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Fantasy Escaping Darkness Rp

As Violet sat and listened to the description of the trip she thought back to the last time she experienced something similar, a small creek that she and her family used to go to on occasion. She remembered how soft the sand on the shore felt as it spread between her toes all while cool water splashed over her feet, almost coming up to her ankles at times. Yes, those were certainly time she wished could come back, but this was all but impossible, especially while she was still trapped in this horrid place.

Then Raven’s mention of a colleague brought Violet’s attention back to reality, just in time for the eccentric woman to mention she had shown pictures of the silver hair girl to said compatriot of hers. Although this information disturbed her to a degree her need for more information about this woman Raven knew overpowered her desire to shoot the medic a questioning look. So she just laid there and listened to Raven continue her story as she started to stroke the back of the small sparrow that had come to join them.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
As Violet sat and listened to the description of the trip she thought back to the last time she experienced something similar, a small creek that she and her family used to go to on occasion. She remembered how soft the sand on the shore felt as it spread between her toes all while cool water splashed over her feet, almost coming up to her ankles at times. Yes, those were certainly time she wished could come back, but this was all but impossible, especially while she was still trapped in this horrid place.

Then Raven’s mention of a colleague brought Violet’s attention back to reality, just in time for the eccentric woman to mention she had shown pictures of the silver hair girl to said compatriot of hers. Although this information disturbed her to a degree her need for more information about this woman Raven knew overpowered her desire to shoot the medic a questioning look. So she just laid there and listened to Raven continue her story as she started to stroke the back of the small sparrow that had come to join them.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"oh! looks like your feathered friend has come to hear about my vacation as well" giggling Raven reached out, using her pointer finger she briefly stroked the birds wing. "Hello little one, it was a lovely trip, seeing the blue sky and feeling the wing rush through my hair was all great, but i preferred swimming with the sharks much more fun, there was even a twentytwo foot great white that I got to touch" giggling as she showed her shark like teeth. leaning over to examin the sparrow a little more and to watch its interaction with violet. "Trinity was freaking out the entire time though, I couldnt coax her into going for a swim with me...it was sorta lonely so i grabbed her leg dragging her in, once she calmed down she started to hit my head while I laughed at her. "Oh I forgot to mention, Trinity has purple ringed squid dna in her, so she is a little poisonous....well she could kill you by touch or by breathing it directly into you but that aside her specialty resides in bio mechanical engineering, so I had her make you those little wings"
Kiono Takeshi
Listening to Kane speak Kiono gripped his fist and gritted his teeth. He let out a sigh and finally opened his mouth.

“Sooner or later she’ll see past them cookies and that half ass smile, but hey that’s just me speaking “crazy” again apparently to you chasers.”

Kiono stood back up using the bars as support. Looking at the floor he smirked a bit while listening to Toshi’s and Kane conversation.

“That’s how your moving huh Toshi?” He whispered to himself.

“Why do you exist?” He asked coldly to Kane.
Kane raised an eyebrow at Kiono. “I’m not sure what you could mean by that,” he said, taken aback slightly. “I’m doing my best. If I really wanted to hurt you I would’ve done so already. It’s easier, in fact,” Kane said pursing his lips and nodding at him. “But I choose not to. Why? Because I know what it’s like. I was an experiment too...” Kane looked down the hallway and back again. “I’m on your side,” he whispered. Kane then stepped back. “You ought to be more careful what you say, Kiono. You’re a smart man, but avoid being too smart for your own good,” Kane walked away in search of a guard.

When he found one beyond the room for the cages, he asked about the whereabouts of Serena and Gen. After getting the information he needed, he gets close to the guard and says “We’re having a combat trial tomorrow. See to it that Kiono is a part of it,” the guards at him and with that, Kane begins humming and continues along his merry way.

Gohan510 Gohan510
Annabelle decided to go back to her cage.
im not ready for the real world yet.
She thought.
Before closing the vent and going back she heard a noise...
Someone was calling her name outside....
She went outside the vent and was met with open air...
She looked down below the building.
It was the escaped expirement from the Third Eye: Loki.
"Annabelle! It's your dad!" He called
"What do mean?!" I called back.
"He's alive!!!" He shouted back.
I grinned.
I knew my dad wouldn't die like that.... I thought to myself.
"I better head back Loki! They'll catch me!" I shouted.
Loki gave me an 'OK' sign.
I went back down the vent and went into my cage.
I saw Loki peeking through the vent he smiled and left.

Interactions: @ anyone near by
As Raven spoke more about her colleague Violet lay there fascinated by the things the medic told her, though these also made her worry a bit for the sanity of the old woman, because who in their right mind would go swimming with a deadly sea beast more than twenty feet long. Regardless it sounds like she might owe this Trinity person some form of thanks when those wings were finally implanted onto her back, although another thought came to the girl’s mind. What if these look a little too unnatural, she thought as she hadn’t liked the idea of of having things look out of place on her, not that she usually had much of a choice anyways. “Can I see them?” She signed to Raven in reference to the wings, continuing to stroke Iris for a little bit longer before letting the bird hop onto Raven’s shoulder.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Annabelle sighed.
She had been in this lab long enough....
And now her father was alive....
She needed to get out of here.
what about all the others...? She thought
Will they ever escape.....
That didn't matter right now after she escaped she was going to the old lab and freeing them...
So she could free these ones....
She looked at her Teddy Bear.
im coming for you... Dad...
~It is Spring and clear~

Derek - 19 - Shy's Group - Fighter
Derek smiled slightly when Kane came back with the cookies like he had promised. He wondered if that meant that Serena had already reminded him about it, but if that was the case why wasn't she back yet. He frowned slightly when Kane wanted to move Riley into a cage with a girl that looked to be about Riley's age. For now though he just stayed silent watching and listening to everything that was going on.
((@ everyone in that room)))

