• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Epic Awesome quest- the Crew



"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
General guidelines

1. Not gods...for the most part- Each member here is a member of the Gossamer crew. We are powerful champions and heroes but no one here is expected to be a planet busting god slayer. The heroes of The Narrative are crafty and haxy, hard to kill and smart enough to exploit weaknesses in opponents who would normally mop the floor with the entire crew. Try to have your character fill a weakness in the team that's not covered yet, if all of us are just bruisers with super strength we are gonna be hard pressed to win.

2. World builders needed- You are expected to create your own universe of origin for your character, if you make it interesting enough we might visit it within the story cannon. Initially i was gonna allow players to make character from the same universe as rabbit and croc but given recent lore developments that will not be the case anymore. Id prefer it if your character was NOT the strongest in your universe but was selected for niche abilities and skills.

3. Synergy- Your characters are going to need to contribute to the crew and even if they don't like doing so will likely see combat. As such you will need combat ability and or skills that can keep you alive and work in good combos. Also chores are shared, we all scrub the decks and take turns on cooking...except croc. He doesn't cook because his food will put our crew of badasses out of commission for a week.

(*means optional
Delete all words in parenthesis. )

(Image- put image where the words once were.. Usually images are not mandatory but this rp they are. If you need help finding one i can do so.)
Name- (Surly you know your name)
Age- (Id prefer no one be younger than 21 but if you have a non human with a good enough reason for being so young i dont mind. Try not to make anyone older than an empire or anything. )
Species- (you can be whatever you want with minor exceptions. No actual gods or other similar beings.)
*Gender- (If Applicable)
*Sexuality- (if Applicable)
Role- (What role you fill in the crew)
Talents- (Non combat applicable skills)
Equipment- (what gear do you carry with you when involved in quests)
Skills- (what kind of combat applicable skills do you bring to the table)
Special Abilities- (What kind of Powers do you have it can really be anything but bear in mind this is a roleplay and its gonna get stale fast if you make yourself some unbeatable monster. Well rounded power sets are awesome so don't undersell yourself. Also if you make someone who is a sorcerer or spellcaster make a list of your spells magic is not a do anything power but it has many applications. no limit to your spell lists and you can add spells as we go if you clear them with me first.)
Tactics- (How does your character fight?)
Weaknesses- (what is your character not good at? These don't exactly have to be combat related but be aware that these will need to be somehow exploitable. Be creative please no glowing green chunks of your homeworld that take your powers.)
Realm of origin- (here is where you list whatever you want about your home world. The more in depth the better.)
*Other- (whatever else you wanna ads)
Captains Log

Name- Marcus Logan "Rabbit"
Age- 121yrs
Species- Metahuman
*Gender- Male
*Sexuality- Heterosexual
Role- Quartermaster
Talents- Rabbit is an exceptionally good tinkerer with steady hands who often works with the engineer on intricate tasks within the ship. He is also an Exceptionally good cook though he pales in comparison to the ships chef.

Pain and Panic- a pair of dual pistols held in his hands. Like all of his guns these are built by him and bathed in his reality warping power making them indestructible and impervious to manipulations by others. Pain fires non lethal rounds that trigger a response within the nervous system of those hit filling them with pain akin to being on fire for a few seconds. Panic fires a deep penetrating armor piercing bullet that will home in on a target and if it is capable of piercing the target it will double back and hit them again until it is stopped. Each gun holds six shots before needing to reload.

Tool harness- Rabbit wears a gun smithing tool belt filled with the equipment he needs to repair and modify his and other guns or just to tinker with them in general.

Skills- Expert marksman- Marcus is a great shot and is very quick on the draw. He has been shown hitting foes with trickshots when low on power. He has even been able to shoot other projectiles like bullets and missiles out of the air amd even cut ropes and hit structural weak points to bring down harder targets

Special Abilities- The Gunsmith- Rabbits power makes him a decently feared and sought after being in the multiverse as he is capable of crafting Guns that seemingly violate the laws of physics and reality. The guns he devotes actual time and effort to tend to be more powerful than those he quickly forms often reaching the status of Legendary multiversal items. He is capable of shaping existing metals and wood into stable firearms capable of multiple thousands of shots before mechanical failures begin, and while he can also forge guns from thin air these tend to be bare bones guns with low durability, damage, and functionality. The guns he creates are limited to his knowledge which at first had him building only 1800's era weapons, but his time as a Narrative Agent has given him access to specs on far more advanced weapons which he has shown the ability to craft. Because of his power he is nearly unbeatable while on board the Metal and wood crafted ship.

