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Fandom Ever After High: Rewritten (Open)



You faker than some Sweet 'N Low
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
First day of school
Weather: Rainy
Temperature: Warm
Time: The doors open soon
Michaeln Michaeln . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Crimson Rose Crimson Rose SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Songstress Songstress

Yuki White



AI10100 AI10100

Gray skies from the very first day. Was that supposed to be a good or bad omen for how the day would go? If Yuki had been asked, he actually would've said he preferred cloudy weather like this. He enjoyed the drum of the rain against his umbrella, and even if he hadn't have checked the weather forecast before coming out he enjoyed the feeling of the rain against he skin. Additionally, it reduced the likelihood that he would be bothered by other people as long as he remained outside of the school. The longer he could stall talking to people again, the better, really- Apart from a few people he liked. Yuki would worry about catching up to any friends that were hurrying into the building when he got to that point, until then he'd enjoy solace of the music drumming in his headphones and watching a little magic frog that he'd found bouncing at the bottom of the staircase.


So cute, dressed up in a little hat and carrying a basket full of what he could only assume were little pastries made with flies. Maybe it was more waddling than bouncing. Maybe a little bit of both? In any case, it looked like it was having trouble get up onto the stair it was trying to get up. A result of having legs too short for climbing stairs and carrying it's basket, he supposed. If it jumped, it surely would've needed it's arms to do so as well, so it would've needed to put the basket down at the bottom of the stair. How good could some fly cookies have been, for it to be trying to climb the a stair that was taller than it with such determination? Why did it need to get to the top of the staircase, anyway? ...Had somebody gotten stuck turned into a frog again? That would've explained why it was so determined to climb the staircase, but being turned into a frog before many people had even arrived at the school might've been a record. He pulled out his phone, recording a short video of the frog's cute struggle to climb the stair.

Dragon Slayer
[video of frog here]
look at it go
its trying so hard to get in...
think it's a prince?

He tucked his phone back into his pocket. Now, if this was a person, like happened occasionally, just sitting here and watching it's valiant struggle against the staircase probably would've been considered cruel. Not great for his reputation, he supposed. He could've kissed the little guy, but that absolutely was not going to happen. It was never going to happen, not even if he saw somebody transform into a frog right in front of him. There were normally other people around to fulfill such a benign task, but right now nobody else was close enough. He'd just have to help it get to the door, for now.

"Hey." Following the sound of him speaking, the orb of an amphibian turned around and looked at him. He put his hand in front of it, and it readily waddled onto his palm. Nothing out of the ordinary for the magical fauna around the school, they were typically very friendly, but also perfectly normal if he assumed that this was a cursed human. It sat down on his palm, pulling a cookie wrapped in saran wrap out of it's basket now that it was safe from the rain on his palm. It looked so happy eating...Which was more expressive than Yuki was most days. Did magical frogs have tiny grocery stores where they could get saran wrap, or did they have other methods of getting it to keep things dry?

He kind of liked it. If it wasn't actually a human, maybe he'd name it Brussel Sprout...

Coded by Necromantic Necromantic


Finally... Finally class was starting again. She had been itching to come back for a while now. The break, as much as she hated to admit it, had been extremely fun but in a peaceful way. Was that even how she would explain it? Everything is all wack. Agatha shouldn't have been so careless before the break. She'd recon that her stuff was still in her room, right, she had to sneak in there. Her body was light as she jumped from tree to tree. Her presence was masked by the animal form that she had chosen to be in. She saw Yuki by the stairs interacting with a tiny frog.

Okay, Agatha. You went in the wrong direction and now you have to go through the front gate to sneak to your room but this is easy. You just run past them. She's not here yet so everything is fine. She was getting ready to sprint from the top of the tree when she heard the sound of a carriage slowing down at the front. Shit! Agatha jumped down to the bush underneath the tree, her heart raced at the idea of being found out. I have to change back, I have to change back.


The bush shook weakly at her new transformation. Her eyes felt heavy as she blinked, she tried to stand but it felt like it would break if she tried to do it for more than a second. Her face headed to the ground and before she knew it, she was staring at eight yellow-green fingers. What...? I'm a tiny frog?! There goes her plan, thrown straight out the window. Gone, she might as well just accept her fate.

No. That's not who she was. Agatha Marites Le Fay will never submit to the likes of Destiny and Fate. With newfound resolution, Agatha leaped out of the bush and into the path. She could feel the mucus slowly run down her back, it was disgusting. Never again will I shapeshift into a frog. She told herself as a shadow towered over her. It wasn't difficult to tell who it was, cues she would rather not think about. Agatha hopped as she turned around to face the owner of the shadow that darkened her path, Sable— who looked at her menacingly from above. This day just can't get any worse... can it?

