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[div class="heading"]*players[/div]
To participate in ENDGAME, one must be at least 16 years old. This is due to the inherent risks involved in participating. All players, upon signing up for the first time in an ENDGAME arena, are asked to sign an agreement that they understand that danger remains, however minimized. Once they've understood the terms and conditions, players can then sign-up onsite with their preferred handle and other relevant information, including their gameplay avatar's appearance. This data is stored and updated on ENDGAME's database, so player information remains updated even when changing arenas.
[div class="section"]
[div class="heading"]*equipment[/div]
ENDGAME has a lot of equipment involved in its gameplay, but the two pieces a player absolutely needs are the bodysuit and the AR helmet. The bodysuit is rented out at the arena, hence why they recommend wearing form-fitting clothes underneath. Both serve a dual purpose: for protection and for gameplay. The bodysuit reads interactions between players and the environment. Take, for example, a gunshot at the leg. Upon detecting a leg wound, the suit stiffens and weighs down the area, mimicking the difficulty one would have moving with such an injury. The AR helmet, meanwhile, deals with how a player views their environment.
Both pieces have variations and equippable tools, which can be set from a user's account on the ENDGAME database. Since a good part of the game is AR, there's no need for a physical change to wildly variate how either behaves. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*arenas and gyms[/div] Most major cities have one or two large arenas at which to host the local ENDGAME tourney. These arenas span around five soccer fields, while also boasting multi-floored areas. Aside from those, there are smaller arenas, better known as "gyms", for practice and casual play. These are typically half or less the size of a standard arena, making for quicker games.
There are different kinds of terrain and situations that players are able to play in, heavily affecting the strategies of anyone participating. Things like time of the day and visibility-scale are part of it. These are randomly selected during the beginning of the match, forcing players to adapt. As for maps, ENDGAME's default four boasts a decent variety, with arenas and gyms often making ones specific to their area.
They also make seasonal maps for fun. To avoid the default maps from going stale and sections of it abused, a good part of the map is randomized each time it's generated and set-up. Amongst the 4, the city is least varied as it's always forced to pick from different areas around TG's head office. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Forest and Plains maps are never the same. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*gamemodes[/div] ENDGAME is most famous for its 5v5 team death match wherein one group of players must eliminate the entire enemy team. These games typically last from 30 minutes to an hour, but have no real time limit. The 3v3 variation with its smaller map is a fairly popular choice as well. However, other modes exist, with arenas and gyms listing their schedules at least three days ahead of time.
It's fairly common for players to professionally play more than one game mode. Some even use the exact same team for both ENDGAME and FLAGSHIP. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox suitbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ar helmets[/div] AR helmets are strictly passive skills. All players can equip a maximum of only two skills, no exceptions.
[/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*bodysuits[/div] Bodysuits are rented from an ENDGAME gym or arena for the day. They cannot be privately owned, as personal modifications to its physical abilities are strictly prohibited. Any player caught doing so is automatically banned from the immediate premises and any other ENDGAME venue from then on. The game highly values integrity and sportsmanship.
As explained before, bodysuits read the interactions between the player and its environment. Each type of suit has a specific amount of armor. Upon reaching null, any shot to a vital region is considered a kill, while other shots can disable a player. Shooting a hand may disable use of said hand, rendering any two-handed weapons useless. Additionally, certain areas deteriorate armor more upon receiving damage. Heads, joints and hands are often key areas to hit during the early game.
Headshots from a high caliber weapon cause armor deterioration and simulated concussion, but the first hit is never an instant kill. The only exception are shotguns, which are instant kill but one must be extremely close to the target.
There are three suit types available for use, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*slots[/div] There are three kinds of slots available in suits: a primary weapon slot, a secondary weapon slot, and tool slots. Primary weapons can be any weapon from the gun categories given. Secondary weapons must be from the Handgun or Machine Pistol categories, no exceptions. Tools must be from the tools category, and each suit type has a varying number of tool slots available.
