Erasing the World


Diamond of the Universe
*Please delete the parentheses, brackets, etc., and fill out each portion appropriately*

NOTE: I will provide sheets for other characters (ex: scientist) if it is requested--as of now, this is the sheet for the Guardians






Description: (opt. --> for those who cannot find a photo, etc.)

Skill: (the one you will be maxing)


Weapon: (opt.)


History/Bio: (opt.)

Subject Number: (scientists refer to you with a number, so this section is for the number you wish to have)

Room Number: (the number of the room in which you live in)

Other: (this is where you would add your crush if your character is in love with someone)

---You have gained access---

--to Subject 105:--

-Evan Tahoma-


Evan '105' Tahoma






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/89e6faaf8d91af5704b7ee79d9f42b51.jpg.48c081e6cba8120cf8b24c7729ce5c9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/89e6faaf8d91af5704b7ee79d9f42b51.jpg.48c081e6cba8120cf8b24c7729ce5c9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ec111341ae1d22c07e2144bc3e2f43a5.jpg.bd279c4f93bb3b894883831ec24dc286.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ec111341ae1d22c07e2144bc3e2f43a5.jpg.bd279c4f93bb3b894883831ec24dc286.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_original__1_.jpg.ea977fe3f2ddbc523a7aebf2e7e2f2e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_original__1_.jpg.ea977fe3f2ddbc523a7aebf2e7e2f2e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evan is a tall male with the height of 69.9 Inches and the weight of 135.7 Pounds. He has dark brown hair that usually will cover his eyes at times. He has dark emerald eyes that do go real deep but it's amazing on what he can see with them. Evan's usual attire is a plad scarf usually with black and white clothing. He'll sometimes have a hoodie on or carry around a backpack. And since he knows weather better than usual, he carries around a umbrella that varies from different kinds.


Predicting The Weather


The problem with Evan's predictions are that it isn't really in detail, he'll say it's something something degrees or that it's going to be sunny, not a lot of detail.


An Umbrella, real scary I know. The Umbrella has a [DATA EXPUNGED] inside of it, that can retract, shoot or stab people. And it's bulletproof.


Evan is a bit doubtful, he's timid and rarely thinks positive about anything. He'll regret about winning about a bet, it varies. He will forget things after a few seconds, so often that even when he tries to to put something away, then wants to get back to it in a few minutes, he'll grab something else, focus on it and forget about the other thing, almost like amnesia but he doesn't forget about the real important stuff.



Subject Number:


Room Number:




** All descriptions and pictures were made and shot by personnel assigned to him.



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Noyeh said:

---You have gained access---

--to Subject 105:--

-Evan Tahoma-


Evan '105' Tahoma






View attachment 126183 View attachment 126184

View attachment 126185


Evan is a tall male with the height of 69.9 Inches and the weight of 135.7 Pounds. He has dark brown hair that usually will cover his eyes at times. He has dark emerald eyes that do go real deep but it's amazing on what he can see with them. Evan's usual attire is a plad scarf usually with black and white clothing. He'll sometimes have a hoodie on or carry around a backpack. And since he knows weather better than usual, he carries around a umbrella that varies from different kinds.


Predicting The Weather


The problem with Evan's predictions are that it isn't really in detail, he'll say it's something something degrees or that it's going to be sunny, not a lot of detail.


An Umbrella, real scary I know.


Evan is a bit doubtful, he's timid and rarely thinks positive about anything. He'll regret about winning about a bet, it varies. He will forget things after a few seconds, so often that even when he tries to to put something away, then wants to get back to it in a few minutes, he'll grab something else, focus on it and forget about the other thing, almost like amnesia but he doesn't forget about the real important stuff.



Subject Number:


Room Number:




** All descriptions and pictures were made and shot by personnel assigned to him.
Accepted! Amazing work--I never really expected anyone to go as far as match the futuristic theme even in the character sheet(s)!

Anyway, thanks so much for joining--I'm really looking forward to "working" with you~ :D


SwiftThunder said:





Name/designation(s)/aliases: Mason K. MacGregor, Subject #37, "37", "Mac", "Kep"

Age: 21

Gender: Male


*Note, Artist was member of third party organization*

Description: Subject stands at approximately 6 foot 2 inches (73.6 inches) and weighs approximately 185 (184.5) pounds.

Skill: Pocket dimension access - subject is able to create a small hole in the fabric of space to allow for retrieval of weapons that would otherwise encumber or hold down subject. Able to access various/general and mission specific items when given directive and enough time to focus on an opening. *Note - largest instance of dimensional rift opening was no large than 2 feet (20 inches), any attempts beyond this dimension ended in failure; further attempts to expand dimensions are on-going.

Weakness: Severe aversion to bright light for eyesight and mild aversion to loud sound. Subject also near sighted: Subject given transitional glasses to facilitate restoration of sight and allow for protection from light aversion. Subject also suffer from leg pain due to illness during early onset childhood. Subject prefers use of wooden cane to facilitate movement; subject is able of movement of cane for extended periods, but not while under high duress and/or pressure.

Weapon: Varied - Able to retrieve weapons from dimensional rift, also able to use cane as makeshift long-club.

Personality: Subject 37 known to have periods of cooperation with researchers. Emotions observed include respect, courtesy, overall politeness**. Periods of cooperation offset by periods of depression regarding past family losses, loss of freedom, anger over bad leg, etc**. Subject observed to question directives at a nominal rate, however, this rate decreases when subject is given directives that coincide with subject's personal 'code' of individual ethics and/or virtues. Subject 37 expresses interest in meeting other subjects to facilitate future cohesion; request currently pending under operational director for subject 37.