Serena - 17 - Violet's Group - Second in Command
Serena sighed as they stopped in front of her mother's office. Her mom was honestly the last person she wanted to see right now. She couldn't help though to laugh softly as Gen's father mentioned something about giving him grandchildren with Tempest. It would have certainly made for an interesting mix. Though her laughter soon faded as she glanced to Gen "What if I just head over to Kane's office and you can stay here and talk to your father about whatever it is. Besides..." She held up her cuffed hands, "It's not like I can try anything, that stupid guard put these things on super tight..." She was being honest, she was tired and she really just wanted to go back to her cage and sleep. But no after this she had to go back to the medical room thanks to whatever Raven wanted. It was never an uneventful day for the life of an experiment that was for sure.
Gohan510 Gohan510 Mention: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Dr. Helen Clarefree - 39 - Scientist: Maker
Helen sighed before standing and stretching she heard voices just outside her room and headed for the door. Her eyes landed on Din and Gen, before she noticed Tempest and Serena. "Why exactly are you all gathered in front of my office and why is Serena out of her cage. I don't remember having anything scheduled for her except her check up for her wings. Do to a stupid mistake she made in a fight." Serena gritted her teeth as her mother opened the door and instantly laid into her. "Nice to see you too mother." She spit of the word mother with a look of disgust. Helen frowned, "how many times have I told you to call me Dr. Clarefree in front of others." Serena scoffed before starting into her mom's eyes, "Oh I'm sorry Dr. Clarefree..." She sneered. Her eyes turned back to Gen, "This is why I wanted to leave before this woman came out of her office."
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Gohan510 Gohan510
Kiono Takeshi
Listening he nodded his head Kiono had a small sigh escape his lips. Not much to really take in, but the disgusting lie Kane was pulling.

“You ought to be more careful what you say, Kiono. You’re a smart man, but avoid being too smart for your own good,”

Kiono made eye contact with Kane when he said that and he looked away. Not wanting to hear that he crosses his arm looking at the opposite side of his cage. His fists balled up and his teeth grinding together.

‘I hate these Chasers man every one of them.’ He thought to himself. Kiono’s hair covered his face while he starred down at the floor while leaning against the bars of his cage. Something about Kane didn’t make sense and it just gave Kiono bad vibes. Kane was hiding something and Kiono didn’t like that at all.
Interactions: Coyote Coyote

Din Takeshi
Din nodded to Gen and turned to see Dr. Clarefree step out. It was bound to happen they were right in front of their office and instantly Dr. Clarefree instantly jabbed at Serena. Din pushed his glasses up again.

“If you don’t mind me stopping this interaction then, Dr. Clarefree may we speak in your office.” Putting his hand behind his back to wave Gen and the others off. Taking Helen in her office he closed the door behind him and locked it.

“Sorry about that, apparently Raven asked to check up on her probably found something to help her recover.” He lied out his ass but knew it was good enough to convince her as Raven is a trusted medic for good results.

If she had listened and these actions fell threw Din would slam his research on Dr. Clarefree’s desk. “So remember that project “Zero” I told you i was working on?” He pulled the first binder on too of the pile and flipped through pages then stopped on a red paper. Taking it out the binder he showed Helen. She could see the charts looking good, but small problems like possible death and such. “That experiment I’ve been making to be a possible chaser might work with your help. A combination of Black Panther, Rhino, Lizard, and eagle. I’m not sure how to truly bring it to light but so far the mix of Panther and Lizard is a success. The subject is in a tube as we speak. Its known ability for now is regenerative power to a small amount. Only able to regenerate small wounds at a slow rate. I’m sure fully grown can regenerate an arm or leg at the cost of high exhaustion.” He took a deep breath for going on and on about his discovery then Din pulled another binder from the pile and opened the first page.

“You see this?” He flipped the binder over for Helen to read. It was Kiono’s charts at birth. “His blood pressure was low and thats why you told me to stop remember? You told me no other experiment could handle a Lion’s dna, but then he was able to hold it. Now that I been lookin’ at his recent check ups and fight. He’s slowly getting stronger after every fight and starting to consume more, but keeping that slim muscle body physic. How? That I can’t answer yet. But! I’m starting to think Kiono’s dna code is rather similar to that of the lion i had chosen for him, so its a bit natural. Which makes a lot of sense for him having more characteristics to a lion to the bat dna i added... might even be better to not have it at all.. My only problem in why I’m showing you this is we might have to be a little more attention to his growth. He then put the binder down and grabbed a small packet and passed it to Helen. It was written classified, Din had already read it and it contained information on the Chasers especially “Kane”. “Do you remember who created Kane?” Din’s voice was colder and a lot more serious then before seeming excited for his creations.
Interactions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Gen Takeshi
“We best go father.”

He ignored Serena’s call for leaving as he was already planning to. Gen was going to open his mouth until his father did it for him. Moments later he was prompted to walk away in which he did.

Looking back at the two girls as they walked down the hall towards Kane’s office he eyed Serena. “Sorry you had to hear that Tempest. He’s as annoying to you has is to me.”He was still leading the way to Kane’s office but wanted a conversation so it wouldn’t be such a dry travel.

