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Kassandra Rose

Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me" - Psalm 23:4


It's Kassandra, again. Don't roll your eyes, I'm finally doing it. I'm making a collective thread for the virtual thrift shop of my writing hopes, dreams and desires.

For the minority of you who do not know me, because you somehow have not seen my thousands of pestering threads (do you even have wifi?), and the even fewer that care, my name is Kass (as you can see, duh).

I don't know why I use a pseudonym, truth be told, because I always end up indulging everyone in my life story. I'm nineteen, a full time student (of psychology, if you care), part time waitress (unfortunately, kill me pls), and suffer with an unhealthy obsession with John Keats. You won't blame me if you read his poetry, life story and letters. What a beautiful creature.

For the very little free time that I have, I am always writing, reading, or binge watching Netflix ("are you still here?" Hell, yeah, bitch, I have no life).

How interesting I am.



"When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,
Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;
When I behold, upon the night’s starred face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink"

- J. Keats

I'm not a big rule enforcer, or a grammar Nazi (how do we even accept this term so casually?). I'm here to have a good time, though not in the explicit way that this is usually inferred as.

However, you should know a few things first, I suppose, about the kind of writer I am and who I'm compatible with:

I write (no shit), a lot. My smallest posts will be around 3-4 paragraphs a character. I'm not expecting a Dickensian novella in return, though that would be quite the treat. However, it your looking for: "John walks into the bar. No one here. Gotham is boring". I'm not your guy. Well, girl, even.

I do have a preference for female leads, but no probs about that. I frequently double, especially where canon x oc is concerned. My preference is fxm. I can be persuaded to f// but, feel m// is out of my depths.


What am I looking for?

Straight up, I can't deny, I'm a history hoe. Give me any period, I'm with it. I'm especially educated in British history, more specifically the Tudors, pre, during and post French Rev (can I have a hell yeah for Les Mia?), Nazi Germany and America 20th century.

Themes and Pairings |
witches / Salem trials, ghosts, paranormal, haunted house, zombie, apocalyptic, serial killers and victims, retro, bad boy x good girl, Grease, 1920s mafia, supernatural, fantasy, science fiction, tourist x local, college professor x student, paranormal investigators, celebrities (gimme Tom Holland pls)

Fandoms |

Looking for: Newt or Theseus

Neverland x Harry Potter
Looking for: Peter to my Wendy.

Peaky Blinders
Looking for: Tommy or Michael.

Looking for: OC characters

Looking for: George or Hugh

I, Medici
Looking for: Cosimo

Game of Thrones
Looking for: a man who knows nothing.

Looking for: Peter Parker

Looking for: Batman, Aquaman, Superman to my Wonderwoman.

Looking for: Jerome or Jeremiah, perhaps even Bruce

Star Wars
Looking for: Kylo Ren

The Alienist
Looking for: John or Marcus

Maybe: The 100
Looking for: Bellamy

Looking for: if you have read this far, attach your favourite meme.

The X files
Alternate universe / OCs

Harry Potter
Looking for: Draco Malfoy.

So, that's it, thank you for letting me bore you today. I hope the rest of your day is much more entertaining and pleasant!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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Meme: "The french military going into ww1"

I'm interested~ fandoms are not my jam, but history oc's are my jelly. Toss me a pm~
She dwells with Beauty—Beauty that must die;
And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips
Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,

Oh, Keats 🖤 Anyway! I'm not super historically savvy; so, I'm not sure I'd be a great partner for you. But couldn't resist the urge to share my love for Keats 😋
She dwells with Beauty—Beauty that must die;
And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips
Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,

Oh, Keats 🖤 Anyway! I'm not super historically savvy; so, I'm not sure I'd be a great partner for you. But couldn't resist the urge to share my love for Keats 😋

Oh my lord, please never hesitate to pm me and fan girl. How incredibly beautiful is the entirety of his life, and oh so tragic. One of the things that gets me in the feels is just how much he thought he was a failure, and Byron said that he had died because of he knew so and his heart couldn't bear it, and yet look now! Such tragic irony.

Meme: "The french military going into ww1"

I'm interested~ fandoms are not my jam, but history oc's are my jelly. Toss me a pm~

On it!

In... a pool? trouble? debt?

Let me know, what a suspenseful and vague reply.

Ohhh, these are so interesting! Salem! Nazi Germany! Tudors! Gah!

Oh my, don't start me! Like I said, such a history hoe. Pls tell me you love period dramas. Have you seen "Anne with an e"?

I probably couldn't choose between all of these myself.
Oh my, don't start me! Like I said, such a history hoe. Pls tell me you love period dramas. Have you seen "Anne with an e"?

I probably couldn't choose between all of these myself.

I'm having a trouble choosing too, lol! Yes, I am and will always be a sucker for period dramas and movies.
hwayi hwayi

By all means, PM me if you're interested in starting a historical based role play. I have quite a few ideas.
ooh okay I have a few im really interested in doing with you!

history oc's already has me shook
I can also play batman or peter parker, whichever you fancy more! ^^ feel free to shoot me a pm
ooh okay I have a few im really interested in doing with you!

history oc's already has me shook
I can also play batman or peter parker, whichever you fancy more! ^^ feel free to shoot me a pm

I shall. Definitely interested in both.
You could always test me. Although, I'm not sure how well i would fare.

Craving a Peaky Blinders RP.

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