

The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin

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Full Name:



(Keep Humanoid).

History: (Before your life on Erelos).

Time on Erelos: (No less than 3 months, no more than 1 1/3 years).

Trio Choice: (Aeden, Yanne, or Kavia)

Most Recent Dream:


(The, I couldn't fit it elsewhere spot! Not for weapon).
Full Name: Arehm i Tahge

Optional-Nickname: Ari

Age: 38

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Ari.jpg.e3677a66a7933fb20d9a185f07918cbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Ari.jpg.e3677a66a7933fb20d9a185f07918cbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: I remember the sting and crack of the whip. Or is it fire. I remember the orange of flames, trying to get to them, I need the fire. Or something in them. It's my way out. It's the only colour of life I can remember.

Time on Erelos: 16 months.

Trio Choice: Aedan

Most Recent Dream: Flames. It's all in flames.

Personality: None.

Other: He suffers from both Night Terrors and Somnambulism. He has an irrational fear of short females. Kleptomaniac.



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Alexander 'Alex' Glen Goodfellow



With a small smile and eyes that seem to shimmer with a spark of hope, Alex gives the demeanor of someone with their head in the clouds. At first glance, he may even seem rude simply because he generally has a bad habit of not paying attention when he's daydreaming. Alexander can typically be found wearing a white chef's coat, black slacks, and black shoes; as a Chef, he's most often working. His casual wear generally consists of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. He can also sometimes be found wearing jeans when not on the job.

Alex was born with heterochromia, an inherited condition of the eyes where the melanin (a pigment) in one eye is less (or more) than the other eye. Because of this, he can't see very well out of his gray eye- the eye he tends to keep covered using his hairstyle. When asked about it, he's very likely to give a roundabout answer rather than face the question directly. He doesn't like it very much.

Race: Human (Earth)

Age: 23

Eye Color: Heterochromia (Golden/Gray)

Hair Color: Blonde

Mustache/Beard: None

Ethnicity: Caucasian. Skin is a pale white, almost akin to that of milk.

Birthday: January 5

Blood Type: O+

Zodiac Sign (Western): Capricorn

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 lbs

Shirt Size: L

Pant Size: 34

Shoe Size: 9

(Measurements are approx., considering I'm not very good at telling what appropriate sizes are.)

Time on Erelos: 1 year

Trio Choice: Kavia



Alexander is generally the sort of person one wouldn't usually expect to be chosen to meet Mother Mai. Average in nature with no incredibly special qualities to speak of, he's just a normal run-of-the mill baker/chef in Kavia. He enjoys his work very much, often putting in long hours at the small but high-end cafe he might as well call his second home. Seeing other people smile at his creations are one of the few things that can make him smile with any true warmth. He may not be good for much, but he's good at what he does.

While he's not very religious, since he has more of an attitude of an atheist when it comes to such things, he is somewhat spiritual. He believes in karma and that doing the right thing will, in turn, bring good luck.



Food (both eating and cooking it)







Most Recent Dream:

"I was in my kitchen, finishing the final touches on a cake, when suddenly the scenery around me changed. I didn't know how, or why, and I couldn't even tell what the scenery had changed to. All I knew was that I felt this...longing. I had a wish. I felt like I should have been reaching out to something. As I tried to look around me, I saw nothing but darkness.....until I looked up. I looked up, and saw a blue sky more beautiful than anything I had ever seen before. The next thing I know, I'm waking up with no idea why there's tears in my eyes."





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I would love to reserve a spot! I can't finish now, but here's what I have so far:

Full Name: Saylee Cora Winters

Optional-Nickname: Cora or Winnie from her last name

Age: 23


History: Cora was born into a loving nuclear family. Mom, dad, one brother and two sisters. A young, perfect family.

Then her youngest sister was born.

Yazmine was hell for her family. She took her first victim early, killing her mother in childbirth. At 6, she went Lizzie Borden and took an axe to her father's head. They moved in with their aunt next, who died of suspect conditions. Afterwards, it was clear Yazmine was at fault. Yazmine was taken away, by people they assumed were from the State. How wrong they were.

Yazmine was taken by the Crows, a branch of assassins specializing in child assassins. She was trained to better act on her psychotic impulses and sadistic needs, and has been hunting fo rhte family that sent her away ever since.

During this time, Cora, as the eldest, took the brunt of it all. She has either hidden, given new identities to or sent to another country every one of her siblings. She chose to stay, hoping that something will eventually save her sister.