All suit types are able to give up their weapon slots for tool slots. Giving up a primary weapon slot gives two (2) tool slots, while giving up a secondary weapon slot gives one (1) tool slot. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type a[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]A[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] AUTOMATICALLY DETECTS HIDDEN MINES AND TRAPS [/div] [/div] [/div] Type A is what most would call the most introductory of the suits, being the recommended build for newbies to the game. At its base, it boasts a decent mix of mobility and defense, making it the all-rounder of the suits. While the least common of the suits in professional play, it's an oft-used defense against teams like LOUDER who favor crowd control. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type b[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]B[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] UNDETECTABLE BY ENEMY ABILITIES [/div] [/div] [/div] Meanwhile Type B is geared towards scouts, making them a viable choice for those who want to go into enemy lines undetected. Its users cannot be detected by anything other than physical sighting. Type B is immune to auto-warning systems, infrared and the like. It boasts high mobility at the cost of lowered armor. Making full use of its abilities requires a good blend of skill, strategy and pure luck. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*type C[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]C[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] unique tools equippable only this suit [/div] [/div] [/div] Type C suits are typically the choice of more experienced users. It boasts high armor, but is bogged down by lowered mobility in its weight and flexibility. However, the fact that this bodysuit has certain equips exclusive to it make it indispensable to high-level ENDGAME play considering their utility. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox equipsbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*guns, weapons, tools[/div] All equipment have weight similar to the item they're emulating. This has a bigger impact on movement than the suit a person is wearing. Players are limited by their own physical capacity. This means that unless a player is super buff, it's extremely uncommon seeing players carrying more than one heavyweight item.
Ammo on guns is unlimited, but players are still required to reload each time a magazine runs out. As mentioned earlier, only Handguns and Machine Pistols can be used as secondary weapons, no exceptions. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*assault rifles[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]AR[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]AK-47[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]M4A1[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN SCAR[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]STEYR aug[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*sub machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SMG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]MP5[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ump45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN P90[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]kriss vector[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*shotguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]spas-12[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]armsel striker[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]double-barrel shotgun[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*light machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]lmg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hk mg4[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn minimi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*handguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]hg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn five seven[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]desert eagle[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]colt .45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]model 69[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*machine pistols[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]MP[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]uzi[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mac-11[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mp7[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*special tools[/div]
[div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]ST[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]grenade belt[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]decoy[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]placeable barricade *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]riot/ballistic shield[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]drone *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mines[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]traps *[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hunter's knife[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]throwing knives[/div] three (3), reusable [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]radio jammer *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]emp[/div] one (1) per team [/div] [/div] [/div] Those marked with an asterisk (*) are equippable by only Type C bodysuits. One may equip multiple types of grenades on one grenade belt. Drones can be either landlocked or airborne, landlocked being the stealthier of the two. Throwing knives must be picked up to be used again. Decoys can be visual or sound, but not both at the same time.
An EMP is an equippable that takes up one tool slot. Its range is global and disables any helmet perks, comms, drones, mines and traps on all sides. It lasts for 3 minutes after activation. Only one can activate per game, which makes timing it crucial. It can only be activated after 5 minutes on the game clock. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox louderbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LOUDER[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/gr631KH.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] louder [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] TWENTY-NINTH (29th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] six (6) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.01 [/div] [/div] [/div] LOUDER was formed during the 4th season of ENDGAME, originally comprised of a bunch of random individuals who needed a team to join the higher level leagues. Said group was lead by Lucas Kent, who went on to become one of ENDGAME's legendary players when he reverse-swept a 1v5 situation during the finals. Despite the loss, their popularity soared as clips of the play continue to be referenced even today. They decided to continue the team beyond one season (their original agreement was only for the fourth season), eventually forming a brand organization by the same name. Two of the original members continue to play. Two others, one of whom is Lucas, have taken on more administrative roles. The last member left during the 7th season to found Galahad.
The team has often featured a pivotal center within their lineup. They excel in hit-and-run tactics, often making good use of tools and terrain. Despite their expansion, they retain their independent philosophy, refusing company sponsorships for the team as a whole. Individual player sponsorships, however, are alright with them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] As mentioned, LOUDER excels in guerilla warfare-like tactics. They make use of the tools and terrain available to them. A lot of people have commented that for such an attention-grabbing name, their extensive use of stealth and traps feel quite opposite to the brand's image. Due to their playstyle, they excel in maps with a lot of cover, such as the city area and certain variations of the building map.
The general vibe of the team is very relaxed, with an urban street flair to their outfits. Unlike ZER0 and Galahad, none of them members have any matching clothing items. However, they look more cohesive as a team than Antiheroes due to their singular style family. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] The team holds individuals accountable for their own training. While it does hold group practice sessions, majority of training is free form and at your own time and pace. If you don't pull your own weight, you'll get relegated to the bench.
