Story Ethan's Drabble Dump


Obsessive Writer
Roleplay Type(s)
Gonna be posting drabbles and musings based off some OC's. This first drabble is the beginning to a horror-themed RP/story featuring an OC of mine. Story may eventually contain death, and some implied gore, though I will try to keep the gratuitous amount of gore down for favor of an interesting story.

The deteriorated state of the asylum seemed to make the ancient hospital appear more like a castle rather than an abandoned mental hospital. Several sections of the building had crumbled to the ground, leaving large cement boulders to litter the surrounding area. Despite the boulders being an eyesore, the dead grass that stretched on for four acres looked bad enough to allow the large cement rocks to look as if they belonged. As if the building was meant to crumble entirely, if only to cover the black dirt in the land. Alongside the dirt were assorted puddles of black liquid, simple water left over from heavy showers that often plagued the city. Due to poor drainage, these puddles usually sat atop the dirt, further drowning any potential weed or grass that somehow existed in this tiny wasteland.

But the steps of a group of teenagers arrived to disrupt the still waters.

Splashes sounded off as rain boots stamped on an occasional puddle. A total of four teenagers were approaching the decrepit asylum. They did little to hide their presence, likely because they felt they didn’t need to hide. No one visited or worked at the old hospital, in fact, many folks seemed entirely unaware of its presence despite its impressive age.

Truth was, no one really wanted to acknowledge the place.

“Uh... Who should go in first?” Having just approached the front doors, the teenagers were already a little bit unnerved. The entrance did not resemble an entrance to a hospital, but instead, stood as large, looming slabs of concrete, with individual holes carved out to serve as door knobs. Lacking any decorative pattern on them, the front doors hardly looked like doors, and would be confused for walls if the entrance of the asylum didn’t happen to have an archway that presented the front doors. Back in the day, the presentation was quite lavish for such a grim structure, but now various crumbled edges made it look old.

“It was your idea, just go in...” A young girl was looking doubtfully at the building, dreading going inside. She feared the bugs and rats that most likely lived inside its walls... Hardly afraid of any childish fear such as darkness. In fact, all of the teenagers had little to fear, apart from being called cowards for refusing to enter the abandoned asylum.

“Fine, whatever...” Stepping forward, the boy began to attempt to shove the doors open. Another lad in the back of the group cringed, as if fearing the slabs of concrete would simply topple over and crush the lot of them. Fortunately, that didn’t happen, as the door was shoved open, casting light upon a lobby that had been stained with darkness for decades.

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