Escape to Kitty Town (A Neko adventure) Sign up and OOC


Here's the actual RP:

You are a Neko and you live in a world were Neko's are slaves thus you are one as well. However, there is hope for you yet. For there is a place known as being home of the Free Nekos, Kitty Town. But they say it's only a myth. Then one day a lone Neko comes into town. This Neko has said that the place does exsist. Now you've decided to go to her and see if she'll take you there.

Character Profile




Apperence: (A picture is preferred but if you can't you can describe)

Skills: (This is for if your Neko has certain skills like skilled with weapons or fighting or making clothes or something.)



My characters

Name: JCat

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Best thing I got... sorry

Skills: Skilled with the bow and Arrow. and a special grappling gun that's Resembling a bracelet that she wears on her wrist. She's got 2.

Bio: Says she's from Kitty Town. Besides that it's a mystery (Only keeping this a mystery so I can reveal some things during the RP.)

Other: something that I'll reveal during the course of the RP.

Accepted Characters

Hanabusa Aidou: Alex

SongOfTheSpiritWolf: Coletto Minks


Fire of Hearts: Adrianna

xXDesperatexAngelXx: Rei-Jane Fujiyoshi , Ari Fujiyoshi

girfacedliar : Kimi Ugasa
(Sounds like fun!)

Name: Alexander(prefers Alex)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance:(the picture may or may not have gone to the bottom)

Skills: Can cook really well and he can sheath and unsheath his claws, they're really long and he fights with them when necessary.

Bio: He was captured as a slave at age six and sold to a horrible, abusive family. They barely fed him and threw things at him when he misbehaved. Alex still has a scar from a broken bottle thrown at him on his back. They made him cautious around strangers. The family moved, and Alex was found and given to a different family. They weren't nice or mean, he cooked for them and learned to cook really well. But he still had trust issues.

Other: He doesn't like fish, despite being part cat. But he likes sparkly things and falls for the laser pointer trick although he's rather intelligent and collected most of the time.
Hanabusa Aidou : in this RP Neko hands are that of human hands. meaning no claws. However, that's just the norm so I'll accept your character anyways.

PS your image didn't work. (yes I see the one at the bottom.)
Sorry, I meant he had human hands but he could make longer claws come from his nails.. And it didn't? Let me try again. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.6186bd54cd95a820d23d8999ae14fb8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.6186bd54cd95a820d23d8999ae14fb8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Coletto Minks

Age: 14 and a half xD

Gender: male


Skills: making weapons, coloring, and eating

Bio: A simple-minded cat who has a taste for mischief and adventure. Coletto was raised on the streets all his life, thus not having a good education. He occasionally has incorrect grammar, and prefers coloring pretty pictures than writing. He lost one of his eyes in a car accident, but nonetheless has the mind of a child. Coletto loves to cause destruction and mayhem, but all for the sole purpose of fun. Because he had to fend for himself, Coletto had a knack for making weapons. He likes to carry a multicolor backpack whom he never EVER tells anyone what's inside. In truth, there are multiple guns, knives, bows, poison, and other various weapons in his backpack. Despite a street rat, his mother was a slave, so he was born into a slave-master household. Unlike many slavemasters, Coletto's master was fairly good. Neutral, really. He fed him and made sure things were fair. All was dandy until the slavemaster became ill, and eventually died. The new owner was the slavemaster's brother, who believed the felines were nothing but scum. Coletto and four of his siblings planned to escape at night. One was caught, another starved, another had a severe fever, and the last was caught in a bear trap. Coletto was the only one left, and he has lived in the streets for four years.

