Esmond the Slowking


I like writing cute stuff, is that a crime!?
[SIZE=14.6667px]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Esmond[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Slowking[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gender:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]  Male (He/Him)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Faction:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Rogue[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Island:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Quartzir[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Moves:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Confusion, Water Gun, Disable, Zen Headbutt[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Esmond is a Slowking with a lot of potential who wasn’t given enough time to find that potential. An example of one of his hindrances is his inability to process information quickly or correctly. It takes him a while to process things and often lags behind the group, getting lost in a conversation very easily. He is generally a more quiet Pokemon who can talk very genuinely around Pokemon he is comfortable with, but can do little more than nervously stammer in an uncomfortable conversation. Esmond is also very obedient, too obedient in fact. He lived in a family that regarded itself as very important and had many strict rules that they expected him to follow. Even if he doesn't agree with these rules out of fear or habit he will follow them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Esmond is also considered young by others of his kind. He is almost old enough to be thought of as an adult, but just on the verge of it, so he hasn’t matured yet. Esmond is not particularly religious, his family taught him about Arceus and they prayed to Arceus, but it was never very important to him. He is the youngest in his family and feels inferior to his older brother. Esmond always felt that Ashton (his older brother) was treated better by his parents than himself. Because of this Esmond has developed an inferiority complex around other people.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]All Slowpoke talk and move at a leisurely pace, but Esmond thinks slowly as well. It takes him a while to process things and often lags behind the group, getting lost in a conversation very easily. He is generally a more quiet Pokemon who can talk very genuinely around Pokemon he is comfortable with, but can do little more than nervously stammer in an uncomfortable conversation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Wyatt is the Shellder on top of Esmond’s head. Wyatt is in charge giving commands and strategy to Esmond. He also channels and controls Esmond’s psychic powers, while Esmond is in charge or physically putting everything into action. Esmond Is not very capable of being in battle without Wyatt’s guidance. He tries really hard, but without somebody to lean on he always seems to come up short. It doesn’t help that Ashton was given far more battle training than Esmond either. He is unrefined and in many ways vulnerable. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Esmond and Wyatt cover each other's weaknesses and are happy being together. Because of the fact that Esmond’s evolution was rushed, he is a bit premature making him clumsy. Being very newly evolved makes him even more clumsy and awkward. All in all, Esmond is a good Pokemon that tries his best, but needs some help. He can’t keep going on his own, and Wyatt is the perfect one to help him. Esmond needs him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]History:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Esmond lived with his mom and older brother, who are Slowbro, and his father, who is a Slowking. Prior to the start of the war, Esmond’s ancestors began to gain a lot of economic power. After living on Quartzir they decided to use their newly gained money by relocating to Driftdeep Reef for a more peaceful living in a beautiful atmosphere. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Driftdeep Reef was home to a wealthy family of Shellder and Cloyster. When Esmond's ancestors came into town, they were offered a place to stay, and because of their already wealthy status, they were offered massive amounts of political power. The only condition was that their representative had to be a Slowking that was the product of the Slowpoke family's first born child and the Cloyster family's second born child. The offer was proposed because a Shellder that is part of a Slowking had much more control of its psychic power and the Pokemon’s decisions than a Slowbro.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]This way, the Cloyster would have power over two influential families and a firstborn to eventually evolve and become head of their own family The deal was accepted and this tradition continued until Esmond's generation. Ashton, being the eldest of the two brothers, was going to be evolved into a Slowking and eventually after that become one of the two heads of the joined family. Ashton was always treated to whatever he wanted, and to Esmond, it felt as though his parents loved Ashton more than him. Esmond and Ashton were rarely allowed to leave the house and if they were they were constantly guarded by their parents. Driftdeep Reef has a high Shellder population and their parents didn't want any Shellder to bite their sons’ tails to gain instant money or power.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Ashton was guarded to a greater extent because he was next in line to become Slowking, but Esmond's parents still didn't want their son to be forced to evolve against his will so they tried to protect him as well. About a year before Ashton was going to be put through his evolution ceremony, he disobeyed his parents orders and went into town alone. A Shellder bit his tail and he evolved into a Slowbro. The Shellder that he was supposed to evolve with was furious. She demanded that she evolve on the planned date no matter what. Even though Esmond was still a little too young to evolve, his family decided to have Esmond become the next Slowking instead. All of the sudden, Esmond was the one that was pampered and guarded from the outside world. This sudden change happening just because his brother evolved only made Esmond feel worse. He was only liked because it was suddenly convenient. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]One night a Shellder discovered a hole in the wall of Esmond’s room, his name was Wyatt. Wyatt met Esmond and apologized to him because his cousin was the Shellder that bit Ashton. He continued and explained that she only bit Ashton because their family was poor and needed help. Esmond found that it didn’t really matter to him and he talked with Wyatt for a long time. After that, Wyatt secretly popped in from time to time to talk to Esmond. They both found that they laughed, smiled, and were happy to be together when they talked with each other. After a while Esmond’s father began lessons, teaching Esmond their family’s special move, Zen Headbutt, in preparation for becoming a Slowking. Esmond did eventually learn to use the move, but he never did finalize how to use it properly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Because of the fact that Driftdeep Reef was located near Quartzirian land, his mother and father had him pray to Arceus as much as possible, but religion never really clicked or mattered to Esmond. The only real thing that mattered to Esmond was Wyatt. Esmond decided to go to his mom looking for advice. While his father had the political power, his mother was far wiser. He asked her if it was possible for him to evolve with a different Shellder instead, if it had to be the head Cloyster’s daughter. His mother replied to him saying that evolving with a Shellder didn't have to be about romance or friendship, that all Slowpoke go through it, and she told him not to worry, that it would all be okay when he evolved.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The night of the evolution ceremony, Esmond couldn’t take it anymore. For the first time in his life, he disobeyed one of his parents’ orders. He snuck into the room where the ceremony was going to take place, stole the King’s Rock, and ran off with Wyatt as fast as he could. Esmond had gone Rogue, now a Slowking fleeing to the safe, solid floors behind Quartzirian glass.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Since that day, it has just been the two of them. Days of wandering through the Quartzirian streets avoiding as many military members and citizens as possible. Looking for a way to get off the island for a better place but to no avail. Without navigation equipment, supplies to swim, or means to get away effectively they, have been living in any abandoned nooks and crannies available, using what money that Esmond had left over from his days of wealth for food. With nothing else left, the most important thing to them is each other, taking on the world together[/SIZE]
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