LOUDER is one of the teams that spends quite a bit of time studying their opponent's playstyles, second only to ZER0. They're willing to make more adjustments to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. As a result, most of their members have a fair amount of proficiency and reliance in the various tools made available to players by the game. Rather than outright training, LOUDER is the team that figures out weird interactions in the game to take advantage of. Take for example, the 'extra 10' bug from season 8. LOUDER was the one who figured out certain bullet types had an extra 10px hitbox outside the range indicated by the game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox galahadbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*GALAHAD[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/pktHtLw.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] galahad [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] sixteenth (16th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] three (3) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.08 [/div] [/div] [/div] Gregers Lazarov was a member of the original LOUDER team until he eventually left due to a difference in opinion. He believed that company sponsorships could be used for the benefit of the team, whilst Lucas thought it was too close to selling out. Shortly after leaving of his own volition, he founded Galahad, recruiting players who'd found dissatisfaction in their current organizations. Other teams found it too close to poaching but remained silent; LOUDER, true to form, publicly called them out. Everyone watched with baited breath as the drama unfolded on Chunmi during the start of the 8th season.
Galahad is a disjointed team consisting of the most notable members of the competitive scene. These are either former star players of other teams, or simply players who have strong public appeal and large fanbases. It's rare to see a complete rookie amongst them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Galahad has a very individualistic approach to the game, with players typically moving on their own. Whereas LOUDER has some coordination involved in their strategy, Galahad is literally five different people doing their own thing. Teamwork isn't exactly their thing, but due to the skill of each individual player, they're able to win games. Divide-and-conquer is a strategy they lean heavily towards.
ENDGAME's following often refers to Galahad as the princes/princesses, whether they're being sarcastic or just an honest-to-goodness fan. Their uniforms remind people of Japanese prince/ss idol costumes, complete with differing color schemes. They were going for a more royal look, but considering the fact many of their players are widely considered to be good-looking, that's what ended up happening. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Galahad's training is even more relaxed than LOUDER's, if that's even possible. Due to the myriad of teams the members originated from, the organization can't agree on any one method that fits for everyone. As a result, most training is individual, with some group training sessions and frequent scrimmages against other teams.
While most teams keep most of their training secret, with a few scattered glimpses via monitored streams, Galahad tends to be open with theirs. This is mostly because there usually isn't much of a plan in the first place, with strategies created on the fly. Gameplay wise, if there's one thing to note about their players is that they're very adaptable. Despite their independent tendencies, most know how to cooperate if the situation calls for it. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox zerobox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ZERO[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/nbVgWHF.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] zer0 [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] FIRST (1st) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] eight (8) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.19 [/div] [/div] [/div] ZER0 is considered one of the original teams that helped form the competitive scene of ENDGAME. Five of the top players of the time formed a team from the bottom up, going from open league to pro league. Three members continue to play. Two were forced to retire due to injuries, but only one left the scene completely to pursue other goals. The other one chose to stay and act as strategist and coach for others.
Amongst the teams, ZER0 is the one most alike to how actual military behaves. When on the field, they wait for their captain's orders before taking individual action. Their philosophy revolves around them as one unit. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] In contrast with LOUDER which has a very self-reliant style, ZER0 has a defined chain of command. Some call it rigid, but considering how the team sits at the top of the rankings, they had to be doing something right. Members of the team know that they're able to trust the others to have their back. Communication is key to ZER0.
Fitting with the team's militaristic vibe, the team wears the same base uniform with personal flairs in the form of color scheme and accessories. However, the colors members choose tend to be very muted and suited to camouflage such as blacks, greys and browns. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Members of ZER0 do everything together. From eating together to practicing as a team, they spend a good part of the day in close quarters. Everyone monitors each other's progress; feedback is given regardless of rank. The team trains its members to take these criticisms graciously. Another advantage of the team is their myriad of benched members. Unlike other teams, they're comfortable with switching between their main roster and reserves with no threat of disrupting the group's teamwork.
Like LOUDER, ZER0 researches their opponents on upcoming matches, exploiting weaknesses they find. There isn't any one map the team is good at. As an all-rounder, they tend to perform well in any terrain, thought admittedly they're rarely able to really maximize it for their use. Much of their training time is spent doing drills and recreating situations that they might find themselves in at some point in a game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox antibox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ANTIHEROES[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/zDUBM9K.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] antiheroes [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] fortieth (40th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] ten (10) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 0.95 [/div] [/div] [/div] Antiheroes is one of the oldest teams in ENDGAME's competitive scene, having been a participant since the first season. Their founder, Eliza Pollux, is an iconic figure in ENDGAME's history. She lead her team to victory in the finals during the game's first two seasons, bouncing back from from Lucas' match reverse-sweep in their best of five. After ten years in the business, the four of which was coach work, Eliza abrupt left the scene. Antiheroes is now struggling with their new leader as they try to find their new identity.
