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Fantasy Even dragons || OOC || have their ending

Oop, sorry if I worried you! I've been well, just busy busy and a bit low energy. I hope you all are doing well!

And what a time for my internet to go out, haha. It's finally back today, so my post is up!
I celebrated thanksgiving last month, but I am having a lovely week! I hope you have a good one.
FINALLY got a reply out. Sorry for the wait folks, life has been hectic.
No worries, Miko! I think we can all understand life being hectic--I'm just glad to hear from you. ^^ Hope the hectic things calm down for you soon!
Things have calmed down a fair bit! Now hopefully it stays this way, haha.
Heyyyyy I don’t know if anyone’s still around, but I got my post up anyway. Sorry it’s been a hot minute. It was kinda nice to write about my long lost babies once again anyway.

I started grad school a year ago and if I’m not working or doing homework I’m sleeping. Or staring at the tv cause that’s all my brain can handle atm.

If y’all are still around, lovely, if not, totally understand. That was quite the disappearing act I pulled there.
Oh hey!!
Oof, grad school, good luck! And no worries, I am also drowning in work. I just locked my office door and am about to grade papers, haha.
What are you getting your degree in??
Hope you’re doing well!
MFA in Creative Writing. I’m really enjoying it and I’ve learned a lot but it’s exhausting having to be creative and on point all the time. It was kinda nice writing my post and being able to let go and not worry about someone grading it : p I’m not sure my professors would approve, but they’re not here : )

I need to get better about shutting myself away to get work done. I’m a professional procrastinator and it’s very stressful.
Heyyy, everybody's still around! How cool!

Grad school, how exciting! Doing creative work for a grade does sound tiring--glad you're enjoying it even so, though!

Reading your post made me want to reread the whole rp and get back into the flow of things, haha! Might take me a while to write a response, but I've got a couple ideas starting, so we'll see how that goes. ^^
Hey, guys. Sorry for the long radio silence.
Unfortunately, I don't have good news about a post coming any time soon. Some stuff's going on in my life that's making certain things from the rp hit really hard, and all together it's turned into a pretty bad case of writer's block. I've kept telling myself 'I'll write that post this week!' and it's kept not happening, so at this point...I'm sad to say it, but I think I need to take an indefinite break.
If the three of you want to continue on without me, I will completely understand, and you have my blessing. And if it's needed, I can try and come up with a way to write my characters out more gracefully than just saying 'and then for some reason they all disappeared into the woods with no explanation.'

Please accept my sincere apologies. Finally, I'd just like to say: you three are wonderful writers, and I have enjoyed our journey thus far immensely!

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