‘I hope Kane and Arachnid doesn’t mind the wait.’
Interactions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Mentions: Coyote Coyote hostage hostage
Last edited:
As Raven spoke more about her colleague Violet lay there fascinated by the things the medic told her, though these also made her worry a bit for the sanity of the old woman, because who in their right mind would go swimming with a deadly sea beast more than twenty feet long. Regardless it sounds like she might owe this Trinity person some form of thanks when those wings were finally implanted onto her back, although another thought came to the girl’s mind. What if these look a little too unnatural, she thought as she hadn’t liked the idea of of having things look out of place on her, not that she usually had much of a choice anyways. “Can I see them?” She signed to Raven in reference to the wings, continuing to stroke Iris for a little bit longer before letting the bird hop onto Raven’s shoulder.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"They look like your old wings, scaled up to your current height, we used older photos but we had to guess on how they would look as you aged" Raven grabbed her laptop, sitting on the bed next to Violet before turning it on. Trinity's photo popping up in an email saying, had a great time and I cant wait for our next trip!. FB_IMG_1554274021774.jpg

Opening up a program so violet could see the design that Trinity and herself had come up with "what do you think? And I dont mean Trinity shes all mine"
~It is Spring and clear~

Derek - 19 - Shy's Group - Fighter
Derek smiled slightly when Kane came back with the cookies like he had promised. He wondered if that meant that Serena had already reminded him about it, but if that was the case why wasn't she back yet. He frowned slightly when Kane wanted to move Riley into a cage with a girl that looked to be about Riley's age. For now though he just stayed silent watching and listening to everything that was going on.
((@ everyone in that room)))

Serena - 17 - Violet's Group - Second in Command
Serena sighed as they stopped in front of her mother's office. Her mom was honestly the last person she wanted to see right now. She couldn't help though to laugh softly as Gen's father mentioned something about giving him grandchildren with Tempest. It would have certainly made for an interesting mix. Though her laughter soon faded as she glanced to Gen "What if I just head over to Kane's office and you can stay here and talk to your father about whatever it is. Besides..." She held up her cuffed hands, "It's not like I can try anything, that stupid guard put these things on super tight..." She was being honest, she was tired and she really just wanted to go back to her cage and sleep. But no after this she had to go back to the medical room thanks to whatever Raven wanted. It was never an uneventful day for the life of an experiment that was for sure.
Gohan510 Gohan510 Mention: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Dr. Helen Clarefree - 39 - Scientist: Maker
Helen sighed before standing and stretching she heard voices just outside her room and headed for the door. Her eyes landed on Din and Gen, before she noticed Tempest and Serena. "Why exactly are you all gathered in front of my office and why is Serena out of her cage. I don't remember having anything scheduled for her except her check up for her wings. Do to a stupid mistake she made in a fight." Serena gritted her teeth as her mother opened the door and instantly laid into her. "Nice to see you too mother." She spit of the word mother with a look of disgust. Helen frowned, "how many times have I told you to call me Dr. Clarefree in front of others." Serena scoffed before starting into her mom's eyes, "Oh I'm sorry Dr. Clarefree..." She sneered. Her eyes turned back to Gen, "This is why I wanted to leave before this woman came out of her office."
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Gohan510 Gohan510
Kiono Takeshi
Listening he nodded his head Kiono had a small sigh escape his lips. Not much to really take in, but the disgusting lie Kane was pulling.

“You ought to be more careful what you say, Kiono. You’re a smart man, but avoid being too smart for your own good,”

Kiono made eye contact with Kane when he said that and he looked away. Not wanting to hear that he crosses his arm looking at the opposite side of his cage. His fists balled up and his teeth grinding together.

‘I hate these Chasers man every one of them.’ He thought to himself. Kiono’s hair covered his face while he starred down at the floor while leaning against the bars of his cage. Something about Kane didn’t make sense and it just gave Kiono bad vibes. Kane was hiding something and Kiono didn’t like that at all.
Interactions: Coyote Coyote

Din Takeshi
Din nodded to Gen and turned to see Dr. Clarefree step out. It was bound to happen they were right in front of their office and instantly Dr. Clarefree instantly jabbed at Serena. Din pushed his glasses up again.

“If you don’t mind me stopping this interaction then, Dr. Clarefree may we speak in your office.” Putting his hand behind his back to wave Gen and the others off. Taking Helen in her office he closed the door behind him and locked it.

“Sorry about that, apparently Raven asked to check up on her probably found something to help her recover.” He lied out his ass but knew it was good enough to convince her as Raven is a trusted medic for good results.

If she had listened and these actions fell threw Din would slam his research on Dr. Clarefree’s desk. “So remember that project “Zero” I told you i was working on?” He pulled the first binder on too of the pile and flipped through pages then stopped on a red paper. Taking it out the binder he showed Helen. She could see the charts looking good, but small problems like possible death and such. “That experiment I’ve been making to be a possible chaser might work with your help. A combination of Black Panther, Rhino, Lizard, and eagle. I’m not sure how to truly bring it to light but so far the mix of Panther and Lizard is a success. The subject is in a tube as we speak. Its known ability for now is regenerative power to a small amount. Only able to regenerate small wounds at a slow rate. I’m sure fully grown can regenerate an arm or leg at the cost of high exhaustion.” He took a deep breath for going on and on about his discovery then Din pulled another binder from the pile and opened the first page.

“You see this?” He flipped the binder over for Helen to read. It was Kiono’s charts at birth. “His blood pressure was low and thats why you told me to stop remember? You told me no other experiment could handle a Lion’s dna, but then he was able to hold it. Now that I been lookin’ at his recent check ups and fight. He’s slowly getting stronger after every fight and starting to consume more, but keeping that slim muscle body physic. How? That I can’t answer yet. But! I’m starting to think Kiono’s dna code is rather similar to that of the lion i had chosen for him, so its a bit natural. Which makes a lot of sense for him having more characteristics to a lion to the bat dna i added... might even be better to not have it at all.. My only problem in why I’m showing you this is we might have to be a little more attention to his growth. He then put the binder down and grabbed a small packet and passed it to Helen. It was written classified, Din had already read it and it contained information on the Chasers especially “Kane”. “Do you remember who created Kane?” Din’s voice was colder and a lot more serious then before seeming excited for his creations.
Interactions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Gen Takeshi
“We best go father.”