Physics Immunity (Limited)- Rabbits powers stem from the bending of realities laws, and as such the activation of them has some side effects. When awakened his power will immunize him to some of the laws of physics such as the 2nd law of thermodynamics, or Gravity. This allows him to fly and makes his clothing and body far more durable than they would be when his power is inactive. It also serves to increase his range of Vision and hearing allowing him to perceive threats that would be hidden by either stealth or distance.

Tactics- Rabbit uses a fighting tactic that in the gamer community is referred to as kiting. He will essentially alter his weapon build to grant him just a tad more range than his foe and hover just beyond their range blasting them with attacks while remaining safe from retaliation. When foes attempt to close the distance he both backs up, and unloads on them with as much stopping power and knock back as he can muster to preserve that perfect distance.
Gap closers- Teleporters and those with super speed find it a lot easier to get within striking distance of Rabbit. While this doesn't remove his ability to attack them he has very little in the form of close quarters combat skills or equipment and can actually go down pretty easy once the gap is closed.

Tight spaces- Being in an enclosed space like a building or ship removes the mobility advantage granted by Rabbits flight. Furthermore it allows for environmental attacks he is hard pressed to deal with like ricochet attacks and collapsing the roof on him.

Realm of origin-
The Mighty West- Rabbit was born on earth in a universe known as the mighty west on account of the entire universe having a western cowboy theme regardless of species or tech level. Another reason this universe is odd is because the Narrative recalls this universe coming into existence just under three centuries ago...yet it seems to have a rich history going back billions of years as if its always been there. The final Special trait of this universe is the fact that every lifeform that possesses intelligence also possesses superpowers. Rabbit was born to Sheriff Jonah Logan, who always raised him to stand up to evil people and to defend what's right. It was this same mentality that lead jonah to try and tackle the rampant corruption in his state as the crime bosses and politicians were one and the same. Try being the key word. Jonah was attacked for his efforts while he was at home with his wife and three sons. With his dying breath he bought his family the time they needed to flee for their lives. While rabbit wasn't old enough to remember what happened it didn't diminish the animosity he felt towards the killers of his father. It was his mother who taught him to shoot, along with his two brothers, and she taught her boys how to harness their power to its fullest extent taking special care with rabbit. Upon adulthood the three brothers managed to wage a successful war against the establishment criminals. Their father was no less talented or skilled than they were, but there were three of them. After overturning the leadership of their state they drew the fear and attention of several powerful people however...
*Other- Has never been Able to beat his brother Spider.
Theme Song-

(The scary demon voice is what rabbit sounds like when he has his power activated.)

Name- Roger Logan "Croc"
Age- 126yrs
Species- Metahuman
*Gender- Male
*Sexuality- Heterosexual
Role- Captain
Talents- Croc is surprisingly good at chess and His pokerface never cracks though he almost always has bad luck in the draw. He also seems to possess an uncanny ability to see through bull crap and almost always knows when he is being lied to.

Bane Blaster- A shotgun crafted by Rabbit, as such it possesses the same indestructibility and inability to be manipulated by outside forces. This gun does not have a magazine size, instead it possesses a portal to a dimension filled with non elemental energy where its receiver would be. A dial near his thumb allows him to adjust the width of this portal and thus the amount of the energy that it produced. This can range from an orb the size of a lemon which strikes with the force of a professional heavyweight boxers punch, all the way to an orb the size of a minivan which can punch a hole twice that size in a building or spaceship. This non elemental energy ignores elemental resistances, can damage intangible targets, will shatter energy barriers, and can damage beings that would otherwise be immune to damage. That said it will not always deal lethal or even significant damage.

Gun fu- Croc is nowhere near as good a shot as his brothers hence his use of a shotgun. What he does excel in is incorporating his gun into close quarters combat. He will grapple foes into headshots, block attacks with his gun, and even use the gun as a cudgel or tool. Without his gun he is still an exceptionally good brawler but is not really considered a martial artist.

Grit- Croc is no stranger to pain and getting his backside handed to him. Most of his opponents are actually way above his level of power. However he is tough as nails and what he doesn't shrug off entirely he will usually power through. His toughness is actually considered one of his most prominent traits and he has built up a reputation of being immortal.

