Eric Eldritchsonn


Weirder than an honest president
Name: Eric Eldritchsonn




Age: 23

Sex: Male

Height: 182cm

Weight: 81Kg

Body Type: Ectomorph

Voice Type: Bass


He is what people calls a two faced person. When he is with people that he needs or can use, he will show himself as a warm and friendly person, always happy to help and kind. You can usually see him smiling and praising the skills of his teammates. The truth is totally different. Inside, Eric is a cold, merciless sociopathic. For him, a person can either be a resource or a dead weight, changing from one to other to suit his plans or objectives. He wont do anything unless he sees a profit on it, or something that can help him. Because of this, all the people who know him are usually deceived by this, until either they meet a person who really knows him or they stop being useful. That makes him drop his mask instantly. His jealousy easily could be without a match. Because of how he was raised, the feeling of envy is really strong, be it because of skills, looks, or any little thing you can think about.


Born in the wealthy family of the Eldritchsonns, he was raised by a strict father to become the next head in the business. Since he was a kid, all he was teached, all he saw and heard was destined into building the perfect CEO, but they forgot the human part of it. Once he reached 14, he outsmarted his own father and took the business for himself, leaving his father living in the streets, with a price over his head. With a hunger for more challenges, he set his aim on the Dreamscape company. He is planning to try their game, analyze it and create a new version dozens of times more powerful, with private access and great fees to play it.
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