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Futuristic Escaping The Nuclear Fate (Accepting Now!)


an angel's kiss in spring


In the future... How would you expect it to turn out? Would we have world peace? What about floating cars? Raining cats? Well, you're far off, hun.

Our future is nothing you could ever imagine.

Its a shit hole.

In this future everything went down hill when a Nuclear war broke out between the United States and Europe. The USA lost... And now everything has changed. You have your mutated animals to mutated humans. The only humans that weren't mutated is if you made it to a quarantine zone in each state. Thankfully many people were able to get into the quarantine zones... But not everyone. Those who were left for dead are a disgrace to the human race now. Well, at least in Washington Dc.Washington Dc is where the capital is at. That was the major quarantine zone. So now its all high life style, rich and fancy. Only the best of the best can live here.

The rest are forced to live in "No Man's Land" which is anything out of Washington Dc... In "No Man's Land" you have to survive each day for living. You have to be careful about everything. Watch out... There could be a mutated poisonous spider behind you right now...


In this world I just described to you the person that runs this new USA is President Raven(He's actually a character you can make a character sheet for and use in this rp.
:) ). Everyone believes he will help the world go back to the way it was. But, President Raven was actually planning this idea forever. He wanted the Nuclear War to break out. He wanted everyone to suffer and make a mutated army to take over the whole world.


One person knows all of this. Arabella Reece. Her father was working besides President Raven... One day Arabella heard all of this and was threatening to tell the whole US. But before she could do that the president ordered an execution. But Arabella escaped just in time and is now being hunted down by the government while she's trying to form an army herself to throw over President Raven and his army.

~Who's side are you on?~

Thank you to @Julie for helping me create this rp. It means a lot. She's the co creator and will be helping me accept everyone and what not. :)
Arabella Reece. A fierce girl with a wild soul. Its sort of odd thinking she was a daughter of a governor in Washington Dc. But that was two years ago. Its far behind her. Now she's on her own. Its been two years, almost three and she still hasn't formed her army... How long will it even take for her... Years maybe... Who knows.

Arabella walked down the abandon road covered with abandoned cars and houses. Its so sad thinking about a family once living in there... But she can't think about that right now, Arabella has to find a place to hide for the night. Her black hoodie was on with her hands stuffed in her pockets. She made her way into the mutated forest. Full of different colored trees and huge ass spiders and other bugs that could kill you in a second... Plus lets not forget about the mutated animals... Any of them could kill you in a moment. Good thing Arabella knew exactly where to go. Its an abandon little cabin where no one has ever stepped foot in in ages. Its all hers now. Making her way there she had to climb creaks and hopped over fallen tries.

Finally Arabella made it there and locked up the doors and opened her book bag. She took out her sleeping bag and laid it on the floor. She laid down on it and slowly closed her eyes in the dark, cold, abandoned cabin in "No Man's Land". @ anyone


It was nighttime and Asher was up late practicing in the military. He was so tired. All he wanted to do was sleep.

Finally it was over and he made his way back to the White House. Of course he lives there. And loves it there. Asher is hoping to become the next President hopefully soon but James (
@AJIV ) Is next in line... Which annoys the crap out of him but of course his father only cares about power.

Asher made it to his room and got changed. He was pretty starving though. He made his way down to the kitchen and got some food. He wondered is he should check up on his father and see if there was anything he should do for him before going to bed. For as much as he hates his father, Asher also loves him and only wants him to succeed. @ anyone
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President Raven

President Raven sat at his desk, going through mountains of paper. Unlike a normal person who found all this paperwork stressful and annoying, he found it relieving.

His office was a large room, with shiny black tiles along the walls and white tiles on the floor. Various paintings were hung in his office. You could tell this room took a lot of money and time to be created.

President Raven popped a mint into his mouth as he wrote down a few things on a paper. Plans is what it looked to be. He was signing a couple papers for the plan he managed to come up with. He whistled as he set a piece of paper down in a pile before picking up another one. 'It's beyond me. How I was able to become president? It's beyond me. People are just really ignorant... I guess' He thought, having these thoughts quite often.​
Anthony Thompson

LOCATION: No man's land near a burnt cabin with some dead bandits.

Condition: fine and accepting one's surrender. Sorta.