Mention: . D O V E . D O V E Necromantic Necromantic

Color: #ffa7b6
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A tumultuous lightning struck the skies of Ever After as a carriage drawn by dark pegasi landed on its paved path with a heavy clunk. Painted in midnight colors and adorned by silver engravings, the carriage emitted a dark aura that looked like a black stain amidst the bright canvas of the campus courtyard. Some of the students in the vicinity stopped on their tracks and eyed the foreboding vehicle, knowing full well of the sinister presence it held. With a click of the door and a tap of a heel, a feminine figure clad in a dark violet leather jacket and black tight pants stepped out of the carriage and glanced around the vicinity.

"It's Sable Queen!" One of the fairy tale students pointed out before frantically throwing the stacks of papers he was holding onto the air and running for his dear life. In an instant, more students began scrambling about like headless chickens until two of them bumped against each other and ended up unconscious on the ground in front of Sable.

A sinister laugh erupted from the next Evil Queen, planting a heel against the fallen bodies in a conqueror pose before flicking her wrist. In a second, stacks of baggage encompassed by her magic's signature purple glow levitated in pursuit of the villain as she finally strutted down the walkway.

It was nice to be back in Ever After High. Although their summer vacation has been nice to her, she would be lying if she claimed she didn't miss the way everyone would scamper in fear at the sight of her. After all, it has been very lonely in the Queen's manor ever since her wickedly beloved mother got sent to Mirror Prison for a multitude of nefarious crimes. Nevertheless, the stray cat she somehow adopted from the campus did a lot to ease her boredom by being the subject of her coddling.

Although, strangely enough, the critter jumped out of the carriage's window when they were but a few feet away from the ground. Sable wasn't exactly worried about her newfound familiar thanks to her feline nature, seeing Celine survive impossible falls could attest to that, but she hasn't seen the little one despite sweeping the ground with her gaze. In the end, what she ended up staring at was a tiny circular frog lumbering its way forward.

Sable followed the direction of the frog's journey, finding a particular person standing at the foot of the staircase leading to the main entrance while holding another frog on his palm. Sable's expression immediately soured at the sight. Lips as red as blood, hair as black as night, and skin as white as snow - Yuki White, the next Snow White, was insulting Sable by being in the same sphere as her. He looked so flawless even though he was just standing there, and that mere fact reminded her of everything she has lost simply because he was born to be perfect in every way.

With her infuriation at its limit, she towered over the little frog in front of her, her eyes glowing a bright purple as it turned to stare at her. The next moment happened in a blink of an eye. Sable opened the palm of her hand, felt the weight of a golf club, and poised for a swing.


The club hit its target with a wet squeak as the tiny blob of green rocketed through the air and flew past Yuki. Sable whistled triumphantly as she pressed the side of a hand over her brows and eyed the destination of her strike. "A terrific strike from Sable Queen!" She concluded with a proud smirk while slinging the club over her shoulder.

EAH Courtyard

Crimson Rose Crimson Rose Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Necromantic Necromantic

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P E N D R A G O N , A S T O R I A
Interacting with:

Astoria, as per usual, returned earlier to the school— an entire week away from their first day. Though she would never admit it out loud, she found solace in the academy. Far better than being under the watchful eyes of her father at the very least. However, routines were routines. She kept up the usual training regiment that her father had practically instilled into her since she was a child. Besides, even without the presence of her roommate, she couldn't stay in the room for elongated periods of time. It was better to be out and about.

She had just finished her morning exercise and her shower when she had received a message. She let the towel rest across his shoulders as she headed over to read it. Predictably, it was from Yuki— he was one of the few who actually had her number and was listed as one of her most frequent textmates— regarding another frog.

[video of frog here]
look at it go
its trying so hard to get in...
think it's a prince?
Why don't you ask it? That way it would save us both the trouble of me getting another potential disease. I know Excalibur would not allow me to die but I would rather not go through the excruciating pain of a disease.

Still, that was her cue to meet up with Yuki regardless. She had managed to meet up with him over the vacation every now and then whenever she was allowed to leave as per her father's wishes. With that, she collected her things, put on her coat, and headed off to where Yuki was.

She walked down the familiar road, the pitter-patter of the rain almost lulling her to a relaxed state. Astoria wouldn't say she was tired but the weather brought lethargy to many of the students in Ever After High. But she continued forward, giving nods of greetings to the students who she passed who she was mildly familiar with. A couple of them were leads of their stories, others side characters and a few were villains she had managed to get a cordial friendship with.

When she arrived near the entrance where Yuki was waiting, it was just in time for her to witness quite a series of events that seemed to cement the mood of the rest of the year.

