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Realistic or Modern Evercrest Academia CS [closed]



We might be closed.

  • intro

    classical music

    sub urban


    vercrest Academia is a prestigeous academy hidden away in the suburbs of Delaware. Historically this school has stood where it is since the 1800s and has been built on the original grounds for years and years. Evercrest offers high-end historical and english courses, however english nor history has brought you to this school. While being a historic wonder the school is also known for having some of the most beautiful gardens in the country.

    Unfortunatly these beautiful botanical wonders have been the scene for terrible crimes commited recently. someone, or perchance something has murdered two students and left them in the gardens, dismembered. for fear of losing students and money, the school has snuffed out all talk of the unfortunate events.

    What is going on, who would kill these innocent students? Was it a student? could it be a professor? Five students decide to uncover the murderer but instead uncover greater secrets held within the school.




The Murders in the Garden

Evercrest Acade


Suspense, Mystery, Thriller




spots open



DM me


♡coded by uxie♡
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𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹𝒷𝓎𝑒 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉, 𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁, 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝑜 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝒶 𝒸𝓇𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹


full name

Ginette Kennedy






New York City, New York, U.S.A.


February 26th | Pisces


Female | She/Her






Violins playin' and the angels cryin'


4'11" | 150 cm


100 lbs | 45 kg


Wavy brunette locks that tumble to her waist. Most days Ginnie will tie the top half of her hair up into a pony-tail or style it in a full pony-tail secured with a ribbon tied into a bow.


Almond in shape, Ginnie’s eyes are shaded by thick eyelashes. In regular lighting, her eyes appear as a dark brown but in the sunlight they shine with an amber hue.


Lithe and slender, she has a dancers build with willowy limbs and a natural grace.


Fair, with a natural flush to her cheeks. Due to her fair complexion, she blushes rather easily.

Distinguishing Features

Her dark eyes are her most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with round cheeks, full lips and a delicate nose.


She has a twisting scar along her left shoulder, a permanent reminder of everything that she has lost; it tends to ache when the weather turns cold or if she uses her left arm too much. Both of her earlobes are pierced.


Zhou Ye


When the stars align, then I'll be there


  • Nurturing: Ginnie has an instinctive need to take care of those around her.
  • Empathetic: Ginnie is very in tune with her emotions and the emotions of those around her. She is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on if anyone is in need of one.
  • Patient: All of the hobbies that she enjoys takes a certain amount of patience and as such, Ginnie prefers to take her time whenever she is completing a task.
  • Gentle: Ginnie is rather soft-spoken and rarely does she ever raise her voice.
  • Affectionate: Whether it’s making someone a gift or full-filling an act of service for someone she cares about, Ginnie has boundless love to give to those around her.


  • Neglectful: With an intense focus on taking care of others, Ginnie oftentimes forgets to take care of her own needs.
  • Indecisive: With how soft-spoken she is and with a constant worry of being a bother, Ginnie has trouble making big decisions, especially those that would affect the people around her.
  • Perfectionist: Ginnie is overly critical of her own skills and there are times when she will practice doing something over and over again until she feels it is good enough, even to the detriment of her own health.
  • Gullible: She can be a bit too trusting at times and there are moments when that trust is taken advantage of.
  • Desire to Please: Sometimes in her desire to keep the peace, Ginnie can become too focused on trying to fix any issue that she comes across, even if it isn't so easy to fix.


  • Sweets: She has a big sweet tooth and can absolutely be bribed with dessert.
  • Coffee: Sometimes she can't sleep due to nightmares and at times will run solely off of caffeine.
  • Autumn: She loves seeing the leaves turn pretty colors in the fall; she has a scrapbook with pressed leaves that she has collected.


  • Bright lights: Sudden bright lights can bring back memories of the accident.
  • Large Crowds: The press of bodies all around her makes her feel claustrophobic.
  • The Cold: While her favorite season might be autumn, she doesn’t like the cold that accompanies it, it makes her shoulder stiff and feel achy.


  • Ever since the car accident that took her brother away from her, she gets extremely anxious whenever she is forced to ride in any type of vehicle.


  • Cooking/Baking: Her father isn’t the best in the kitchen and after he nearly started a fire, Ginnie had since taken over all of the cooking and baking. She does worry about what her father fares now that she has gone off to collage.
  • Crocheting: She saw one video about making a crocheted stuffed animal and she was hooked. She will typically crochet things for her friends such as hats, scarfs, gloves, and cute animals.
  • Gardening: Flowers hasn't felt the same since her brothers death but she continues to plant them to honor him.


'Cause all I want is to be loved

Ginette Kennedy came quietly into the world, so quietly the doctors had been afraid something was wrong. Her twin brother came after her, screaming loud enough for the both of them. But with the birth of two lives, one was taken, leaving behind a father to raise two children by himself. As he stared down at the two little faces of his children, he vowed he would protect them with his life.

From the moment they were born, Ginnie and Michael were inseparable; their father would always find them holding hands in their crib and Michael would cry loud enough to wake the dead if he slept in a separate bed than his sister. Despite being the youngest, Michael was the one to forge ahead into unknown territory, to pave the way for his sister. His were the first steps taken but Ginnie refused to be left behind for long and soon the two were toddling all around the small apartment they lived in.

Their father worked multiple jobs to give his children the best life that he could and the twins were watched by a neighbor until they were old enough to do it themselves. Michael was the type to always find trouble and Ginnie wouldn't be far behind to save him from said trouble. It became common-place to see them together at school, to the point where their peers would find it odd to find one twin without the other far behind.

The twins would often sit on the balcony of their apartment and dream of what their lives were going to be when they grew up. Michael encouraged Ginnie's love for gardening. But this would be the last time Ginette looked up at the stars with hope shining in her eyes and dreams whispered under her breath.

They were seventeen when the accident happened. An older friend was driving them back from a late night football game when blinding lights filled her vision and the horrible sound of screeching metal was the last thing she heard. When she woke up in the hospital, it was to the news that a drunk driver had run a red light and that she was the only survivor. Her memory is hazy after that, Ginnie simply going through the motions of life as her mind processed the loss of the other half of her soul.

Even though the pain of the accident has faded, the scars remain and at times Ginette feels like a shell of the person that she used to be. She would give anything to bring her brother back, but once something is taken there is no way to bring it back.


You're stuck on me like a tattoo


No, I don't care about the pain

Michael ~ Twin Brother

Her other half; loosing him fills her with a never-ending ache that nothing can heal. At times she'll catch her mouth forming his name, wanting to tell him about something she's seen on social media and it hits her all over again that she will never be able to call his name again.

Charles - Father

They have been distant ever since the death of her brother; Ginnie felt like she was living with a ghost. She still calls him to check up on him but the conversations are silted, awkward and last no longer than a couple of minutes.

Olivia - Mother

She passed away during child-birth, leaving her husband to raise the twins she left behind.


I'll walk through fire and through rain




↬ Scrunches up her nose when she is confused about something
↬ Taps her fingers together when she is trying to lie
↬ Twirls her hair when she is nervous
↬ Tends to force a smile when she is upset or angry, she pretends that everything is fine
↬ She tends to hum softly to herself whenever she is concentrating on something
↬ Very clumsy, has taken to carrying Band-Aids around with her
↬ Flusters easy, blushes even easier
↬ Love language is physical touch
↬ Tends to walk around silently, like a cat. Probably needs a little ankle bracelet with a bell on it to avoid spooking people.
↬ Has to touch any soft or fluffy thing she comes in contact with
↬ Will try to pet every dog that she sees

♡coded by uxie♡

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