Special Abilities-
Paradoxical Physiology- Strangely enough Croc does not seem to be rooted in any form of Space, Time, or reality. As such his body rarely reacts to such stimulus. Manipulations of Space and time do not effect him meaning freezing time or Going back and trying to kill him before he meets you will not succeed in stoping him, nor can he be exiled via teleportation. Even reality warping cannot alter his existence. His mind seems equally shielded as no form of mental manipulation can effect him be it magic or telepathic power or even technology. Even abilities that target his body like blood bending or telekinesis will not work on his body, though it can still be used to assault him with his surroundings.

Tougher stuff- Crocs body is not made of normal matter, its made of a form of strange matter he calls "Croc meat". This matter is incredibly resistant to damage and change and holds its shape under incredible levels of energy. This results in a minor boost to his strength allowing him to lift up to 25 tons, but it is far more beneficial to his defence. He is exceptionally durable able to survive his ship exploding, drifts through the vacuum of space, and even nuclear weapons find little purchase against his body. His stamina is near limitless and this "Croc meat" naturally returns to its shape if damaged granting him decent levels of regeneration.

Tactics- Croc is a fighter that would do the legendary Leeroy Jenkins proud. His style is very simple, hit hard, hit fast, and dont stop until your foe is crushed. He is known to take full advantage of his durability and simply charge through attacks to deliver hits of his own and is not one to pull his punches or take the soft route. He goes for brutal and decisive kills like slamming his foe down and firing point blank on them or deflecting his opponents swing with his gun then responding with a counter shot. While he excels at mid to close range combat he actually is a dreadful Long range combatant and finds snipers to be his biggest obstacles.
Distance- Snipers and long range assailents are able to dish put damage while remaining outside of the range of counter attacks. While croc is skilled at closing distances, mobile foes can mitigate this and tough as he may be any rock will break if enough chips are taken out of it. Because of this he has never once been able to best Rabbit in a fight.

Open space- Croc is a big guy and while tough he more often prefers to use stealth and rushes to close the distance between himself and a foe. This is exceptionally difficult in open areas where cover is hard to come by and rushes can be countered with retreats. He operated at his best in tight corridors and enclosed areas.

Realm of origin-
The Mighty West, part 2- Croc, Rabbit, and Spider had drawn the attention of other crime families and political leaders who weren't too happy about seeing one of their own taken out like that. After all the brothers hunt had lead them to the governor's door where they delivered the sweet lead of vengeance. Fearing the same fate many of earths leaders banded together and launched a full scale war against the three brothers. Yet together the boys were all but unstoppable. No matter the foe that came their way the boys emerged victorious, worse for wear each time, but victorious nonetheless. There may have been no shortage of hired guns that came for them, but they all fell and the ones who sent them followed soon after. With each crooked leader downed, their armies and subordinates before them, the people would elect a new leader in their place one chosen by the people not by the ammo count. It took over a decade but somehow the three boys on a mission of personal vengeance and then survival had brought justice and peace to a war torn world...until spider left that is...

*Other- Has never been able to beat his brother Rabbit.
Theme Song-

Name- Johnny Logan "Spider"
Age- 123yrs
Species- Metahuman
*Gender- Male
*Sexuality- Homosexual
Role- Navigator
Talents- Johnny has an impeccable sense of direction more often than not being able to point out where things are before even taking time to think about it. He also has the fastest tongue in the Mighty west able to hurl insults and witty retorts nearly as fast as his bullets.

Hail mary- a break action double barrel shotgun made by Rabbit and boasting the same indestructibility as all his guns. It holds six of its special silver shells on the stock and will produce a new shell every ten second meaning his entire ammo supply will restock after a single minute passes. While not as powerful as most guns made by rabbit this weapon offers unmatched accuracy with each individual pellet that comes from its barrel having individual homing capabilities allowing him to strike multiple targets in a single shot. These pellets will round corners and go under the cracks of doors, they will not stop until they are embedded in something making soft armor the most effective counter as if the armor is too hard the pellets will bounce off and come back around. Each of the special 4 inch long silver shells hold 77 pellets and each pellet is the size of a .38 special bullet. He can direct the pellets to all target a single foe or split each shot between up to 77 different targets.

Hat and coat of wonders- Spiders hat and trench coat are self repairing and will be able to return to their original state from a single fiber if need be. His hat will respawn on his head if removed or damaged. This was a gift from the Houatli people.