Sable Queen had arrived and many of the students fled to avoid her bullying. The next thing Astoria knew, her roommate was already holding a golf club and swung it at... something she couldn't see. With ridiculous speed, the unidentified punted object sailed over Yuki and Astoria raised a hand to catch it. It smacked straight into her open palm and she quickly cradled it upon realizing that it was a living being.

"I got you, buddy." She muttered to the frog as she let it settle on her hand. She looked up at Sable, her eyebrows knitting imperceptibly before her gaze tore to Yuki who was still crouched down with his newest frog friend. "You want to hop off?" She asked the animal in her hand even though she was pretty sure it couldn't understand and she couldn't understand it either. To give the frog a choice, she knelt down and opened her palm close to the ground.

"Lots of frogs around today hm?" Astoria called out to Yuki. "Did you figure out if that frog is a prince?"

  • Maverick Tweedle
    Looking for entertainment



    . D O V E . D O V E

    Water splashed around Maverick's feet as he practically skipped along the the pavement, not concerned about how the water splashed onto his pants or anybody he passed. What a lovely morning! He hadn't been looking forward to coming back to school, nor was he much of a morning person, but he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play in the rain. So, with what looked to be the remainder of a cookie in one hand and an umbrella that cast a light blue hue over his body, Maverick looked to be in a particularly good mood this morning.

    His eyes trailed up as he heard the sound of pegasi descending toward the front gate, popping the rest of his cookie in his mouth. What a poor choice of transportation on a rainy day, but he got the feeling it might provide some interesting drama for the start of the school year.

    Why was he excited for somebody else causing drama?

    Maverick held up his phone just in time to record the crash of thunder as Sable landed. People running around like Sable's existence was something new to them and inadvertently tripping or crashing into due to the ground being slick, Sable stepping on somebody... All quality entertainment. Maverick chuckled at the chaos that he considered completely unnecessary. It wasn't even actual entertainment, because this chaos was just people kissing her ass. The fact that everyone seemed to give the bitch exactly what she wanted without the realization that it would encourage her was so cute.

    And hitting a frog with a golf club that she manifested! Grimm, this was hardly actually worth watching, she wasn't doing anything that actually surprised him.

    Power Puff Girls
    [video of the morning here]
    Lookie you two, she's so dramatic
    I'm gonna go say hi ♡

    Messages sent, Malakai closed his umbrella, enjoying how the rain streamed down his face for a moment before he swung the tip toward the ground, water splattering in an arc in front of him and onto a couple passing princes. Indignant, the princes hurried away from him.

    Pity that Sable was out of the range of the splash.

    He approached the future Evil Queen, giving her a gentle tap on the shoulder to get her attention.

    "Good morning, your Highness." His voice was deceptively cheerful, as if he was talking to somebody he actually liked rather than some drama queen with a big ego. "That was a very good swing, but you really should've been yelling fore or hole in one. You see, Strikes are what happen in baseball, not golf.

    Coded by Necromantic Necromantic

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Celine Cheshire

  • mood

    Slightly amused


Celine had arrived much, much earlier then anyone else, having left at the crack of dawn this morning before majority were even awake, having heard it was going to rain. Rain, of course the first day of the school year had to be a rainy day. A foolish choice on the headmaster's part to not postpone the school day. While she personally didn't really mind the rain, Celine actually enjoyed watching it quite a bit. Watching that is, from the safety that is indoors. Where it is dry and warm, not wet nor cold. Purrferably sleeping near a window all day maybe with a nice cozy fire going on in the background.

Definitely not anywhere outside right now, in this rather calming but wet weather, secured in a rather thick but cute raincoat, and a rather large umbrella she had broughten from her current place of living. Tucked away snuggly in the middle portion of her favorite napping tree. Now dozing away on her favorite branch while using her somewhat lumpy duffel bag, as a make shift pillow. It had some very comfortable branches, perfect to lay across and thick foliage that were quite good at keeping both the rain and the wind from getting to her. With the safety of her umbrella that she had weighted down by a rather shiny golden golf club stopping any remaining droplets that tried to seep through.

A rather special solid golden golf club she had borrowed from her dear bestie Sable Queen over the summer. Needing it for some much fun plans she had made over the break. Making good use of it by smashing people's mailboxes and various other little trinkets people had around their property. Some of those things may haps belonging to the very professors from very school she attends. Oh, what a fun summer break it was so much better than last year or any of the things she was able to do in Wonderland. The young Cheshire had even gone through the effort of catching some of the victims' reactions on video. Using the opportunity in making various video compilations and posting them in on the Mirror Net for all to see. Her personal favorites being the time she framed the neighbors, leaving various traces of evidence around making them seemingly look guilty.

While it was quite good at keeping her entertainment at first, but she has since grown tired of it. After all, one could only do that so many times before it grows boring.

