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Fantasy .error [OOC]

I've been keeping track of my time and I'm 30 minutes behind, should I do a 30 minute grinding timeskip for my character?
Yeah, that’d be a good idea! I just wanted there to be a good progression in time so we can get closer to the blackout.
Juju Juju Are you open to our characters knowing each other?
Sure thing! Did you have anything particular in mind?

Sizniche Sizniche
Sorry to keep you waiting so long. I wont be posting anything today, but if you don't want to wait then you can move on because Violet isn't going to react in a confrontational way.
Sure thing! Did you have anything particular in mind?

Sizniche Sizniche
Sorry to keep you waiting so long. I wont be posting anything today, but if you don't want to wait then you can move on because Violet isn't going to react in a confrontational way.
I'll wait anyway, I have things I can do in the meantime
raein raein crap, I just realized that the subclass menu says only blacksmiths can make bullets. I wish I knew that earlier :/
Why don't you use all that bloodmoney to buy some from other players >.>
Looks like someone's
Because she FARMS
That could actually be a good idea, since i planned for her father to be a fairly wealthy large farm owner in Montana, but i was thinking along the lines of math, engineering, or possibly english
Mm, Its so weird watching people say "Good afternoon" when its like 9 am.

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