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Multiple Settings endless depths | anemoia's 1x1 search


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
hey! i'm anemoia, and i'm looking for one or two roleplay partners. i'm not new here, but i'm coming back on a fresh account for a clean slate.
before getting into all of the roleplay details, i find it important to mention that i only endeavor to write with those i feel like i click with. i could care less about how long you've been writing for or how lengthy your responses are; all that matters to me is that you give me something to work with and that our characters navigate the plot in a unique and engaging way.

about me:
20+, lesbian, GMT-5
artist! feel free to ask about my art and i'll share it with you.
i game a lot. almost any fandom i qualify for is likely to be a videogame. try me!
i promise i'm infinitely more warm than this post is giving! i love chatting and making new friends, i'm sorry if i sound super scary lol.

rules & preferences:
  • 18+ only. i refuse to roleplay with children or teens, sorry.
  • strong preference for f/f, though m/m is fine if necessary. but please give me f/f i promise it'll be so fun
  • i prefer we create new characters for this roleplay! makes it feel more unique to us.
  • no realistic face claims! written descriptions or drawn images only.
  • no character sheets haha, i want to be able to learn about your character through interaction! giving me the gist is fine, but i shouldn't learn everything about her/him in a neatly curated blurb.
  • i prefer roleplay and OOC to take place on discord, but roleplaying here in dms is fine too. for the sake of readability, i only ask that you don't use fancy coding if we stay on rpn.
  • no paragraph/word minimum or limit! please do not feel pressured to write extra paragraphs for the sake of it. i don't care how much or how little you write as long as you give me something to sink my teeth into. in fact, i prefer avoiding extra fluff and filler altogether, since i value directness and efficiency.
  • please let me know if you're not interested in roleplaying anymore! i totally get that you can run out of steam or just lose interest, but i'd appreciate being given a heads up.
roleplay details:
  • i adore atmospheric minutiae and written textures and sounds. i like to be immersed in a rich environment teeming with life, so worldbuilding is very fun to me!
  • improv. exclusive! i refuse to roleplay a plot in which every detail is laid out for either of us. i like to be surprised and i hate when things feel predictable.
  • good with angst, fluff, dead dove, and most tropes as long as it's set up in an interesting way.
  • looove indulgence. let's enjoy ourselves to the max!
likes & plot concepts:
  • bifauxnens, princely women.
  • angels, worship. cathedrals, academies, libraries. playing cat and mouse. well-kept secrets. the glint of a dagger. candle-lit hallways. other worlds.
  • ancient secrets, hidden levers, dense overgrowth, sleeping gods. sacrifices, prophecies, fortunes. rituals, curio, cults. fossilized magic. <- big into this concept currently
  • seaside village, impossible creatures. whimsical architecture, living transportation. gifts from deities. reincarnation. altars and shrines. <- ghibli inspired for the most part
  • unholy beast x holy worshiper. rosaries and beads. flails. penance. crosses. mirrors. curses. (done enough of this one sorry!)
  • rabbit iconography. pink and purple smoke. masks and beaded curtains. whispers. cults.

please dm me if any of this interests you!
thank you for reading <3
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