Eternal Night

Name: Zynx Armagon

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Depiction: 4 foot 12, caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes, dirty skin, torn clothes.

Bio: Zynx was born to a widowed mother in Stoneslab, who died shortly after his birth. Growing until the age of eleven in an orphanage, he was kicked out for destruction. He lives as a theif, and has developed many useful skills.

Traits: Kind, Understanding, Sneaky, Humorous, Sarcastic, Loves to learn, Loves the Stars.

Other notes: He is unable to communicate with animals, but he can understand their emotions. He is also a pansexual.
Name : Stephanie Vanderbilt

Age: 14

Gender : Female

Bio: Stephanie has grown up and lived in the forest all by her self since the age of 5 learning to survive all by herself when she was abandoned by her family she doesn't remember them only that they left her to die, she doesn't know why ...

Appearance : Long natural pink hair paired with mixed red and purple eyes. She is 5'5 and is slim

but has deep curves her skin is soft

and white like porcelain but has a slight tan.

Traits: + Pretty + Strong + Different - Sarcastic - Not nice when she first meets people - Doesn't believe on love.

Other : She likes sweets and boys but won't say it.

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