The place reeked of ash and blood with a slight tone of gunpowder. There was charred wood in a pile behind Anthony while a man was trying to crawl away bleeding out and begging for mercy. "P-please man we didn't know this was gonna get bloody. Y-you just looked so... so..." "Normal? Yeah but even before the war I hear that's what they said about anybody that could kill a lot of idiots. They filled government types with lead too.want me to show you how? No? Then crawl faster before I get tired of your catawallin'" Anthony stated having interrupted the man's pleas before going and gathering up all the supplies from the dead and starting to organize them. He watched the dying man carefully and waited until he died of blood loss. "Junk, junk, rusty junk, pfft no wonder they didn't hit me with any of this shit haven't they heard of cleaning their weapon before? Jesus these guys were total morons." Anthony listened carefully to what was around him and was trying to remain on guard. He didn't hear anything except the crackle of a few embers from when the bandits had burned down the structure he'd been staying in.



Lexa strolled through the remains of the town, not knowing what to do. "What a dump." She mumbled to herself as she walked around, not able to believe this place wasn't cleaned yet. Although, she knew the president couldn't care less about "No Man's Land". It was a waste of space. Lexa sighed as she came across a little mouse. She smiled as she took out her blade and was prepared to kill it, only to find it had seven ears and spider-like legs. Can't something normal happen for once? She thought. Not being able to find anything, she walked back to the little house her and her mother lived in. Lexa was unsure about the family that previously lived in the house, all she knew was that it was abandoned after the war. It was a cute one floor little house, perfect for Lexa and her mother to survive in. Windows locked, as well as doors which kept predators out. "I'm home, ma." Lexa whisper-yelled as she walked into the house, locking the door behind her. "No food today, we'll have to eat Leo." Lexa was talking about an un-mutated lizard her mother found a year back. They kept it as a pet, but they haven't eaten in three days now, They needed to survive. "Alexis, it's all we have that reminds us of simpler times. Plus, he's my best friend." Her mother whimpered. "Ma.." She eyed her mother. "Fine. You do it. Make it painless." A stray tear ran down her mother's cheek as Lexa took the lizard and quickly snapped its' neck. "Shh.." She pet it as she cracked the neck. "I'll look for another pet." Lexa hugged her mother softly. "How do you feel?" She observed her scars and bruises that haven't healed. "Sick and tired and achy." Her mother responded. Lexa nodded sadly and sat down, "I know."

@ anyone


Nikolai spotted two criminals, people that he had been hunting down for a while. Once I get these guys, the president will be thrilled. He thought to himself as he got excited. He pointed his sniper at their heads, pulling the trigger. He got one. "Ha." She pat himself on the back as he got up, walking over to one of the bodies. "No!!" The other criminal shouted as she watched her partner get shot. "Why?!" The criminal screamed, before running. Nikolai let her go, there was no point in going after her. He got one of them and the president would just have to deal. He got one of the body bags from his backpack and unrolled it. He stuffed the man he shot into the bag and put it on his shoulder, carrying it back uphill where a helicopter would come pick him up and bring them to Washington.

@ anyone

James L. Monroe marched through the halls of the White House with great pace. He had just been told that a high value criminal had been eliminated (@BrooklynBaby ) and was on its way to Washington.

He was on his way to speak with President Raven. He wished to be there when the helicopter arrived but needed dismissal from the president first. He was almost to his office when he spotted a woman. It was Claire Woods, a striking brunette who seemed to always have her eyes on James. But he had no time to speak with her. They made eye contact. She approached him and smiled.

"Hey James, did you hear about President Raven's new legislation?"

Why is she talking to me? I have no time!

"Yes, of course I have...Perhaps we could speak on this another time."

"But James, don't you think prohibiting those in No Man's Land from nuclear fallout vaccinations is a little obscene?"

"What!?" He could feel his rage rise. "Claire, I haven't the time to stand here and listen to your petty opinions on matters you do not understand. I have very important matters to get to and I would appreciate it if you would get out of my way." He stormed off past her, leaving her shocked.

He walked into President Raven's office and stood tall before his desk. He cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, Mr. President...If you do not mind I wish to be excused on account of a high value criminal being brought to DC."
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Skylar Skylar had been walking for days, her feet were aching and she was extremely tired. She was travelling from the west, trying to find population. But wherever she went, there was no one to be found - well there were a lot of dead bodies, but those don't count.

