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A place for me to drop writings from past roleplays on Discord or Tumblr. Nothing here will be fancy formatted beyond maybe colored text for the speaker. Various muses. Canons & OCs.

[CANON - Discord December 2021 ] Alphinaud Leveilleur - Final Fantasy XIV

Though many told him to return to his chambers earlier than the morning bell, it was nary often the young Elezen took heed to their word. If he was not reading some form of texts, he was going over his own plans or thoughts on both paper and in mind. Rare were the moments he chose just to take some care to himself.

It was shadow that slowly grew among the dim candlelight that alerted him to another approaching him, and in time sheets he was reading were set down to give them his full attention.

Ah, Yul.” As he turned to stand, familiar smile upon his expression as he thought to question why the other was yet to be tucked up in bed, attention was drew to the envelope held up. Head inclined to the side, reading the lettering that did did indeed address whatever was inside to the Au Ra holding it. That wasn’t the surprise however. No, it was words that were spoken next that cause his brows to rise for a short lived moment.

I’m sorry. You.. Cannot read?” Tone was half surprised, half concerned, with just a slight hint of confusion mixed in. Compared to how Yul usually acted and presented himself.. It had been impossible to tell. “No no, Come here. I can assist you.” No need to linger on the question, lest he embarrass the other even more. “Here, sit.” Whilst he quickly tidied his own papers away and ensured there would be enough candlelight to last.
[CANON - Discord September 2022 ] Thancred Waters - Final Fantasy XIV

For the amount of times Thancred had been told to let Ryne be, to allow her to become independent in preparation for their departure, he'd still... Found himself hiding in the shadows more often than not, to keep what he called a watchful eye over her. Were it not for the shadows, many would most likely coin him as some sort of overprotective father. A title he would quickly laugh off with the child in the face of friends-- yet that still didn't change the obvious fact. He worried. Ryne reminded him of.. her. They weren't the same and yet still. Heavens knew how long, if ever, it would take for him to settle his feelings of concern and conflict.

Present time allowed him no such luxury mind you, as both the young girl and their friend began a fair stride toward their meeting place. He'd had an inkling today would be the day they all found out something more, and there was nothing more on his current agenda but to follow them to said meeting place. Though his pace soon idled for not wanting to cause a scene and the distinct feeling something was off. Something he couldn't place until all but one was present within the Ocular, Y'shtola, who more than likely was adding finishing touches to some matter of research.

Forward a few long moments of observing conversations in silence, Thancred too finally let his back fall against the staircase with a quiet thud. "And what calls you to stand over here all on your lonesome?" Latter of his statement wasn't at all emphasised in tone, but eyes spoke another story of him sensing something was amiss. Whether or not Io chose to confide in him was of course entirely up to her.
[CANON - Discord Janurary 2023 ] Niki Shiina - Ensemble Stars

At the sheer touch the limb goes rigid, if he could of turned it ice cold in line with how he felt he would of. That wasn't all, the came a low growl of discontent until he finally managed to pull it away. Aside that, he still barely moved from the safety of the blanket.

"...Stupid Rinne-kun!" It took a while. A long while of him just sitting there before that single line was yelled out. And then came the trembling. From hands to shoulders, transferring to the covering he still clung around himself. "Stupid stupid stupid! You promised! Stupid!"

Promised what exactly? At the moment he couldn't recall. Niki never was any good at dealing with his emotions in a constructive way. They just... Came out. Words just tumbled without a filter until they sputtered out.

Why should he care who Rinne spent his time with? No, really, if he couldn't remember the specifics of such a promise then it didn't mean anything, did it? Brows furrowed, expression wrinkled. Such a sour face of mixed up feelings and expressions contorted under the blanket. And then Rinne carried on.

Upset? Pfft. His wishful thinking most likely. Yet there was a flinch to Niki's shoulders all the same.

"Why would I!?" Another flinch once he realised what he'd suddenly blurted out. Saying that... It hurt. Then why did he say it? "Rinne-kun's love life is nothing to do with me!" What? There he went, blurting out retorts before even thinking again. Stop, self! You're just making yourself hurt more. Making yourself... cry?

Hic.. Sniffle.. "I really don't care...!"
[OC - Tumblr ??? 2022/23 ] Kazuha Gohan (Twisted Wonderland future verse)

Theres plenty of time to talk about that later. If you don’t have anywhere else to be that is.” Had this been any other time she would of quickly given him the old silent treatment and walked off to hide in the library or somewhere like that. But for this moment she only sighed, shaking her head as she oh so unwillingly stepped from his grip.

By time she’d reached and lay hand on the office door handle a bright smile had resurfaced upon her face, “I won’t be long. I should take a moment to check on everyone else too. Kyouka-chan probably confused them all with her half-explanations.” Head quickly gestured to the tea set left on the desk from before. “You can make whichever you want, it’s on the house okay?” And out of sheer habit she waved before vanishing back into the store.


Just for a moment, she paused in her steps once back on the shop floor. Cheeks tinted as she gazed through the front window. “Stupid Cay-kun.. Why else would I of thrown myself into studying and getting this far if not to distract myself from those feelings..” A whisper under her breath before she finally got moving again.

Thankfully nothing had exploded or turned into a raging ball of fire whilst she wasn’t looking. Good enough for her to tend to making a short platter of various sandwiches whilst conferring with her behind the scenes staff. In no time was a dainty arrangement made on a plate; triangle cut goodies with a nesting of salad presented in the center, ones usual cutlery tried in a napkin bow to the side. For something so simple and basic, just as much care was put into it as the stores main selling point.

That done, she carefully carried it back to her office. Though this time she had to shove the door open with her hip thanks to hands being full. Ah well.

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