Ethan Campbell

Poke'Ruse Azazel

New Member



Name: Ethan Campbell


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Orange

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 142 lb

Body Type: Ectomorph

Scars: He has multiple scars littered around his arms and chest, but his most memorable scar would have to be the single one that lines down his back.

Nationality: Northern Barbarian tribe

Special Ability: Through his gruesome training and battles, Ethan developed a technique in which he gains more power and becomes feral during critical moments in a fight. People often compare it to the Torrent, Blaze, and Overgrow ability some pokemon have.

Weapon: Spear/ Partisan


Fighting style: Ethan grew accustomed to fighting with his spear at close combat while occasionally  mixing in hand to hand combat.

Hobbies: Fighting, Traveling, Wood carving

Quirks: Left eye twitches when annoyed.

Paces around when thinking.

Impales his spear into the ground to rest against. He still does this even if he's in a room with a bed a bed in it, preferring the ground over the furniture.

Personality: In a sense, Ethan is like most northern tribe barbarians. He's aggressive, rude, and prideful but what makes him different from the others is the way he doesn't exclude strategic thinking entirely. He doesn't acknowledge those who are weaker than him but will make an exception if they were to show improvements later on. Ethan also enjoys fighting opponents tougher than him and would always strive to overcome them like an obstacle.

Bio: "Only the strong have the right to stay at the top while the weak are nothing but fodder" These words were engraved into young Ethan's mind.  Therefore he didn't shed a tear when his parents died while he was 11 years old, made sure to come out on top at fighting even if the odds were against him, and to one day become the grandmaster. If there's one thing Ethan didn't agree with is that the weak were fodder, that sometimes they can have the potential to become strong only if they will it. His partner Lunar is an example to this, One day he was patrolling the forest as usual until he came across a horrific sight. In front of him was a pack of houndoom surrounding a teddiursa trying to defend it's already deceased mother and by the looks of how hurt it was, Ethan can only assume this was going on for awhile and decided to interfere. He manage to drive away the houndoom but sustained a nasty wound on his back  during the fight. Afterwards he helped the teddiursa bury it's mother then took the pokemon back to his tribe without ever explaining to the others why he chose it.

Pokemon: Teddiursa

Pokemon's name: Lunar

Pokemon appearance:216-Teddiursa.png

Pokemon personality: Like Ethan, Lunar also shares the same goal to wanting to become stronger. Lunar enjoys riding on Ethan's shoulder despite the amount of times Ethan protest against it.



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