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Colosseum ErikaRaven VS SachiGrl


Indecisive Being
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ErikaRaven said:
Should I edit it or something? @SachiGrl
Well, instead of saying I threw a multitude of punches, you could say I threw one punch and instinctively your used your ink shield for protection, but from the momentum I gathered, it still managed to break your shield, but the punch's power was cut in half or by eighty percent (math geek here), so not much damaged was inflicted upon you.
SachiGrl said:
Well, instead of saying I threw a multitude of punches, you could say I threw one punch and instinctively your used your ink shield for protection, but from the momentum I gathered, it still managed to break your shield, but the punch's power was cut in half or by eighty percent (math geek here), so not much damaged was inflicted upon you.
I would say yes, unless the other person has made advanced plans to be off line for that time.

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