• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




Two Thousand Club
† Rulez †

✿ Applicants will need to be able to write novels but will not be required to D: I mean... you get me... right..? right??
I need help :< HELLLLPPP! I've got the setting sorted as you will see, I've also got a general idea for main events of the story.... But I've got no idea how to execute it... T.T(well I do but... its sketchy) IN FACT, WE MAY NOT START THE RP IF I DON'T GET NO HELP D= Gotta warn you though, while I try my best to keep an open mind, I'm also incredibly fussy >//< I've found a Co-GM Anaxileah Anaxileah ! But when the RP starts, feel free to keep the questions and suggestions about plot ideas coming :) All things will be considered!
✿ I'm not big on hyper activity, but on consistency. Real life fuuursttt of course! But if you can do a post every five days and still keep up on reading, we'll get along ^^
✿ IFFFF (its a big if, cuz nobody usually likes the stuff I make... :< must be me T.T.... I'M WORKING ON IT!) we get lots of people, I'm gonna have to be a big baddie and cut us down to size :< I absolutely have no idea how to run a big rp urgh... Also, I'm really fussy with characters... so yeaaaaa.....
✿ placeholding for any new rules I may add just to spite you guys or create on a whim just cuz i can :>
✿ Oh ya.... in case you're an oblivious dufus you didn't realize it (after reading about the RP) I like romance... <3 alot!
✿ I HATE their there and your you're. Sorry for strong words :<

You may add more detail as you see fit :) But below is the minimum CS requirement. I will also include a CS code (amazing code from RI.a RI.a ) for you to use, though it is not necessary. You may also use your own! Credits to Anaxileah Anaxileah for helping me develop the CS ^3^

Soul Name: (Only known by your Iluman, normally exotic and unique <3 Soul names are only revealed either gradually or sometimes in full when the Iluvatir first come into contact with each other. Include meaning. If unsure, check out my CS!)
Age: (17-30, we will be in a college setting.)
Sexuality: ('Up for anything' if you're up for matching whoever you're paired with.)
Bondmate: (put "Match Me" if you have no prior plans with another RP-er)
Role: (Warrior: warrior vatiri have an exceptional talent for physical battle. Their equipment is often better than average at the cost of being barely able to cast magic. Spellsword: Spellswords are balanced fighters, able to cast spells and have descent prowess in physical battle. Magicka Adept: Magickas have exceptional skill with magic, often surpassing others at the same bond strength at the cost of physical ability.)
Element: (If too many of same element, I may request a switch)

Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Body Type:
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: (if applicable)
Picture: (Lemme know if can't find pics. Only Fantasy Art. No anime... well, basically slightly towards more realistic proportions... it's all in the eyes O______________O)
Common Outfit(s):

Personality: (No Gary Sues. Hopefully no Edgelords eithers xD Include character flaws.)
Biography: (two paragraphs minimum)
Significant Life Events: (Your Iluman will be aware of this. Mostly for character relationship building purposes)

Sample Post:
Character Theme Song:


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[div class=openbutton][font=Timelord]INSERT CHARACTER NAME HERE[/font][/div][/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][fa]fa-times-circle[/fa][/div]

[div class=textbox][font=Timelord]GENERAL INFORMATION
[B]Soul Name:[/B] (Only known by your Iluman, normally exotic and unique <3 Soul names are only revealed either gradually or sometimes in full when the Iluvatir first come into contact with each other. Include meaning. If unsure, check out my CS!)
[B]Age:[/B] (17-30, we will be in a college setting.)
[B]Sexuality:[/B] ('Up for anything' if you're up for anything.... .. .)
[B]Bondmate:[/B] (put "Match Me" if you have no prior plans with another RP-er)
[B]Role:[/B] ([b]Warrior:[/b] warrior vatiri have an exceptional talent for physical battle. Their equipment is often better than average at the cost of being barely able to cast magic. [b]Spellsword:[/b] Spellswords are balanced fighters, able to cast spells and have descent prowess in physical battle. [b]Magicka Adept:[/b] Magickas have exceptional skill with magic, often surpassing others at the same bond strength at the cost of physical ability.)
[B]Element:[/B] (If too many of same element, I may request a switch)

