• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy .error [character sheets]



itristitable pinanio

interest check here: .error [a fantasy video game rp]

  • ↻ IN GAME
    NOTE: for now, you can make up to two (2) characters.
    USERNAME ⇔ self explanatory. what people address you as online.

    GENDER ⇔ the gender of your avatar. (not that it'll be relevant after awhile anyway)

    MAIN CLASS ⇔ usually refers to what skills you use in relation to combat. see the guide for info on classes. (if it has a branch then specify which branch)

    SUB CLASS ⇔ usually refers to a “lesser” skillset and has little to no relevance to direct combat. also can be called “life classes”.

    EXPERIENCE ⇔ how strong are they? note that there should be a good variation in skills.

    AFFILIATION ⇔ are they apart of a guild? if so which one? do they run solo?

    *You can put a description/picture of your character’s avatar but I wouldn’t stress too much about it considering they’ll look like their real selves not too far into the RP.

    NAME ⇔ full name.

    AGE ⇔ absolute lowest one can go is about 13. i’d prefer if there weren’t too many young chars tho.

    GENDER ⇔


    APPEARANCE ⇔ realistic fcs, realistic illustrations, or descriptions preferably



    HEIGHT ⇔

    WEIGHT ⇔

    PERSONALITY ⇔ remember to leave room for development ;;
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code by raein • scroll down!​

q u x x n i e​

USERNAME 》quxxnie
GENDER 》female
MAIN CLASS 》swordsman – dual wielder
SUB CLASS 》culinary artist
EXPERIENCE 》pretty far in–not end game but at a good level.
AFFILIATION 》no guild, tends to work with parties

NAME 》jordan williams
AGE 》twenty one
GENDER 》female
EYE COLOR 》dark brown
HEIGHT 》175 cm
WEIGHT 》55 kg

PERSONA 》Jordan is someone who practically floods with positivity. Her optimism allows for her to see the positive in almost every situation, and it especially comes in handy with the situation at hand. She's not one to cry much and she rarely snaps either, making her a good source of inspiration and influence for others to remain at least somewhat positive. This being said, she's extremely friendly towards everyone and tries not to judge too quickly. She will be down to do any friendly favors and she's capable of talking to anyone with ease. Her chill nature isn't always what you see though, since she has a tendency to get really hyper and excitable which may be overwhelming to some.

Jordan also acts pretty spontaneous, her actions sometimes being completely unpredictable to those around her. One of her favorite things to do is to explore and experience new things, which ultimately calls for her acceptance in being in the world of WoS as it's a large, vast world with fantasy elements. A downfall to this is that she has a poor sense of direction even though she seems like she knows where she's going. The girl doesn't like to put too much thought into things even though she's a pretty smart person, but when she does it may surprise those around her due to her not normally putting in too much effort. Lastly, she's a total fashionista, loving all things cosmetics and that carries over to games as well–her friends suspect that she even has every single cosmetic item available in the game (she's also rich in the game so thats a big plus).

avatar: this
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In game:
Username: Beau
Gender: female
Main-class: Swordsman (dual wielder)
Subclass: Tamer, has a white wolf as a companion in the game that she found in the early levels
Experience: mid level, knows her way around. She likes to participate in challenges and events, spending half of her time in game doing just that. She normally looks for a party that could use another member but aside from a few characters she tries to change everytime
Affiliation: She doesn't belong to any guild by choice
Avatar in game:

Name: Iris Cooper
Age: 22
Gender: female
Nationality: UK
Hair color: Dark-brown
Eye color: Dark-brown
Height: 1.67m (5ft 48)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Personality: Iris is very strong-willed, proud and competitive, used to fight to have anything she wants. Doesn't like to talk with other people in general she uses the game as a form to blow off some steam and not as much by the social component it has. Very short fused that is more obvious in the game than in real life (mostly because she tries to keep it under control). She's loyal and always ready to fight for her friends if they ever need her. She's quick to act and to judge other's around her (in the sense she will have an opinion of anyone 5 minutes after the first meeting). Even though she has this very tough exterior, sometimes she surprises everyone around her by doing some random act of kindness. She's very honest and transparent, making it easy for others to know what to expect. If she doesn't like something or someone she will let them know without doubt the first chance she gets.