Time on Erelos: 1 year

Trio Choice: Kavia

Most Recent Dream: She was falling down, rapidly, until she landed with impunity in her childhood bed. When she got up, she was euphoric and with her long deceased mother, until she woke up to the lonely reality that is her life.

Personality: Cora has always been the caregiver type. She does everything she can to help people, especially those younger than her or those who especially need it. She is also a "hugger." Social norms don't occur to her, and she hugs everyone. All the time. And she truly means it as an act of unbridled affection, with a hint of innocence she refuses to lose.

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Full Name: Sythe Murkoff

Age: 28

Appearance: His height is average, but his posture makes him seem taller. He has neatly cut brown hair, a sharp face, and inscrutinable brown eyes. On most occasions, his expression is either of cautious neutrality or clear distaste. His skin is light and prone to burning rather than tanning.

History: Sythe was brought up to be proper and scholarly, raised by aristocratic parents that were always distant. He had a spark of adventure in him, but his relatives did everything it could to stamp it out. Not allowed to play with others of his age - riffraff, his parents said - he took solace in literature. After a scandal ruined his prestigious family, young Sythe decided to head out, dreaming of better worlds and left with nothing of worth. Although at first overwhelmed by independence, he eventually adapted.

He was inspired by the planets he visited, all of which were different and refreshing. He began to write about them in a small book, buying another one when he ran out of room. Originally, he had planned on finding a planet to settle on, but decided to continue travelling and see what the universe had to offer. He later sought out jobs on expeditions to write about creatures in less-inhabited places. As the years passed, he filled up several volumes. Although constant traveling prevented him from forming close relationships, he was used to solitude and felt no loss.

Sythe came across Erelos on the way back from a small, under-funded expedition. The ship only stopped for rest and repairs, but Sythe was enraptured by Yanne, Aeden, and Kavia and decided to stay longer to write about their many marvels. The rest of the crew never left as well.

Time on Erelos: 6 months

Trio Choice: Kavia

Most Recent Dream: Exploring a barren waste with a few others, hiding from strange looming monsters and scribbling notes. All around, formations of rock riddled with caves, shaped by a ceaseless wind. Long nights staring out of a porthole.

Personality: Travelling has made for a lonely life, but nonetheless Sythe feels purposeful and acts confident in his knowledge. When interacting with others, he is courteous (though distant), if only so people will be better disposed towards him in the future. He'll abandon them, however, if it's in his better interest. It's not that he doesn't like people; they're just a bother. Sythe is usually rational, but is quick to anger and tends to lose his judgement when he does.
Full Name: Evelyn Renee Passage

Optional-Nickname: Eve

Age: 27




Evelyn was leader in a primitive tribe consisting entirely of strong female warriors. Her title was gained through carefully planned blood-lines and pedigree. Her mother’s early demise made her the youngest leader the tribe had ever seen. Because of this, she had to work twice as hard to earn their respect and loyalty. By time she was 17, Evelyn had become a very much revered leader.

Since males where banned from their society, they needed a way to preserve their existence. Once a year, Evelyn would lead her tribe to another across the great river. This tribe consisted of all men. It was Evelyn's job to assign a mate to each member of her tribe. Any man who denied her request, was to be captured and held as a slave. The women of the tribe where never allowed to have any type of relationship with the men apart from the reasons of reproduction. The men were considered to be a lesser race, to be simply used and nothing more.

During one of these visits, Evelyn was making her rounds, checking on the women. In the outer corner of the village, she caught one of the men proposing marriage to one of her girls, and to her surprise, she accepted. This was a treachery that would not be tolerated.

Evelyn charged to the young lovers. Without hesitation, she sends her spear right through the neck of the man. Seeing her beloved fall, the woman begins to weep. Evelyn sees this as weakness, and weakness is not accepted among her people. She orders her capture, and she is guarded for the rest of the night.

The following morning, the tribe returns home. Now, Evelyn had a traitor to deal with. At dawn, she order a meeting of the full tribe to an open field. Once there, the prisoner is brought to her. She holds onto the ropes, forcing her down to kneel in front of her. She looks out to her tribe. She can see the fear in their eyes. Nothing like this had ever happened for and they were unsure of what would happen.

Evelyn turns the prisoner to face the tribe. She yells out to them "Behold, the face of the weak! We are strong warriors. Our ways will not be abandoned. Let it be known that any who defy me, will spill blood in these fields!” She pushes the prisoner down and presses her foot over her neck. Evelyn raises her spear over her head and shouts out a battle cry, normally reserved for times of war. She brings the spear down right through her skull, impaling her to the ground.

