♥ Evergreen High: The Beggining ♥ | Accepting | New.


It's color was the same as ashes, an overcast sky, mist, stones, slate. It was perhaps dull to the normal pair of eyes, but it was beautiful in mine. While many would call it dreary, I would admire the many shades it held. It was lovely to me.

I guess there are many ways to describe the building.

It almost looked as if it were out of medieval times. Like a fortress, a citadel. It was a school with many towers and stain glass windows. It looked like a castle, though I knew it was only a school. The architecture was simply stunning. The curves, the angles, the miniscule details. They all came together to enhance the school's appearance. Even a dim-witted person would be awed by the expert craftsmanship.

Perhaps to augment the school further, a forest of evergreens surrounded it on all sides. They were widely spaced, allowing a view of the mist and darkness that lay inside. A lone cobblestone road crept through the forest to the courtyard. That is where you arrived, and where you received your first peak of the school. The courtyard was a simple field of lush green grass, with the cobblestone road winding through until it reached the stairs to the door of the school. At the middle of the courtyard, the road split between a pool of crystal-clear water. In the centre of the pool was a large tiered fountain, with water spilling from the layers. Weeping willows were planted in certain places in the courtyard.

Two gargoyles on either side of the set of stairs guarded the school. They crouched on their pedestals, their glassy eyes skilfully made to follow you. Up the set of stone stairs was a massive mahogany door. Carved into it on one side were books and words, on the other, flowers.

This is the school you would go if you were just a regular person with one flaw. A flaw, a curse, or a potential blessing. A quality beyond that of a normal human. Here we are known as possessors, holders of something you may know as a power. It varies between all of us. How we received the power is unknown, perhaps a change in our DNA, whatever the cause, we are the holders of these gifts or curses.

The school is meant to be a haven for people like you and I, possessors of a power. It is meant to train us to use our powers wisely or for justice, and to conceal them from the general population. Possessors are exceedingly rare. There are about 1,200 students in the school. In Tower I, the first tower on the left of school, are the girls dorms. In Tower II, the first tower on the right of the school, are the boys dorms. Each student has a dorm which is shared with another classmate.

*We do not like to mention this, but yes, the school has had a rocky history. The back part of the school, where extra classrooms and storage spaces are located, was once burnt down. We assure you this was completely an accident caused by the staff and definitely not intentional. This part of the school is in the process of being rebuilt. Students are not allowed into the back area. There were also two murders at the school in the earlier history. We do not know who caused them, but the school is completely safe, with guards on patrol in the halls at all times. This is of no worry, only to put it to your attention: there were seven suspected murders in the recent history of the school, though nobody was injured or killed. To increase safety, students must be in their dorm rooms by 8:30pm, with lights off at 10:00pm.

Guards are stationed outside of the dorms to ensure nobody enters or exits without permission. If a student is caught roaming the halls after 8:30pm, they will be taken to Principal Louis Johnson’s office to explain themselves. The school is completely safe, and there is nothing to worry about. The fire and murders happened when the school was under poor management, but in the recent years there has been new management and no injuries or anything of the sort.

Regular subjects are taught, but classes involving powers are emphasized. If a students power does not fit the class being taught, the student will take a different class instead.

Since the school also has a lab for studying how people receive powers, you may be asked to participate in surveys or tests at times. These will usually be quick and easy. When a whole class is asked to participate in a test or survey, they will be asked over the loudspeaker and will be escorted by the teacher to the lab.

We welcome you to the school!

Hopefully you are mentally and physically prepared and brought the supplies you'll need for your first year. And again, welcome to Evergreen High, a private boarding school for possessors.

Tower I - Girls Dorm.

Dorm 1 - _ + _

Dorm 2 - _ + _

Dorm 3 - _ + _

Dorm 4 - _ + _

[if more people than I expect join, I'll add more dorms.]

Tower II - Boys Dorm.

Dorm 1 - _ + _

Dorm 2 - _ + _

Dorm 3 - _ + _

Dorm 4 - _ + _


-I'll choose who shares dorms.

-No anime pictures!

-Please be literate.

-If you do not have grammar, do not bother joining.

-Be as active as you can. Let me know if you can't.

-No god-modding whatsoever.

-We start when I say so.

-Romance is allowed.

-Cussing is allowed.

-Only one power per person.

-Have fun!


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