Celine felt invisible ear began to twitch, as more students gradually began to show up on campus, some shouting in heaps of panic, while. Begrudgingly opening her eyes, she began to rub them gently one at a time as her vision began to focus. Watching each student scramble pass from the comfort of her tree silently judging them from above as they all began to crowd near the entry way. That is till one particular student caught her eye following a frog of all things.

Not the most interesting creature, they sometimes made a decent meal though. However interesting enough that it has drawn in Sab's attention of all things. Slinging her duffel bag across her body, Celine watched carefully grabbing the club in one hand, and her umbrella in the other. What was she planning to do with that frog? Whatever it was it had to of been good.

"Something entertaining? ~" Celine grinned mischievously, barring her teeth into a rather intimidating smile the moment she sees the slight glow of purple, before vanishing into nothingness. Celine quickly traveled as fast as a Cheshire was capable of, placing the golden golf club into the hand of her BFF before taking a few steps behind her.

Watching as the frog went flying. Such a clever use of the golf club she didn't think of using it on another living creature. Using her signature Cheshire smile she reappeared a couple of steps behind the to be queen.

"A purrific strike you say? More, like a seven out of ten Sab. I've seen mailboxes fly further than that. But using it on another living thing now that was quite entertaining. " Celine snickered quietly as she pressed the palm of her hand to side of her face. Still gripping the large umbrella with her other hand she adjusted its position slightly, so it wasn't only shielding her but also Sable.

"However, you'll have to do it again someday as my Mirror Phone died about two hours ago." She was about to continue talking only for her face to turn a bit sour over the incoming presence of another person interrupting their reunion. Flattening her ears she gradually listened to what Maverick had to say with only a smidge of interest. Not really caring.

"Maverick, strikes happen in golfing as well. After all you have to strike the frog in order for it to eventually reach its target."

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Celine had arrived much, much earlier then anyone else, having left at the crack of dawn this morning before majority were even awake, having heard it was going to rain. Rain, of course the first day of the school year had to be a rainy day. A foolish choice on the headmaster's part to not postpone the school day. While she personally didn't really mind the rain, Celine actually enjoyed watching it quite a bit. Watching that is, from the safety that is indoors. Where it is dry and warm, not wet nor cold. Purrferably sleeping near a window all day maybe with a nice cozy fire going on in the background.

Definitely not anywhere outside right now, in this rather calming but wet weather, secured in a rather thick but cute raincoat, and a rather large umbrella she had broughten from her current place of living. Tucked away snuggly in the middle portion of her favorite napping tree. Now dozing away on her favorite branch while using her somewhat lumpy duffel bag, as a make shift pillow. It had some very comfortable branches, perfect to lay across and thick foliage that were quite good at keeping both the rain and the wind from getting to her. With the safety of her umbrella that she had weighted down by a rather shiny golden golf club stopping any remaining droplets that tried to seep through.

A rather special solid golden golf club she had borrowed from her dear bestie Sable Queen over the summer. Needing it for some much fun plans she had made over the break. Making good use of it by smashing people's mailboxes and various other little trinkets people had around their property. Some of those things may haps belonging to the very professors from very school she attends. Oh, what a fun summer break it was so much better than last year or any of the things she was able to do in Wonderland. The young Cheshire had even gone through the effort of catching some of the victims' reactions on video. Using the opportunity in making various video compilations and posting them in on the Mirror Net for all to see. Her personal favorites being the time she framed the neighbors, leaving various traces of evidence around making them seemingly look guilty.

While it was quite good at keeping her entertainment at first, but she has since grown tired of it. After all, one could only do that so many times before it grows boring.

Celine felt invisible ear began to twitch, as more students gradually began to show up on campus, some shouting in heaps of panic, while. Begrudgingly opening her eyes, she began to rub them gently one at a time as her vision began to focus. Watching each student scramble pass from the comfort of her tree silently judging them from above as they all began to crowd near the entry way. That is till one particular student caught her eye following a frog of all things.

Not the most interesting creature, they sometimes made a decent meal though. However interesting enough that it has drawn in Sab's attention of all things. Slinging her duffel bag across her body, Celine watched carefully grabbing the club in one hand, and her umbrella in the other. What was she planning to do with that frog? Whatever it was it had to of been good.

"Something entertaining? ~" Celine grinned mischievously, barring her teeth into a rather intimidating smile the moment she sees the slight glow of purple, before vanishing into nothingness. Celine quickly traveled as fast as a Cheshire was capable of, placing the golden golf club into the hand of her BFF before taking a few steps behind her.

Watching as the frog went flying. Such a clever use of the golf club she didn't think of using it on another living creature. Using her signature Cheshire smile she reappeared a couple of steps behind the to be queen.

