Even-Tempered Lynx [Bellum Lunae]


Junior Member
Name:Even-Tempered Lynx

(Formerly Miku Surestrike)

Caste:Full Moon

Spirit Shape:Snow Lynx

Tell:Ears end in the characteristic ‘tufts’, as does his chin

Concept: Hunter of Abominations

Motivation: Hold back the Fair Folk from entering the North

Anima Banner: Ghostly silver Lynx, whose sage-like stare sees into your soul


Strength:3 Charisma:3 Perception:4

Dexterity:5 Manipulation:2 Intelligence:3

Stamina:4 Appearance:4 Wits: 3


Martial Arts 5

Integrity 3

Presence 3

Resistance 2

Survival 2

Lore 2

Occult 2

Athletics 2

Awareness 3

Stealth 2

Linguistics 1

Socialize 3



Artifacts 3 (His lance and breastplate)

Heart’s Blood 2 (wolf,hare,moose,owl,seal,yeti,duck,bear,eagle,lion)

Mentor 2 (Grandfather Hare)



1st Dexterity excellency

Golden Tiger Stance

Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance

Heron Sheds Rain


Ox-Body Technique(2/2/2/2)


Laughing Into the Teeth of Madness

White Reaper Style:

Falling Scythe Slash

Revolving Crescent Defense

White Reaper Form

Bleeding Crescent Strike

Impenetrable White Shroud


Vigilant Hunter Attitude:

1st Dex excellency,Revolving Crescent Defense,Laughing Into the Teeth of Madness,Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance


Internal Form Mastery


Compassion:3 Conviction: 4Temperance:4 Valour: 3

Limit Break:Curse of the Hungry Wolverine Limit: 0/7

Essence:3 Willpower: 8 (0) Essence Pool: 19/44 (7) (Spent: 0/0)


Dire Lance: Speed:5 Acc:14 Damage: +11L(+15L) Def:+4Rate:2Tags:R,2,L

Punch: Speed: 5 Acc: 11 Damage: +3B Def: +2 Rate: 3 Tags: N

Kick: Speed: 5 Acc: 10 Damage: +6B Def: -2 Rate: 2 Tags: N

Clinch: Speed: 6 Acc: 10 Damage: +3B Def: -- Rate: 1 Tags: C,N,P

Soak: 8B/8L/6A (S:6L/4B/6A H:2L/2B) Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/I

Dodge DV: 4 Parry DV: 7 Join Battle/Debate:6

Social Combat

Investigation: Speed: 5 Accuracy: 3/2 PMDV: 2/1 Rate: 2

Performance: Speed: 6 Accuracy: 3/2 PMDV:2/1 Rate: 1 (Affects an area)

Presence: Speed: 4 Accuracy: 6/5 PMDV: 3/3 Rate: 2

Dodge MDV:7



His Family(love)


Fair Folk(Bitter Contempt)





Shapeshifting Forms

Snow Lynx

Snow Owl

Spotted Seal


Harlequin Duck


Grizzly Bear

Snow Lion



Grey Wolf
Backstory, more coming soon.:

Even-Tempered Lynx was origionally known as Miku Surestike, a proud hunter of the Haslanti League. Always known for his sure hand with a spear and careful wording in his discourse, he was respected by many. He helped calm hot-tempered youths and drive older, cautious men to action. And yet never gained enemies. He simply knew when to speak and when to listen. He was caring of his family and tribe, yet knew the importance of inter-tribal policy. He was surely destined for a seat on the Council of Oligarchs.

But time would show he was meant for far greater things. When his hunting party was ambushed by the Fair Folk in the night, the men figured all was lost. What they didn't know was that the Fickle Lady was watching. She came to Miku in a vision, telling him how she was so proud of his deeds and could not let his life end here. That she was as proud as any mother could be. Miku Exalted that night, and single-handedly fought off the raiding party with a stunning and brutal grace. His peers were awe-stricken. One of the Lunar were among them, this whole time. His insights and sure handed hunting skill made perfect sense in this new light.

On the return trip home, he was stopped by a cloaked man. He called himself Grandfather Hare. He revealed himself to be another Lunar, sent by his peers to retreive Miku for training. Grandfather Hare named him Even-Tempered Lynx, and tattoed him as a Full-moon. Hare taught him much, including a martial art passed down only so rarely in this Age. Now a White Reaper Stylist, and a full member of the Swords of Luna, Even-Tempered Lynx visits the League when he can, but spends his time travelling the North, hunting the horrors in the dark, to make Creation a safer place.
Bonus Points:21

4-dot in Cha

2-2 dots in MA

15-5 dots in virtues


Greater Curse- 3pts.

three fewer limit needed to break

Intolerance(Fair Folk)-3 pts.

deep hatred of the FF, roll Compassion diff.3 not to act hostile(-3 penatly to social rolls)


Total Experience:50

18-essence 3

20-2 MA charms


Current experience:3

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