** - As observed by personal researchers assigned to subject 37

History/Bio: ERROR 407 LOSS OF FILE: CORRUPTION/REFILE. Contact network administrator or necessary security level researcher to re-access complete file.

Subject Number: Subject I.D. #37

Room Number: Room #21

Other: N/A (For now)


Another amazing work of art! Wow, I'm still really impressed. >.<

Ahh, thanks so much for joining~ I hope you'll have a nice RP experience here once we get started!


~Juby "13" Edgar~

20 years of age



Juby has frighteningly pale skin that makes his green eyes stand out. He has found that no matter how hard he tries, the mess of brown waves atop his head will not obey. He is also somewhat shorter than most men, standing at a measly sixty-five inches. He is very thin, and it's something he's not terribly proud of but can't be bothered to fix.



His maxed out skill is his speed


Juby is not very strong, physically, and most times requires assistance in the simplest things like opening a bag of chips


Juby tends to appear lazy. He speaks slowly and in monotone, as though he just can not possibly believe he has to open his mouth. Despite this, Juby is actually quite energetic and willing to participate. He is usually very sweet, whether it be to his fellow 'Guardians' or the scientists responsible for their enhancements. However, he has a very cruel and sadistic side he very rarely lets out. It is the side of him that would not mind snapping the neck of a small helpless animal or to stand on and watch as his comrades die. Juby does not like this side of himself and if it threatens to make an appearance he tries his best to avoid others.


--Classified information.
Withheld from those with below Level Four clearance.--


Subject Number


Room Number



FILE B67.SEC17. No. 78



Seya Pendrane

Subject 78








Reading Minds- Seya can read the minds of certain people who are within 3 feet of her; she must be completely familiar with their face and must have already had contact with them a number of times before she could read their mind [please read personality]

- Seya can jump higher than the average person, about 3 meters into the air from the ground


Seya is unspeakably poor in combat and has a low level of stamina


Small dagger (kitchen knife)


Seya is generally open and willing to get to know others, but is terribly frightened of the idea of meeting people and coming into contact with them. She is scared that they would cause her harm and other thoughts that cause her fear of people to skyrocket every time she sees someone. Otherwise, she is kind, shy and bubbly as well as helpful, even though she can be clumsy most of the time.

But once Seya uses her Mind Reading power, she has a polar personality change. As soon as she receives the information from a person's mind, she blacks out for about a minute, and then wakes up to be a different person. Seya is only barely aware of this side of her, and does not remember the things that she's done in her 'dark' form. The people in the laboratory named this side "Zeya". Zeya is sadistic, cruel and is considered to have no human emotions. More than once, she has attacked the people who enter her room, or just people who move to help her from the floor (after she faints). Luckily, once she falls into a comfortable (not forced) sleep, she returns to being Seya.

Seya is very emotional and can easily be in tears from something irrelevant, or just small memory. She hates looking at people in the eye and tends to look downwards, always having her hands somewhat near her face, hovering close. She often protected her head due to the experience with scientists, and now it's become a habit.



Seya was handpicked from a family with a healthy history, mostly consisting of athletes. They took her in from a far away city when the parents were sent away for war-related reasons, and that's when the experiments began. In order to help with the war cause, scientists needed someone who would predict the future that's coming for them. So, that way they can keep track of whether or not they're making the right moves, etc.

But Seya was an experiment gone wrong. She was predicted to grow up as a healthy child, both emotionally and physically, but since the experiments started (on her brain and body), she began to lose those qualities. Instead of being able to predict the future, she ended up with the ability to read minds, though it's very dysfunctional. Due to the experiments, Seya grew to hate and fear humans, specifically the scientists in white coats and the guards who serve them. (they all where specific uniforms so she could tell who works for the scientists, etc.)

The experiment traumatized her, which is what made her emotionally unstable. She stopped eating for a while, which made her health go down the drain. Seya still cannot control her powers, so when she is taken over by an overwhelming sense of fear (which is usually built up over time), her powers go off, leaving her in the "Zeya" state until she falls asleep again (scientists cannot inject her with a sleeping medication--though Zeya falls asleep, the next time she wakes up, Zeya will still be present). Scientists assume that Zeya resulted from the pent up hate and anger Seya experienced, which cannot be shown when Seya is consciously aware of herself and the others around her. Her jumping power's origin is unknown, but scientists have found that her bones are lighter than that of normal humans'.

Currently, she is a wasted human being to the scientists, but they must keep her just in case anything else happens--they have to keep their experiments for record and to log any data that may help for future research.


Subject Number:


Room Number:



[will update soon]



[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]


~Juby "13" Edgar~

20 years of age



Juby has frighteningly pale skin that makes his green eyes stand out. He has found that no matter how hard he tries, the mess of brown waves atop his head will not obey. He is also somewhat shorter than most men, standing at a measly sixty-five inches. He is very thin, and it's something he's not terribly proud of but can't be bothered to fix.



His maxed out skill is his speed


Juby is not very strong, physically, and most times requires assistance in the simplest things like opening a bag of chips


Juby tends to appear lazy. He speaks slowly and in monotone, as though he just can not possibly believe he has to open his mouth. Despite this, Juby is actually quite energetic and willing to participate. He is usually very sweet, whether it be to his fellow 'Guardians' or the scientists responsible for their enhancements. However, he has a very cruel and sadistic side he very rarely lets out. It is the side of him that would not mind snapping the neck of a small helpless animal or to stand on and watch as his comrades die. Juby does not like this side of himself and if it threatens to make an appearance he tries his best to avoid others.


