enlightened mortals

Djalan Pride

New Member
just looking for a clarification,

can an enlightened mortal go over essence 3? i vaguely remember god blooded turn into spirits at that point, but what about the lowly old thamaturge?
It's possible for mortals to become gods, but is probably much harder than for God-bloods. There's the Taleweaver who became a god by tricking powerful celestial gods into giving him powers over and over whenever he visited during the Carnival of Meetings.
Enlightened mortals can only get to Essence 3 on their own. If they go higher it's only be being given another dot of Essence by a god or similarly powerful being, at which point they become spirits. Basically, non-Exalted humans can't go to Essence 4 or higher without becoming something else.
Someone should throw in an Essence 4 mortal as the endboss of a campaign with Essence 8+ Exalts.

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