"A purrific strike you say? More, like a seven out of ten Sab. I've seen mailboxes fly further than that. But using it on another living thing now that was quite entertaining. " Celine snickered quietly as she pressed the palm of her hand to side of her face. Still gripping the large umbrella with her other hand she adjusted its position slightly, so it wasn't only shielding her but also Sable.

"However, you'll have to do it again someday as my Mirror Phone died about two hours ago." She was about to continue talking only for her face to turn a bit sour over the incoming presence of another person interrupting their reunion. Flattening her ears she gradually listened to what Maverick had to say with only a smidge of interest. Not really caring.

"Maverick, strikes happen in golfing as well. After all you have to strike the frog in order for it to eventually reach its target."
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EAH Courtyard
Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E Crimson Rose Crimson Rose

The much needed vacation has finally come to an end, however, it opens a new beginning for Reverie as it is now the start of her senior year. The fish girl was sleeping oh so soundly inside her carriage, lost in a faraway dreamland. Understandably so, it is a long journey coming back from Atlantis. Somehow, the coachman carelessly coursed through a large lump from the pavement causing the wheeled vessel to shake violently. She awakes with her body thrown on the opposite side of her seat while the rest of her items cluttered around her.

“Sorry about that Ms. Triton, You okay in there?” A chirpy man’s voice calls out to her.

“I’m fine!” Reverie responded as she strugglingly went back to her seat. Luckily for her, the seat was cushioned. It wouldn’t be pleasing to have that grande Ever After comeback with a swell on her forehead.

From there she picks up the clutters one by one, attempting to bring everything back to its original state. Her eyes then fell on the souvenirs that loitered the carriage’s floor. “My salt!” Out of everything, it had to be her bath salt! The pain was evident in her voice, after all it was an Atlantis special for smooth hair and soft skin. The shampoos in Ever After could never do the trick for her. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the broken remains of her souvenirs. She even had an extra for Agatha to try. Oh well, at least the rest of her baggage was fine.

“We’re almost there Ms.!”

As per the announcement, they are soon welcomed by the gates of Ever After High. Riri had to get used to having legs again for a whole school year. She sure misses her temporary fins and tails as it is always the highlight of her vacations. If only going back to Atlantis didn’t feel like Crownculus class every morning, it would’ve been the perfect getaway. As the doors were opened by the coachman with a dramatic flair, the fish girl hastily gathers her items and begins to set foot at the grounds of her second home.

She quickly grooms her long red locks with her fingers running smoothly against its strands. "A good hair day means a good day!" Reverie was prepared to greet her first school day with a genuine smile, but that plan was easily shattered as she saw the descendants of pure evil in their own little bubble. She was quick to turn the other way, not wanting to have anything to do with the lot.

Perhaps a detour? She was trying to escape before her allergies started acting up again. Just the sight of the petite goth girl makes her nose tingle. Riri needed to get to the dorms anyway. As a matter of fact, she should hurry before her presence becomes known.
code by @Nano


Agatha stood corrected. It could get much, much worse as she watched Sable hold a golf club in the blink of an eye. Why won't the world just kill me now at this point? She thought to herself as she felt the club hit her side. Then it was all darkness. Okay, she didn't mean it when she said that the world should just kill her now... Was she dead? It felt like she was. She might as well be. To think she'd die from a golf club— Sable's golf club, how embarrassing was that?

"You want to hop off?"

Astoria's voice jolted Agatha awake. She was still alive! And a frog! She's alive and her secret of shapeshifting stayed a secret. All was wonderful until she tried to get up and rolled over because of the pain at her side. She whined like a cat instinctively. Oh no. She mentally slapped herself for purring like a cat when she was supposed to be a frog. "KOKAK!" She screamed in the most froggiest way possible and hopped off of Astoria's hand.

She gave an appreciative flip at Astoria before jumping off to the other side of the school. As a tiny frog, it took her about half a thousand hops and groans to get far away enough to transform back. Finally, Agatha was her human self again, admittedly she missed the nimbleness of being a cat but it was certainly good to be back in her original form. She raised her limbs and bent down to stretch all of her limbs, just like a cat would do. Some habits are difficult to erase, after all, she had been stuck in her cat form for the whole vacation.

She ran toward the window to her dorm room and opened it with magic. She vaulted herself to get inside before ultimately crashing to the floor. "Ow." She doubled over once again as she felt the pain from her side grow stronger due to the impact of her body hitting the floor. Agatha had to pour every ounce of her will to get back up and close the window. "Note to self, don't let yourself be kidnapped next time."

She limped over to her bathroom to take a quick shower before a certain someone from the sea came knocking on her doorstep.

