Story Epilogue: it's not over yet it is just getting starting


a happy traveling fox
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Epilogue: it's not over yet it is just getting starting

The heroes were all packed up: Tetris and Joseph helped to put the luggage in while the teens packed the rest of their belongings up and goofed around a bit. Soon they all gathered outside to say their goodbyes to their family members. Alejandra hugged her twins kissing them both on the head, figaro was trying to get her to let go of them so he could love on them too. “No, my babies! Imma miss them so I need to savor this moment while Roxana allows me to hug her'' Figaro stood on his tippy toes and kissed her cheek, “My love, I am also their father I wanna love on them too.” As the couple argued, Joseph was hugging his daughters, kissing each on the forehead tickling his grandbabies, and giving them money.

“Y'all be good for your mothers and.. I guess fathers too." Sabrina playfully slapped his arm causing the middle-aged man to cackle a little. “I'm joking, I'm joking, but grandpa is gonna go to Elvington to help with the recovery and help to rebuild its capital city and beat up the mean sorceress.” the grandchildren cheered and hugged him “OK children moved aside so we can also glomp our dad.” they moved out of the way so the triplets could have their goodbye hugs too. The triplets came to sampton next, kissing his cheek and pinching them too “Don't be bad, also kiss that-” sampton playfully pushed Sabrina from him with a blush knowing who she was talking about. Tetris stood alone watching the other family say their goodbyes, his brothers had to catch the earliest flight back to Terra due to magul’s wife giving birth. Selena went to Tetris ``hello.” he looked down at her “Hello mam.” she put a hand on her hip “My brother is sweetin' on you and Prince Blitz; please don't break his heart he already had someone hurt him without knowing.”

Tetris nodded, *she must be talking about that boy Sam asked out but got turned down due to him having a girlfriend already and he didn't swing that way.* They all finished their goodbyes to each other; Alejandra and Figaro came up to Tetris after he helped Blitz and sampton into the car, he turned and bowed to the two, and once he stood up the queen and king bowed as well to him. “Thank you tetris for saving our son's life and protecting him continually, please.” he saluted “Yes mam.”

He got into the front seat due to his turn driving the car. He closed the door and drove off into the city messing with the buttons on the car. Joseph looked back and saw Sam and Blitz playing Apex Legends together laughing and talking while Roxana was on the phone with her best friend from coronolia. All of the adults felt the car jerk and suddenly fly into the air causing all of the heroes' things to float up. “WEEEE! AHHHHHH! I'M GOING TO BE SICK!”

Narrator: Soon we’ll see these heroes in another adventure, make sure y'all got cowboy boots and y'all hats because next isssss heroes of eitheria:yehawwww!

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