Eliza's philosophy on ENDGAME was very simple: "It's a game, have fun with it." She became friends with TG's founder and was pivotal to many of the quality of life changes in early patches of the game. Despite not making it out of groups since the second season, the game has a small but loyal fanbase primarily comprised of followers who'd been with them since season one. Others, however, have criticized the organization for not taking the game seriously enough. Whatever the case, people are curious to see what's Antiheroes without an Eliza Pollux. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Like ZER0, they're an all-rounder that performs well enough in most maps and terrain. Unlike them however, Antiheroes is structured to be more democratic than leader-biased, which could mean for some very unexpected turns in their strategy. That's what often makes Antiheroes matches so interesting to watch. On the flipside, delays in communication and disagreements on what plan of action to take are oftentimes their downfall.
The only thing that makes Antiheroes cohesive is their lack of cohesion. Avatar outfits can range from military to casual wear, making for some interesting combinations when on the field. One of the most hilarious was during a past World's Groups stage, which occurs during October. The team dressed as various characters. One was Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney, and beside him was Goku. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] While ZER0 values teamwork above all else, Antiheroes values camaraderie. You could coordinate with someone you disliked on ZER0, but that simply doesn't work in a team like Antiheroes. While not everyone's best friends, people are amicable enough to each other and are close enough to call each other a casual friend. They often eat meals together, and in-house team versus team matches are a common occurence to get some practice in.
Training in the Antiheroes house is fairly well-rounded. There's a fitness regime, actual drills, and then the in-house battles, usually for a casual reward like who's paying for dinner that night. While their players are willing to work hard, they don't turn the game into their life like other teams. They take the time to enjoy ENDGAME and the process of getting good at it. Like Galahad, one of their strong points is the myriad of personalities in their roster. Someone was bound to make an interesting way to deal with an enemy's strength. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox rulesbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESPECT[/div] My philosophy on GMing is fairly relaxed: respect me, I respect you. As a GM, I'm in a position of authority over participants of my roleplays. If I reject someone, there's a reason for it, and I'm willing to take a second look if they decide to listen to my criticisms. In that same vein, if my players decide to (politely) criticize me for a decision I made, I will take it into account with no hard feelings. I'm willing to listen to discussion and disagreement, but when I draw a line, I don't budge it.
Respect extends to beyond the roleplay sphere however. If a player has a history of things like theft or character plagiarism, remaining unapologetic about such things, I reject them. I don't tolerate bad behavior in my roleplays. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LITERACY[/div] I don't care much for labels. As long as you can post a cohesive paragraph, then you're good. We all start somewhere, so if we offer feedback on your writing, it's because we want to help you grow. Occasional misspellings are understandable, we all have those days. But if you can't get your their/they're consistent, then I think you should brush up a bit more on English before trying out here. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESERVATIONS[/div] Are non-existent, unless you've been personally invited to this roleplay. Everyone goes through a screening process; you submit a character concept, and we'll see if it's up to standards. Failure to comply with this will mean automatic rejection. Unlike most roleplays, ENDGAME will be operating on a roleplayer cap rather than character cap. Feel free to create as many as you can handle once you've passed the application. Click the pro players in the menu to access the code for the cs. You are required to use it. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*COMMITMENT[/div] Should you fail to speak with me within a month, you're booted from the roleplay, no exceptions. I don't mind long absences so long as you keep us updated on your current status. Likewise, should you no longer feel like participating, I want to be informed instead of leaving us with question marks. I take more offence at being dropped like a hot potato than being told directly that you no long feel like you can commit. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox csbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*CODE[/div]
Both pieces have variations and equippable tools, which can be set from a user's account on the ENDGAME database. Since a good part of the game is AR, there's no need for a physical change to wildly variate how either behaves. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*arenas and gyms[/div] Most major cities have one or two large arenas at which to host the local ENDGAME tourney. These arenas span around five soccer fields, while also boasting multi-floored areas. Aside from those, there are smaller arenas, better known as "gyms", for practice and casual play. These are typically half or less the size of a standard arena, making for quicker games.
There are different kinds of terrain and situations that players are able to play in, heavily affecting the strategies of anyone participating. Things like time of the day and visibility-scale are part of it. These are randomly selected during the beginning of the match, forcing players to adapt. As for maps, ENDGAME's default four boasts a decent variety, with arenas and gyms often making ones specific to their area.
[div class="statname"]CITY (outdoor 70% | indoor 30%)[/div] The area around Tomorrow Games' HQ has been recreated into a map for players to fight in. Plenty of areas to duck into and hide, as well as narrow gaps to take advantage of when teams are forced to bottleneck. A certain section is an indoor restaurant with tables, counters and a kitchen.