Mention: . D O V E . D O V E AI10100 AI10100 Songstress Songstress

Color: #ffa7b6

The future Evil Queen found it difficult to retain her smile as soon as she realized the frog failed to hit her target and was instead caught by a certain someone. Sable felt her head reeling from all the blood rushing upwards while a terrible ache plagued her chest. It has been a while since she last saw Astoria, and she almost forgot just how awful everything made her feel. In the end, it seemed like not everything could be healed by time.

Thankfully, another person popped into her perspective before she could dwell in her somber thoughts any further. "Celine, I'm glad you didn't lose my favorite golf club." Sable glanced at the light-haired female with feline features, a pleased smirk etching its way on her smirk before she rolled her eyes as the cat gave her rating. "A seven is a crime. Anything less than perfection is offensive." She glared at the Wonderlandian as though she was stabbing her with forks through her eyes alone. It was a typical thing for the two best friends, no matter how long they've been away from each other.

It wasn't long before another person found his way to Sable's presence. She couldn't blame him, of course. She was like the flames to everyone's moths - a brilliant star, a people magnet, a celebrity. A pleased smile lingered on her lips as the boy with striking red hair and golden eyes greeted her like the queen that she was and all seemed to be well until he winded up criticizing her use of words.

"Hmmm, you and Celine are both right and we seem to have a little issue. See, I failed to hit my target and I'm all out of a frog to strike." She gestured towards Yuki who was waving at her witlessly. The mere fact that he has no idea she has been loathing him since years ago did nothing but ruffle her feathers even further. With evident frustration in her purple gaze, she flung her attention at Maverick and tapped the body of her club against her open palm, a mischievous grin now tugging at her lips. "So how about it, Tweedle boy? Would you like to offer your service and try your hand at being my new golf ball? I promise to yell the correct words this time." Her hand glowed a glowing purple with the promise of a hex.

Although, before she could zap her magic into the boy, she caught glimpse of a familiar freak with red-hair and a weirdly adorable facade by the school doors. With the idea of expanding the field lighting up in her mind, Sable pointed at the girl and yelled with a booming voice.


EAH Courtyard

Crimson Rose Crimson Rose Necromantic Necromantic

AI10100 AI10100


  • » remi blanc

    The school year was starting once again and Remi was both excited and apprehensive. She was very worried about running into Sable Queen and how the next Evil Queen would torment her over the coming year, but she also wanted to see her friends again. She knew she should learn to stand up to Sable, but perhaps it was the rabbit part of her that made her less brave than she wanted to be.

    She had barely slept the previous night, her mind switching between anticipation for the fun she would have back at school with her friends, and anxiety about her classes and homework. In fact, it was quite late when she finally did manage to fall asleep and she ended up sleeping through her first two alarms. Luckily she always set three alarms, so even if she slept through a couple, she wouldn't be late. Remi did consider it her 'last resort' alarm, however, and was still rather frantic trying to get ready for the day. The bunny-girl threw on a white blouse, tying a blue ribbon in a bow around her neck, and a blue skirt with layers of frills and trimmed in lace along with her usual white tights and black boots. She was glad to have picked the outfit out ahead of time, and to have packed her bags the night before. She threw her favorite blue coat on and out the door she went with her suitcases in tow, skipping breakfast.

    It turned out that it was more than just breakfast she was forgetting. It was raining. She glanced up at the parts of the sky she could see through the trees, but kept moving. She would have liked to grab her umbrella from her bag, but she couldn't remember which case it was in and if she stopped to look, she might be late. She was already running so late this morning, a few more minutes might spell disaster. Off she ran through the forest and didn't slow down until she was at the main entrance to the school. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the other students milling around, all waiting for the doors to be unlocked. She wasn't late after all.

    She made her way over to a tree, standing under it to block the rain a little bit as she caught her breath. She caught sight of Celine and would have said hello to her, but Celine was currently standing next to Sable, and that was the last person Remi wanted to approach, ever. No, she would stay under her tree and hope the daughter of the Evil Queen didn't notice her. That was a safer option. She also saw her friend Astoria, she seemed to be holding something close to the ground and as it hopped off Astoria's hand, Remi realized it was a frog. What was Astoria doing with a frog? Had she thought it was a prince and had tried to kiss it? She'd have to ask later.

    Remi jumped slightly as Sable began yelling, the noise startling her from her people watching. Couldn't she just ask Violet to open the doors like a normal person would? There was no need for yelling and ordering. The scene kind of reminded her of the few times she had seen the Queen of Hearts as a child. That had not been fun. There was a brief spike of fear for Violet's safety if she couldn't open the doors, but Remi quickly squashed that; Violet was one of Sable's friends, she wasn't going to hurt the girl. Besides, Violet could very much take care of herself.
    code by @Nano

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  • Maverick Tweedle

    "Hmmm, that's a good point. You do need to strike the ball." Maverick replied, scratching at the side of his head. Celine made a good point, but that still didn't seem quite right. It must've been because Sable deemed it as a strike after she'd hit the ball, rather than at the same time that the golf club hit the ball. If she'd spoken sooner, then it totally been the right thing to say, but she hadn't, and now she was standing there looking like a fool. "Then she should've spoken sooner! It would've made for great emphasis if she said it while she was actually hitting the ball. Then, it would've been perfect."

