of the nursery.
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Terrin Waywater View attachment 69565| 1084 - {Age: 22}

Cunning and manipulative, Terrin seeks to gain the throne and restore his family name. Long ago the Waywaters were a powerful family owning acres upon acres of farmland and, their pride and joy, a river. to their dismay, the river and lots of land was taken from them leaving them with only a small amount of farm land. Terrin wanted his family to return to its previous status so he began to work hard. After some time he managed to receive a betrothal to Princess Amelie. Being the oldest daughter of the king, who had no sons, this marriage would have made Terrin the heir to the throne. Weeks later the king, queen, and his daughters were poisoned and killed. Terrin was mortified, not because his wife to be had been killed, but because his right to the throne had been.
House Orianne

Ever Higher

View attachment 69652

Armande Orianne | 1080-{Age 27} |

[short Description] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

With a legacy of power and authority behind him, Armande Orianne seeks to maintain and expand upon the influence of his House by any means necessary. True to the reputation of his House, he is ruthlessly determined, as well as professionally educated and trained to maneuver the most delicate political landscape with cleverness and charm. Already with the mint and banks under his reign, only the throne remains to be claimed, regardless of his lack of connection to any kingly bloodline.


For as long as anyone can remember, House Orianne has minted coins that are the standard across the land, having a virtual monopoly of all the silver mines. Of course, with this responsibility the House has been granted exceptional wealth and privilege, often at the expense of other Houses who are often indebted to them through their borderline corrupt banking practices. Some rumors have even circulated about the whole bloodline being vampires, a true testament to their ruthless greed. Furthermore, it has led to an expectation of greatness among the ranks of the House, making many of its nobles eager to expand the House from the imposing legacy of their ancestors, as is the case with their current leader, Armande Orianne. But what could bring more glory to the House than seizing the throne? Of course, with little of a credible claim, given nearly no intermarriage between the Oriannes and the royal family, it would be hard to take a direct seat upon the throne. With House Orianne, however, that mattered not, for as long as they controlled the money, they would be able to control the king. This would especially be the case with someone so young and inexperienced taking up the mantle.

Armande Orianne himself was the first-born to two respectable nobles, setting him up to be first in line to rule the House after they passed away. He was highly educated through his youth by private tutors and generally had a happy childhood, albeit having a difficult time making friends even with his brother, Bastien, who was born two years after him. On the contrary, he became quite competitive with his brother who would become a representative and not a leader, like Armande himself. However, some say it wouldn't be too far fetched for one Orianne brother to strike another down in order to gain more power.

Following the death of his father, poisoned by a still unknown assassin, Armande quickly took the reigns of the House after a short period of grieving. Bent on finding the House responsible, the young noble traveled across the country opening diplomacy with the other Houses to get an idea with where he stood among them. With no success in his long journey, in which his brother was largely in control of the castle, he returned home. Shortly thereafter however, messengers bore news that the king and all his heirs were slain. Where many saw tragedy and hardship ahead, Armande could only see the opportunity that stood so audaciously before him.

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