Eternity Rose

Octiven Linthium

Optimistic Dumbo

Each one represents a rose color, but this also shows the brothers personalities.





5th~White~Purity and Innocence​




Rose Color:

Appearance:{{Anime please}}

Biography:{{Over 5 sentences}}



Which Brother:


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Name: Annabella Forestier

Age: 15

Rose Color: Blue

Appearance:{{Anime please}}


Anna stands at 5'3 weighing in at 104lbs.

Biography:{{Over 5 sentences}}

As a child, Anna had always been full of energy. Growing up in a lower upper class, she was given the education that most kids didn't get. Along side her education, she was also taught etiquette for young ladies, but to her what use would that do to just sit around all day and read? No. That wasn't how she did things. Like a boy, she would climb trees, get dirty in mud, get into fights with other boys, and even dressed like one for the longest of times.

But unlike Anna, her twin sister, Olivia had everything right. She was lady-like, wore dresses, read for fun, and by their 9th birthday she already had suitors lined up. Despite both of them looking identical, it really did seem like Anna was Olivia's shadow. Although it didn't appear like Anna minded in the slightest, they had a close bond and cared for each other, looked out for each other and were each other's best friend.

At the age of 12, Olivia died. Her corpse was found washed up on the river bank. It seemed that she had fell in and drowned in the fast moving current. A tragedy it was, this crushed their family but most of all, this devastated Anna completely. Although she didn't cry, the tears just wouldn't come out no matter how much she forced herself. Anna hasn't been able to cry since then.

Anna grew a fear of open waters not too long after the event. She no longer swam in the lake or riverside with the other boys and eventually she just forgot how to. Instead of being the tomboy she once was, her parents replaced her with her deceased sister.

Of corse with Olivia now gone, her parents expected for Anna to become just like how Olivia was. Elegant, graceful, and overall perfect. But it seemed that no matter how much she tries to be her replacement she is never good enough. She will never be good enough. But what if she disappeared?
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Name: Raisa

Age: 17

Rose Color: Yellow



Biography: When Raisa was young she was always happy and carefree. Growing up as a part of the middle class meant she had to work hard but also had free time to be a kid. As she got older she became more and more serious, and a bit more reserved when it came to her actions. Her mother grew very ill, so she had to take up the role of Mother in the house.

She learned how to take care of the house, cook, and keep her three younger siblings in line. They learned to look up to her. She picked up a job at a local shop not to long ago, trying to make some extra money to add to her father's pay. She felt she needed to support her family, and stay with them no matter what.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1d854f25_EternityRose-Lapis.png.cd4e195ff23e13767c91173e10338f27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1d854f25_EternityRose-Lapis.png.cd4e195ff23e13767c91173e10338f27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lazuli "Lapis" Cantus

Age: 16

Rose Color: Red

Biography: (shall be edited if it's noncanon)

Lapis was born to a lower class family. A father, a once proud soldier but thrown away when he lost an arm in a fight, turned to alcohol to soothe his sorrows though that often made him more prone to angry outbursts. Her mother, previously a housewife, became the sole provider, working menial jobs to provide for the family, though that in turn became the main reason of her resentment toward the family. The neighbors were often audience to hours of fighting and yelling. And though nobody was actually physically hurt, other than some bruises and some accidents, legitimate ones, anyone who knew them knew it had become a family devoid of love, or at least in the traditional sense.

Still, it seemed like none of this ever phased Lapis as everyone was familiar with that everlasting smile on her face, so prevalent that people would often forget the harsh words they often heard aimed at her from her parents. When she became old enough, she tried doing odd jobs to help take care of her family and hopefully earn some of the displays of affection she had often witnessed with other children.

Unfortunately for her, she could never do anything right. Whether it be cooking, farming, sewing or even cleaning. More often than not, she was sent home early the first day with nothing but a few coins tossed her way out of pity and orders not to come back the next day. Lapis did have one talent though, music. But in the lower class, that skill was useless. It didn't matter how well she could sing or dance. It didn't matter if she could learn to play instruments at an alarmingly quick rate. She was of the lower class. She could never afford instruments to play. And if she wished to make a living out of it, then she'd need the connections of the upper class to gain clients.