He ignored Serena’s call for leaving as he was already planning to. Gen was going to open his mouth until his father did it for him. Moments later he was prompted to walk away in which he did.

Looking back at the two girls as they walked down the hall towards Kane’s office he eyed Serena. “Sorry you had to hear that Tempest. He’s as annoying to you has is to me.”He was still leading the way to Kane’s office but wanted a conversation so it wouldn’t be such a dry travel.

‘I hope Kane and Arachnid doesn’t mind the wait.’
Interactions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Mentions: Coyote Coyote hostage hostage
Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Before they could go anywhere else, Dr.Clarefree had come out of her office. Clearly bothered by the gathering outside her office. But she couldn't blame the woman though, the noise was probably cutting into her work. Tempest listened in on the interaction between father and son, mother and daughter. What was it like knowing your maker? That was something she had no idea of what it was like. She had no idea who made her or as far as to why, besides to be one of the best chasers. Hunting down the experiments was all she had been taught growing up, it was her way of life. Tempest's red orbs once again found their way towards her mask in her hand.

At the sound of Gen's voice she seemed to have snapped out of her thoughts. It almost was as if she had been charmed by a snake chamer by how she was so deep in thinking. "It wasn't so much annoyance as it was confusion, but I was a little bothered by it...…. Though I guess that's what a parent is suppose to be like.." She was glancing up at Gen when she said that. Not saying anything about Serena and Helen's relationship, it was obvious after many years that the younger girl had a burning hatred for the woman that made her. As they continued walking Tempest debated on whether she should put her mask back on. Though since it was cracked and chipped in a few places thanks to her rising anger between Vermilion and Kiono, it would be best for her to get it repaired after their little trip to Kane's quarters.

Interaction: Gohan510 Gohan510 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Gen Takeshi
Watching as scientists and constructors walk by the three he waited for Tempest to answer him. Finally she opened her mouth and decided to speak.

“I see.. I apologize for that then.” Gen said looking ahead of him making a turn down a hall almost reaching the office. Once they did Gen looked at the two girls and knocked on the door.

“Kane? Ara? It’s Gen I’ve brought Tempest and Serena along with me.”
Interactions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 hostage hostage BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Mentions: Coyote Coyote
Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Red orbs glanced and watched as staff wondered down the halls. A few construction works seemed to shiver and hurried their paces at the sight of the young woman with unnatural eye color. It wasn't a big surprise since she was known for her short fuses, so they probably got a warning not to speak to her. When Gen spoke up, apologizing on his father's behalf, Tempest raised a brow. Strange.... I wonder why he's sorry, she thought quietly. However, her thoughts were cut short as they arrived in front of Kane's office. Since Gen was the one to announce their arrival she had taken one last look at her mask.

With a little sigh, she put the slightly damaged equipment back on her face. A digital beep could be heard as it locked in place on her face. Despite it needing minor repairs, she knew it would be best to put it back on. That way Kane and Arachnid had nothing to say to her as far as to why it had been removed in the first place. "Would you like me to take my leave once she is passed off? Or would you like me to accompany you further?" The mask muffled her voice a bit when she spoke, though it wasn't bad to the extent of not being able to understand her.

Interaction: Gohan510 Gohan510 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Coyote Coyote
Kane walked into the kitchen to prepare a tray of tea. Once he finished, he grabbed the tray and took it with him. He thought hard about Kiono. Then about Serena. It's possible that he will warn Serena about Toshi. Should he kill Serena too? Kane shook his head. That's too suspicious. If Serena disappeared in his office, he would draw suspicion from the other experiments. That's it then. He'll stick to what he had planned in the first place. The fragrant scent of the tea relaxed Kane immensely. He loved the serenity of it all. Upon approaching his office, he saw Gen, Tempest, and Serena standing outside. "Oh dear, I hope I haven't made you wait long!" Kane smiled and walked over to them. "Here, here, let me invite you in," he said, stepping between them and opening the door. He nudged it open with his foot so that he could hold onto the tray of tea. "Arachnid, our guests have arrived, and quite the little meeting we'll be having. Gen, Tempest, if you wish, you are welcome to stay, but if you have business to attend to, I am by no means forcing you to remain." Kane set the tray down on his desk and walked over to his chair. "Make yourself comfortable, Serena, I hope you don't mind the company. Arachnid is here for reasons I'll clarify in a second, let me just," Kane trailed off as he poured himself a cup of tea. "Do either of you want any?"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising hostage hostage Gohan510 Gohan510 Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Gen Takeshi
Waiting on someone to answer the door Gen looked at Tempest again and gave off his weird but genuine smile. He then laughed a bit once she asked if he wanted her to stay or leave of course he wanted her to go. Yet due to it being boring running errands alone he didn't mind having her around other then the other chasers. Due to other chasers not getting along at least Tempest picks and chooses her words as well as actions rather wisely.

"You can accompany me, I'm sure you have nothing better to do don't you? Once we're done here with Serena we will be retrieving my brother, something about his recent actions do spike my interest. I'm sure my father would be..." Gen swallowed some of his pride and paused mid sentence. This was the reason he hated Kiono so much.

"I'm sure my father would be interested on gaining this data off him." He said looking at the door again, but he talked quieter then before.