Master of multitasking- even without his powers spider is a scarily talented man being a jack of all trades and having a mind capable of directing multitudes of tasks simultaneously. As with most multitaskers he also is an expert of time management being able to figure out the right amount of time to devote to each task at hand.

Pushing your buttons- Spider seems to be able to hone in on a persons insecurities and throw them into their face easily getting on the nerves of all but the most serene individuals. On the flip side he finds that if he just says the opposite of what first comes to mind the opposite occurs and he can comfort others fairly well because of this.

Special Abilities-
Spacial manipulation- Spiders first ability is the manipulation of space which manifests itself in three separate ways. First is his least taxing ability which is to teleport even cosmic distances instantaneously, though this is restricted to the dimension and universe he finds himself on at the time. Secondly is his favorite ability which is to be in multiple places at once essentially making clones of himself that can be dispelled with a thought, these copies lack all of his powers barring teleportation and their guns are only copies of hail mary and don't have the same homing properties, indestructibility, or auto reloading but they still possess the silver shells. His third space based power is the ability to create weak Gravity wells, enough to allow himself and others to jump higher and further while making it seem as though all with the well have super strength by halving the weight of all within the well, this effect can be used in reverse to double the weight of everything within the well if need be.

Temporal manipulation- the other half of Spiders power is the ability to manipulate time to a degree. Like his spacial manipulation this ability comes in three different powers. First and least taxingly he can slow time locally making it seem as if he is moving at superhuman speeds or fire off multiple shots that float in the air waiting for him to resume local times normal flow. This ability has a 30 meter radius around him. Next is his ability to rewind his position in time by up to one second allowing him to which is his most costly ability only being able to be used two or three times before his power is exhausted altogether and will require up to 12 hours to recharge his power. The last ability costs him nothing hut he has no control over it no matter how he tries, that is the ability to see near or far into the future or past, though this power is more of a liability as he enters a trance like state while this power is active and the information he gains is rarely relevant when he gets it.
Ambush predator- Spider is a master of guerrilla tactics, appearing in front of a foe and blasting them in the face before vanishing amd trying a new attack venue if this doesn't work. Against stronger foes He will poke and prod at the targets defenses using clones, teleportation, rewinds, and speed to overwhelm them and keep them moving, and exhausting themselves while showing him what parts if any they guard. This tactic does not always work however.

Exhaustion- unlike croc and rabbit who are marathon runners as far as power goes, Spider is a fast sprinter. He is far stronger at the beginning of the fight than he will be through the remainder. Each time he uses his power for anything it drains from his overall power reserve and thus lowers the effectivity of all his other powers as they all draw from the same pool. Sadly this is actually counter productive to his fighting style and typically if he cannot down a target in the first minute of combat he likely will not be able to period.

Realm of origin-
The Mighty West , part 3- The three brothers had just felled the last of the worlds corrupted rulers and were celebrating when it happened. Spiders mom had always warned him about the risks of drinking with his particular power. This was the first time he had not heeded her words and as he lay drunk around a campfire with his brothers he found himself spacing out starring at a star. He briefly wondered what it would be like there and reached out for it. In an instant he was halfway across the universe shocked and tossed into the vacuum of space it was all he had to just survive. He slowed time as much as he could slowing his rate of suffocation and freezing. Luckily he spotted a planet and prayed it would have an atmosphere he could breath as he warped to the planet and passed out. When he awoke a found a race of Feathered reptialian humaniods called the Houatli who were suffering under the repressive reign of an alien overlord and had nursed spider back to life hoping he was the prophesied messiah who would come from the stars and drive the evil from their world. While at first Spider said no he wasnt, it quickly became clear to him that he had no choice but to be as this Alien overlord named Diety had seen his arrival and thought he was this proclaimed savior. The Houatli were a brave warrior people but they were hopelessly under equipped to deal with the aliem overlord and his followers. At least until spider stole an entire cargo ship of weapons and in a single day distributed them all. As soon as the opportunity was given to them the Houatli lashed out at their oppressors their skills and leadership taught spider all he knows about guerilla warfare
While his attacking of supply lines and critical leadership showed the houatli how to tear down an established empire. Together the beautiful reptiles and Spider were able to push the Aliens from the world. Yet diety made a crucial mistake in his escape, he mentioned the fact that he was going to take his vengeance out on earth as he prepared his ship to warp jump to the planet. Sadly for him this meant that he had just turned himself into the only lead spider had, after all the stars were different here and as good as his directional sense was Spider was way to drunk when he made the warp to even know where to start looking.