    He tucked a lock of red and white hair behind his ear as Sable decided to try threatening, a chuckle escaping him. Turning him into a golf ball, huh? She really could've worked on being more entertaining, but at least this threat had some merit behind it. It wasn't simply unearned drama following her around wherever she went, so maybe she'd actually earn her place this year, rather than idiots treating her like it's her birthright.

    And if she did, somehow, manage to actually earn her place, he'd make sure to kick that chair out from under her.

    "Enticing proposition. But I'm afraid I have other plans for the day." Macerick gingerly pushed her hand away so that the purple hex was no longer aimed directly at his ribcage. None of that today, it was bound to be more inconvenient than it was actually worth to be a golf ball for a while. While this threat might've had some merit behind it, unlike the nonsense that typically came out of Sable's mouth, it also seemed so boring. Absolutely nothing she spouted was ever truly worthwhile.

    "You see, your Highness, if I want to hurt somebody, I much prefer to do so directly." Maverick stated, as if he didn't already have a reputation for his affinity for violence. Then again, he wasn't exactly feared by the student body because he made sure everyone knew he had more than one personality trait, unlike a certain future queen. "So, as much of an honour as it would be to be cursed by somebody as lovely as yourself, I'm afraid that, even if I didn't have things I need to attend to, I'd need to decline."

    He turned his head to look at the door when Sable for Violet to do something. Oh, yeah, it looked like Violet was already inside the building. That didn't mean that Sable had to yell...

    Coded by Necromantic Necromantic
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  • Rhea Fae
    I’m not angry
    Well, sometimes I am. I don’t think
    of you. Well, sometimes I do, It depends on the
    The extent of all my
    rage. I’m syrupy
    : If I’m really
    . Interlude: I’m Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
    Rhea was happily snoozing away at her desk within her shared dorm room with Belladonna, her body had long since shrunk for her to be half on the desk and half dangling off. Her hair strewn in an atrocious bed head only a feral gremlin such as herself could have conjured up from spending her last summer night hunched over her work desk snoring away. Her wings occasionally twitching after so many breaths, a little pool of drool barely the size of a tear drop where her mouth was that glowed from some of the fairy dust in her hair having fell into it as she slept. But like all good things, this peaceful nap of hers had to end as well. Rather than have it end quietly, it ended with the loud echo of a pegasi carriage clattering around in the rainy weather.


    As all good fairies, she reacted instantly at the disturbance and found herself screaming unintelligibly, for no one to understand as it was just a series of squeaks to most ears as she lost her balance and tumbled off her desk. It wasn’t a long drop thanks to gravity, and her remembering she had wings, just in the nick of time to have her nose just a breath away from skimming against the floor of the dorm room. Her wide eyes blinking blearily as she righted herself on her way back up to the top of her desk where the remnants of her previous nights work was scattered about, but rather than look to the pieces still in need of assembly, she hovered over to her digital clock.


    Another faint squeal came from the fairy as she straighten her legs out in full with her toes pointed, her hands covering her mouth as though to muffle her tiny screaming. Her hands then gripped her long bangs as she kicked at the air repeatedly, rolling around in the air before snapping out of her mini-panic. Freezing on the spot for just a moment, only her eyes bounced her gaze around the room before her head swiveled to see more. Then she shot forward in blur of white and gold toward the dollhouse on her side of the room to quickly get ready for the day, her sock clad feet touching the wooden floors she had made as she disappeared into the depths of the tiny house.

    The sound of clattering echoed as lights began to switch on within it, window by window as she presumably went through the rooms. A bit of steam drifted out of one of the small, slightly opened windows and the sound of running water. It wasn’t all that long until the water stopped and clattering began again, the lights being turned off as slipped out of the doorway she had entered, wrapped in a tiny towel and her wings letting her soar upward to open closet on her side of the room, grabbing a few plastic wrapped cakes the size of jawbreakers.

    In the span of minutes, thuds could be heard from within the closet, a bright glow flickering to life through the open crack just seconds before a human sized Rhea tumbled out trying to clasp her flats onto her feet properly. Her face scrunched up in complete focus for that one task that had her growling at the inanimate object. “Out of all the days it had to be this one I overslept!” She landed on her feet with a small click of her heel meeting the tile, the shoe slipping in place now that she was done growing, the wrappers now held tightly in her hand and the speck of crumbs at the edge of her lips being rubbed away as she hopped on her foot to the full sized bathroom to try taming the wild lion’s mane she had ended up with from throwing some purple fairy dust into her hair to dry it faster. A stream of curses leaving her lips as she brushed her short, sparkling hair.