Violence tends to be her first reaction in almost every situation, that may come in very harsh word or a punch in the face, being very easy to annoy her. But even so she let's go of the anger rather quickly after acting on it. Iris doesn't like to be told what to do, if she feels someone is abusing their authority she'll step up and let them know she won't have it.

She loves and needs her "alone time" every now and then to recharge. Being somewhat addicted to music, she listens to almost anything at least once and likes to keep music playing in the background no matter what she's doing in the moment.
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code by raein • scroll down!​
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y u m e​

GENDER 》female
MAIN CLASS 》warlock
SUB CLASS 》alchemist
EXPERIENCE 》didn't play for long, but high leveled
AFFILIATION 》leader of the guild "reimageddon"

NAME 》choi "byeol" woo jin
AGE 》twenty two
GENDER 》male
HAIR COLOR 》tbh this varies
EYE COLOR 》dark brown
HEIGHT 》173 cm
WEIGHT 》59 kg

PERSONA 》Byeol is the type of person who sticks by your side without complaint–putting the needs of those he considers to be close to him first before his own, all without being dramatic about it. He's very level-headed as well, never one to lose his temper or fall into a state of panic which allows for him to think more clearly than many others in certain situations. Not to mention, despite always saying what's on his mind, he isn't very confrontational. He'll bring up something that might offend someone, or something everyone's thinking but not saying, in a very casual manner during conversation (almost as if it just 'slipped out'). He's fairly easy to get on your side if he doesn't know much about you–you could even ask him to be your friend and he'd shrug and agree. Byeol's a reliable friend and ally to those he takes a liking to but no one really knows anything about him. Mysterious, huh?

On the negative side, although he is really calm and level-headed, this is so much so that it'll often be seen as indifference. A lot of the time he is indifferent, but there are also times where he's not but people think he is. To add onto this, he doesn't seem to express emotions to their extremes making it hard for some others to get on the same page as him, especially since many times he comes off as irritably sarcastic (not sassy sarcastic) and fake. Of course he doesn't mean for it come come off this way (most of the time) but there's not much he can do about it. Lastly, to tie everything up, he's pretty naive and doesn't know much about the world, which is a large play in his ignorance towards some things.

avatar: this
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USERNAME ⇔ Chime-of-Midnight (Usually referred to as Chime)


MAIN CLASS ⇔ Mage: Force Master


EXPERIENCE ⇔ how strong are they? note that there should be a good variation in skills.

AFFILIATION ⇔ are they apart of a guild? if so which one? do they run solo?

NAME ⇔ Skylar Moon

AGE ⇔ 19

GENDER ⇔ Female

NATIONALITY ⇔ Asian-American



EYE COLOR ⇔ Light Brown

HEIGHT ⇔ 5 ft. 4in. (162.56 cm)

WEIGHT ⇔ 127 lbs. (57.6 kg)

PERSONALITY ⇔ remember to leave room for development ;;​
~In game~
Gender: Male
Class: Knight
Sub Class: Blacksmith
Experiance: First time playing
Affiliation: Member of Frostwatch

~In Real Life~
Name: Cass Lloyd
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Grey-Blue
Height: 5'10
Weight: 129 lbs
Personality: Cass enjoys being the sarcastic asshole and speaks without a filter. She has a trash mouth and often got herself into trouble with it. She is confident in herself and doesn't really care about what others think of her. Cass has a bit of a temper and can get annoyed easily by people she isn't friends with (so basically anyone but Violet). She has her moments of being nice like the rest of the world, however her pride stops those sweet moments from being often. Cass is stubborn and gets annoyed when people point out her mistakes.

Despite Cass's assholeness she is a bit of a nerd. She is obsessed with fantasy novels and movies, however also enjoys history. Talking about her more favorite novels, like Lord of the Rings or Dark Tower, is a good way to improve her mood. She's read other novels other than fantasy, however fantasy is forever her favorite genre. Cass does not play video games often other than the occasional online chess or Tetris games when she has nothing else to do, and knows very little about games in general.

