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Fantasy ETERNITY CALLS ❧ ooc

Tagging all who have shown interest!

Finally have some time to myself, so I'll be updating my CS very soon! Do remember that it's not a first come first served basis, so I'll take my time to review each one and determine which characters best fit the RP! ^3^ Good luck and all the best with the character creation! As always, I'm open for any of your questions. Prioritize using the OOC for that so others can benefit from any information, unless you have a particular reason for keeping the question private <3
Lekiel Lekiel Awesomeness. I'll see about finishing up my char when I get off of work this evening. The only thing I really have to do at this point is figure out the bio XD
I've finished my CS (at least until I spot something that pricks my eye xD), so if you guys want to have a look at the details to get a better idea about filling up some of the sections, feel free <3 Especially the soul name part!

Edit: oh and... do tag me/ notify me when your cs is complete so i can look it over :3 otherwise i might think it's still a wip!
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I've finished my CS (at least until I spot something that pricks my eye xD), so if you guys want to have a look at the details to get a better idea about filling up some of the sections, feel free <3 Especially the soul name part!

Edit: oh and... do tag me/ notify me when your cs is complete so i can look it over :3 otherwise i might think it's still a wip!
Do we just come up with the soul name and definition? Or is there a certain language we have to use?
Although, if anyone has a relatively complete looking resource for Angelspeak or something, feel free to share~

I thought i saw one many years ago... i drew from Latin for the bond strength names.

Everything else is 'gibberish '
Although, if anyone has a relatively complete looking resource for Angelspeak or something, feel free to share~

I thought i saw one many years ago... i drew from Latin for the bond strength names.

Everything else is 'gibberish '
Probably Latin is your best bet. Google translate *thumbs up*
growing light in deep(depthless) dark - thleeltock hwul to outeck tanmea

Speaking this outloud really took quite an effort! LOL!
It's interesting to say the least xD hence why Latin is probs better
Lekiel Lekiel Unfortunately, I have to bow out... I have a lot of things going on irl and don't want to go overboard with the amount of RPs I'm in. Sincerest apologies. T.T
Hello, lovelies. I just had a very big stress cry, and my head hurts, my body hurts, and I'm tired. School starts for me this upcoming Monday, and there are a number of stresses associated with that that were part of the aforementioned stress cry. This being said, I will try my best to reply to everything before the end of the weekend. I hope you understand.
Hello, lovelies. I just had a very big stress cry, and my head hurts, my body hurts, and I'm tired. School starts for me this upcoming Monday, and there are a number of stresses associated with that that were part of the aforementioned stress cry. This being said, I will try my best to reply to everything before the end of the weekend. I hope you understand.

Hey no worries! I'm putting the RP on hold anyhow :)

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