[B]Hair Style:[/B]
[B]Hair Color:[/B]
[B]Eye Color:[/B]
[B]Skin Color:[/B]
[B]Body Type:[/B]
[B]Other Distinguishing Characteristics:[/B] (if applicable)
[B]Picture:[/B] (Only Fantasy Art. No anime... well, basically slightly towards more realistic proportions... it's all in the eyes O______________O)
[B]Common Outfit(s):[/B]

[b]Personality:[/b] (No Gary Sues. Hopefully no Edgelords eithers xD Include character flaws.)
[b]Biography:[/b] (two paragraphs minimum)
[b]Significant Life Events:[/b] (Your Iluman will be aware of this. Mostly for character relationship building purposes)

[B]Sample Post:[/B]
[B]Character Theme Song:[/B]
[/font][/div][font=Timelord][div=text-align:center;font-family:Karla;font-size:0.5em;letter-spacing:0.3em;opacity:0.6;]code by Ri.a[/div][/font][/div][/div][/centerblock]

Soul Name: (exotic and unique <3 Include meaning. If unsure, check out my CS!)
Age: (100-1000, Iluman age very slowly and can use magic to retain youtfulness. Age also isn't really significant. As most Iluman have been asleep and were only awakened from a Tribunal Vault by Aerlia and her bondmate recently)
Sexuality: ('Up for anything' if you're up for anything.... .. .)
Bondmate: (put "Match Me" if you have no prior plans with another RP-er)
Role: (All Iluman are Spellswords Spellsword: Spellswords are balanced fighters, able to cast spells and have descent prowess in physical battle.)
Element: (If too many of same element, I may request a switch)
Favored Weapon: (Stick to those available to your element of choice)

Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Body Type:
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: (if applicable)
Picture: (Only Fantasy Art. No anime... well, basically slightly towards more realistic proportions... it's all in the eyes O______________O)
Common Outfit(s):

Personality: (No Gary Sues. Hopefully no Edgelords eithers xD Include character flaws.)
Biography: (Has your Iluman fought against the Wretched before? Note: the last Wretched battle happened more than a thousand years ago. Due to the way Tribunal Vaults work and how time slows at The House, its possible for your Iluman to be <1000 years and have fought them before.)
Significant Life Events: (Have you been bonded with your Vatiri before? If so, describe in brief when and how it went. You may not remember everything due to the way The Sleep works.)

Sample Post:
Character Theme Song:


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text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #7b78a5;
animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite;




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[div class=openbutton][font=Timelord]INSERT CHARACTER NAME HERE[/font][/div][/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][fa]fa-times-circle[/fa][/div]

[div class=textbox][font=Timelord]GENERAL INFORMATION
[B]Soul Name:[/B] (exotic and unique <3 Include meaning. If unsure, check out my CS!)
[B]Age:[/B] (100-1000, Iluman age very slowly and can use magic to retain youtfulness. Age also isn't really significant. As most Iluman have been asleep and were only awakened from a Tribunal Vault by Aerlia and her bondmate recently)
[B]Sexuality:[/B] ('Up for anything' if you're up for anything.... .. .)
[B]Bondmate:[/B] (put "Match Me" if you have no prior plans with another RP-er)
[B]Role:[/B] (All Iluman are Spellswords [b]Spellsword:[/b] Spellswords are balanced fighters, able to cast spells and have descent prowess in physical battle.)
[B]Element:[/B] (If too many of same element, I may request a switch)
[B]Favored Weapon:[/B] (Stick to those available to your element of choice)

[B]Hair Style:[/B]
[B]Hair Color:[/B]
[B]Eye Color:[/B]
[B]Skin Color:[/B]
[B]Body Type:[/B]
[B]Other Distinguishing Characteristics:[/B] (if applicable)
[B]Picture:[/B] (Lemme know if can't find pics. Only Fantasy Art. No anime... well, basically slightly towards more realistic proportions... it's all in the eyes O______________O)
[B]Common Outfit(s):[/B]

[b]Personality:[/b] (No Gary Sues. Hopefully no Edgelords eithers xD Include character flaws.)
[b]Biography:[/b] (Has your Iluman fought against the Wretched before? Note: the last Wretched battle happened more than a thousand years ago. Due to the way Tribunal Vaults work and how time slows at The House, its possible for your Iluman to be <1000 years and have fought them before.)
[b]Significant Life Events:[/b] (Have you been bonded with your Vatiri before? If so, describe in brief when and how it went. You may not remember everything due to the way The Sleep works.)