--Classified information.
Withheld from those with below Level Four clearance.--


Subject Number


Room Number



Accepted~ Another great character~ :D

Wow, these applicants are amazing!! **excited**
Name: Alice Hamilton

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Description: Subject I.D. #82 measures at 5'2 in full extension: Acceptable. Subject I.D. #82 weighs approximately 90 pounds: Underweight. Increase caloric intake. Red hair, moderate length, pale skin. Green eyes, freckled face. Ribcage, knees and elbows visible due to low body fat.

Skill: Subject I.D. #82 shows fluent ability in Telekinesis, the ability to control the formation and location of matter using mental power. In extensive testing, fluid movements of objects up to 250 pounds can be executed consistently. Higher weight leads to fatigue. States of matter can be converted with extreme effort. Further testing required. Subject I.D. #82 may also turn her Telekinesis inwards, effectively teleporting herself a moderate distance. Subject I.D #82 is hesitant to perform this maneuver, citing extreme physical pain as a deterrent. High destructive potential.

Weakness: Due to Subject I.D. #82's small stature, she is extremely frail. This problem is exasperated by childhood illnesses. Though she is able to manipulate objects beyond the average human capabilities with her mind, with her body she has failed to lift objects exceeding 20 pounds. Subject also suffers from exhaustion, this due to low calorie intake and an ongoing respiratory illness. Subject I.D #82 also has a tendency to choke in combat, due to general fear and unwillingness to cause physical harm to another.

Weapon: As a result of Subject I.D. #82's physical weakness, she is unable to lift or maneuver any weapon of consequence. She has, however, proven to be adapt at using her telekinetic powers to throw small objects, such as bullets at high speeds.

Personality: Alice is quiet, but not brooding. Her voice is quiet and slow, her words seeming to come out as if they were all carefully calculated. She is not quiet due to some sort of mysterious brooding or angst, but because her mind is awash with ideas and thoughts. Alice is loyal to a fault, sometimes finding herself manipulated due to her desire to trust and love and to be trusted and loved. She is obsessed with the natural beauty of the world, finding comfort in the familiar patterns and trends in her daily life. A true optimist. A conversation with Alice is always unique, as her bright perspective and inquisitive mind can lead to unexpected observations that sound more like poems than statements. Some may think that she is vapid and air headed, but if one takes the time to understand her they tend to find their minds somewhat opened.

Alice is generally compliant to the researchers, having grown up with them but quietly harbors some resentment. She wishes that she wasn't born with her powers, as she believes that if she didn't she would have a stronger body and would still be with her loved ones.

History/Bio: (WIP)

Subject Number: Subject I.D. #82

Room Number: 30
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Oliver [ 112 ] Hosp








Oliver has dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, that randomly streak through his hair. He's got piercing blue eyes and a devilish smile, that seems to get him into more trouble than his own actions. Oliver stands at approximately 5 foot 11 inches. His normal attire is a white, long sleeve button up and a pair of dark black jeans. Occasionally he wears a vest and a tie with the outfit, if he seems fit.


Heightened hearing and vision- Sensative to the slightest noise and can sense movement up to 200 yards

Precognition- also called future sight, and second sight, is an alleged psychic ability to see events in the future.


Oliver's sensativity to noise and movement can be altered. Too much noise or light can temporary stun or blind him. Though the Precognitions usually come in dreams, a 'vision' that occurs during his concious state may result in a terrible migrane and can quickly progress into something worst.


Oliver is very skilled when it comes to accuracy. Therefore, throwing knives or guns are more up his isle.


Oliver is quite rude and sarcastic. Though, he really doesn't mean to be. He has no patience for rude or inconsiderate people; if someone is bothering him or his little brother, he'll set them straight quickly. Oliver is a bit over-protective to those he really cares about. Oliver is the quiet and serious kind, he rather not speak anything that isn't required. Though, he isn't the easiest to get along with, he does have a good side whenever he's in contact with his sibling, Innocence. He can, indeed, be the most loving person towards his brother.

Subject Number:


Room Number:





Innocence [ 116 ] Hosp








Innocence is quite short for the average fourteen year old; standing only at 5 foot 4 inches. Much like his brother, Innocence has long and unruly brown hair that curls slightly around his face and the back of his neck. Innocence has light, baby blue eye's and a bright smile that is, well.. Innocent. The teen is usually dressed in a pair of black, skinny jeans and a size too big, sweatshirt. His sweatshirt color usually depends on his mood.


Invisibility: The ability of an object to be hidden from view.

Mist Minipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate vapor, a gas phase at a temperature where the same substance can also exist in the liquid or solid state, below the critical temperature of the substance.


Innocence can only stay invisible for a certain amount of time, depending on how much strength he has. Over using the ability can result in body exhaustion and fatigue. As for the Minipulation, Innocence is still new to the ability and only learning how to bend it to his will. This also tire's him extremely.


Innocence is not much of a physical fighter. He is more likely to us a strategy to conjure a plan for a distraction to escape.


Innocence, unlike his brother, is a very hyper character. He's very smart and tends to think his actions through, before commiting them. He's very sweet and kind-hearted. The boy loves people and doesn't mind speaking his mind, even if the timing is inappropiate. Innocence clings to his brothers side; fore he has always done so.

Subject Number:


Room Number:


//I hope its okay if they room together, being siblings and all. If not, I will change it. Will probably edit more later.
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~Luci "6" Lu~

Fourteen years of age



Luci is very, very short. She stands at 4'3 when standing straight. She is slightly heavier than her comrades whereas most of her chub rests on her hips. She has 'sparkling' blue eyes and medium dark hair.



