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Fantasy Ethervel - RP Idea


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If this caught your attention, welcome! This RP idea was gotten from speaking to someone close to me, so I quickly would like to send them silent thanks. Anyways, it isn't new, but imagine a modern day world with people who are secretly able to control the six elements.

Now, just quickly, to clear up this if need be, I will explain what I mean by six elements. Of course, everyone knows the main four; fire, water, earth, and air. But, along with those, I always thought of the other two spiritual ones to be a part of them; light and shadow. So, all in all, I like to think of there being a total of six there, at least for this RP idea.

Now, imagine a modern world. Pretty self-explanatory; you have computers, smart-phones, dubstep music, everything in the current 21st century. Anything you can think of.

In this RP, I would enjoy for there to be arcs as it goes on, with breaks in between each arc for people to have time to do whatever they want with their characters (as long as it stays inside the rules of the RP).

There may also be dragons. Dragons are cool, ya know?

So, anyone interested? PM me if you have any questions. I'll work on an actual thread very soon.
WOW! That was extremely fast. O.o Well...stay tuned, my good friend! The Main Thread will take time to prepare, but it will be completed Monday if not tomorrow!
Haha I just troll the interest checks since half of them are like Anime and stuff. I generally don't like them but for faceclaims I can handle anime pictures.

Eep. I just almost started my anime rant xD
Nope. I actually like this one xD

Though sometimes I do pipe up on random ones for a laugh when the person freaks out over the "Ooh cool" that turns into nothing xD
I see, I see. Well, I'm glad someone is interested in one of mine, finally! I'm not one to make one, really, since I've only done one before that flopped easily. I hope to have this last longer, at least through the first arc of it.
The dreaded one liner... I hate that. Especially when the one liner had spelling and grammar issues... Like how old are you bud? 5? Seriously.... xD

LMAO almost ranted again.
Don't worry, buddy. I don't exactly have a plan to limit the amount of players, yet. No need to ask for reserved spots. Though I will keep your name in mind for when the works are done and I'll post the thread link here for everyone. :)


Alright! This is the main thread. I had made a submission for a Rules tab, but other than that, you can take a look at the Overview to get a basic idea. Once I get the Rules tab, then I'll be accepting Character Sheets. :)

Also, if any of ya'll wanna see if some other RPer's you know are looking for another or new RP, then have them stop by here! ^u^
Sounds interesting. Would it be possible to play as a normal person who is just dragged into the whole thing? Or is it just limited to people with power over the elements?
Oh, you can be anyone! That is something I forgot to say in the overview and make a separate CS for, huh? Yes, for the main plot I have in mind, you playing someone who it normal could work out well. So, the answer is yes, you can do that. Let me make a CS form for that, and then I can add it under the other one.

Okay. I made a small change to the original CS. Now, you have the option to have a power, but only Normals can't have powers. Vels HAVE to have one.
Alright sounds good. If I were to play a normal character, would they need to have specialized skills or something in order to keep up with all the Vel? Or would it be better if they were just a everyday person?
Well, you can have them be skilled in a basic thing anybody could have. For example, they could be good at computers? Or some sort of martial arts or sport or something. Stuff like that. But if you want them to be just a plain person that is a main character, that is fine, too.
Alright, I'll put some thought into it then, if you need a normal person or need said person to have anything specific to them, pm me. I'm totally willing to help out

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