In a split second Spider warped on board the ship where he quickly memorized the route they had plotted, Gave the overlord the finger, then warped home. He managed to beat them there by a whole week and by the time Diety showed up he found the earth was armed, united, and the three brothers were gunning for him. Despite the massive technological advantage they had diety had made the mistake of linking nearly everything to his seemingly limitless power. So when the three brothers killed him the technology became useless and the invaders were promptly blasted apart. They had no idea that the being they had just killed was actually an interdimensonal pirate and a high priority on the Narratives wanted list. He had used the high levels of power within the Mighty West universe as cover and never expected that power would be his end. Needless to say the Narrative jumped at the opportunity to have such capable warriors in their ranks, even if they were "uncultured savages from a backwater mudball" as their drill instructor put it while they trained. Upon their graduation of the decade long training program the boys were each given a pill that ceased their aging and would allow them to work for the narrative full time for as long as they lived...

*Other- Has never been able to beat Croc
Theme song-
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Name- Chevi Herihaku
Age- 22
Species- Human
*Gender- Female physically, bigender mentally
*Sexuality- Pansexual
Role- Translator
Talents- Good social skills, sharp mind, knows lot of things.
Equipment- Energy gun
Skills- See special abilities
Special Abilities- Chevi is a mage. This is what allows her to fulfill her translator role. Other abilities include the ability to shoot fire from her hands, telepathy, telekinesis, and limited teleportation.
Translation: Can look at a piece of writing, listen to any speech, or observe any other form of communication, and the knowledge almost instantly appears in her mind. Can also speak other languages depending on whether their sounds can be produced by her vocal chords, but if not, she can simply make her speech appear to the other person like their own language.
Pyrokinesis: Can release a small amount of fire from her hands, could fill a room in a few seconds
Telepathy: Can send information (in words or in associations between concepts) to others’ minds. Can also read minds, but this requires a great deal of energy and the spell must be prepared in advance.
Telekinesis: Can easily move small objects with her mind, but larger objects require more energy.
Teleportation: Can move between small spaces instantaneously and with relative ease. Could also theoretically move from planet to planet, but this would require immense skill and power that she does not currently possess.
Tactics- Chevi will often rely on her gun, as it tends to be faster than fire, but will use her other abilities if appropriate.
Weaknesses- Really doesn’t like violence (although she’s obviously not a pacifist). The usefulness of her magic is limited to specific situations. Not fully proficient at using guns.
Realm of origin- Chevi comes from a small interstellar civilization, which has combined technology and magic to do amazing things. Her home planet is called Lowomai. She became famous on her civilization’s Internet after a video of her magical prowess went viral.

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- Val'sharra Nightshroud

Age- 25

Species- Demon

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Naive

Role- Chef

Talents- Skilled cuisinier, familiar with multiple different styles of cooking, ranging from fine dining to comfort food. Able to make field rations taste passable, and excellent at scraping together a survival meal out of mere scraps. Additionally, a talented bartender and mixologist who is able to prepare a drink par excellence merely by listening to one's desires. Other abilities include stealth, infiltration, reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, analysis, investigation, sabotage, survival, tracking, vehicle use, communications, electronics and computer hacking. Also knows a surprising amount of lore about religion, history, and music. And though most of the time too embarrased to do demonstrate, she is also an excellent singer.



JG17 Long-range Rifle

Created by a special team of engineers to be considered for a next-gen sniper rifle military competition, the JG17 was rejected on grounds of expense; however small numbers of them made their ways to various special operations groups and other elite military units. Firing a high-caliber match grade round at withering velocities, it possesses exceptional accuracy, lethality, and overall effectiveness.

RZ-29D Personal Defense Weapon

A compact shoulder-fired weapon capable of spitting out sub-caliber rounds at an absolutely blistering cyclic rate, the RZ-29D relies on rate of fire to overwhelm a target and incapacitate regardless of armor or physicality. While demonstrating favorable ballistics as well as controllable recoil, it does come at the price of a commensurate muzzle roar.

Black Lotus Tactical Pistol

Designed to be a multi-role weapon of utmost reliability and modular augmentation firing relatively common ammunition. Excellent at self-defense, backup armnament, sentry takedowns (if silenced), and various other purposes that call for a small, easily portable weapon of some discretion.