[div class="statname"]CRUISE SHIP (indoor 60% | outdoor 40%)[/div] A slightly narrower than usual map where getting pushed out of the play area means "death by drowning". Most of the map occurs within the ship itself with its myriad of hallways, but there's a large deck area at which there's nowhere to hide.
[div class="statname"]FOREST AND PLAINS (outdoor 100%)[/div] One of the maps where players will have to pray to RNJesus for weather and time. While parts of the map are heavily wooded, there are open tree line areas as well. As an incentive to come out of hiding, these are the places where the map spawns items for use of either team. It's not uncommon to see fights break out at these locations.
[div class="statname"]BUILDING (indoor 100%)[/div] The game picks from different building layouts. As for its purpose, this is also randomly chosen from presets. It could be an apartment complex, a bank, a mall... anything really. The most popular is a recreation of TG's offices. It includes a lobby, a corporate office level, cafeteria, and even a small rendition of a non AR-d ENDGAME arena.
[div class="statname"]CRUISE SHIP (indoor 60% | outdoor 40%)[/div] A slightly narrower than usual map where getting pushed out of the play area means "death by drowning". Most of the map occurs within the ship itself with its myriad of hallways, but there's a large deck area at which there's nowhere to hide.
[div class="statname"]FOREST AND PLAINS (outdoor 100%)[/div] One of the maps where players will have to pray to RNJesus for weather and time. While parts of the map are heavily wooded, there are open tree line areas as well. As an incentive to come out of hiding, these are the places where the map spawns items for use of either team. It's not uncommon to see fights break out at these locations.
[div class="statname"]BUILDING (indoor 100%)[/div] The game picks from different building layouts. As for its purpose, this is also randomly chosen from presets. It could be an apartment complex, a bank, a mall... anything really. The most popular is a recreation of TG's offices. It includes a lobby, a corporate office level, cafeteria, and even a small rendition of a non AR-d ENDGAME arena.
They also make seasonal maps for fun. To avoid the default maps from going stale and sections of it abused, a good part of the map is randomized each time it's generated and set-up. Amongst the 4, the city is least varied as it's always forced to pick from different areas around TG's head office. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Forest and Plains maps are never the same. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*gamemodes[/div] ENDGAME is most famous for its 5v5 team death match wherein one group of players must eliminate the entire enemy team. These games typically last from 30 minutes to an hour, but have no real time limit. The 3v3 variation with its smaller map is a fairly popular choice as well. However, other modes exist, with arenas and gyms listing their schedules at least three days ahead of time.
[div class="statname"]ENDGAME (5v5 or 3v3)[/div] In a team vs team death match, one team must completely eliminate all members of the opposing group. It doesn't matter if there's only one member left on one and there are still five on the other; the game's not over until all are gone.
[div class="statname"]FLAGSHIP (5v5 or 3v3)[/div] Another team vs team mode, but this time each team must flag one of their players. Should the flagged player die, the team automatically loses. Neither team knows who is flagged on the other, so it's up to the team how they want to approach the road to victory.
[div class="statname"]BATTLE ROYALE (16+ or 9+)[/div] A more casual game mode where players fight for themselves, but can temporarily team up to get ahead of the pack. Players are blindly situated at random points in the arena. The map walls off some places after certain time points, eliminating anyone who isn't in the active play area. The map gets smaller and smaller as the timer counts down to zero. Your goal is to be the last one standing.
[div class="statname"]FLAGSHIP (5v5 or 3v3)[/div] Another team vs team mode, but this time each team must flag one of their players. Should the flagged player die, the team automatically loses. Neither team knows who is flagged on the other, so it's up to the team how they want to approach the road to victory.
[div class="statname"]BATTLE ROYALE (16+ or 9+)[/div] A more casual game mode where players fight for themselves, but can temporarily team up to get ahead of the pack. Players are blindly situated at random points in the arena. The map walls off some places after certain time points, eliminating anyone who isn't in the active play area. The map gets smaller and smaller as the timer counts down to zero. Your goal is to be the last one standing.
It's fairly common for players to professionally play more than one game mode. Some even use the exact same team for both ENDGAME and FLAGSHIP. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox suitbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ar helmets[/div] AR helmets are strictly passive skills. All players can equip a maximum of only two skills, no exceptions.
[div class="statname"]INFRARED[/div] Detect units through cover (not applicable to Type B bodysuits)
[div class="statname"]AUTOMARK[/div] Automatically mark last known position of one enemy as long as one member of the team has seen them. Limited to self-view if communications are jammed.