Despite her tiny, non-threatening size, Luci's maxed skill is her strength. She's strong enough to leave a crater in the ground thats three feet deep.


Luci has absolutely no sense of direction. She cannot tell North from South or left from right. Also her strength comes and goes. She has no power over it and more often than not, is more apt to break her floor than an enemy's face.



Luci is very clumsy and surprisingly sweet for a genetically modified killer. She is very polite to those around her and honestly would prefer to take a long nap or play outside rather than murder. She also has a habit of losing her glasses.

Subject Number


Room Number




Maverick Alexander// 18 // Male


Maverick Alexander is the type of guy dad's warn their daughters about. Except, he's not interested in their daughters; he's interested in their sons! Maverick is incredibly homosexual, to the point where it's painful. He's obsessed with boys almost as much as he's obsessed with himself, yet he does love to play games with everyone, including girls.

He can be quite a flirt and is not above using his charm to get what he wants, and he'll often flirt with girls to get their attention, then end up throwing them to the side once he gets a rouse out of them. Next to being gayer than a rainbow, Maverick is completely self-obsorbed. He knows he's attractive, and he'll use that power for as much evil as he wants.



Maverick is able to transport to and through different dimensions at the speed of light. This is caused by splitting the space time continuum in the muted levels of "after space" or manipulated space caused by this specific transporter. This in turn creates a black hole, which can only absorb what he chooses to be in the after space (at this point, he can only transport himself). While in the black hole, Maverick is temporarily mutilated and sewn in to the fabric of space time, only to be spit out by the equal force of a white hole, which is also unexplained phenomena that creates matter out of nothing.



Although Maverick has this undeniably intricate and interesting ability, it can only be acquired a certain number of times. Maverick can use this ability up to six times, but if he tries to use it more than six times, he risks a three day coma, or worst case scenario, death. It takes a total of six hours for the space time continuum he forcibly broke to re-sew itself, which is the amount of time it takes before he can use his power after the limit.


Maverick uses his baton as a weapon. Of course this item can be used as a fun fashion statement, but most of the time, it's used for whacking people over the head.


Subject Number:


Room Number:



Maverick is not flamboyantly gay. He enjoys being manly. In fact, lots have women have thrown themselves at him, but of course, he's never interested.


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  • tumblr_mr6nwgqGMB1r6vixwo1_500_zpsafbb9888.jpg

    Name : Jared

    Subject No. : 66

    Age : 18

    Gender : Male

    Height : 6'2"

    Weight : 156 lbs.

    Room No. : 42

    Appearance : Jared does not have a preference in clothing, save for his shoes. He seems to have some form of attachment towards them. Once asked, he did not have a reason, but just seemed addament that we leave them be.

    Weapon : Jared uses a combination of a pair of spiked gauntlets, and weaved maces that he in fact created himself. We simply supplied the materials.



    Personality : Jared has been observed to be a very serious person. He shows a lack of interest for most of the scientists, though co-operates without argument. As of yet, he has shown no signs of fear, nor any reactions to some of the more painful experiments. We would list him as a complete sociopath if it were not for his sister.

    Jared shows an immense amount of love for Olivia, becoming quite violent if anyone tries to get too close without his consent. He also becomes extremely violent if the two are forcibly seperated, though he is completely calm if they seperate of their own volition.

    Other : Jared has shown us many times in battle simulations, that he is more than willing to put his own life on the line in order to protect Olivia. A few of us are attempting to resolve this, as it would be problematic in a real life situation.
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To Recent Applicants/Newly Submitted Characters (to their Users):


@Nikki Rodgers

@Genieva Von Bubbles

@Clear Water


So far from what I've seen, everything is pretty good! I'm a little busy at the moment (and will be for the next hour) so I will not be able to log on.

(This is just a brief log on, in other words)

Therefore, I will have to review the new character sheets after I get back.

I'm really excited to read all of them, and I hope I can get it done right after I get some alone time. >.<

Anyway, thank you so much for joining!

I'm so honored to have you all join this roleplay!

*another hundred 'thank you's*

So, until the next time I see you~ (in an hour xD )


Porgongo said:
Name: Alice Hamilton
Age: 19

Gender: Female



Description: Subject I.D. #82 measures at 5'2 in full extension: Acceptable. Subject I.D. #82 weighs approximately 90 pounds: Underweight. Increase caloric intake. Red hair, moderate length, pale skin. Green eyes, freckled face. Ribcage, knees and elbows visible due to low body fat.

Skill: Subject I.D. #82 shows fluent ability in Telekinesis, the ability to control the formation and location of matter using mental power. In extensive testing, fluid movements of objects up to 250 pounds can be executed consistently. Higher weight leads to fatigue. States of matter can be converted with extreme effort. Further testing required. Subject I.D. #82 may also turn her Telekinesis inwards, effectively teleporting herself a moderate distance. Subject I.D #82 is hesitant to perform this maneuver, citing extreme physical pain as a deterrent. High destructive potential.

Weakness: Due to Subject I.D. #82's small stature, she is extremely frail. This problem is exasperated by childhood illnesses. Though she is able to manipulate objects beyond the average human capabilities with her mind, with her body she has failed to lift objects exceeding 20 pounds. Subject also suffers from exhaustion, this due to low calorie intake and an ongoing respiratory illness. Subject I.D #82 also has a tendency to choke in combat, due to general fear and unwillingness to cause physical harm to another.

Weapon: As a result of Subject I.D. #82's physical weakness, she is unable to lift or maneuver any weapon of consequence. She has, however, proven to be adapt at using her telekinetic powers to throw small objects, such as bullets at high speeds.