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USERNAME ⇔ PurpleRain

GENDER ⇔ Female


SUB CLASS ⇔ Tracker

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Has been playing the game since the beginning and is max level (at least, before the newest patch was released). Violet is in love with the world of WoS and has made a personal quest out of exploring every zone and learning every scrap of lore she can get her hands on, even going so far as to do every single quest. However, she doesn’t usually participate in PvP (if this game has this) or Dungeon Raids. This is mainly due to some rather nasty past experiences in dealing with other players. Instead she has honed her skills on her own and is actually really good, despite what she thinks.

AFFILIATION ⇔ Frost Watch (Back in the early days it used to be among the top 5 guilds. Unfortunately past events lead the once proud guild into ruin and it's members left to bigger and better things. As of today Frost Watch is nothing but a dead guild with a name some of the original players would recognize. Since the others members have left, Violet is now the default ‘Guildmaster’. She has the power to disband it, but hasn’t the heart to let go of the fond memories.)


(except with more purple-ish hair ;P )

Among the fastest mounts, the Kirin was rewarded to players who succeeded in the Mythic Hunt event, held during WoS's international debut. Players were given clues on the location of several mythical beasts, the kirin being among them, and that was all. With only one set of creatures per region, the servers swelled with players hoping to be their region's "Hunter of Legends", a title that would be remembered by every NPC in the game. If one was lucky enough to spot the rare spawns, they could either track it to its den (with the rumor of getting better or NO loot) or attempt to slay it for an immediate reward (legendary gear) and bragging rights. With the competition so fierce, it was safest to kill the beast and secure victory. That's why when Violet spotted the Kirin she immediately initiated the chase. She hunted it across the in-game world for almost 24 hours, but when the Kirin finally faltered from its wounds, she couldn't bring herself to slaughter the defenseless beast. She followed the creature to it's den and offered it a healing potion when it didn't attack. The next thing she knew the Kirin received the title <PurpleRain's mount> and below her own name was <Guardian of Legends>.


NAME ⇔ Violet M. Fletcher

AGE ⇔ 17

GENDER ⇔ female

NATIONALITY ⇔ Australian


HAIR COLOR ⇔ Purple (Dyed it last year so as to look more like her in-game character)


HEIGHT ⇔ 5’3"

WEIGHT ⇔ 98 lb

PERSONALITY ⇔ Violet could be described as timid. She walks carefully in conversations with strangers, equal parts trying to not say anything offensive while at the same time trying not to draw the ire of others. In the past she has gotten bullied online by fellow players and has thus become apprehensive of playing with others. Consequently she apologizes way too much and is the first to blame herself. Her natural kindness comes out often when in trouble, always keeping an eye on the battlefield and guarding her team-mate’s backs.
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MAIN CLASS ⇔ Assassin

SUB CLASS ⇔ Tailor

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Low level, barely played but a quick learner (20 hrs or so)

AFFILIATION ⇔ Parties mostly


NAME ⇔ Nikk Macintosh

AGE ⇔ Twenty (20)



HAIR COLOR ⇔ Dark Brown


HEIGHT ⇔ 5ft 9in (175cm)

WEIGHT ⇔180 lbs. (82 kg)

PERSONALITY ⇔ Nikk is a fun and simple people pleaser that would rather observe the wonders of the fantasy world than grind or beat a raid boss. He mostly played WoS to help with his story writing and make friends, something he struggles with IRL. Behind the screen, he can be anyone he wants to be, so he always makes sure he has a welcoming smile on his face and polite words in his mouth. His in-game mentality is one of optimism and foolishness, for it is a game after all, although this could come across some as obnoxious and annoying. When he is not making potential friends, you will find him exploring, learning, and observing others due to his inexperience with this new world. He is loyal to those he sees as friends, because to Nikk true friends are hard to come by. He is reluctant to resort to violence, often being cautious when entering battle.

Although his intent in playing WoS is to meet friends and create a vivid story, what will happen when he realizes the story has truly come to life. With the WoS world becoming his real world, will he keep on the optimistic façade or will the game bring out his true colors.


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USERNAME ⇔ Asherah

GENDER ⇔ Female

MAIN CLASS ⇔ Assassin
SUB CLASS ⇔ Tracker
EXPERIENCE ⇔ High leveled but still has room to improve. Levels are at early 70's (73). She is very experienced in the game and is more than capable of holding her own against any amount of opponents. While her class is meant for stealth she is capable of using it for assault purposes and will often work best in a group when left to her own devices with minimal interference unless it is to help her in areas she lacks such as defense and tanking heavy attacks from stronger opponents that she can't out maneuver.