"Harukaze" Ninjato

A peerless blade, an edge with no parallel, a true one-of-a-kind item... that costs as much as a high-end motorcycle. It possesses an incredibly sharp and unreasonably durable blade due to its composition from alloys heretofore only used in spaceship manufacture. It possesses one and one only purpose; to pierce through whatever it put in its path and split it in twain.

Mk 4 Fighting Dagger

For the ultimate in close quarters weapons, this weapon possesses a double hollow ground blade with a long, thin taper, almost as much a stiletto as a double-edged knife. It may not be fancy or particularly high-tech, but sometimes, the simplest solution is the best.

Shadow Operative Suit

Val's de facto "on duty" outfit. consisting of a catsuit interlaced with sigils to boost her natural abilities and a tactical harness with a variety of straps, pouches, holsters, and other carrying devices for the multitude of items she deems fit to carry.

Cloak of Discretion

Generally paired with the Infiltration suit, this cloak acts to conceal the majority of her equipment, shroud her figure visually, and muffle any noises caused by her. The only weapon it cannot conceal due to its size is the JG17, which if necessary on a mission, will be either concealed within its own hard-sided carrying case or simply slung over her back.

Automated Grappling Device

A tool for rapid ascension and translation in free space, similar to many "bionic arm" or "3d maneuver gear" designs.

Infiltration Kit

A diverse equipment kit for breaking through a wide variety of physical, electronic, arcane, and other barriers.

Multicommo Device

A combination minicomputer, PDA, GPS, comms device, hacking/tracking device, and if need be, power source.

Emergency Survival Kit

Featuring trauma patches, stimulants, coagulants, and other consumables necessary for immediate medical attention, this kit is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, allowing Val to patch herself up well enough to survive until proper medical attention is available.


Skills- Trained in martial arts, swordsmanship, marksmanship, long range and close quarters assassination, and high-speed dynamic entry assaults.

Special Abilities- Demonic speed, resilience, senses and agility, as well as the ability to manipulate light and sound.

Tactics- Either slow and silent in assassination mode, or fast and furious on assault. Val'sharra is not a fan of battles of attrition, and has no problem disappearing from the midst of combat only to strike from another angle or simply run should the situation demand it.


- True to the stereotype, Val is someone who tends to have strong emotional responses to situations, and as such can very easily get enraged or just overly sassy when a touch more decorum would be advantagous. She also has a tendency to never pass up an opportunity if she can regardless of the wiseness of such an action. On a more physical level, holy and deific energies. Most churches will make her nauseous just from being near them, and actually being inside one causes a reaction not unlike pouring acid on one's skin. Natural sacred sites can have a variety of effects, ranging from unremarkable to "see above statement on churches". Holy symbols and other religious accoutrements will again, do a variety of different effects depending on the tenets of said religion; to no surprise, the more militant ones tend to be the most offensive.

Realm of origin- The world of Hymnelia is that of high technology fused with high magic fused with high religion, and the Kingdom of Galicia is of the highest of all three. Featuring grand towers and buildings merging technological wonder with artistic expression, at first the country looks like a utopia for all, and indeed citizens of the land do enjoy a relatively high standard of living, with the powers of technomancy nearly limitless in their use. However, behind the scenes, like any seeming utopia, far darker schemes were plotted in power grabs throughout the government, and one such scheme was large enough and pervasive enough to be the reason Val'sharra left her homeland and sought refuge in a variety of locales before eventually stumbling upon the Gossamer.

Other- Her favorite hobby is reading and her favorite color is pink. She has a variety of outfits she tends to cycle through.
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Name- Jaxon Gadsby (Tick)

Age- 26

Species- Shapeshifter

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Bisexual

Role- Engineer

Talents- he has crafty fingers when it comes to mechanics. Since recruited from his world he always aches for something to create, fix, or just toy with. He is very good at manipulating/lying to others to make them do what he wants.

Equipment- Rabid and Scrounger. Both made by himself in his own world/dimension. Rabid is a gun that with each reload can rapid fire and once it has hit its target, it can make them see illusions of their worst fears. If they aren’t already dead of course. Scrounger is a large one-sided battle axe. If the target is even scratched by it, it will drain them of their energy, making Scrounger more powerful.

He also brings with him his goggles and his mask, if his face isn’t already covered by his black scarf and black glasses. He usually never takes off his hat. He always has his pocket watch on him.

Tick- Jaxon is very good at being a tick. Either the bug, the clock, or a time bomb.

Bug- He can easily take off of others, either their life force or their valuables.