Not only does the tribe watch with fear, but the male slaves do as well. Evelyn looks back once again to her tribe, releasing her grip on her spear. "Now, return to the village. Let this serve as a reminder to be strong to our ways. Anyone who removes this spear or the prisoner it holds will meet the same fate.”

That night, one of the slave men escape. It went unnoticed to the ones who were supposed to be guarding them. He manages to run back to the male tribe, though it takes him most of the night. By morning, he has told the tribe of Evelyn's heartless execution. The male tribe brings forth a plan to ensure the fall of Evelyn's tribe.

Evelyn is woken up the next morning by the screams of her tribe. She grabs a spear from the wall and runs out to find her village under attack. It is the men from the other tribe. These boys they have sent to ambush, where sons of the women. They had given birth to these boys. The deeply imbedded instincts of a mother, where blocking the women’s judgment. They found themselves unable to fight back.

Evelyn charged into battle, fighting off as many as she could, but her warriors where falling fast. By time the battle subsided, her large tribe was now much smaller. After they regained some power, war was declared against the male tribe, and this war, they won. The tribe was successfully killed off, but now a new problem arose.

Her people no longer had mates, which meant they would eventually vanish. Evelyn left the tribe, leaving her second in command in charge. She set off to find a new tribe that would be mates to her people. Finding no proper suitors, she comes to the conclusion that she must leave the planet and find other ways to insure her kind’s survival.

Time on Erelos: 5 months.

Trio Choice: Kavia

Most Recent Dream: Standing in an open field. Blood begins forming under her feet and floods out into the field in waves.


Quick-witted and cunning, Evelyn has a "no nonsense" attitude. She holds intelligence and logic in high respect, but has little tolerance for immaturity. She has a high level of self-discipline and prides herself on being able to control her own emotions, thoughts, and actions, though she becomes easily frustrated and bewildered when this control is lost.
Full Name: Lux Cearga.

Optional-Nickname: -none-

Age: 24



Height: 5'2"

Weight: 116 lbs.

Hair: Black

Skintone: Tan

Eyes: Brown


All Lux has ever known was the travelling market her mother gave birth to her sister and herself at. The vendors who sold their oddities knew her name, the women who sat at their stands and read palms called her 'sweetheart', and there was always a strange toy available for her at Hensley's stall if she said pretty please and minded her manners while her mother visited the back room to check his stores.

As she grew older, she became a more important part of the market, a valuable attraction that brought many customers to the market's heart. With a pinch of magnetic chalk, a few generous donations, and a few pricks of blood, she would entertain a crowd with a dance. The slow hypnotic movement of her limbs as she made her way through the carved circles in the dirt, and the deep sounds of her sister's flute made a deal, a pact, and a demon was summoned in the center of these circles. If that particular demon was pleased with the blood sacrifice, it would possibly strike a deal with the person who made the donation...or answer a question or two, with twisted truth, or blunt honesty, but there were many who were enraged at the thought of being put on display, falling silent as they watched Lux with cold soulless eyes. Many of the customers believed in the demon's shimmering form that appeared before them, others believed it was all a show. But all Lux knew was that she couldn't fall, her soul would be theirs to take if she did. She had been old enough to watch her grandmother slip, and fall, and never open her eyes again. But it was a thrill, the danger of something deadly sitting so close and not being able to touch her.

Just as she was old enough to dance, she was old enough to realize that the bruises on her mother's arms weren't from a long days worth of work, and that Mr. Hensley's kindness seemed to resemble briber more than it did affection. So she donated herself, pricked her own finger, claiming it was only for practice, and she struck a deal.

Some say it was faulty wiring that got Hensley, others say a customer wasn't happy with their purchase, but Lux was gone in the morning. Traveling until she found a new home, nestled with a few rouges on a caravan, making her living by dancing in towns and petty thievery.

Time on Erelos: 7 months

Trio Choice: Kavia

Most Recent Dream: Dancing through flames, attempting not to cry out as the bottom of her feet burned, all the while, unable to get a glimpse of figure she was dancing with.

Personality: Prideful, to say the least. With a tendency to seek out danger and skirt along side it, for thrills. She enjoys compliments and is rather vain, but is more likely to become annoyed. Sweet words and quick hands are her specialty, and any outright aggression displayed on her part is likely because you've found a way to get under her skin completely.

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