[B]Sample Post:[/B]
[B]Character Theme Song:[/B]
[/font][/div][font=Timelord][div=text-align:center;font-family:Karla;font-size:0.5em;letter-spacing:0.3em;opacity:0.6;]code by Ri.a[/div][/font][/div][/div][/centerblock]

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[div class=openbutton]AERLIA Mikhael
[/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][/div]

[div class=textbox]GENERAL INFORMATION
Name: Aerlia [Ayy-Lia] Michaels (She uses this name to blend in to the normal world)
Soul Name: Aerliariel sol' Arae`nal (meaning: Dawnbringer or Growing Light in Depthless Dark)
Nickname(s): Aerlia / Lia
Age: 775 (Appears to be in her twenties)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Bondmate: Anaxileah Anaxileah 's Jareth Winters
Role: Iluman Spellsword
Element: Life
Favored Weapon: Shield, as her physical combat style is oriented more on the defensive side. Nevertheless, she can and does conjure swords in battle.

[div class=appearance]APPEARANCE
Hair Style: Long luxurious tresses which falls in languid waves to the small of her back.
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Skin Color: Fair Olive
Height: 170cm (5 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 61kg (134 pounds)
Body Type: Slim and toned, with sufficient curves. Pretty standard for an immortal being with command of magic y'know?
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Light sprinkling of freckles across her nose.
  • e474d143bb40ba94d134d9e7b518e101.jpg

Common Outfit(s): White tank top, blue jeans, loose brown cardigan. Dresses and the amazing half-dress the mortals call a romper too (especially in more relaxed settings).

[div class=personal]PERSONAL
Personality: Aerlia is a glass half full with plenty of space for sunshine and bubbles kind of person. She loves to tease (in the poke-fun kind of way but no money back guarantees if you misunderstand it for flirting ) and can be a rather direct person when it comes to voicing out opinions, if she thinks there is an issue worth speaking out about. Also a mobile 'random topic chatterbox' if in the company of people she is fond of. A careful observer with a quick mind, she can assess almost any environment and come up with possible solutions/options quicker than most. However, she can be rather indecisive and struggles with decision making especially in crucial moments when all options seem equal in weight. As such, without someone to back her, she could be a liability to herself and those around her during those 'frozen into inaction' moments. It is also possible that her light hearted vivacious character is her way of coping with the tremendous loss of her father and the other angels whom she had seen as part of her family. On rare occasions, she can be seen staring off into space with a wide-eyed almost terrified look on her face, as if reliving a traumatic memory.

Likes: Singing.
Using her vivid blue eyes to stare into the souls of mortals turning them into a clumsy bumbling mess.
Observing said mortals walk into a lamppost.
Just observing mortals in general. They're so impulsive and impatient it's funny.
Day dreaming that she'd wake up one day and everything would be okay.
Cooking mortal food (it's dreadful).
Dark chocolate.
Gummy bears (A young mortal child she met at the park offered her the peculiar sweet as payment when Aerlia healed a cut he suffered after crashing off his bike. Such direct usage of her powers on mortals, though arguably illegal, was also arguably accidental. The boy told her that his mother usually blew on the affected area and the pain would go away. Well Aerlia did, and the pain went away. So... yay?)

Fear(s): Nightmares. The feeling of being lost - Not as in being in an unknown location, but without hope and not knowing what to do.
Biography: Aerlia has never fought the Wretched before, or known a life of battle. Born towards the end of the Celestial War, Lia never knew her mother as she was not old enough to remember anything when her mother fell in battle. Atharius Mikhael had always been reluctant to talk about Arabel, her mother, and after years of pestering him to no avail, she finally gave up and let the matter rest.

Lia was part of the group of Iluman charged to watch over the Earth. When the mortals gradually turned away from the Heavens, and the angels shut the doors, the Iluman under the leadership of the Archangel Mikhael chose to remain close to the mortal realm. They took turns keeping guard, a small group lived in The House while the rest slept in the Tribunal Vaults until such time as they are awoken to begin their cycle. It was during Aerlia's watch when the fated attack on The House happened.