He started to smell a soothing scent it was coming from behind him and the others, turning around he could see Kane from a distance approaching. Sighing in relief he was glad that they weren't the only ones that were running errands, stepping aside to let Kane in he watched the door open and there was Arachnid. He didn't know what to say to her once the door was open, but he still let the girls step in before him. Gen looked around to make sure no scientist was to get in their business as he closed the door behind him.

"I will stay for a little while, I have information to share to my father about... Kiono." Gen stated taking a seat which was a little away from Kane's desk and where Arachnid sat. He rested one leg on top of the other then laid his arms across the top of the couch. He then smirked while looking at Arachnid.

"This tea party is something I can't miss. I never seen Arachnid be so humble and wait for someone before, rather interesting."

"Do either of you want any?"

"With pleasure." Gen responded to Kane's question to the group.
Interactions: Coyote Coyote Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 hostage hostage BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Arachnid, Head Chaser
Arachnid looked up as Gen called out, but didn’t move to open the door. She was content to wait for Kane to let them in, and sure enough he did. She closed her book carefully, moving it next to her with soft hands. Books were the only things she didn’t treat with utter contempt.

“Welcome back Kane,“ she greeted, then glanced at Gen and Serena. Arachnid clenched her jaw as Gen spoke smugly, but held her tongue. Tea party? I wasn’t humbly waiting for anybody. Much as she wanted to tear him apart for his breach of etiquette, she restrained herself, only slowly raising her fingers to show the razor sharp points they curved into. “I’m sorry, but tea just didn’t sit with me today,“ she addressed both Kane and Gen, then tapped her glass, still filled with her liquor. Now she spoke to Gen. “Do not presume to be my conscience. And Gen, I almost fell asleep waiting here for you. You seem like hanging out with them.“ Her eyes shot to Serena with disgust.

Arachnid absolutely hated meetings. Too many people were able to get under her skin, and the rage she kept under her skin was usually displayed in her arena fights. Her work outside of hunting experiments was mindless. She often gave more of herself when she had an opponent.

Wrenching her thoughts away from the anger, she looked at Kane. “So what exactly are we here for?“

Interacting: Coyote Coyote Gohan510 Gohan510 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Mentions: NA
Gen Takeshi
“Don’t we love a crazed girl that enjoys her drink and books.” Gen glared at her for realizing she wouldn’t open the door for them knowing they were outsidd.

“I’m sorry, but tea just didn’t sit with me today,“

Gen laughed a bit as he looked at her with his yellow sharp eyes he moved his arms and prompted Tempest to sit next to him. He waited Kane to share some tea but still kept a eye on Arachnid. Of course he never really liked her and sure she doesn’t him either.

“Do not presume to be my conscience.”

“But what would you do without me?” He smirked.

And Gen, I almost fell asleep waiting here for you. You seem like hanging out with them.“

“You not going to address your comrade Tempest or are you going to continue acting ignorant. Even if i did enjoy hanging out, what does that have any meaning for you to bring up. I’m sure you didn’t mind the alone time. From what I smell you got liqour in that cup.”

Gen loved playing with Arachnid because he knew of her Temper problem. The thrill from her getting annoyed with him is what he thrives for.

“So what exactly are we here for?“

Nodding agreeing with Arachnids question Gen looked over to Kane.

“What she said.”
Interactions: hostage hostage Coyote Coyote
Mentions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
It was rather surprising to hear Gen allow her to accompany him afterwards, but he was right in saying she had nothing better to do. If she did it would be to sit in her own quarters or watch some of the subjects. Though seeing him smile had her thinking that was one of the rarer times he meant it genuinely. So Tempest gave a sharp nod of her head. But as her colleague spoke of retrieving his brother she could tell something was off by his pause and change of tone. It wasn't a surprise that Gen had issues with his family considering the bits that she had heard were that Dr. Din gravitated more to his test tube creation of a son rather than his first born that is rather loyal to the man. No matter, it wasn't her place to speak of it. She already had enough issues with most of the people she worked with, she didn't feel like adding on to that list.

Through her mask she could smell the calming scent of tea mixed in with the oxygen that she breathed. Turning her head she also spotted Kane, and made sure to move out of his way. Tea party? What the hell is that? Tempest thought as the calmer chaser held the door open and invited them all in, still unfamiliar with a handful of normality's in the world. As she followed Gen in the red eyed girl noticed another one of their fellow chasers, Arachnid. Tempest had a small liking to the woman due to the fact that they both got mad rather easily, but other than that they didn't really hang out.

When Gen sat down on the couch she heard Kane offer a drink to them both, to which she shook her head and pointed to the mask that was electronically locked onto her face. It wasn't like the tea would help take some of the edge off anyways at the moment. Glancing over at Gen she noticed him prompting for her to sit beside him as he and Arachnid went at each other a bit. Tempest silently walked over to the couch and sat beside the yellow eyed man, putting a bit of space between them both so that they didn't grow overly uncomfortable.

"Arachnid doesn't have to say hello to me when we see one another.... It doesn't bother me," she told Gen quietly. Tempest didn't expect the other woman to be friendly to her, she honestly didn't expect anyone to be really. Though as the both of them questioned Kane she too looked towards the man. She didn't saying anything to him, but her eyes did seem to have a curious glint to them.

Interaction: Gohan510 Gohan510 Coyote Coyote
Mentions: hostage hostage
Kane chuckled as he poured some tea for Gen and Serena. He sipped his cup while Gen and Arachnid bickered. When the two asked why they were being called to his office, Kane exhaled. "The tea is wonderful, Arachnid, I highly recommend," he said. After a moment of silence, Kane turned his attention to Serena. "You shouldn't be so pushy, you two, I'm sure Serena feels a little uncomfortable right now. After all, she's in a room full of Head Chasers," Kane took another sip of his tea. "But I'm sure Serena is wondering the same thing. How are you feeling? I see your wing is recovering. That's good," Kane smiled. "Now, Serena, as you know, your mother has been quite stressed lately, what with managing the laboratory, making improvements, and all that," Kane began. He looked down at his tea and stared at his own reflection for a moment, before looking back up at her. "I understand that your opinion of your mother isn't very high right now. I figured perhaps you might listen to me instead," Kane said.