AFFILIATION ⇔ Co Commander of the guild
"Crimson Tears."

NAME ⇔ Evelyn Hawthorne
AGE ⇔ 20

GENDER ⇔ Female

NATIONALITY ⇔ French-American



HEIGHT ⇔ 5'11"

WEIGHT ⇔ 133 lbs

PERSONALITY ⇔ Evelyn is carefree to say the least and the last person you would expect to be in a leadership position, or any position of power for that matter. She prefers to be taken care of or pampered rather than do most of the fighting herself and in most cases it often works out in her favor; However, if necessary she is more than capable of taking up arms and protecting those she loves or considers family. (Her guild) She is very blunt and a realist and feels that lying is just a waste of energy and time and as a result she has become something like an open book for all to read but also keeping most of her secrets well hidden below the surface for her own protection. Evelyn is a huge flirt, be it from cultural inheritance or just a part of who she is as a person it's always in good fun or pure admiration for someone stringer than her or with potential to be strong. She is also very smart even though she end to cover it up by saying something foolish to follow up any intelligent comments she makes. Evelyn is just simply good natured and caring for those she takes under her wing and is almost like a big sister in some ways (hint hint wink wink)
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USERNAME ⇔ nugget



SUB CLASS ⇔ Gatherer

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Let's be honest, while his level is moderate.. It's not from his dedication to the game. Rather for his obsession with the merch’ to be perched’. He began playing when the game came out, as some of his friends had been watching it like hungry wolves, and has played loyally since a stubborn fashi’. However, the time he does dedicate to the game the bard trains his talent so as to not seem useless and become ostracized from guild hunts and such. Friendship is huge to him.

AFFILIATION ⇔ Normie member of "reimageddon"


NAME ⇔ Alexander Burr

AGE ⇔ 22


NATIONALITY ⇔ Third generation German. Basically, a German boy who looks full Asian.

HAIR COLOR ⇔ Brunette/Black..?

EYE COLOR ⇔ Brown/Black

HEIGHT ⇔ 5’10”

WEIGHT ⇔ 110 lb

PERSONALITY ⇔ Basically this child is a potato, but not a mean fry, more like mashed or maybe hash-browns. Alex is the kind of kid who is shy at first but not to the point of being uptight and such. No, rather he is the kind of kid to be laid back while internally screaming that he is 'Forever alone', that is until one of his friends makes an appearance to which he becomes incredibly clingy throughout the time they are present. This might have something to do with the lack of presence his family has in his life.. In game he is no different, following around friends who are online and feeling hurt when rejected from parties and friend requests. I know, the worst right? He thinks so too but cannot change how he is by nature. I suppose the best way to avoid his clingy friendship and dog-like loyalty one might simply avoid him and let him sit in his pit of loneliness and never approach him.

Desperate is definitely a good definition for him, not in the creepy stalkerish sense but in how he is more than willing to do things that some might reject without a second thought if only to gain a new friend (his history is kinda thick in this way both in-game and in life). One thing he knows is its best if he is never left to himself.

=Lil' Background=

Backstory : Basic boy. His family half and half for both German as well as Asian. Its a long and very complex family tree making one question the truth of the coincidences and such. This aside, however, makes the boy both wild while insanely respectful in fear of the wrath in the form of mothers spoon, or dads mug. His family is fairly well off leaves him plenty of money as well as them being away most of the time for work. This leaves him just as much time as money to spend. Never minding missing a few meals, this part-time college student would rather buy the newest merch than eat breakfast and dinner. He isn't fast or slow at gaming and such, rather moderate in timing and combos making him a formidable opponent giving an average of 60% wins in PVPs.

When he was in grade school he would travel with his parents for their work, allowing him to go to (or more like shipped to) several countries like Russia, America, Spain, Canada, Australia, Norway, and many more that he forgot long ago. One of the last countries he visited was America when he was in his teens, he met many friends some of which who he still contacts to this day, and visits in-game now that his parents lack the patience for a 22-year-old on their business trips.