[div class="statname"]JAM-PROOF[/div] Cannot have communications disabled.
[div class="statname"]AUTO-WARNING[/div] Notifies player when enemy points weapon at them. Cannot specify location of enemy.
[div class="statname"]BODYSUIT IDENTIFIER[/div] Identify bodysuit type of enemy.
[div class="statname"]BINOCULARS[/div] Zoomed in view.
[div class="statname"]AUTOMARK[/div] Automatically mark last known position of one enemy as long as one member of the team has seen them. Limited to self-view if communications are jammed.
[div class="statname"]JAM-PROOF[/div] Cannot have communications disabled.
[div class="statname"]AUTO-WARNING[/div] Notifies player when enemy points weapon at them. Cannot specify location of enemy.
[div class="statname"]BODYSUIT IDENTIFIER[/div] Identify bodysuit type of enemy.
[div class="statname"]BINOCULARS[/div] Zoomed in view.
[/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*bodysuits[/div] Bodysuits are rented from an ENDGAME gym or arena for the day. They cannot be privately owned, as personal modifications to its physical abilities are strictly prohibited. Any player caught doing so is automatically banned from the immediate premises and any other ENDGAME venue from then on. The game highly values integrity and sportsmanship.
As explained before, bodysuits read the interactions between the player and its environment. Each type of suit has a specific amount of armor. Upon reaching null, any shot to a vital region is considered a kill, while other shots can disable a player. Shooting a hand may disable use of said hand, rendering any two-handed weapons useless. Additionally, certain areas deteriorate armor more upon receiving damage. Heads, joints and hands are often key areas to hit during the early game.
Headshots from a high caliber weapon cause armor deterioration and simulated concussion, but the first hit is never an instant kill. The only exception are shotguns, which are instant kill but one must be extremely close to the target.
There are three suit types available for use, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*slots[/div] There are three kinds of slots available in suits: a primary weapon slot, a secondary weapon slot, and tool slots. Primary weapons can be any weapon from the gun categories given. Secondary weapons must be from the Handgun or Machine Pistol categories, no exceptions. Tools must be from the tools category, and each suit type has a varying number of tool slots available.
All suit types are able to give up their weapon slots for tool slots. Giving up a primary weapon slot gives two (2) tool slots, while giving up a secondary weapon slot gives one (1) tool slot. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type a[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]A[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] AUTOMATICALLY DETECTS HIDDEN MINES AND TRAPS [/div] [/div] [/div] Type A is what most would call the most introductory of the suits, being the recommended build for newbies to the game. At its base, it boasts a decent mix of mobility and defense, making it the all-rounder of the suits. While the least common of the suits in professional play, it's an oft-used defense against teams like LOUDER who favor crowd control. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type b[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]B[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] UNDETECTABLE BY ENEMY ABILITIES [/div] [/div] [/div] Meanwhile Type B is geared towards scouts, making them a viable choice for those who want to go into enemy lines undetected. Its users cannot be detected by anything other than physical sighting. Type B is immune to auto-warning systems, infrared and the like. It boasts high mobility at the cost of lowered armor. Making full use of its abilities requires a good blend of skill, strategy and pure luck. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*type C[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]C[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] unique tools equippable only this suit [/div] [/div] [/div] Type C suits are typically the choice of more experienced users. It boasts high armor, but is bogged down by lowered mobility in its weight and flexibility. However, the fact that this bodysuit has certain equips exclusive to it make it indispensable to high-level ENDGAME play considering their utility. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox equipsbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*guns, weapons, tools[/div] All equipment have weight similar to the item they're emulating. This has a bigger impact on movement than the suit a person is wearing. Players are limited by their own physical capacity. This means that unless a player is super buff, it's extremely uncommon seeing players carrying more than one heavyweight item.
Ammo on guns is unlimited, but players are still required to reload each time a magazine runs out. As mentioned earlier, only Handguns and Machine Pistols can be used as secondary weapons, no exceptions. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*assault rifles[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]AR[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]AK-47[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]M4A1[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN SCAR[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]STEYR aug[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*sub machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SMG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]MP5[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ump45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN P90[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]kriss vector[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*shotguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]spas-12[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]armsel striker[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]double-barrel shotgun[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*light machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]lmg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hk mg4[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn minimi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*handguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]hg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn five seven[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]desert eagle[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]colt .45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]model 69[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*machine pistols[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]MP[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]uzi[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mac-11[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mp7[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*special tools[/div]
[div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]ST[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]grenade belt[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]decoy[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]placeable barricade *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]riot/ballistic shield[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]drone *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mines[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]traps *[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hunter's knife[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]throwing knives[/div] three (3), reusable [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]radio jammer *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]emp[/div] one (1) per team [/div] [/div] [/div] Those marked with an asterisk (*) are equippable by only Type C bodysuits. One may equip multiple types of grenades on one grenade belt. Drones can be either landlocked or airborne, landlocked being the stealthier of the two. Throwing knives must be picked up to be used again. Decoys can be visual or sound, but not both at the same time.