He stood up from his chair and turned to the other chasers. "I'll be establishing a new rule among all of us. Take it as a token of my goodwill to you, Serena. No harm is to come towards the experiments outside of lab tests and arenas. The lab tests... well, they are the domain of Dr. Clarefree so we have no control there, and the arenas are combat trials. Some injury is expected. We're all pushed to our limits there. But in the hallways, in their cages, they are to be treated fairly, and with kindness," Kane said. It was bold of him to take charge. He knew some of the other chasers might protest, but it was better that way. That made it all the more authentic in Serena's eyes. "This is not optional. This is mandatory. I will be speaking with Dr. Clarefree to make this official policy," Kane said sternly, giving one last look at them before moving back to his seat. "I trust you all will spread the word, to the others. Anyone who breaks such rules will be disciplined," Kane sipped his tea. "Oh, dear, it's gotten cold." Kane took the pot and poured some more tea for himself to warm it up. "That's all, of course, not going to come without its cost," Kane looked at Serena.

"You'll have to promise me that you'll help keep the experiments in line. Toshi asked me for a favor today," Kane smiled at Serena. "He said he wants to move him into your cage, and that his collar be removed," Kane waited a moment to see Serena's reaction to this. "I'll be granting him that wish, although I can't put him in the same cage. I want you to have your space to heal. Don't worry, he'll be in the cage right next to yours. Toshi has been... well, unruly in the past," Kane explained. "What I need you to do is make sure he doesn't get in trouble. That's all. I can't protect him if he goes on a rampage. That's why I'll rely on you. I've given you a lot... all I ask is that you do this for me in return. It's for your sake, and Toshi's, understand?" Kane said to her, taking another sip of his tea.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Kane said. The door opened and a pair of guards stood outside with a stretcher. On top of it, was a limp body bag that reeked of decay. "Pardon the smell," Kane said, opening one of his drawers and pulling out a bottle of air freshener. "Hopefully, this will make it more bearable." Kane said, spraying the room so that it smelled like a meadow of flowers. "Bring in the body. Leave it in my room, just past this door." Kane pointed behind him and unlocked it for the guards. They rolled it through and walked back outside. "Just one moment, wait outside," Kane told the guards. They nodded and closed the doors. "I suppose you might be curious as to who this is." Kane stood up and walked over to the stretcher. He unzipped the body bag, revealing the face of the person inside. Dried blood trailed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and his face was transfixed in terror. His throat was slit as well but that has all been cleaned. "This one was the leader of the last escape," Kane said. He closed his eyes in sorrow. "I knew him well... His name was Manuel. He was a musician. Loved classical music, just like me. We used to sit and listen to concerts by Mozart and Beethoven often. He died... sacrificed himself in order to delay the chasers long enough for the others to escape." Kane looked back at Serena with sadness. "It was brave what he did. I admire him for it, and it pains me to see the loss of a friend. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to save him," Kane said, closing the bag.

"Gen, Tempest. Would you be so kind as to take this man to my room? You know which one, pull the third book on the second row of my bookshelf. It'll open it. Take the passageway and it'll lead you outside. Just leave it there and come back is all," Kane nodded them off with a simple smile. "You might be wondering why I'm so open about a secret passageway. Well, you see, I get close to many of my experiments. Often times, if or when they die, they're tossed into a dump or burned. I spoke to Dr. Clarefree about this and managed to have some access to those who died. So, what I do now is bury them. That passageway leads to a graveyard that I've made so that I can lay them to rest," Kane sipped his tea. He closed his eyes gently. "They deserve that much. It's nice. It's got a fence but it's not heavily guarded which I prefer. It's more peaceful that way and it also means no one would be around to desecrate the graves. Even then, it's where I do most of my reading. I pay my respects to them every day," Kane said. After another moment of silence, he shook his head. "My, I've been talking for quite some time now have I," Kane chuckled. "I shouldn't keep you here for much longer. I've taken up enough of your time. Guards," Kane called out. They opened the door. "Please, escort Serena, safely, back to her cage. Thank you for coming Serena, it's a pleasure, as always to be in your company," Kane smiled. He waited till the doors closed behind them before he set down his teacup and looked at Arachnid and the other chasers. He remained smiling.

hostage hostage Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Gohan510 Gohan510 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Violet stared at the image of the wings for a while, Raven and her friend had certainly made sure to take into account every little detail about how hers looked like when she had them. She even noticed a tiny almost unnoticeable black spot on the right wing that not even her own sister knew about. When Violet deemed it satisfactory she turned to Raven and nodded in her direction, this might work for her, if only for these wings to be a useful tool in the days ahead of her. “I think I might want to undergo the surgery for them.” She signed to Raven but paused for a bit, another idea came to mind, something a bit more personal than her and Serena’s escape attempt. “Can you keep this whole thing a secret from Serena?” While the motions for this question took place Violet had a pleading look on her face, which in itself was asking the same question her hands were.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Violet stared at the image of the wings for a while, Raven and her friend had certainly made sure to take into account every little detail about how hers looked like when she had them. She even noticed a tiny almost unnoticeable black spot on the right wing that not even her own sister knew about. When Violet deemed it satisfactory she turned to Raven and nodded in her direction, this might work for her, if only for these wings to be a useful tool in the days ahead of her. “I think I might want to undergo the surgery for them.” She signed to Raven but paused for a bit, another idea came to mind, something a bit more personal than her and Serena’s escape attempt. “Can you keep this whole thing a secret from Serena?” While the motions for this question took place Violet had a pleading look on her face, which in itself was asking the same question her hands were.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"only if you don't tell anyone about trinity, if you do though I wont have a problem eating you" Winking as she showed her teeth again, Raven was mixed with a great white shark and a honey badger so there wasn't much of anything that scared her. "I wont tell if you don't, trinity wants to help you though because she is one of those who escaped last time, you cant tell it in the picture but she doesn't have one of her legs so she fully understands how it is to lose something" kissing Violet's cheek before laying back and closing her eyes. A very sly grin coming across her face as a voice came from the laptop. The signal was encrypted so she couldn't be traced or piggy backed.