Personality: Alice is quiet, but not brooding. Her voice is quiet and slow, her words seeming to come out as if they were all carefully calculated. She is not quiet due to some sort of mysterious brooding or angst, but because her mind is awash with ideas and thoughts. Alice is loyal to a fault, sometimes finding herself manipulated due to her desire to trust and love and to be trusted and loved. She is obsessed with the natural beauty of the world, finding comfort in the familiar patterns and trends in her daily life. A true optimist. A conversation with Alice is always unique, as her bright perspective and inquisitive mind can lead to unexpected observations that sound more like poems than statements. Some may think that she is vapid and air headed, but if one takes the time to understand her they tend to find their minds somewhat opened.

Alice is generally compliant to the researchers, having grown up with them but quietly harbors some resentment. She wishes that she wasn't born with her powers, as she believes that if she didn't she would have a stronger body and would still be with her loved ones.

History/Bio: (WIP)

Subject Number: Subject I.D. #82

Room Number: 30


Wonderful character~ I could tell she's been thought out (more than the ones I've seen in other roleplays definitely).

I can't wait to see what you can do with her! Welcome aboard~


[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers]


Oliver [ 112 ] Hosp








Oliver has dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, that randomly streak through his hair. He's got piercing blue eyes and a devilish smile, that seems to get him into more trouble than his own actions. Oliver stands at approximately 5 foot 11 inches. His normal attire is a white, long sleeve button up and a pair of dark black jeans. Occasionally he wears a vest and a tie with the outfit, if he seems fit.


Heightened hearing and vision- Sensative to the slightest noise and can sense movement up to 200 yards

Precognition- also called future sight, and second sight, is an alleged psychic ability to see events in the future.


Oliver's sensativity to noise and movement can be altered. Too much noise or light can temporary stun or blind him. Though the Precognitions usually come in dreams, a 'vision' that occurs during his concious state may result in a terrible migrane and can quickly progress into something worst.


Oliver is very skilled when it comes to accuracy. Therefore, throwing knives or guns are more up his isle.


Oliver is quite rude and sarcastic. Though, he really doesn't mean to be. He has no patience for rude or inconsiderate people; if someone is bothering him or his little brother, he'll set them straight quickly. Oliver is a bit over-protective to those he really cares about. Oliver is the quiet and serious kind, he rather not speak anything that isn't required. Though, he isn't the easiest to get along with, he does have a good side whenever he's in contact with his sibling, Innocence. He can, indeed, be the most loving person towards his brother.

Subject Number:


Room Number:





Innocence [ 116 ] Hosp








Innocence is quite short for the average fourteen year old; standing only at 5 foot 4 inches. Much like his brother, Innocence has long and unruly brown hair that curls slightly around his face and the back of his neck. Innocence has light, baby blue eye's and a bright smile that is, well.. Innocent. The teen is usually dressed in a pair of black, skinny jeans and a size too big, sweatshirt. His sweatshirt color usually depends on his mood.


Invisibility: The ability of an object to be hidden from view.

Mist Minipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate vapor, a gas phase at a temperature where the same substance can also exist in the liquid or solid state, below the critical temperature of the substance.


Innocence can only stay invisible for a certain amount of time, depending on how much strength he has. Over using the ability can result in body exhaustion and fatigue. As for the Minipulation, Innocence is still new to the ability and only learning how to bend it to his will. This also tire's him extremely.


Innocence is not much of a physical fighter. He is more likely to us a strategy to conjure a plan for a distraction to escape.


Innocence, unlike his brother, is a very hyper character. He's very smart and tends to think his actions through, before commiting them. He's very sweet and kind-hearted. The boy loves people and doesn't mind speaking his mind, even if the timing is inappropiate. Innocence clings to his brothers side; fore he has always done so.

Subject Number:


Room Number:


//I hope its okay if they room together, being siblings and all. If not, I will change it. Will probably edit more later.


What a wonderful pair of characters~

As for their rooming, they could have jointed rooms (they don't live in the same room, but there is a door connecting the two rooms. How does that sound?

Also, someone has already taken room 21. >.<
[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]


~Luci "6" Lu~

Fourteen years of age



Luci is very, very short. She stands at 4'3 when standing straight. She is slightly heavier than her comrades whereas most of her chub rests on her hips. She has 'sparkling' blue eyes and medium dark hair.



Despite her tiny, non-threatening size, Luci's maxed skill is her strength. She's strong enough to leave a crater in the ground thats three feet deep.


Luci has absolutely no sense of direction. She cannot tell North from South or left from right. Also her strength comes and goes. She has no power over it and more often than not, is more apt to break her floor than an enemy's face.



Luci is very clumsy and surprisingly sweet for a genetically modified killer. She is very polite to those around her and honestly would prefer to take a long nap or play outside rather than murder. She also has a habit of losing her glasses.

Subject Number


Room Number




Haha, your character is so cute~

I think she would make the RP pretty interesting. :3


[QUOTE="Clear Water]


Calliope Jensing // 17 // Female



Calliope is able to transport to and through different dimensions at the speed of light. This is caused by splitting the space time continuum in the muted levels of "after space" or manipulated space caused by this specific transporter. This in turn creates a black hole, which can only absorb what she chooses to be in the after space (at this point, she can only transport by herself). While in the black hole, Calliope is temporarily mutilated and sewn in to the fabric of space time, only to be spit out by the equal force of a white hole, which is also unexplained phenomena that creates matter out of nothing. While this ability seems undeniably intricate and interesting, it has caused enormous mental strain on calliope, such as removing different memories from her brain or replacing memories with fantasies.