A loud rumble came from her stomach, and for a moment she thought about necrocannibalism. No. No, that's not right, Skylar thought. Maybe all of this walking and lack of energy was making her think weird thoughts. I need to find some food, now. She stumbled upon a small shed in the middle of nowhere, this meant that there had to be a town somewhere close. Skylar hadn't eaten any of the animals in the wild; in fact, rarely did she see any - which was very odd, since they were known to attack. She wouldn't be able to stay alive much longer with that tactic, though. But instead of worrying about it, she went into the small shed that was long abandoned and fell asleep on the cold, hard floor.


President Raven

President Raven tilted his head before sighed at the male who had just walked into his office. "Excused?" He grumbled as he continued to write something on a piece of paper, quickly. "Why?" He asked as he grabbed another piece of paper and wrote his signature on the line. He needed a good reason to let James be excused. Though President Raven was extremely tired, he couldn't stop working until he's finished his work.

( @AJIV )​
Sarah Jackson Sarah Jackson stood tall and confident with both hands on her hips. She took in her surroundings with disgust. Everything was basically singed black and some things were glowing green from the creatures' waste. She kicked some dirt and pebbles up with her foot and watch them skip along the gravel. "This place is a mess."she mumbled to herself. As she rubbed her inked arms, memories of her past flooded her brain. She didn't know how to cope with the fact that the entire world as they knew it, was completely destroyed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/0e8e9e072f6b6c4b.jpg.b83b8aea881d14144a2aac1320c23b33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/0e8e9e072f6b6c4b.jpg.b83b8aea881d14144a2aac1320c23b33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stephen Jackson Stephen watched his sister with amusement but didn't say a word. It was his first time seeing her so quiet and dumbfounded at the same time. He sighed loudly, breaking the silence between them. "Soon we will find people to interact with and we will all come up with a plan to get back at the source of this mess. Whoever is responsible for this catastrophe will not survive when we find him or her."he told her. Sarah just looked at him and said nothing. Stephen nodded and then silence filled the air again.




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Avery shoved a foot into the leather of her hunting boots, the fabric of her worn out socks rubbing against the material as she began to walk out of her house. The stale night air suffocated Avery as she began to tread onto the unstable pathway. Night time was the best time to scavenge. After all, it was an easy way to catch some rabbits and also, get some remains of dead animals. Passing the hellipad which transported bounty hunters from no man's land to Washington D.C, the brunette could hear a faint cry. It was too ill defined to make out the words. But, Avery had heard a number of noises in her lifetime. It was honestly nothing new to the knowing ears.

Humming to herself, the girl listened to the heavy sounds of footsteps crunching up the hill. Crouching down and out of sight of the man, she could just about see a silhouette shadowing the night sky. He must be waiting for the helicopter... She thought, her eyes darting toward the forest. The desperation to start scavenging was killing her and the strain to contain her urge was breaking rapidly. After a few seconds had went by, Avery had given out to the urge and began to step around the hill. However, putting pressure on a twig, the estranged snap sound filled the whistling air. It was loud enough to scare the rabbits whom were probably sleeping underground. Shit... Looking back to the hunter, Avery held her breath into the wind.



Alexis put the lizard in a pot over a flame and looked out of the cracks that boarded up the windows to the house. She saw a young woman and man walking around and kicking pebbles. It was Sarah and Stephen. She saw them walking around quite often. Alexis knew she could trust them. Walking outside, she shuffled to the two. "Hi." She shoved her hands into her dirty ripped jeans. "How have you been?" She tried striking a conversation. She didn't have many friends around here, she really wanted to get to know some people. "I just put a lizard in the pot if you guys are hungry. I know there isn't much to eat around here." She sighed.



As Nikolai waited for the helicopter to arrive, he heard a twig crack in the distance. Far enough that it was faint, but close enough that it could mean danger. He dropped the bag with the dead body inside and put it off to the side, that way he wouldn't lose sight of it. He took out a rifle and pointed towards the forest. "Who's there and what's your business here?" He called out. "My gun is loaded, your head will be blown off in seconds if I don't hear an answer. I'm not bluffing, I don't bluff." He continued. He really was serious. At this point, it's kill or be killed, and with the kill Nikolai just scored, he'd finally be on the presidents' good side. Hopefully.