Trinity piped up "I'm glad to see that you like them little one, it must be wonderful to fly" Trinity was more laid back than Raven, and seemed far less insane despite what she went through. "I hope my little fish hasn't been poking and prodding you too much Miss Violet" smiling as she wrapped a towel around herself

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine .
Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
As soon as Kane started speaking, Tempest's brows furrowed together. Just what is he getting at? As she listened to the older man speak such soft and delicate words to Serena. But as soon as he mentioned a new rule her muscles tensed up. Kane was expecting them all to treat each and every subject with smiles and kindness. Hearing those words really seemed to get under the woman's skin, How dare he demand me to treat these miscreants with any form of respect and kindness! Especially that dammed Toshi and Kiono! He expects that nice gestures will keep them in line! Unbeknown to Tempest a very distinct, but somewhat quiet, hissing could be heard coming from her. It was clear that such a demand had set her off a bit, especially at the thought of Kane believing that he has more authority over her than Dr. Clarefree.

When he mentioned that if any one of them broke this rule that they wouldn't go without punishment. "Why you-" her venom laced whisper was cut off by a knock on the door, along with her hissing. As Kane granted them entry they seemingly burst into the room with a body bag on a gurney. Soon enough the smell rotting flesh filled the room, quickly followed by heavy air spray. It was enough to make one choke on each breath they took. Thankfully the respirators on her mask cut down on some of the smell so that she wasn't too overwhelmed. But it still had her gritting her teeth and clenching her fists. Kane was not one of the most well liked people on her list at the moment. Honestly part of her wanted to smash his head in then and there, but that would be highly frowned upon.

Tempest ignored him as he went on about the time he had spent with the deceased. Kane was always too soft on the experiments.
Hearing her name being mentioned, however, prompted her into having to listen to him. As Kane spoke of the bookshelf and the passage it made her glare daggers at the man. You see, Tempest never really spent so much time with her other colleagues since the best way to keep her from killing anyone was to leave her in her own space. That way she could take her aggression out on the equipment in her own room. So when Kane spoke about a passage leading from his room to the outdoors in front of Serena had her almost fuming at the decisions he was making, the information he was choosing to share. Her eyes began to gain their signature red glow that only happened when Tempest was passing her limits.

Without saying a word she furiously rose from her seat, standing there for a moment before moving to the bookshelf. Finding the correct book she pulled on it to allow the passage to open up and hit her with musty air. Walking back to the stretcher she glanced over at Gen and motioned him to come with her as she started pushing the body down the hall. "Don't worry," she whispered through the mask, "I won't pop your head like a grape. I'll save it for someone who makes me angry." As they slowly started coming to the end of the hall, it was clear that it was not leading to the outdoors. Instead it was what appeared to be a dining room with a single table, but also a handful of test tubes that she couldn't see quite inside of them. "What the hell?" Walking away from the stretcher she took a closer look to see what was inside. It took her a minute, but took a step back at what she saw. Inside one a the large tubes was a headless body suspended in time. Tempest was honestly rather shocked at the sight, but something seemed to click. "He might not be trying to help them after all," she quietly commented as her attention turned back to Gen.

Interaction: Coyote Coyote Gohan510 Gohan510
Mentions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Arachnid, Head Chaser
Arachnid leaned back, her arms crossed to prevent her from lunging at Gen. The guy had obviously taken to pissing her off to cover his own daddy issues. She growled low, but met Tempest’s eyes. She didn’t hate Tempest. The two merely hadn’t had much time to speak, and their paths rarely crossed anyways. Of course Arachnid respected the other Head Chaser, as Tempest had the steel in her veins to match Arachnid. Gen on the other hand was nothing compared to her might.

Arachnid gazed at Kane intently as he spoke, arms going from steady to tense. His speech was something, but his intentions were unclear. Just before he had spoken of the experiments as she would peasants. They deserved nothing, and should take the beatings Arachnid handed out as an honor. She grumbled louder, her eyes slitting into yellow bars. Arachnid longed to sink her fingernails into something and let her venom course through the bodies of her victims.

“What is the meaning of this, Kane?“ Her voice came out harsh, mixed with the throaty roar of a panther. Her anger was bubbling up, but she cut off her rage as the door opened and a body was wheeled in. As Kane explained who it was, she closed her eyes, steadying her breathing.

She remembered the last time the experiments had gotten loose. A slip up with the sedatives had allowed them out. Arachnid remembered the many she had killed during that time. The ox experiment whose throat she had ripped out. The snake experiment who had fallen to her venom, writhing in pain. The many others who had become victim to her catlike seduction, and the blood she had practically bathed in. The savage delight of killing the ones whom the doctors had devoted their attention to, overlooking her abilities. After that, she had been promoted. Head Chaser, and her group was one of the most well trained and deadly of all. And now Kane was taking away the instrument of their fear.

