Er... Hi?


Discord info: RavenWings#9603. Hit me up!

My name is Raven. Most call me Rave. I enjoy Roleplaying to almost an excruciating extent. When I was younger this was how I vented out my darkness, (Don't get me wrong, I am as dark as the wings I was named after) but I can rp as (almost) anything you wish. I will not reveal my gender, because this is RP, and my true gender does not matter. Does it? ;)

I look forward to playing with you...(possible innuendo? You decide)
Thank you very much. I definitely look forward to getting back into my character developments.
RavenWing13 said:
My name is Raven. Most call me Rave. I enjoy Roleplaying to almost an excruciating extent. When I was younger this was how I vented out my darkness, (Don't get me wrong, I am as dark as the wings I was named after) but I can rp as (almost) anything you wish. I will not reveal my gender, because this is RP, and my true gender does not matter. Does it? ;)

I look forward to playing with you...(possible innuendo? You decide)
Hope you enjoy yourself :) have fun
[QUOTE="Pale Thoughts]Hope you enjoy yourself :) have fun

Thank you so very much
Hi! True gender doesn't matter. What's your pleasure? (Hobbies I mean) What kind of book and movie genres are you into? Are your literary tastes in reading similar to your rping preferences (do you enjoy reading about horror and so you do rps with serial killers kind of thing)? Or do you have a wide variety that you enjoy to read as well as rp?
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Tristan299 said:
Hi! True gender doesn't matter. What's your pleasure? (Hobbies I mean) What kind of book and movie genres are you into? Are your literary tastes in reading similar to your rping preferences (do you enjoy reading about horror and so you do rps with serial killers kind of thing)? Or do you have a wide variety that you enjoy to read as well as rp?
I enjoy playing my instruments, reading and writing. I love hiking and taking pictures of my world. Also, I paint.. some. I read poetry, and old works. Philosophy, mysteries, fantasy, some romance (mainly because it makes me laugh) and horror. I rp many different types. I love the macabre, but I enjoy a little romance and true life. Modern and fantasy are my keys honestly. Futuristic can be so hard to deal with, since everyone sees the future differently. I would say I am a wide variety, within fantasy, and modern/real life. I enjoy grand battles, but I enjoy the soft touches of the heart.
PrinceEladriel said:
Ooh what instrument? I'm currently in a trombone duet.
I play cello, piano, and just recently started the violin. Do you enjoy the trombone?
I play instruments too, piano since I was 8 and I've recently been trying to learn guitar (they're so different, but I love the way the guitar sounds and the fact that it's easier to transport when compared to my piano). I know saying I write poetry might sound cliche, but I'm trying to distinguish what I write even though I'm not exactly gifted when it comes to love poems. I'm slowly working my way through a pile of books that I want to read because even though they're fiction they have ethical dilemmas that are supposed to make a person question their world views (the last one was almost 900 pages long). I enjoy painting, usually mixed media. Watercolors, oils, and a touch of charcoal seems so appealing to me. I'm not a futuristic rper either, same reason as you. Gardening is pleasant in the evenings where I live and the local national forest has some nice trails, but they're not breathtaking by any means, but I guess when you're native to the area you get used to the scenery.
Lovely. I write poetry. It is dark and hits places within your own mind and body people fear to tread. But it is what I know. I have no green thumb. I killed a cactus.... A damned cactus! How in the hell do you kill a cactus?!
I've heard worse, my mom was given a plastic cactus (no joke) she watered it until mold started to grow among the decorative moss in the container. I told her that she's so good at killing plants that she can even kill the fake ones. Maybe you over-watered it or didn't give it the right amount of light. I'm working on a poem right now, I wrote the rough draft in the tub because that's where the inspiration hit. I think it's got potential, unfortunately I have nobody to share it with. I don't have any friends in my area who are interested in poetry. Life experiences are definitely handy when it comes to creative writing.
It's not done, but I have another one that is finished. I'm not used to sharing let alone meeting anyone interested in poetry so I'm kinda shocked that you'd be so plain about it.
I like it when I'm feeling something or I've gone through something tough and I can use it in a creative way and it's almost therapeutic.
Never be scared of liking poetry. It is a way to express the soul you have created.

Their words,

They stung like an injection.

Puncturing his skin,

And chilling his once warm and proud veins.

Their cruelty,

Fading the cusp of his sanity.

How he wished for thicker skin,

Stronger self love.

The rain poured in to the mans cuts.

Cleansing his veins of the putrid words.

Filling him to the brim with calm.

That's when he thought.

This world,

This heartless world..

Will never accept someone like me..

And that...

Is just grand.

(Not my best, but I am not scared. You shouldn't be either)
Honestly, I'm really impressed. Your writing is vivid with imagery. Have you ever considered getting your work published?
I was published once. It was a 2 page poem (written), but they had to take it our because it had some.... explicit content not suitable for the book they were going for. Which is fine, because now my poem is hanging on the wall at both my jobs. And that init of itself is hilarious.

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