Clock- he can time things in his mind somewhat easily. Either it be an hour or a minute, he usually knows the exact second(also cause of his pocket watch).

Time-bomb- if the target doesn’t give him what he wants, a different kind of ticking will start. He will wait for one minute, and if he doesn’t get what he wants then- he will snap. Either his sanity or his anger.

Special abilities-

Shapeshift- Jaxon is able to shapeshift into any creature he wants. The bigger the creature is, the less time he is able to stay that creature. The smaller the creature, the more time he will be able to stay that creature. Max time: 19 hours.

Hyper sense- he has heightened senses, whether it be sight smell hearing feeling or taste.

Tactics- he is very upfront when fighting, but he can also do long range(hence his gun.) He isn’t afraid to get up close and personal with his opponents. He usually likes fighting big groups, since his axe would be pretty hard to swing at just one person. Scrounger is heavier than he looks.

Weaknesses- He is quite clumsy. If you have a special vase when he comes by, you’d better quickly hide it. His axe doesn’t make it any easier to hold his balance. He isn’t very good when it comes to dealing with sadness or any tender emotion. He lived his life mostly alone, so he isn’t used to that. Since he has Hyper senses the bad effects come with it too. He hears too much, tastes too much(he doesn’t really enjoy food as most would), sees too much(hence the glasses), feels too much, and smells too much (you better have washed yourself). His senses can get overwhelmed somewhat easily. When his skill Time-Bomb is set off, he sometimes can lose his sanity for either a short amount of time, or for a few hours depending on the situation.

Realm of origin- Sephestíel. The land of mechanics and magic. Dragons, dwarves, elves, hell- even centaurs exist. As well as shapeshifters. Shapeshifters are seen as evil beings, but for a good reason. Some thousand years ago shapeshifters took out an entire species. They are feared. As well as magic, nearly everything was made out of mechanics. The main cities and villages barely had any trees whatsoever. The air is filled with smoke. Mechanics have been incorporated in nearly everything. Robots, clothing, buildings, even food. PS. Melted metal does not taste very good. Though it is good decor. On the outskirts where nearly no one goes are trees. But since the air is filled with smoke, they are slightly dead. There are enclosures in certain cities and villages that hold fresh trees, healthy trees. But they are real expensive to even step foot in. Some people even sought to take them down. They don’t see the need more nature much anymore. To oppose them there are of course nature activists. Both sides are not very good organizations. Both bring ruin and hate to the world.
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Name- Jwarva Norlon
Age- 29
Species- Compleated Humanoid
*Gender- Female
*Sexuality- n/a
Role- First Mate

Talents- Overtly sympathetic to non-organics makes her useful for diplomatic negotiations with them, and with a decent knowledge of melding inorganic with organic together leads to her serving as an emergency medic of last resort (yeah, the patient would undoubtedly end up as a cyborg). Embarrassed as she is to admit, the electrical pulses of her body can be used to charge machinery and devices if attached to the back of her neck along where her spine used to be. Additionally, being technorganic, she physically can go without breathing (though her mind still makes her body perform the motions of doing so, simply because she might go completely insane otherwise)

Equipment- Jwarva brings along a simple tool set consisting of a large gutting knife (literally hidden in her forearm), a handheld mirror (she looks into it to remind herself of what she is now), and a ceremonial spike for religious stuff she is 100% not allowed to do to people. (seriously bad idea; just say no every time)

Skills- Specializing in diversion, subversion and conversion, Jwarva can infiltrate and make a mess of things for the enemy, or falsely help them to their own end. Although banned from doing the conversion part, she tends to keep an eye out for superior tech at all times to bring back to the crew (or her home dimension) so she can do some good ole reverse engineering and incorporating into the crew's tools and weapons.

Special Abilities- Jwarva is capable of having her body grow into the goliath shape shown above, yet is limited by not being back in her home universe. This is due to the form needing a recharge after every use. This charge time is quick when bathed in the mana abundant in her home; yet outside, it takes drastically longer. Oh, and it puts her through agonizing pain during the entire transformation.

Speaking of mana from her homeworld, Jwarva is in possession of a special spherical artifact which serves as a method for mana to trickle into it. Jwarva can take in this mana to recharge her transformation (though this still takes a long time), or will be able to transmit the mana into anyone she touches to make them feel an increased sense of happiness to the point it becomes detrimental to them.