Arachnid opened her eyes to find Tempest and Gen gone with the body, Kane sitting across from her. He dismissed Serena kindly, making Arachnid clench her fists, nails digging into her skin and rivulets of blood dripping down her pale wrists. “What are you thinking? I understand that you need to put on a show, but you realize that Tempest, Gen, and I are Head Chasers as well? I retain my power to dole out punishment where needed. What will these experiments think if they are found wandering where they shouldn’t be and get off without so much as a slap? I was created to punish.“

Arachnid finished speaking, squaring her shoulders proudly when she spoke of herself. “I hope you do have a plan, or these creatures will escape with no problem.“ She was well aware of the talking of escape, as when she had beat the experiment Fynn within an inch of his life he had babbled about escaping with the others. She had dismissed it at first without a thought, only injecting the boy with sedatives and tossing him into a cage, but she had soon realized the deeper meaning. Her group was restless, and she herself was ready to hunt, but it would take months to get the two whole groups of experiments back. Arachnid splayed her hands face up on the table, her blood smearing her palms blue-and-red. This is who I am. Take it away from me if you dare. “I work for the safety of myself and my Chasers. I swore to lead them, and leaders do not let them fall into danger. Unruly experiments will only lead to our own demise.“

Interacting: Coyote Coyote
Mentions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Gohan510 Gohan510
Kane listened to Arachnid's outburst calmly. When she was finished, he chuckled. He looked back to make sure that the others were still in his dining hall, taking in the wonderful sights. Then, he turned back to Arachnid. "I'll tell what I need you to know now before the other two get back. I've changed my mind. Both of us will be fighting in the arena tomorrow. I want you to kill Kiono," Kane said. He glance back again before looking at Arachnid. "He's too... unruly, as you say, and it would be best if he was eliminated in a... well, an accident," Kane explained. "I understand what you mean. But understand, I'm only winning her over. As much as I'd like to get my way with it, I'm afraid Dr. Clarefree would think the proposed policies are too lenient. It's fine. It's part of the bargain. I can easily turn on Toshi and get what I need with him instead. Get him without a collar and in the cage next to Serena," Kane said. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

"You want to know what I'm planning then," Kane said. He looked up at Arachnid, his cold, deadened glare had come back to him. He scoffed. "As far as Serena's concerned, this passageway to the outdoors is their ticket to freedom. If she's planning an escape, she'll tell Toshi about it, who will be in the cage next to her," Kane said. "And in exchange for Toshi's freedom, he promised to act as an agent for me," Kane finished the last of his tea and put the cup back on the tray. "Do you see what I'm getting at here? If Serena takes my bait, she's going to lead everyone right into my office, a dead end. And if she doesn't, then there's either no escape to be had or Toshi will tell me where they decide to go instead," Kane said. "Our target tomorrow is the only person who heard me make this deal with Toshi. You know now why he has to go. Now on to my last step," Kane's grin faded. "I've got my eyes on one person, and she'll be my ticket to ensuring no escape plans occur. Violet. As you know, she's very close to me, and it's easy to tell that of all the experiments, she hates the labs the least," Kane explained. "Tomorrow, Violet will also be in the arena. You're going to kill your target and I'll distract everyone else. Once you do that, you'll move in to strike Violet, and I'll jump in to take the hit. I'll stop the arena trial and invite Violet to have some tea," Kane said, his eyes and facial expression became more lifeless by the moment. If Kane stopped talking, it would almost be as if he was dead. "When I do, I'll make her a very tempting deal, and she refuses, her little birdie goes bye bye," Kane said. He stared off with a faint hunger in his eyes like a creature in the night, watching, waiting, just long enough for its prey to fall asleep. "And if Violet still refuses, well, the children come next."

hostage hostage

Nearby: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Gohan510 Gohan510
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Gen Takeshi
Taking the cup from Kane he began to sip as the story went on. Gen looked at Tempest then to Serena, and after falling onto Arachnid. Kane sounded genuine to the experiment and Gen just observed. He could clear Kane quite clear even if he whispered due to his heightened sense thanks to being a wolf genetic.

Then there was a knock it took Gen out of his trance of imagination. Gen glared at the men who brought the body in. The smell wasn’t all that pleasant either honestly Gen started to gag. Gen noticed that Kane had a special bond with the dead person. It was the leader of the last escape? Why was his body not burned and tossed in the dump.

Then Kane asked for him and Tempest to depart with the body and before the guards had slipped off Gen had a order of his own.

“Take Serena off to Raven.” The guards nodded and took off walking on both sides of Serena.

Gen then looked at Tempest who was getting angered again and he saw Arachnid was too. Gen nodded picking the dead object up following down the tunnel with Tempest. Dropping the carcass he walked over to Tempest. Looking deep into the tube Gen’s eyes widen open.

"He might not be trying to help them after all,"

Gen stood back at the words that he was telling Serena earlier and smirked. “So that’s what he’s planning. Can you see it now Tempest? Look at this tube over here too.” He walked over to the tube to the side and getting closer to get a better view.

“You see that? They are all headless...” He paused analyzing the dark room till he bumped into a wall and the switch turned on the lights. He could see the chopped up body parts and even one being on a table. Walking over to the table there was a chomp with some liquid that he sniffed to be saliva.

“So that’s what he does? Eats the ones that are killed. I’m sure Ara already knows of this too.” Once Tempest got a good look he turned the light back off.

“And I’m sure Kane wanted to eat Serena, but couldn’t due to us being here and it would be suspicious that she came up missing in here. Things got a little... twisted.”
Interactions: Coyote Coyote Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mentions: hostage hostage BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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