Calliope often finds it challenging to remember anything, such as faces, plans, names, or even the identities of her comrades. What's strange about this phenomena is that one day she may remember everything from her past, even the moment she was born, but other days she may not even remember her own name. Sometimes the things Calliope thinks are her memories are actually dreams or someone else's memories, or occasionally her memory loss is so atrocious that she forgets how to speak. The one thing Calliope has never forgotten to do is how to create after space and how to teleport, which seems to be the only things permantly engrained in her brain.


Various types of swords or hand held weapons.



The parts of herself Calliope can usually remember consists of her intelligence and her social awkwardness. Calliope would much rather sit by herself and read a book than socialize with others, which is what the majority of her life consists of. But on occasion, when her memory is completely out of whack, Calliope can go from mother hen to horny teen in two seconds flat. It's strange, but there's nothing she can do about it. Many times she is classified as bipolar, which only upsets her. Even if Calliope is scientifically diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she would never let the word define her.


It changes depending on her memory, so there's no way to know for sure.

Subject Number:


Room Number:



This may depend on Calliope's memory that day.



Your character is pretty interesting~

I would like to see that power in action--welcome to the RP!




Maya "3" Miles








Maya is 5"2 and weighs 96 pounds She has soft, long brown hair that reaches a bit past the middle of her back. Her eyes are deep green and appear to have small gold and blue specks in them. She has fairly pale skin that seems to be covered up at all times with a jacket, sweater, scarf, or anything like that. She has rather sharp teeth and nails that seem very unnatural.


"Predatory Instinct"

Maya looses control of herself and goes on a massacre. She seems very reluctant to activate it. The skill often is activated when she's under extreme duress.

Note: While active, her senses appear to be doubled. If she gets cut, it hurts twice as much. While using skill, she dislikes being touched.


While active she kills anything in her way ignoring age, gender, or relationship. She is also unable to think straight or talk. She runs quickly, but unsteadily. She usually stops rampaging when no living humans are nearby. Occasionally, it will continue even with noone around. The max time it has been active was exactly 1:32:04. [Hour:Minute:Second]


Nails and teeth, as well as any weapon nearby.


Maya is a very outgoing girl and is almost never rude. She always tries to cheer up the depressed and make the most out of any given situation. She is very positive girl and likes to spread her joy to others. She often attempts to make jokes and doesn't like quiet. She tries to be as helpful as possible, often taking work off of others and doing a lot for them without expecting any pay. If others bash her with rude comments, she doesn't fight back. Normally, she smiles and thanks them.

Once her skill is in bound, she's the complete opposite. Maya becomes animalistic. Speech comes out slurred and barely understandable. Actions become clumsy and uncoordinated unless she's killing.



Subject Number:


Room Number:

[REDACTED], moved after incident to #150



Marking on her lower back.

Maya fears red liquid whether it's blood itself, red drink, etc.

Has eliminated subjects numbered

Enjoys playing guitar in her free time. She doesn't let others touch it.

Maya seems to have a crush on Evan Tahoma, even though she's never talked to him.


[All data was inputted by a third party]

@RainbowStars ]
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StoneyJr said:

  • tumblr_mr6nwgqGMB1r6vixwo1_500_zpsafbb9888.jpg

    Name : Jared

    Subject No. : 66

    Age : 18

    Gender : Male

    Room No. : 42

    Appearance : Jared does not have a preference in clothing, save for his shoes. He seems to have some form of attachment towards them. Once asked, he did not have a reason, but just seemed addament that we leave them be.

    Weapon : Jared uses a combination of a pair of spiked gauntlets, and weaved maces that he in fact created himself. We simply supplied the materials.



    Personality : Jared has been observed to be a very serious person. He shows a lack of interest for most of the scientists, though co-operates without argument. As of yet, he has shown no signs of fear, nor any reactions to some of the more painful experiments. We would list him as a complete sociopath if it were not for his sister.

    Jared shows an immense amount of love for Olivia, becoming quite violent if anyone tries to get too close without his consent. He also becomes extremely violent if the two are forcibly seperated, though he is completely calm if they seperate of their own volition.

    Other : Jared has shown us many times in battle simulations, that he is more than willing to put his own life on the line in order to protect Olivia. A few of us are attempting to resolve this, as it would be problematic in a real life situation.

That's quite an interesting connection between the two--I love it!

Anyway, welcome to the world of....uhm, RainbowStar's roleplay! x'D


@RainbowStars[/URL] ]


Such a sweet looking girl = killer machine.

Ah, such an interesting power! I'm just loving all these character sheets!

Anyhow, thanks so much for joining!



Please do not forget to 'watch' the OOC tab! Instead of posting when the roleplay will start here, I will post it on that tab.

I would like to keep this place as clean as possible with the majority of the posts being character sheets instead of other idle chat and my announcements.

Other announcements will also be put up there, such as any updates about the roleplay that may include changes, etc.

Thank you so much! ;D

(Haha, I posted this in the OOC tab, too, accidentally... >.>; ;)


[FILE C4.SEC2.NO21.]


Saul "21" Distor








Saul is 5'10" and he weighs 117.8 lbs. He has medium length black hair as well as hazel eyes. He cares little about his appearance, and most of the time can be seen in a jacket and pants. Saul has pale skin due to lack of being in the sun.



Saul is able to 'bring to life' things that he draws. Testing has shown no minimum size, but maximum size is restricted to a 12" by 12" square. Any attempts to increase size of creation have met with failure. This power only seems to work when he uses his pen. He is able to erase what he brings to life with a command. Sauk is limited to one creation at a time, and all attempts to create more than one have resulted in him going unconscious for exactly 2 hours. Notably, all things created by him seem to have a continous personality, seeming to remember all events that happened when it was previously created.