Avery stood as still as a lifeless tree, while she heard the man's threat. She wanted to think this through; he would shoot her if she answered or he would shoot her if she tried to run. But, what did she have to lose? Her family, her life, her dreams? Okay, I'm just going to stop there. Holding her arms up into a surrender and standing up from her crouch, Avery took a step from out of the shadows. Her eyebrows arched along with her gaze travelling to the hunters gun. Man, had me at the word gun. "Avery Dallas... And my business is to scavenge the woods." Tilting up her chin slightly, the girl's lips were pressed into a line as she finished the sentence. "Unless you have a problem with a girl trying to feed her family, sir."

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Arabella woke back up lazily and looked around. She turned on her flashlight and began to pack. It was still pretty dark out but she could manage. Today, Arabella was going to recruit some people... Hopefully finding a few people that aren't looking to take her to Washington for a reward.

Arabella walked through the woods and made it into town. This part of "No Man's Land" was more of a calmer area but it also wasn't the best either. There was a lot of homes around this area that was still in good shape so many people lived around here. Maybe Arabella could actually find someone... Unless if you're a bounty hunter or someone who sneaks into Washington Dc... No one around here would no her face... Only Arabella's name.

She looked around with her head down and her black bandana over her face. She saw as three people all began to talk... They seemed to know each other... But Arabella didn't know if she could trust. But, being how Arabella is (and knowing she can always escape mostly any situation, she was good) Arabella walked up to them, preparing to put on a fake persona. Arabella's name would now be Jane Woodland... She's 24 and is a scavenger. Up from the mountains and now is looking for a place to live.

This is what she did with almost everyone to see if they were right for her take down of Washington... Usually none of them were and always tried to A: Eat her, B: Rape her, or C: Murder her... This world hasn't been the best.

Walking up to the group of three she pulled down her hood, but leaving her bandana on, "Uhm, hello. Where are we exactly?" Is what Arabella asked, to act like she was not from here. @Julie @BrooklynBaby



"Do you ever catch a break Miller?" A black haired man chuckled as he handed a small folder to Wilson. "Protecting the President means no breaks. Perhaps we should let him learn how to protect himself." Wilson grinned. Placing the papers back into the folder he nodded at the man and handed the folder back. "I suppose I should go see him, after what's happened - I have to make sure I'm there for him at all times." He said as he fixed his tie and stood up straight.

The two men gave each other a salute before they set off in opposite directions. "Why did this have to happen? Life was perfect but now, now it's hell." Wilson said under his breath as he carried on towards the President's office. Just a little while later he arrived outside of the man's office. Noticing the Secretary was already there, Wilson stood outside the room, hands behind his back, and waited for the conversation between the two to finish.

Anthony walked into town pushing a home made cart with a few odds and ends on it and some food for trade. He put his hands up while approaching the strangers in the town and gave a merchant's smile. "Hey there! Any of you guys got a spare set of blankets or a sleeping bag for trade? I managed to catch a rabbit or two for trade. I also got a few guns to get rid of." He reached for a rabbit hanging on the side of his cart and lifted the white creature slowly. He stayed about 50 feet from all the people he saw. Three in total but something felt off about the area.


Well, well, well... He had found himself in quite an interesting place, eyebrow arching slightly in his own stoic amusement. Just moments ago, Carter had been on his own and caught in some kind of third-rate ambush, organized by a bunch of dipshits. If anything, the whole ordeal bored the life out of him - he who yawned in their faces as they held him at gunpoint. Frankly, they couldn't have chosen a worse target to jump; they were arrogant bastards, thinking this loner kid with nearly nothing on his person would have something. Unfortunately for them, too, they didn't even know who - or what - they chose to mess with.

Long story short, Carter now walked with invisible steps through who knows where, the stick of an old lollipop dangling from between his teeth.

Hands remained nestled in his sweatshirt pockets, making him appear unnaturally casual - yet still as unapproachable as ever - as he traversed through the smokey area. Something interesting must've happened here, the ash and smoke still fresh as if it was quite recent. While it didn't involve him, the teen was still human enough to be considerably curious of the area. A familiar stench invaded his nostrils, causing the raven head to scowl; the smell of death was something he was use to, something he reeked of even when he hasn't killed for over a few weeks. Oh well.