Capable of dispensing a glistening oil from her fingertips and eye sockets, Jwarva is able to use this oil to rejuvenate metals. Remove rust, strengthen weapons, etc. And it's toxic if consumed by an organic, so she uses that as an effective poison when necessary.

Tactics- Jwarva's fighting style is all about using her otherworldliness to her advantage; mixing up her tactics from brute force in a transformed state, to fear by giving people a glimpse of her home, to being a double agent, and even by acting in a religious cultlike manner.

Weaknesses- Jwarva doesn't need oxygen and can theoretically survive underwater; however she can't swim and her body doesn't float. Throw her into a body of water and she'll reach the deepest point, with trouble of getting back out. (As such she has a phobia of oceans). It is also possible to separate her torso from the rest of her body in her transformed state, though not easy to do since the glistening oil in her body is on constant self repair mode. Being just a torso before regrowing her limbs is her most vulnerable state.

Realm of origin- Zharken- A realm containing a planet that once was a blustering utopia of greenery and peace. Until they were invaded by the glistening oil left by a traveler from another realm. Yeah, they lost and were converted to technorganics, with the landscape changing to reflect that. Desolate wastelands of metallic surfaces, forests of metallic spires dripping oil like tree sap, oceans of black oil staining the shores, cathedrals of ceramic like metal, where the inhabitants worship their new way of life in a fake religious way.

Jwarva remembers the day she was converted; having her old skin painstakingly removed, thrown in a vat to let the ceramic metal grow into her body, tubes inserted to pump glistening oil into her veins. Her mind was changed that day; unable to remember who she once was, Jwarva now lived as a dubious blend of meat and metal.

*Other- Jwarva despises food, so she stays away from kitchens and restaurants completely.
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Name- Theratra'kamaru "Thera"
Age- 26
Species- Norsalusalousakari to their own, to outsiders they are just Norsalu or called by the slur "wolfkin"
Gender- Female
Sexuality- pansexual (however celibate due to position)
Role- Medic
She is a medicine woman able to heal through ancient herbal techniques, magic and even a little more moden medicine.

Claims to have some powers of divination, acting a short of seer for the groups though how able she is is up for debate.

Capable Storyteller- She has stored the verbal tradition of her people and other peoples she had the benefit of learning about in her head. Her stories have action and romance so could be for good listening.

Cook- She is an able cook though mostly of her people's traditional recipes which are lets just say: of "acquired taste".

Claws - Culturally considered tools for cutting or climbing rather than weapons and used for the latter is generally frowned about they are still a deadly threat and something she will be used if pressed.

Obsidian club: think an oversized two-handed Aztec style club with the stones glowing with a sparkling effect.

Various home-made hallucinogenic bombs and emitters

RK56 pump action incendiary shotgun "Blunderbus"- Hey even a traditionalist tribal medicine woman can see the value of having a powerful "screw you" shotgun on hand.


Effective short range combatant

Skilled climber and prowler for getting around more ranged combatants and bridge the gap to use her melee range

Capable in psychological warfare knows how to use what skills she has on hind to intimidate opponents to either surrender or make them vulnerable to her attacks.

Special Abilities- wip

Tactics- She is close range using her own physicality, club or shotgun to beat down opponents. She is no damn brute and actually prefers non violence handling of a situation if possible. She is capable of using stealth and psychological warfare to end a fight by submission or intimidation, or to bypass an opponents long range advantage.

Weaknesses- (what is your character not good at? These don't exactly have to be combat related but be aware that these will need to be somehow exploitable. Be creative please no glowing green chunks of your homeworld that take your powers.)
Realm of origin- Thera was part of the classic medieval fantasy realm of sword and magic going through its industrial revolution. The Norsalusalousakari despite their own impressive culture were considered barbarians of this world left behind by the technological revolutions and considered as evil beasts by the other races who were encroaching on their territories taking slaves and such. Also, the rise of industries seemed to dull the magic of the world, denying the Norsalus one of the greatest resources. The Norsalus tribes banded together and led a great war against the other races overwhelming them despite the technological disadvantage. The Narrative ship that intervened believed the narrative of the evil beasts told by other races and joined the side against the Norsalus turned the tide. The Norsalus were driven to near extinction before the truth of the situation was revealed and more peaceful resolution was attempted. By then it was too late, the Norsalus were scattered their cultured destroyed living in enclaves in the cities of the other races used no more as beast of burdens, mercenaries and curiosities.
*Other- (whatever else you wanna ads)

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