You can scroll within my little box! It's just hiding!
Hello, and welcome to my partner search! -
My name is Anaxileah, nice to meet you! -
I'm 19 years old, and I use she/her pronouns. -
I'm a detailed roleplayer, and I love -
writing long-term anything.
However, I'm quite indecisive and -
not too good at thinking up plots
or ideas on my own.
That's why I'm making this! I want -
to find other roleplayers who are
interested in creating stories with me!
I assure you, I'm capable of coming -
up with ideas and stories on my own,
and I have in the past.
I just happen to like trying new things -
and meeting new people.
So, that being said, here are the rules -
that I do have.
I follow RPN's rules. You should too. -
I am fine with NSFW, but RPN isn't. -
So that's a no-no.
I must have detail. Please. I like a lot -
of detail, feelings, experiences, etc.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation -
are a must for me. I would like top
notch grammar, if not close. (I
understand if English isn't your first
language, so we might be able to
work something out.)
Try to be around. I like communication. -
I don't like it when people disappear
on me and never return. It's fine if
you can't post steadily, half the time
I can't. I understand that life is more
important. But it's not hard to shoot
a text or call me. Please.
Being friends is a plus for me. I would -
really enjoy that. If our personalities
clash, it might not work out, and I'm
I don't do politics. -
I can't think of anything else at the moment, -
but I'll let you know if something else
comes up.
Back to the topic at hand...
If you've made it this far, I commend you. -
Not many would care to read this far.
I am fine with MxM, FxF, MxF, or FxM. I do -
enjoy a good romance. However, I don't just
want romance. I like a good adventure,
action, comedy, horror, mystery, etc. I need
more than just romance.
Fantasy is my favorite genre. I love the -
fantastical worlds that people come up
with or already use. But I enjoy Fandom,
Futuristic/Sci-Fi, and Modern/Realistic, too.
What I like:
Literally anything. -
Doctor Who -
Supernatural -
Harry Potter -
Various Fictional Crime Shows -
(NCIS, Criminal Minds, Lie to Me,
Bones, etc.)
Firefly -
Other? -
*disclaimer: just because they're there
doesn't mean I'm caught up.
I like alien stuff -
I like cyberpunk stuff -
I like steampunk (although that's -
historically sci-fi-ish? Idk)
Space exploration is cool -
Star Wars, Star Trek, too -
I LOVE dystopias -
Superhero/Villan stuff -
Apocalyptic shit -
Crime show stuff -
Idk -
Well, those are my interests. I don't -
have any plots already thought out, but
I'm open to ideas. I like/can handle
violence, gore, dark stuff, vulgarity, etc.,
but I also enjoy the nice stuff just as much.
I still need adventure-ish things!
I prefer OCs, not using canon characters. -
I hope I haven't driven y'all away. Nice to -
meet you!
Hello, and welcome to my partner search! -
My name is Anaxileah, nice to meet you! -
I'm 19 years old, and I use she/her pronouns. -
I'm a detailed roleplayer, and I love -
writing long-term anything.
However, I'm quite indecisive and -
not too good at thinking up plots
or ideas on my own.
That's why I'm making this! I want -
to find other roleplayers who are
interested in creating stories with me!
I assure you, I'm capable of coming -
up with ideas and stories on my own,
and I have in the past.
I just happen to like trying new things -
and meeting new people.
So, that being said, here are the rules -
that I do have.
I follow RPN's rules. You should too. -
I am fine with NSFW, but RPN isn't. -
So that's a no-no.
I must have detail. Please. I like a lot -
of detail, feelings, experiences, etc.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation -
are a must for me. I would like top
notch grammar, if not close. (I
understand if English isn't your first
language, so we might be able to
work something out.)
Try to be around. I like communication. -
I don't like it when people disappear
on me and never return. It's fine if
you can't post steadily, half the time
I can't. I understand that life is more
important. But it's not hard to shoot
a text or call me. Please.
Being friends is a plus for me. I would -
really enjoy that. If our personalities
clash, it might not work out, and I'm
I don't do politics. -
I can't think of anything else at the moment, -
but I'll let you know if something else
comes up.
Back to the topic at hand...
If you've made it this far, I commend you. -
Not many would care to read this far.
I am fine with MxM, FxF, MxF, or FxM. I do -
enjoy a good romance. However, I don't just
want romance. I like a good adventure,
action, comedy, horror, mystery, etc. I need
more than just romance.
Fantasy is my favorite genre. I love the -
fantastical worlds that people come up
with or already use. But I enjoy Fandom,
Futuristic/Sci-Fi, and Modern/Realistic, too.
What I like:
Literally anything. -
Doctor Who -
Supernatural -
Harry Potter -
Various Fictional Crime Shows -
(NCIS, Criminal Minds, Lie to Me,
Bones, etc.)
Firefly -
Other? -
*disclaimer: just because they're there
doesn't mean I'm caught up.
I like alien stuff -
I like cyberpunk stuff -
I like steampunk (although that's -
historically sci-fi-ish? Idk)
Space exploration is cool -
Star Wars, Star Trek, too -
I LOVE dystopias -
Superhero/Villan stuff -
Apocalyptic shit -
Crime show stuff -
Idk -
Well, those are my interests. I don't -
have any plots already thought out, but
I'm open to ideas. I like/can handle
violence, gore, dark stuff, vulgarity, etc.,
but I also enjoy the nice stuff just as much.
I still need adventure-ish things!
I prefer OCs, not using canon characters. -
I hope I haven't driven y'all away. Nice to -
meet you!
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