His gaze fell upon a scene of ash and red, eyebrows arching further out of not curiosity, but amusement instead. In a twisted way, it was sort of pleasant. "Oh?" he ended up humming out, "What do we have here.."
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Skylar Skylar awoke from sleep, her back ached and her head was pounding. "Ow, fuck," Skylar groaned as she rubbed her lower back. She got up and gathered her backpack - it contained purified water, little food, and a dagger.

Inhaling a deep breath, all she smelt was something burning. She had no idea whether that was a good thing or not. But that meant that a human was around, again, that could be good or bad.

"Fuck it," she followed the aroma to see if it would lead her somewhere.

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"Sir, the deceased is believed to be of a group planning to overthrow the government. I think it would be very beneficial I am there, for I would like to personally take charge in crushing any group that plans to stand in our way." he said firmly. He didn't know if his reasoning would be good enough for the President, but he had no other choice.

He knew he was at the Presidents control. He started to accept in the back of his head he may not be there for the arrival.

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AJIV said:
"Sir, the deceased is believed to be of a group planning to overthrow the government. I think it would be very beneficial I am there, for I would like to personally take charge in crushing any group that plans to stand in our way." he said firmly. He didn't know if his reasoning would be good enough for the President, but he had no other choice.
He knew he was at the Presidents control. He started to accept in the back of his head he may not be there for the arrival.

-I am the new president-

President Raven shifted in his leather seat and glanced from his documents. The secretary stood before Raven with a look of urgency upon his face.

"Look James, I would feel more comfortable if you stayed here. I'm sure my soldiers can handle this criminal."

Raven massaged his temples as he spoke, feeling the tiredness of the day all at once. He needed some rest.

Then a thought dawned on him, a quizzical look formed on Ravens sleep deprived face.

'What is this prisoners name again?"
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Alexis looked over to see a girl walking over, as well as a boy. "Food? Rabbits? I have blankets, yes. I need the food. Rabbits, please, I'll take them. I have blankets at my house." She pointed to the little cottage. "Where are we?" She repeated a girl's question. "How do you not know where we are?" She asked, frustrated. "Sorry, we're in 'No Man's Land.' I'm surprised you don't know." She crossed her arms. She began to observe the strange girl, making sure she wasn't a bounty hunter in disguise. "Where are you from?" Alexis asked as she slowly stepped back.

@QueenOfDisaster @Holo


"Of course I don't have a problem with that, ma'am." Nikolai tried acting professional. "As long as you're not a criminal pretending to be a scavenger. You wouldn't want to end up in this," He nudges the body bag, "would you?" He put his gun down. "You can put your hands down. If you are indeed a criminal I highly advise you to walk away with me magically not seeing you. That way I wouldn't have to kill you. I don't even see you right now." He was hoping Avery would catch what he was saying and leave before he had to kill her. "Good luck with your hunting." He bowed slightly.

"Yes..." Arabella nodded and crossed her arms, tilting her head, "Yes, but... Where in 'No Mans Land'?" She asked as she adjusted her black bandana, "Oh, yes, I'm from the mountains. My home was bombed by some English terrorists and now I have no place to live... So I came down here hoping for something better..." Arabella said, she could actually feel herself becoming this persona she's making up... But thats Arabella for you, good at hiding her real identity. Arabella looked over at the boy and shook her head, "I have nothing to trade at the moment..." @BrooklynBaby



"The town." Alexis responded. "This spot is just known as 'The town' or 'Downtown'. At least, that's what this place used to be. After the whole war we don't know what to call this pathetic place anymore." She rolled her eyes angrily as she thought of the war. "Let me get you those blankets and sleeping bags." She said to the man as she ran into the house and grabbed a few. They had more than they needed. "Here you go." She handed them to him, expecting her food and weaponry in return. "I want two guns and the rabbits."

@QueenOfDisaster @Holo
"His name is Rohin Fairbanks. He was born in No Man's Land. Intelligence has reported that Rohin and his followers discovered a way to sneak into Washington, DC. I fear, God forbid, criminals may already be here without our knowledge."

James looked at the President seeing his sleep deprived face. He could obviously tell he had been working extremely hard. Though James did not see the big deal as to why he couldn't go. He could not leave the job to soldiers who will learn too much and screw things up. They always did.

It seemed like it would just be so much easier if President Raven just told him to go. But it wasn't that easy. He was a very complex man who he could learn a lot from. He had just hoped he wasn't as stressed out as him when he was President.
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