Other: Despite being a trickster, Coletto is gullible himself.
(This looks interesting ^^)

Name: Luna

Age: 14



Skills: Hand to hand combat, washing clothes and cleaning

Bio:She became a slave when she was 4, the family that had bought her wasn't all that nice, they would make her eat last and occasionally abuse her, the only one that was nice in that family was the little 5 year old girl that would sneak her some candy and let luna lay with her on her bed but she soon grew up and started to ignore her she would kick her outside on the the fire escape whenever she had try to lay with her, sometimes she would jump off the fire escape and start to walk around the neighborhood but she wouldn't get far because she had a shock collar around her neck that would shock her if she went to far she doesn't speak much or really do anything unless her masters tell her she is a serious type a person,but sometimes she can be energetic, especially when she sees yarn or candy

Other: Has an obsession with yarn and candy

(Hope this is fine)
In this RP Neko's are People with Cat ears and Cat tails but with increased agility and cat like reflexes.

But if you want to have your Neko turn into a normal cat I'll let you. But it'll be a power that your character has and notbe normal for Nekos.
Name: Adrianna

Age: 14

Gender: female

Two outfits she wears

Skills: Adrianna is a skilled thief only taking what she needs, other then that she is skilled with a knife and hand to hand combat. She also easily climbs trees and is highly resourceful (Her knife is in the first picture if you can spot it lol)

Bio: Adrianna lived mostly in secret to avoid being a slave. This has taught her much and she can and will defend herself. She is caring having been in a small group of nekos for a bit before being separated. She knows what it takes to survive and wants to be in a place where she doesn't have to life hiding from people.

Other: Nothing really
Hanabusa Aidou SongOfTheSpiritWolf GIR=WAFFLES Fire of Hearts

Ok Just so you guys know. The RP get to the point where your characters each talk with JCat and find out that she's From Kitty Town. Then they ask her to take them there. I could play as other NPCs in the town to help get things started if you want but I'm just telling you that now. Your welcome to play as your characters Masters.
Name: Rei-Jane Fujiyoshi

Age: 13

Gender: Female


Skills: Rei-Jan has great aiming and can hear from far away. She is really great with the bow and arrow and is a black belt in martial art. She doesn't look like the type to fight but she won't hold back. She's also a hunter.

Bio: Rei-Jan is a girl who is very sweet and caring. She lives with 3 members in her family. Her brother, Mother, and Father. She really liked her brother but her family didn't. Her brother ran away and she followed him. She didn't care if her parents were worried if they were gone because they disrespected her brother. She started practicing her combat skills and aiming from her brother. Rei-Jan thought he was a great coach. Her brother taught her everything she knows now.

Other: She's really smart and loves to pull pranks. She is 5'6" so she's pretty tall for her age. She is a waitress at a cafe to get the money for her and her brother. Hiding the fact she is a neko, she puts on a hat and hides her tail under her maid dress and wraps it around her waist if there are any pervs who would look down there.

Name: Ari Fujiyoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Apperence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd905c70f_GuyNeko.jpg.eaa58c6f6c3cd900bc763c27b0f0fdf0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd905c70f_GuyNeko.jpg.eaa58c6f6c3cd900bc763c27b0f0fdf0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Ari is really good at aiming, cooking, hunting, and had a black belt in martial arts. He also creates weapons. He taught all this by himself.

Bio: Ari was a slave. He was pushed around and people were harsh to him. When he was young he would fight or talk back and they would beat him to death. his right hand is broken because of them. He didn't know how to protect himself because he was so ignorant He use to live with his father, mother, and sister but he ran away because his father and mother would call him worthless, stupid, and others. They would abuse him too. His sister followed him but Ari didn't want her to put her in danger. So, since his sister didn't know how to protect herself, he taught her. They became really close to each other and never left each other sides.

Other: He is 6'8 and is really strong and fast. He would hurt anyone with no mercy who would ever pick on his little sister. He is very serious and lays back sometimes. He works out when ever his sister is working. Other than that, he takes care of his sister because she's the only thing he cares about.

(( I hope you don't mind me having 2 people. If you don't want me to have 2 i'll take one away. ))



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xXDesperatexAngelXx : It's fine that you have two characters. However, Rei-Jane Fujiyoshi wouldn't be able to have her job unless she hides the fact that she's a Neko. Otherwise, your good.

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