=Other stuff=

Stuffs shall go hrr later
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GENDER ⇔ Female

MAIN CLASS ⇔ Witch Doctor

SUB CLASS ⇔ Alchemist

EXPERIENCE ⇔ He played a lot of genres especially MMORPGs but this is the first time he played this game and just started.


NAME ⇔ Dovan Randolphs

AGE ⇔ 27






HEIGHT ⇔ 6'7

WEIGHT ⇔ 176 lbs

PERSONALITY ⇔ Dovan spent most of his time playing games, joining tournaments till to this day, a gamer at heart and when it comes to it, he's seriously competitive in every game he plays but not to the point of trash talks. He is cooperative and adaptable making him able to take any role in a game and knows what his teammates need in most situations. Clever at times but mostly keeps quiet with his remarks, in real life he is relaxed and polite to anyone he meets even in games added that he's also extremely patient and hard to anger. Misunderstood as someone who never got himself into a tragic situation which isn't true since that's where he started to become adaptable. Secretly, he's a bit of a perv explaining why he started as a female avatar in WoS.
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In Game







Gunslinger: Dualist [sic].




One of several experimental low-level alt-characters of a known endgame player who used to read game data through packet filters when the game was still on played standard computers. Weak in raw numbers, but knowledgeable of grindspots, class abilities, and other information not related to the recent update that no newbie should have any business knowing.


Neither this character nor her main account have any guild affiliation, as she is a mercenary that asks payment from guilds for assistance during raids.

Real Life


Gillian Dermitt














5' 9" or 175 1/4 cm.


127 lbs or 57.6 kg.


Gillian, at her core, is an analyst; her natural attraction to MMORPGs comes from an innate desire in her to examine and deconstruct any system she comes into contact with, taking apart something piece by piece to understand the greater whole. She is a breed of MMORPG player that has existed ever since Ultima Online first launched when even her parents were still toddlers; the kind that takes in crunches every last number, from the amount of experience defeating a creature gives divided by the number of seconds it takes to do so to the percentage increase in damage per second for a new weapon compared to it's cost; the kind of player most accuse of missing the point and not knowing how to have fun. Obviously, she disagrees; she loves the mental exercise an MMORPG presents to her, and it's just in her nature to tackle such a game like she does. She loves nothing more than conquering a mental challenge. With such puzzles and brain games being her primary hobby, she is quick-witted and perceptive, and picks up on small details quickly.

When it comes to other people, Gillian doesn't quite care to bother. She is not an easy person to like at all, and she knows this well. Most of her social encounters in the past have ended poorly, which have led her to become egocentric, apathetic towards others, and short-tempered with people who try to antagonize her. She is short, condescending, and impatient when she speaks, almost always seeming desperate to end a conversation. She doesn't necessarily dislike social interaction, but a long history of turbulence and bad memories of so-called "friends" have made her extremely defensive when it comes to social situations.


Her main build is a max-level necromancer called Lolth; all of her builds are named after D&D deities.​
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(if you are still accepting, I would love to join)

FrostBite (usually called Frost or Frosty)
Main Class:
Sub Class:
Low level ( played for a week) but he is learning
None currently

Mount: (if possible)

Name: Killian Mikhail
Age: 18
Gender: male
Nationality: German/ African American (German mother, African American father)
Hair color: black (orange dye)
Eye color: grey (almost blue)
Height: 5'10
weight: 160lbs
Personality: Killian is a guy who loves video games. ever since he could afford to buy a computer, he has been playing games 24/7 (mainly mmorpg games). in real life Killian is a fun loving nerd who loves being around friends and family. In games, Killian takes on the strong willed persona of his character becoming a more confident version of himself.
Killian struggles with fitting in so playing games online is like his escape from the world.
USERNAME ⇔ Chainmail Horror; Usually called Chainmail or just Chain


MAIN CLASS ⇔ Summoner

SUB CLASS ⇔ Alchemist

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Although he has only played a few mmos, he has played them in to the ground and back. He is currently a mid level player who feels the newest expansion, while going to be awesome, has put that much more distance between himself and end game content.

AFFILIATION ⇔ Chain runs with guilds when invited on their runs, but typically plays solo so no one is there to drag him down. (Though in truth he secretly feels like he's the slow player, and doesn't want to be the one dragging others down.)