She has brief recollections of memories she knew didn't happen in her current lifetime, but of a distant place and a certain someone. However, she has no face nor voice to attribute to that person. Even the very brief flashbacks often evoked a mixture of both positive and negative feelings, that brings more questions that answers them. These moments are very rare, and she ignores it for the most part.

Significant Life Events: Written to Jareth's Theme

Lia spent a long time in mourning, after the desecration of The House. She lived on the brink of death, neglecting to care for herself. Her heart had been shattered, and she'd never felt so alone in all her long years of living. She didn't know if she slept or cried for a hundred years, drifting in and out of consciousness, lost and without hope. She didn't know what to do, and a part of her wished to end her miserable existence. But in some twisted sense of selflessness and self-inflicted torment, she saw that as the easy way out. She didn't deserve it. She had to continue suffering for all eternity. Thus Lia kept herself breathing, though she was anything but alive. The years flew by and she wasted away, lying where her father drew his last breath, a flower wilting by a grave.

Then one day, a day just like any other, she felt a stirring. A minute shift in the depths of her soul. She'd forgotten who she was by then, numbed by the torture of being an unliving for ages, drifting in the void of nothingness. So the sudden feeling, if indeed it could be called that, was like a spark of light in a fathomless dark, a flash of colour in endless grey. She felt herself withdraw from it at first, afraid that the colour might taint her. She watched it from a distance, curious, for there was nothing like it that she'd ever seen. She drifted closer. Then reached out, and touched it. It felt warm, cradled in the palm of her hands. Then all of a sudden, it disappeared into her. She panicked. Her world grew brighter and brighter, the dark muted grey beaten back by an unknown source of light. Blinding light, scorching at her fragile skin. She screamed, but there was no sound. It grew brighter still, if at all that was possible. A flash. Then her heart began beating again.

An eyelid laboriously cracked open, as the dust and dirt of aeons shifted. Blood flowed through her veins, as stone turned to flesh. Aerlia sat up, blinking at her surroundings. Grass and low bushes. Stone... Bricks... Buildings... Mortal... She was in the land of mortals. Then she felt the stirring again. The light, it was inside her. A nudge.

Move... Walk.

She stood up. Too fast. She fell to the ground. Pain. I feel pain.

Get up... Walk.

She tried again. Stumbled back on her knees. There was smooth stone to the side. A wall. She crawled over. Dug her fingers into its smooth surface. Nails splintered. It hurts.

Get up... Move. She gritted her teeth, and pulled herself to her feet.

She didn't know where she was, or how long she had been walking. There was a cold gentle breeze, sweeping the remnants of autumn leaves over the urban road. The occasional tree was bare, beginning of winter perhaps. Houses lined both sides of the street. Lights peaked out from curtained windows, warm and inviting.

Stop... She stopped. A young couple jogging by gave her a sidelong glance. Pity reflected in their eyes. She wondered why.


She waited obediently. There was nothing else for her to do anyway.

Then a man appeared around the corner. Dressed in warm clothing and pushing a stroller. He was cooing over his child, swathed in cloths. Father and child drew nearer, oblivious to her standing right in the middle of the walkway until he all but bumped into Lia.

" Oh whoops, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there-" The man glanced up and immediately his apologetic look changed into one of pity. He had the kindest eyes ever, it reminded her of someone. She couldn't remember who.

"I..." the man glanced at his child, then back at Aerlia. "You must be hungry..."

Hungry..? Why?

"Here." He'd rummaged through his shoulder pack and fished out a wrapped package. A strange yet pleasant smell wafted into the air. It made Aerlia's stomach rumble. "Take it." The man offered the package towards her, nodding with an encouraging smile. Lia starred blankly at the package for a moment longer, before tired arms reached out to gingerly accept the gift. She stood there dumbfounded for a moment, before realizing that she was blocking the way. Aerlia stepped to the side.

"Thank you." The man smiled. He rearranged his belongings, and began moving away. Something made her Aerlia glance down into the stroller. Eyes of icy blue stared back at her. The spark kindled into a flame.