An EMP is an equippable that takes up one tool slot. Its range is global and disables any helmet perks, comms, drones, mines and traps on all sides. It lasts for 3 minutes after activation. Only one can activate per game, which makes timing it crucial. It can only be activated after 5 minutes on the game clock. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox louderbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LOUDER[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/gr631KH.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] louder [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] TWENTY-NINTH (29th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] six (6) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.01 [/div] [/div] [/div] LOUDER was formed during the 4th season of ENDGAME, originally comprised of a bunch of random individuals who needed a team to join the higher level leagues. Said group was lead by Lucas Kent, who went on to become one of ENDGAME's legendary players when he reverse-swept a 1v5 situation during the finals. Despite the loss, their popularity soared as clips of the play continue to be referenced even today. They decided to continue the team beyond one season (their original agreement was only for the fourth season), eventually forming a brand organization by the same name. Two of the original members continue to play. Two others, one of whom is Lucas, have taken on more administrative roles. The last member left during the 7th season to found Galahad.
The team has often featured a pivotal center within their lineup. They excel in hit-and-run tactics, often making good use of tools and terrain. Despite their expansion, they retain their independent philosophy, refusing company sponsorships for the team as a whole. Individual player sponsorships, however, are alright with them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] As mentioned, LOUDER excels in guerilla warfare-like tactics. They make use of the tools and terrain available to them. A lot of people have commented that for such an attention-grabbing name, their extensive use of stealth and traps feel quite opposite to the brand's image. Due to their playstyle, they excel in maps with a lot of cover, such as the city area and certain variations of the building map.
The general vibe of the team is very relaxed, with an urban street flair to their outfits. Unlike ZER0 and Galahad, none of them members have any matching clothing items. However, they look more cohesive as a team than Antiheroes due to their singular style family. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] The team holds individuals accountable for their own training. While it does hold group practice sessions, majority of training is free form and at your own time and pace. If you don't pull your own weight, you'll get relegated to the bench.
LOUDER is one of the teams that spends quite a bit of time studying their opponent's playstyles, second only to ZER0. They're willing to make more adjustments to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. As a result, most of their members have a fair amount of proficiency and reliance in the various tools made available to players by the game. Rather than outright training, LOUDER is the team that figures out weird interactions in the game to take advantage of. Take for example, the 'extra 10' bug from season 8. LOUDER was the one who figured out certain bullet types had an extra 10px hitbox outside the range indicated by the game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox galahadbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*GALAHAD[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/pktHtLw.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] galahad [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] sixteenth (16th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] three (3) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.08 [/div] [/div] [/div] Gregers Lazarov was a member of the original LOUDER team until he eventually left due to a difference in opinion. He believed that company sponsorships could be used for the benefit of the team, whilst Lucas thought it was too close to selling out. Shortly after leaving of his own volition, he founded Galahad, recruiting players who'd found dissatisfaction in their current organizations. Other teams found it too close to poaching but remained silent; LOUDER, true to form, publicly called them out. Everyone watched with baited breath as the drama unfolded on Chunmi during the start of the 8th season.
Galahad is a disjointed team consisting of the most notable members of the competitive scene. These are either former star players of other teams, or simply players who have strong public appeal and large fanbases. It's rare to see a complete rookie amongst them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Galahad has a very individualistic approach to the game, with players typically moving on their own. Whereas LOUDER has some coordination involved in their strategy, Galahad is literally five different people doing their own thing. Teamwork isn't exactly their thing, but due to the skill of each individual player, they're able to win games. Divide-and-conquer is a strategy they lean heavily towards.
ENDGAME's following often refers to Galahad as the princes/princesses, whether they're being sarcastic or just an honest-to-goodness fan. Their uniforms remind people of Japanese prince/ss idol costumes, complete with differing color schemes. They were going for a more royal look, but considering the fact many of their players are widely considered to be good-looking, that's what ended up happening. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Galahad's training is even more relaxed than LOUDER's, if that's even possible. Due to the myriad of teams the members originated from, the organization can't agree on any one method that fits for everyone. As a result, most training is individual, with some group training sessions and frequent scrimmages against other teams.