In Real Life

NAME ⇔ Spencer Bowman

AGE ⇔ 23





HEIGHT ⇔ 6ft 2in

WEIGHT ⇔ 190 lbs

PERSONALITY ⇔ Spencer is a relatively nice yet sarcastic person, often saying exactly what runs through his mind without taking the time to process it. He has often told people “You're going to know what I think. You might not agree with it. You might not like what you hear. But you're going to know what I think.” In the real world he rarely talks about his gaming habits with those around him, because he knows full well they do not game and he doesn't want to bore them with something he knows they don't enjoy. While playing he will only occasionally interact with other players, not wanting to feel obligated to speed up his play style to keep up with any friends he might make but at the same time not wanting to ask others to slow down to his pace either. Once you get to know him he is a caring, protective person. I's the getting to know him that's the challenge.

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Username: Crow
Gender: Male
Main Class: Archer
Sub Class: Tamer - Has tamed two crows.
Experience: He has been playing since the game first launched, but is more of a casual player and got on whenever he had the spare time or when there was an update.
Affiliation: Solo player
Real Life
Name: Nádúr Ulster
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Irish
For some people, being 5'11" would make them somewhat intimidating. However, for Nádúr it simply isn't true. His height does very little when his body lacks the weight and the muscle to back it up. A thin body with a lanky build, Nádúr isn't much of an imposing force simply by his appearance. With a cream-like skin tone and a smooth complexion, save for a few scars on his arms. Nádúr's hands are a bit on the larger side, but lack any real weight. His thighs, calves, and buttocks are perhaps the only parts of his body that have any muscle mass built up, thanks to his constant running from place to place and outdoor activity. However, the muscles in those places are still easy to miss. A pair of wide shoulders give Nádúr's frame a stronger appearance.
A square-shaped head, comprised of a skewed jaw, give shape to Nádúr's face. A powerful jawline that easily stands out amongst his other features. A round, strong chin which he inherited from his mother. And despite his weight issues, a pair of healthy cheeks sit right under high, prominent cheekbones. A set of full lips adorn Nádúr's face and compliment his other features and a somewhat thin nose sits above those. Nádúr's eyes are where his anger and disdain for the world become visible. Large in size, his eyes are a sharp, almond shape and are lifted higher on the outside than they are on the inside. White grey are accented by long, thick eyelashes and neat eyebrows.
A strong contrast to his brows, Nádúr's hair is a natural mess. Black in color, the long strands are unkempt and flare out in almost every direction. The hairs to the front of his head however, are kept well taken care of. A few small braids here and there as well as a bit of brushing, helped to keep his hair from getting in his eyes when he was out enjoying nature. The hair on the back half of Nádúr's head however, is wild and seems uncontrollable. All of his hair is very soft though, thanks to a a old family remedy.
Around Nádúr's biceps, on both arms, there are a pair of black band tattoos. They're simple in design, four simple bands. Some of his braids have ribbons wrapped around them and beads. In his hair, there are a variety of feathers that stick out, from a variety of different birds. This wild-child style is something that, Nádúr happily carried over to the game world.
Hair Color: Black
Eyes Color: Grey
Height: 5’10
Weight: 144 lbs
Growing up amongst 21 other children, in tight quarters, and with very limited supervision can truly affect the way someone turns out. This is true for almost everyone, including, Nádúr. A troubled childhood and a lack of parental guidance have shaped the young gamer into the man he is. The hardships that Nádúr faced as a child, helped to strengthen him in several ways. Facing confrontation everyday helped to bolster his courage as he faced his bullies head on. However this also served to make him a vengeful person. As a child, he never let someone wrong him without consequences and as an adult, those consequences are even steeper.
Thick skin is a necessity when growing up around so many children, so many personalities. Nádúr learned early in life that sometimes, you have to ignore those around you and focus on yourself. It became easy for Nádúr to shrug off rude and disrespectful comments. However, that doesn't mean he always bit his tongue. Most of the people who know, Nádúr will confess that there is no one more foul-mouthed or rude than the teen. Loud-mouthed and lacking restraint or a filter, Nádúr isn't afraid to let others know what's going through his mind at any given time. He’s also one to hold a grudge.
It’s was Nádúr’s love for nature that made him a passionate activist. Being sucked into the, WoS world has not changed that about him either. He prefers not to kill the harmless creatures of the game world and chose, Tamer in order to better protect them.