Saul has terrible memory. He often gets lot in the big underground home he lives in or forgets the names and faces of the other subjects.


The Pen.


Saul has been described as apathetic by researchers, expressing little to no emotion towards anything but his creations. He is very quiet, and has never been rude towards others, when he speaks, he is polite. He also has a childlike obsession with mythology and fantasy, most drawings result in fantastical creatures or heroes. Saul has been noted to be friendly towards his drawings, and talks to them on a regular basis.*

*Note- When created, drawings talk back to subject.



Subject Number:


Room Number:




[All data was inputted by a third person party]

**Was done by my wonderful brother
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Name: "Vulture Vince"

Age: unknown. Appearance would say teenager to young adult

Gender: male


Description: (opt. --> for those who cannot find a photo, etc.): The clothing he has on him in the above image, are what he almost always wears. He has multiple pairs of the same shirt, over shirt, jeans and shoes and refuses to wear anything else. The necklace was found on him when he was brought in, and he's never took it out of his sight. Some scientists believe that it works like a contact lens, if it's on him he can see better. It does however make him feel pain more intensely and is not worn unless he knows he will win a fight easily.

Skill: (the one you will be maxing) steadiness. We're not typing this down because we just felt like it, we're saying that he can make himself look completely dead, or hold his arm so still he could hit you with his revolver from 100 metres. Strangely the term of steadiness also meant he is quite emotional sometimes, but that isn't as important as the fact that this guys has a better aim than an assassin.

Weakness: not the best eyesight in the world, giving reason to his necklace's chemical gas helping him when worn. As was listed above, he can be very emotional at times, having rapid mood swings.

Weapon: 357. Stub revolver.

Personality: a very cautious person, with no ability to trust or reason with people who he doesn't know. The image you see above is the last view journalist got before the were filled with bullets. He's been in a maximum security cell, away from all other subjects.

History/Bio: we don't have any clue where he is from, who his parents are and why he is the way he is. Let's just hope the other subjects can get that info out of him.

Subject Number: 009

Room Number: 328

Other: He can't love anyone if he doesn't know anyone.
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TheCrookedEagle said:
Name: "Vulture Vince"

Age: unknown. Appearance would say teenager to young adult

Gender: male


Description: (opt. --> for those who cannot find a photo, etc.)

Skill: (the one you will be maxing) steadiness

Weakness: not the best eyesight

Weapon: 357. Stub revolver.

Personality: a very cautious person, with no ability to trust or reason with people who he doesn't know. The image you see above is the last view journalist got before the were filled with bullets. He's been in a maximum security cell, away from all other subjects.

History/Bio: we don't have any clue where he is from, who his parents are and why he is the way he is. Let's just hope the other subjects can get that info out of him.

Subject Number: 0

Room Number: -1

Other: He can't love anyone if he doesn't know anyone.

However, you will need to be more descriptive about your character's skill--'steadiness' isn't clear enough of a description.

(People might be wondering "Is it physical steadiness or mental steadiness or emotional steadiness?" and such)

A small explanation will be enough.

Also, there is no 'Subject 0'. Every 'subject' must have a number; sorry to say, but 0 is not a "accepted" option.

Numbers such as 05, 07, 01, etc. are accepted, though.

Your room number is also invalid--they must be, as strange as it sounds, "positive" room numbers. There are not many places in the world that have negative room numbers.

Otherwise, your CS is good to go. :)


[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]


[FILE C4.SEC2.NO21.]


Saul "21" Distor








Saul is 5'10" and he weighs 117.8 lbs. He has medium length black hair as well as hazel eyes. He cares little about his appearance, and most of the time can be seen in a jacket and pants. Saul has pale skin due to lack of being in the sun.



Saul is able to 'bring to life' things that he draws. Testing has shown no minimum size, but maximum size is restricted to a 12" by 12" square. Any attempts to increase size of creation have met with failure. This power only seems to work when he uses his pen. He is able to erase what he brings to life with a command. Sauk is limited to one creation at a time, and all attempts to create more than one have resulted in subject going unconscious for exactly 2 hours. Notably, all things created by the subject seem to have a continous personality, seeming to remember all events that happened when it was previously created.


Saul has below average levels of stamina, running any more than a city block results in immediate need to stop running.


The Pen.


Saul has been described as apathetic by researchers, expressing little to no emotion towards anything but his creations. He is very quiet, and has never been rude towards others, when he speaks, he is polite. He also has a childlike obsession with mythology and fantasy, most drawings result in fantastical creatures or heroes. Saul has been noted to be friendly towards his drawings, and talks to them on a regular basis.*

*Note- When created, drawings talk back to subject.



Subject Number:


Room Number:




[All data was inputted by a third person party]

**Was done by my wonderful brother


Very interesting~

And it was very thoughtful of you to add some example drawings. :3


Accessing 000 profile input password


Code accepted

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.72331e34947f34c701c731efba86f594.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.72331e34947f34c701c731efba86f594.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.bc345d5c5d0261edaf0414f32e4de502.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.bc345d5c5d0261edaf0414f32e4de502.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zero "0" Kazua



Zero is able to produce a biochemical weapon from the body known as "kagune" he is able to do this at a microscopic

Level that goes to the molecules under his skin he has a specialized enzine in him that is able to produce these 'things'

And they prove capable to rip a tank to shreds with ease and is able to block a tank bullet with ease proving extremely

Good use with defense and offense. While his regeneration is proven capable of regenerating the brain and heart after

Utter destruction.