[div class=miscellaneous]MISCELLANEOUS
Sample Post: B L O O D S W O R N - The Lost Child (anything from here)
Character Theme Song: Aerlia's Theme - Daughter of Heaven
CS Cover Animation
Kirby's in my breakfast :o!
code by Ri.a
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[class=openwindow] height:80vh; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/67/fe/9a67fe3964bc7ad512d585d362692a16.jpg'); background-size:cover; background-position:0em -12em; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:1em; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=openbutton] margin:auto;center; border:2px solid white; width:150px; padding:.2em; font-family:Cedarville Cursive; font-size:3em; color:white; text-align:center; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #7b78a5; animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite; cursor:pointer; [/class] [animation=loop] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.75[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=mainpage] height:80vh; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e3/79/8b/e3798b36bd94503258bd14ca77fd1016.jpg'); background-size:cover; background-position:center; background-lock:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:auto;center; font-family:Source Sans Pro; font-size:0.9em; color:black; text-align:center; [/class] [class=closebutton] font-size:2em; width:10px; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; [/class] [script class=none] hide mainpage hide closebutton [/script] [script class=openbutton on=click] slideUp 500 openwindow show mainpage show closebutton hide openbutton [/script] [script class=closebutton on=click] slideDown 500 openwindow hide closebutton hide mainpage fadeIn 500 openbutton [/script] [class=textbox] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.9; width:80%; color:#222; [/class]
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[div class=openbutton]Daiana Sears
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[div class=textbox]GENERAL INFORMATION
Name: Daiana Sears
Soul Name: Seøl (SH-E-oh)
Nickname(s): Daia, Dee-dee
Age: 18 y.o.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Bondmate: Match me
Role: Warrior
Element: Fire

[div class=textbox]APPEARANCE
Hair Style: Soft curls
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Slightly tanned
Height: 170cm/5'7"
Weight: 63kg/138lb
Body Type: Fit and lean/Athletic
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: A small faded white scar at her right temple | Birthmark/Stigmata on her left wrist the size of a coin
Common Outfit(s):
Casual 1
Casual 2
Casual 3


[div class=textbox]PERSONAL
Personality: Daiana is straightforward and has a hard shell. She's polite to her co-workers, but won't take any gossip
Likes: Ice coffee | Parties | Beaches | Dipping fries into chocolate sundaes
Dislikes: Mornings | Airplanes | Winter
Fear(s): Heights | Flying
Biography: Daiana didn't have any qualms about her childhood. It was almost perfect in her eyes, she was the only child and she was doted on by both her parents. They were well-off and she enjoyed the family weekend outings. Her father also signed her up for Judo classes from the age of 5. All was fine and peaceful... until it wasn't. When she was 13, she came home from school early to find a half-naked lady rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. Daiana did what a 13 year-old judo student would have done to a robber. She knocked her out with a hard object, and called the police. A shocked cry from her dad alarmed her, "Dad! She's robbing the house! I've called the police!" She thought her father would be proud, but instead he scooped the unconscious woman in his arms. The scene puzzled her, she didn't have a chance to ask her who she was as her father got up and slapped her so hard it cut her temple. The police arrived, seeing a sobbing child and an aggressive adult with an unconscious woman, they immediately arrested Mr. Sears. Her mother soon filed for a divorce and moved out with Daiana, but now the mother and daughter faces a court case for assaulting the woman who was sleeping with her father. They unfortunately lost the case and Daiana was sent to a youth detention center for 2 months.

During her young teen years, Daiana laid low. Trying her best to stay out of trouble and do well in school so that her mom didn't have to worry more than earning enough for the both of them. Daiana became wary, and was pretty cold and snarky to strangers. At the age of 17, her mother collapsed and was diagnosed with cancer. She was forced to grow up early, giving up on the idea of college, she found herself a part-time job at a frozen yoghurt shop. She had to pay off her mother's medical bills, and she can't afford to just rely on the savings her mother has. She quit judo, but she still goes to a gym every weekend to practice by herself and learn self-defence.

Daiana was closing the shop on a night shift, and as she was clearing the thrash in the back alley, she saw a small group of boys and girls ganging up on an elderly man. She had called the police, but she couldn't just stand aside and watch the bullying continue. Without another hesitation, she jumped in and fought the group. Punching, hair pulling, scratching, it hurt like hell but at least the elder didn't receive any more. The police came and broke the fight, putting them all in the station, while the elder went to a hospital. Her mother had to come down and pay the bail to get Daiana out. She was more than disappointed at herself. But she was just pulled into a silent hug, making the young adult sob and apologise.