SUB CLASS ⇔ Gatherer

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Is paid to play video games and holds her position in the top 100, has never been above 63. This is a new game for her,she has spent most of her time grinding and building up her character than actual game play.(She was doing a streaming tutorial on how to build up different classes)

AFFILIATION ⇔ Beast is part of Legend of legends.

NAME ⇔Mahia Yavus

AGE ⇔ 16

GENDER ⇔ Female

NATIONALITY ⇔ Nubian Turk (her father was a Turkish American her mother from Nubia)




HEIGHT ⇔ 152cm/ 5'0ish


PERSONALITY ⇔ Mahia is a soft spoken and meek individual. She glows with happiness and is rarely seen without a smile. Perhaps it was her humble and shy nature that made her stand out in the video gaming world. She does not really scream at video games (at least not ever around people) or scream in general. She tries to remain kind when she is angered, and selfless even she is in need. She has always been the competitive type, but her brothers out shined her in sports and school. Video gaming was something she did in between her studies, and took off when she realized her talent.
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USERNAME ⇔ Neshempai



SUB CLASS ⇔ Farmer

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Active since the moment it was available, and to be put lightly this gamer is game obsessed. Training the avi' to its best potential.

AFFILIATION ⇔ Party joiner who tends to be a bit quiet, not exactly friendly enough to be invited to serious guilds.


NAME ⇔ Darah Ocsid

AGE ⇔ 20

GENDER ⇔ Female

NATIONALITY ⇔ British Virgin Islands (Gorda)

HAIR COLOR ⇔ Sandy blonde


HEIGHT ⇔ 168cm (5'5")

WEIGHT ⇔ 55kg (123lb)

PERSONALITY ⇔ Easily annoyed but too shy to show it, or perhaps not anymore. Back in the real world, she was a quiet individual living in the equivalent of paradise in the middle of nowhere. However, the events that lead her to live on the secluded elderly island were supposed many, or where they few? Who knows. Her time in solitude created a personality flaw of lacking the patience to deal with stupid shit.
I suppose that was straightforward enough, perhaps not. She has very little patience for idiocracy and lacks the will to train herself in it, previously when she lived in the crowded streets of Manchester she was pushed and used for things she couldn't control, leaving her at that time with the option to become an empty representation of herself or deal with the shit in the way that teenagers do best, with defensive sarcasm and extreme distrust. Events unnamed lead to her eventual obvious choice, and three years later she is an impatient bitch who craves nothing more in life than to be left to herself. To herself, where she can walk the empty beaches, and play her beloved video games.

=Lil' Background=

Backstory : You'll know when I know bro.

=Other stuff=

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" Take me to church // I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies "

USERNAME ⇔ Spøkelse


MAIN CLASS ⇔ Force Master

SUB CLASS ⇔ Apothecary

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Mid to high level experience, but some things still need EXP.

AFFILIATION ⇔ N/A - Currently Runs Solo
NAME ⇔ Aveline Savinkov

AGE ⇔ Twenty One

GENDER ⇔ Female


HAIR COLOR ⇔ Dark Brown

EYE COLOR ⇔ Blue/Green (Depending on the outfits she wears)

HEIGHT ⇔ 178 cm

WEIGHT ⇔ 54 kg

PERSONALITY ⇔ Aveline is someone that can easily be labeled as an apathetic introvert due to her natural ‘resting’ face. However, she is incredibly nurturing and curious of her surroundings, including those that actually get past her exterior facade. She is known to be incredibly level-headed towards any type of situation thrown her way-- you can even consider her as being a complete realist. Isn’t it better to actually be this way than your typical daydreaming alien enthusiast? Aveline truly believes so.

You can count on her to be your ally as she sides with those that shows purpose and actually have a grasp towards a goal. In the beginning some will questions her agenda due to the position she’ll eventually find herself in, but, with some major convincing, you’ll have her attention within a couple of seconds. Just picture her as your typical mother that’s the same age and you’ll understand.