Do to subjects zeros power his mind has become unstable saying that there is a woman in his cell saying kill

everyone and leave no survivors. Mentality test have proven that his mind fluxuates at certain intervals

This might be a side effect from taking organs from the original owner and implanting them in subject

Zero high alert when aroun 100yards of subject zero


Please acces code


Access granted

A bio chemical weapon is produced from subjects zeros tail bone to his shoulder the shoulder is able to create a mimicked wing capable of minor gliding

And shooting of needle sized crystals that do a range of damage from flesh wound to bleed out a high amount of speed is seen whe these are out but has lower stamina. While the upper back is

Able to produce 4 moth like wings capable of massive defense but can be broken with enough force. Lower back is able

To produce 8 like centipede creatures that cause massive damage able to rip a tank to spreads like it was a hot knife

Going through butter in this form massive damage is done but a low stamina is seen that is a little less then a pro

Track runner. In tail bone area is able to produce two scythe like tentacles that cause damage from severe to death

High stamina is seen in This form but is weak against long range high caliber attacks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.10886062751d2984d336d99b7622e548.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.10886062751d2984d336d99b7622e548.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Subject zero is a very unstable person high caution when talking to subject zero has some trigger words and they are

[DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject zero can be seen as a very sadistic person probable side effect from original donner

[DATA EXPUNGED] she was seen as a very sadistic person when killing and had to be put down. Subject zero

Also is a person that is very closed off because he dosent trust us when giving food to subject zero be cautious

And bring 4 guards with high caliber armor and guns.


Subject zero has gained memories and traits from previous donner [DATA EXPUNGED] and will not tell

Either history's of both people tests have been tuned with scientist named [DATA Expunged] but failed all scientists that tried were killed instantly and eaten

As seen do to subject zeros change he can only eat humans any other food ingested will be thrown

Up in distrust

Subject number:


Room number:

Cell Z 00


Sorry it's late and on the wrong page.*nyaaa*



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Aqua said:

Accessing 000 profile input password


Code accepted

View attachment 126859 View attachment 126860


Zero "0" Kazua



Zero is able to produce a biochemical weapon from the body known as "kagune" he is able to do this at a microscopic

Level that goes to the molecules under his skin he has a specialized enzine in him that is able to produce these 'things'

And they prove capable to rip a tank to shreds with ease and is able to block a tank bullet with ease proving extremely

Good use with defense and offense. While his regeneration is proven capable of regenerating the brain and heart after

Utter destruction.



Do to subjects zeros power his mind has become unstable saying that there is a woman in his cell saying kill

everyone and leave no survivors. Mentality test have proven that his mind fluxuates at certain intervals

This might be a side effect from taking organs from the original owner and implanting them in subject

Zero high alert when aroun 100yards of subject zero


Please acces code


Access granted

A bio chemical weapon is produced from subjects zeros tail bone to his shoulder the shoulder is able to create a mimicked wing capable of minor gliding

And shooting of needle sized crystals that do a range of damage from flesh wound to bleed out a high amount of speed is seen whe these are out but has lower stamina. While the upper back is

Able to produce 4 moth like wings capable of massive defense but can be broken with enough force. Lower back is able

To produce 8 like centipede creatures that cause massive damage able to rip a tank to spreads like it was a hot knife

Going through butter in this form massive damage is done but a low stamina is seen that is a little less then a pro

Track runner. In tail bone area is able to produce two scythe like tentacles that cause damage from severe to death

High stamina is seen in This form but is weak against long range high caliber attacks.

View attachment 126869


Subject zero is a very unstable person high caution when talking to subject zero has some trigger words and they are

[DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject zero can be seen as a very sadistic person probable side effect from original donner

[DATA EXPUNGED] she was seen as a very sadistic person when killing and had to be put down. Subject zero

Also is a person that is very closed off because he dosent trust us when giving food to subject zero be cautious

And bring 4 guards with high caliber armor and guns.


Subject zero has gained memories and traits from previous donner [DATA EXPUNGED] and will not tell

Either history's of both people tests have been tuned with scientist named [DATA Expunged] but failed all scientists that tried were killed instantly and eaten

As seen do to subject zeros change he can only eat humans any other food ingested will be thrown

Up in distrust

Subject number:


Room number:

Cell Z 00


Sorry it's late and on the wrong page.*nyaaa*

And it's not on the wrong page--it's on the right one. >.<

Anyway, welcome to the RP~

(Go Tokyo Ghoul!) :D
Aqua said:
Srry it was on page on first
Yeah go Tokyo ghou *nyaa*


And this is my first detailed rp so don't get mad if I don't write as much ^~^
Haha, it's okay~ Take it easy and slow--I'm not going to bite you for anything. >.< I might lick you, though...actually, pretend I didn't say that. O.o ;;

Anyway, take your time and enjoy yourself--this RP was meant for fun, nothing stressful. :)
RainbowStars said:
Haha, it's okay~ Take it easy and slow--I'm not going to bite you for anything. >.< I might lick you, though...actually, pretend I didn't say that. O.o ;;
Anyway, take your time and enjoy yourself--this RP was meant for fun, nothing stressful. :)
Don't worry about the licking I'm a neko person see look at my profile pi that's me and thanks.
Subject 02

Name: Iro Hiron

Age: 16

Gender: Male




Psionic Blast- Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, loss of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that person's mind.



His body is shut down after he uses his Psionic Blast once leaving him defenseless when he is in that state.


Mind, and Body

Personality: He is a loner most of the time but talks to people after he trusts them or if they are experiments like him he will trust them. He can be cheerful and inspire people to be happy but it depends on what he finds interesting about them.

Subject Number: 02

Room Number: 20
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