It was no surprise that Daiana lost her job at the yoghurt shop, and it certainly didn't stop her from finding more. She now has a two part-time jobs, one as a waitress and another in a food delivery service. She didn't have many friends, certainly doesn't have any to make them. All she has on her mind now is her mom.
Significant Life Events: The scar on her temple was from her father.
Went to youth detention center for 2 months at 13 y.o.
Mom was diagnosed with cancer a year ago.
Caught by the police for fighting, but got bailed by her mom.[/div]

[div class=textbox]MISCELLENOUS
Sample Post: 1 | 2 | 3
Character Theme Song:

✿ Kirby is marshmallow stressball[/div]
code by Ri.a
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[div class=openbutton]Damara
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[div class=textbox]GENERAL INFORMATION
Name: Damara Mae Faye-Lux
Soul Name: Understanding
Nickname(s): Mara, Mae, Smartass
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual
Bondmate: Match me
Role: Warrior
Element: Earth

Hair Style: Pixiecut
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Height: 5'0
Weight: 120ld
Body Type: Hourglass
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Freckles on her face, shoulders, and arms with a birthmark on her right collarbone (looks kinda like a hickey)
Common Outfit(s):

Personality: To those she's just meeting she's quiet and reserved while walking around with a look that screams 'I don't wanna be here'. If you know her well she's loud and boisterous, kind and loyal, seems innocent until you hear her vocabulary. She also comes across as lazy and unmotivated (she is mostly), that is until she finds something to be motivated about and you'll wonder why she doesn't always put forth the effort. She tries to act like a badass, she's really not, she's a sweetheart to the core. She has serious trust issues and can see bullshit like no ones business. Her patients is near to none when people act stupid or try to act like their big shit when they really aren't (slight hypocrite).

People who also don't know how to shut up get on her nerves. She has serious anxiety issues which get in her way a big portion of the time. She is a flirt, but she does it without realizing it. She's also quick to anger on some occasions. Her mind is also a war zone, she has low self-esteem and isn't afraid to let others know that. She hates compliments but she also loves them as long as it's not constant. Secrets, she has a lot of them, she doesn't like when people try to pry into her life and will distance herself if they do. She keeps men at arms length unless their gay. She doesn't like violence no matter how much it may seem like she does, the moment something dangerous is on the rise she 'nopes' out. She's also pretty childish at times, but can be very serious if the time comes.

When someone she cares about is in any kind of danger she goes ballistic, she goes on autopilot and either yells at the danger or attacks it. She's forgiving to a fault, that's when you hurt her or someone else psychologically. She always wants to help, if you're in pain she'll try and fix it. Depressed? She'll pester you till she gets a smile no matter how little. Very affectionate too, loves giving and receiving hugs.

Likes: Candy, Pastries, Books, Sharp objects, Writing, Drawing, Music, Alcohol, Sleeping, Animals, and a few other miscellaneous things.

Fear(s): Needles, Cockroaches, Dark places where she can't see her hand in front of her face, Her own mind, Being used, Angry yelling.

Biography: She suffered through domestic violence till she was 8 when her parents finally divorced. For 3 years things were calm and basically perfect, till her mom died in a car crash. Her mother had been drinking, something that her mother always did, something that would've killer her eventually. Barely a year later her dad found a girlfriend and only a few weeks into her 7th grade year she was moved to her dad's girlfriends' house. That summer they married, and Damara acquired a stepmom. During this entire time Damara was battling depression, she drabbled in self-harm and by the time she was 14 she was doing full time. A boy had taken advantage of her weakness and manipulated her, didn't stop her from cutting and made her fall in love with him. A slip up made Damara loose him, she withdrew within herself, then she rebound with another guy. 9th grade got better, Damara was dating a guy that seemed to care. She stopped cutting and was really happy. She and her boyfriend began to grow intimate, but weren't having sex. When her father found out he flipped, he forced them to break up. This didn't go over too well. Damara fell back into the clutches of her depression and returned to old temptations. Her father found out and admitted her to a mental hospital. She hated him for it, and was going to fight the system until she realized that she really did need the help. With her time away from her last boyfriend she found that again, she was being manipulated.