// I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife "
// Offer me that deathless death "
// Good God, let me give you my life "

((♛))||xxxMAIN THEME
Permanence Group (NPCs)
Username: Yin
Name: Hikaru
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Main Class: Swordsman
Affiliation: Permanence Group
Appearance: Hikaru, like his twin sister, has a very slender frame. His olive skin is marred by scars and large tattoos. Scars across his face ruined his handsome features. And a fringe of black hair hangs in front of dark green eyes. Hikaru is six feet tall. Hikaru wears a bright red cloak more often than not.
Personality: Unlike his sister, Hikaru is a bit on the rowdy side. He lacks manners and coming to this new world hasn’t inspired him to become better behaved. A bad temper makes this new, lawless world perfect for, Hikaru and he plans to stay.

Username: Paragon
Name: Louis
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Main Class: Knight
Affiliation: Permanence Group
Appearance: Louis’ real world appearance couldn’t be further from his in-game avatar. He weighs 300 pounds and being on 5’9 makes him seem a bit bigger. A mess of short, blond hair sits atop his head and is left to its own devices. His eyes are a shimmering blue, his greatest feature. A suit of black armor is Louis’ go to for battle.
Personality: Timid and withdrawn, even when this was a game, Louis did not speak much. Permanence is perfect for him as he is willing to take orders and doesn’t want to return home. The loneliness he suffered in the real world is his driving for in WoS and his desire to stay has created almost a new person within Louis. Thoughts of going back home upset him and he becomes irrational when around people who passionately wish to return to the real world.

Username: LazerEye
Name: Maria
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Main Class: Gunslinger
Affiliation: Permanence Group
Appearance: With a pair of long legs and nearly flawless skin, Maria is a beauty among, Permanence. She doesn’t fit into the group’s somewhat pitiful appearance. Her brown hair rolls down his back in large curls. Dark brown eyes with a somewhat absent stare betray her skills and strength. Maria wears a black cloak over r a leather outfit.
Personality: Maria is different from the other members of, Permanence. She used, WoS as an escape and is absolutely thrilled that they’re trapped within the game. While she comes off as a pushover and runs away from loud noises, Maria is an uncontrollable force. WoS has given her new power and strength which she doesn’t hesitate to use against her foes. She’s not the most cunning or strategic, but she is willing to do dark things to prevent their return to the real world.

Username: Temptress
Name: Claudia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Main Class: Summoner
Affiliation: Permanence Group
Appearance: A hefty woman with a flashy appearance. Bright makeup and pink hair. Make, Claudia stand out amongst the ranks of, Permanence. Her eyes are colored yellow by contacts and her nails are a matching shade. Claudia is fairly short and. Is only. 5’7” tall. She wears a long dress, that shines with sequins.
Personality: Claudia isn’t as broken or deranged as some of the other members of, Permanence are. She’s cunning and completely sane. Her having. Gathered the members of the group are a testament to that. Her greed and selfishness are unrivaled and unmeasurable. The fortune she amassed in-game seem to be her only care.

Username: Yang
Name: Kairi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Main Class: Assassin
Affiliation: Permanence Group
Appearance: Skinny and tall, Kairi is the spitting image of her twin brother, Hikaru. Her long black hair is the only thing that allows people to tell them apart. Kairi isn’t eccentric or flashy. Her muted appearance is created by the long bangs that hang down in her face and her dulled green eyes. She wears red cloak over a tank top and skirt.
Personality: The black sheep of, Permanence, Kairi is an outsider within the group. She doesn’t offer the others guidance or information. Instead, she follows her brother like a lost dog. Kairi is quiet and reserved, and isn’t at all quick to violence. Her desire to stay in this new world is almost absent.


MAIN CLASS ⇔ Kung Fu master, Soul Fighters

SUBCLASS ⇔ Taylor!

EXPERIENCE ⇔ Mid-level character. His interest quickly wavered after playing it non stop almost an entire year ago

Frost Watch

Íker Young Jr.



Mexican, Tampico

Chocolate brown




PERSONALITY ⇔ Íker is a loud and boisterous person who likes to make a fool of himself and others. He often goes and flirts with just about anyone around him. He has a big heart and lots of love to give, maybe too much love to give. He uses his comedy and flirting to try and deflect undesirable situation. Iker tries to keep in peoples good graces but that often fails due to his comedy and flirting.​

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