    Multitasking through the pain, her feet pacing around the room as she kept her hands occupied with taming her hair and her feet temporarily used as lesser hands. Hooking the strap of her multicolored leaf-themed satchel bag with her foot and kicking it up with a surprising amount of finesse to catch it on her shoulder as she attended without much thought. Her arms falling to place her brush on her work desk so she could freely adjust the strap to rest comfortably on her back between her wings. The chirping of her phone grabbed her attention enough for her to dig through her satchel for it, the battered cover having seen better days but otherwise unharmed.

    Lil Brobirb
    Don’t be late dummy
    I’m not gonna
    I sent that message an hour ago, so you definitely are…

    Groaning, she slipped the device into her back pocket, pausing to rest her arm on the window sill to peer out at the dreary drizzle sprinkling across as far as her eyes could see. Her head flung back as she groaned loudly once more, her eyes closing tightly. Of course it had to be raining the first day that she overslept through her alarm. “I don’t have time for this…” She grumbled unceremoniously under her breath as she pushed open the window and slipped out. “If you’re still here Bella, school is starting soon!” Rhea called over her shoulder, a haphazard thought that her roommate had also slept in only dawning on her after she had leaped out the window, her fingertips shutting it on reflex before she could look for good.

    Peace of mind was not something this fairy would be having today, the rain making her hiss much like the felines she was wary off, the water practically washing away the fairy dust coating she had been trying not to disrupt all morning. Thus her flight was a little less controlled descent and more like a sudden drop off after she got to glide a few feet to clear the shrubbery near the front of the dorm building. Her momentum making her landing on her feet a bit unsteady, nearly slid on the slick cobblestone the second her soles touched it. Her arms flinging out to counter balance herself just enough for her to remain standing as she moved into the sliding, the motion more fitting for heelies rather than her simple green flats that she would no doubt regret picking to wear that day. Luckily she kept a spare pair of boots in her bag, though she wouldn’t be able to use them until she got to the school building.

    Outside of the rain collecting like dewdrops on her wings, the wet drops didn’t bother her as she surged forward into a sprint. Her footsteps dancing around the puddles on the ground all the while her bag smacked against her side, her hand hover just over her eyes to keep her vision mostly clear unlike the light blue glasses she had forgotten were resting on the front of her shirt. At least clear enough to see the frog hopping frantically the way she had came,
    “What the— ACK!” She ran smack dab into a pole— No, into a person. A taller person built like a wall, a familiar wall.

    “Osiris! What the hell!” Her voice muffled by her hand as she clutched her face, glaring up at the tall pirate boy who grimaced at her tone. “I could say the same, you rammed into me Twinkle-Toes.” He replied smoothly, his hand coming up to ruffle her hair and displace the white flowers and feathers that were a staple for her. “Besides, aren’t you running late~” Osiris’s shit eating grin did little to sooth the flicker of her temper he was stoking with his ribs to her, and lucky for him, he was right. Something she hated to admit more than anything, so rather than doing so, she stole the jacket he had resting on his arm he was about to put on for himself.

    Holding it abover her head to shelter her from the rain as she started running again with him at her heels. “So are you numbskull~” She cackled loudly, the sound overshadowing his yell for her to give him back his long coat while he sprinted after her, right on her heels as his boots splashed every puddle she avoided with ease like his grabs for his jacket. Which she let go of the second she was under the protection of the school building’s overhang. Not at all caring to look behind her at Osiris reclaiming his clock before it fell into a puddle, she quickly traversed the steps two at a time with ease.

    Paying little mind to the Wonderlandians crowding the door— That was a lie, she was acutely aware of Celine, and seemed to veer a little to the opposite side of the stairs as her if only out of instinct to keep felines at an arms length so if they started to pounce she had time to book it. Her wings perking up rather than resting flat against her back, fluttering quickly to shake off the rain water just so that it dripped off the edges downward rather than splatter about messily while she was still outside to avoid the lecture she knew Alex would send her way if she waited to do so inside.
    ‘He can’t scold me if my hair is damp though’, the thought making her grin a little as she raised her hand to wave at Violet, the only one she actually kind of knew if only because her dad was a teacher and she had an interesting personality that stuck out.

    “G’morning!” Her hand fell to her side as she went the rest of the way, though she paused only when she stood beside most of the group to look them all over quickly for the source of a smell what she could only think to describe as acidic lemonade. “Huh.” She didn’t elaborate and instead resumed walking into the building, her wings going back to resting flat against her back despite being dry, the faint but sweet smell of fairy dust following her.

    coded by reveriee.

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