She thanked her father, things lifted a little. Then another guy came along, this one being a man, a friend of her dads. He manipulated Damara while she was loopy off her meds, making her very compliant. He made her feel loved and beautiful. He took what he wanted. Again, things only got worse. Another manipulator to add to the list. During her last relationship and rebound, this guy shattered her trust completely. They were intimate but not having sex, during a conversation he acted like his mother to break up with Damara. She went numb, apathetic. She manipulated him into telling the truth, and then afterwards got back with him. A nagging doubt forced her to rethink her decision. Damara tried to convince him to get help and he said no. Finally, she grew smart and told him to get help and maybe she'd contact him again.

She grew into something pretty dark after that. She became the manipulator, manipulating another guy into feeling for her while keeping him at arms length. Damara's father was forced to move her to her Nana's. There, she became independent and selfish, refusing to move back to the house she held so much pain in. After high school she left the state for college as away to avoid her family.

Significant Life Events:

Sample Post: Rock music blasted through Damara's headphones, her fingers nimbly flying across her computers keyboard. She was writing an essay for History while her bestfriend sat beside her with a book in their hands. Having another person in the room always helped Damara work at times, she had someone to talk to about a subject and kept her mind from hitting Writer's Block. A hair fell into her face and she lifted her hand to brush it away.

Character Theme Song: Dig the Crazy by Faith Marie, Still Here by Digital Daggers, Devils Don't Fly by Natalia Kills

Kirby who art thou? Small Pink Mighty Hero
code by Ri.a
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Currently a WIP. <3

[class=openwindow] height:70vh; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/TZ2Y5po.jpg'); background-size:fit; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:1em; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=openbutton] margin:auto;center; border:2px solid white; width:150px; padding:.2em; font-family:MedievalSharp; font-size:2em; color:white; text-align:center; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #7b78a5; animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite; cursor:pointer; [/class] [animation=loop] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.75[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=mainpage] height:70vh; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; background:url('https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wreckitralph-fanon/images/f/fd/167278-candy-gummy-bears.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130722192607'); background-size:fit; background-position:center; background-lock:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:auto;center; font-family:MedievalSharp; font-size:0.9em; color:black; text-align:center; [/class] [class=closebutton] font-size:2em; width:10px; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; [/class] [script class=none] hide mainpage hide closebutton [/script] [script class=openbutton on=click] slideUp 500 openwindow show mainpage show closebutton hide openbutton [/script] [script class=closebutton on=click] slideDown 500 openwindow hide closebutton hide mainpage fadeIn 500 openbutton [/script] [class=textbox] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.9; width:80%; [/class]

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[div class=openbutton]Jareth Winters
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[div class=textbox]GENERAL INFORMATION
Name: Jareth Winters
Soul Name: Nixgelu (Nix for short)
Nickname(s): Jar-bear (the Jar part rhymes with bear), J, Winter
Age: 22 years old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bondmate: Aerlia Mikhail ( Lekiel Lekiel )
Role: Vatiri - Spellsword
Element: Light

[div class=textbox]APPEARANCE
Hair Style: Short and layered, normally shorter on the sides and back, while longer along the top.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 173 pounds
Body Type: Muscular
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: He has a large tattoo on his chest of a simplistic sun.
Picture: Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Gif 1 Gif 2 Gif 3
Common Outfit(s): Jareth usually wears button-up shirts with different patterns (normally tucked in), jeans with a belt, boots (either brown or black), a watch on his wrist from his grandfather, and occasionally a beanie (normally black or navy blue).[/div]

[div class=textbox]PERSONAL
Personality: WIP
Likes: Aerlia, playing the guitar, dancing, sports, exercising.
Fear(s): The ocean (drowning).
Biography: WIP
Significant Life Events: WIP[/div]

[div class=textbox]MISCELLANEOUS
Sample Post: My Latest RP Post
Character Theme Song: "Carry You" by Novo Amor

KIRBY IS A POWER STEALING VACUUM (I play a lot of Super Smash Bros. Brawl)[/div]
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code by Ri.a
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