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Fandom "Every Day"


Andy Samberg is bae
- Site rules
- 16+ (since in the original Every Day, both Rhiannon and A were around 16)
- No post length requirements, but it'd be amazing if we could have a back-and-forth of a post per day. That's not set in stone. I can be very accommodating.

There is a book called "Every Day" written by David Levithan. That book is from the perspective of A, a (in my head) presumably male (but you can think of A as whatever you prefer) who wakes up in a different body every day (roll credits). If you've already read the book, then I shouldn't have to explain the premise or how "he" (A) only takes over a body that is his same "age" range, simulating that he's been like this since his "birth". To be honest, if you haven't read the book or even seen the movie (the book is better in my humble opinion), then it would be super hard to explain to you how A's birth would have even worked (or if he experienced more than one).

To summarize briefly, he wakes up one morning in the body of a guy named Justin. Justin is normally a grade A unpasteurized dick to his girlfriend Rhiannon. A usually tries to leave the people he takes over in pretty much the same social spot they were in as when he took them over. Well, la dee da, he falls in love with Rhiannon and ends up making contact with her in later bodies (iterations of A as I fondly refer to them). Levithan wrote another book, humorously titled "Another Day", which recaps the events of Every Day but this time from Rhiannon's perspective, not A's.

This is a shoutout to anyone and everyone who loves this series and is waiting however anxiously for the release of "Someday" which will continue the series....some day. I'd honestly prefer to play Rhiannon since I'm way too, what's the term, cis? Since I'm way too cis or heterosexual to even begin to understand how to play a character as complex and special as A. Heck, we could even make up our own versions of A and Rhiannon, different names, personalities, the whole nine yards. My only request is that I be the person who DOESN'T have to wake up in a different body every day. I could do it, but I feel like it's better if I leave that hook for someone more experienced.

Yes, it is canon in this story to have more than one person like this A. That may very well come to light in the next book, Someday. At least I very much hope it does!
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