She had constant reminders of how utterly useless she was, but that didn't seem to discourage her. She tried and tried again until she finally got a more permanent job reading to an elderly woman living at the edge of the forest. It didn't pay much but she was always welcomed back and a few pennies a day was something at least.

(If anything needs to change, please tell me.)



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Name • Luna Nueva

Age • 17

Rose Colour • White

Appearance •


Luna stands at 5'7" and weighs 105 lbs.

Biography •

Luna grew up on that farm on the edge of town, but for her family owning a farm, they were not poor. They grew the best crops and raised the best animals. Everyone from around that area would buy their vegetables, dairy and meats. That, was their income, and that is what had helped them build a three story Victorian styled house with a wrap-around porch.

Being an only child, Luna would often spend her time outside with the animals, her favourite was a horse named Saraphina. Luna had raised the horse from its birth. Her dad was supposed to put it down after it was born because Saraphina only had three legs. But Luna wouldn't let her dad, and being a very convincing 5 year old, her dad let Saraphina live and Luna trained it to walk perfectly fine, and she could even ride it.

During her school life Luna was bullied because of her quiet stature, she would never sit with people at lunch or join in on sports. She would just spend her time at the library, and she would walk home even though her house was 20 minutes out of town, on foot. People called her weird, but she didn't care. She was never mean to anyone in school even though they were to her.

At home, besides from riding Saraphina, Luna would often spend her time reading her favourite book in a small flower patch on the edge of the forest. And the day she was kidnapped her parents went into a depression, her mom would read the book over and over again, ans her dad would tend to Saraphina almost every hour of the day.
If any of you were confused on the purple rose, I am playing as him. If no other man chooses to go into this roleplay I'll play as all the brothers. SO if you wanted the purple flower lover, go ahead.

But also remember this means changing your character because there can only be four girls.
Okay so all the girls are closed since we have our 4 but doesn't one of us have to change to purple and leave white open?

All the boys are open except for purple, correct?
No, I'm just asking since the white brother can't have a girl technically since he's too young unless one of the other brothers doesn't want a girl. All the girls are filled except for purple and there's actually a boy for the purple girl.
You know, it's sort of funny. Given his Cheshire Cat sort of persona, I would've imagined Purple Rose to be much more popular. He's certainly my favorite among the brothers. Unfortunately, I don't think he and Lapis would mesh well in terms of the personalities. Not to mention, the mind reading is a bit bothersome for what I have planned of her. And even if I switched, it wouldn't solve anything, would it?

But if I could insert my 2 cents here, might I point out that Octiven never said someone had to choose Purple or leave White open. He only said that if someone wanted to, they'd need to change their character to preserve the only 4 rule. There really is no need to change Purple's age to keep people happy. So this argument is sort of pointless. Though I do have to admit, it's a bit unfortunate. Given how Octiven reserved that character for himself, he must've wanted to play him. Well, it's not like it'd prevent him from playing at all, or at least I don't think so.
Well whats what's the difference xD

@Octiven Linthium could just easily make it so the purple brother is younger and can't have a girl since Octiven would be rping with himself. Could just easily, yknow, switch the roles. "Yeah but then we only have one guy who doesnt have a girl and all the other four spots for boys are open." Whats the difference? One girl wouldn't get a guy anyway -_- there's literslly no difference if Octiven just simply changed the colors xD
I see your point so I won't add anymore fuel into the flames. I think what he meant by him taking purple is that he's playing the purple brother, not girl.
I chose white cause she's innocent and innocent people are easy to play and kinda remind me of hippies haha. I'm a decent rper, but I suck unless there is a lot of thoughts
Well, this is just my opinion, but I don't think it's really fair to make someone change their canon around when there is really no need to. In the first post, it says that the White Rose can have a girl simply if one of the other brothers decides that they don't want to.

Also, I think there is really one crucial piece of info here. Have we even been accepted. Because I'm not sure. And if we haven't, what's the point of all this?
You don't have to do that, Danny. I'm sorry if I've offended you in any way. It was never my intention. I was just a tad confused. From my understanding, no one had to change anything.
We could've easily kept things the way they were or at least that's how I'm interpreting things.

*feels bad now*
EEEP, someone get water to put down this fire.


I never wanted a misunderstanding, I only left some time for those to change their cs if they wanted the middle child. All cs are accepted aaaaaaand, anymore questions?


Octiven Linthium]EEEP said:


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