While most teams keep most of their training secret, with a few scattered glimpses via monitored streams, Galahad tends to be open with theirs. This is mostly because there usually isn't much of a plan in the first place, with strategies created on the fly. Gameplay wise, if there's one thing to note about their players is that they're very adaptable. Despite their independent tendencies, most know how to cooperate if the situation calls for it. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox zerobox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ZERO[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/nbVgWHF.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] zer0 [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] FIRST (1st) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] eight (8) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.19 [/div] [/div] [/div] ZER0 is considered one of the original teams that helped form the competitive scene of ENDGAME. Five of the top players of the time formed a team from the bottom up, going from open league to pro league. Three members continue to play. Two were forced to retire due to injuries, but only one left the scene completely to pursue other goals. The other one chose to stay and act as strategist and coach for others.
Amongst the teams, ZER0 is the one most alike to how actual military behaves. When on the field, they wait for their captain's orders before taking individual action. Their philosophy revolves around them as one unit. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] In contrast with LOUDER which has a very self-reliant style, ZER0 has a defined chain of command. Some call it rigid, but considering how the team sits at the top of the rankings, they had to be doing something right. Members of the team know that they're able to trust the others to have their back. Communication is key to ZER0.
Fitting with the team's militaristic vibe, the team wears the same base uniform with personal flairs in the form of color scheme and accessories. However, the colors members choose tend to be very muted and suited to camouflage such as blacks, greys and browns. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Members of ZER0 do everything together. From eating together to practicing as a team, they spend a good part of the day in close quarters. Everyone monitors each other's progress; feedback is given regardless of rank. The team trains its members to take these criticisms graciously. Another advantage of the team is their myriad of benched members. Unlike other teams, they're comfortable with switching between their main roster and reserves with no threat of disrupting the group's teamwork.
Like LOUDER, ZER0 researches their opponents on upcoming matches, exploiting weaknesses they find. There isn't any one map the team is good at. As an all-rounder, they tend to perform well in any terrain, thought admittedly they're rarely able to really maximize it for their use. Much of their training time is spent doing drills and recreating situations that they might find themselves in at some point in a game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox antibox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ANTIHEROES[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/zDUBM9K.png);"] fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] antiheroes [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] fortieth (40th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] ten (10) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 0.95 [/div] [/div] [/div] Antiheroes is one of the oldest teams in ENDGAME's competitive scene, having been a participant since the first season. Their founder, Eliza Pollux, is an iconic figure in ENDGAME's history. She lead her team to victory in the finals during the game's first two seasons, bouncing back from from Lucas' match reverse-sweep in their best of five. After ten years in the business, the four of which was coach work, Eliza abrupt left the scene. Antiheroes is now struggling with their new leader as they try to find their new identity.
Eliza's philosophy on ENDGAME was very simple: "It's a game, have fun with it." She became friends with TG's founder and was pivotal to many of the quality of life changes in early patches of the game. Despite not making it out of groups since the second season, the game has a small but loyal fanbase primarily comprised of followers who'd been with them since season one. Others, however, have criticized the organization for not taking the game seriously enough. Whatever the case, people are curious to see what's Antiheroes without an Eliza Pollux. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Like ZER0, they're an all-rounder that performs well enough in most maps and terrain. Unlike them however, Antiheroes is structured to be more democratic than leader-biased, which could mean for some very unexpected turns in their strategy. That's what often makes Antiheroes matches so interesting to watch. On the flipside, delays in communication and disagreements on what plan of action to take are oftentimes their downfall.
The only thing that makes Antiheroes cohesive is their lack of cohesion. Avatar outfits can range from military to casual wear, making for some interesting combinations when on the field. One of the most hilarious was during a past World's Groups stage, which occurs during October. The team dressed as various characters. One was Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney, and beside him was Goku. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] While ZER0 values teamwork above all else, Antiheroes values camaraderie. You could coordinate with someone you disliked on ZER0, but that simply doesn't work in a team like Antiheroes. While not everyone's best friends, people are amicable enough to each other and are close enough to call each other a casual friend. They often eat meals together, and in-house team versus team matches are a common occurence to get some practice in.
Training in the Antiheroes house is fairly well-rounded. There's a fitness regime, actual drills, and then the in-house battles, usually for a casual reward like who's paying for dinner that night. While their players are willing to work hard, they don't turn the game into their life like other teams. They take the time to enjoy ENDGAME and the process of getting good at it. Like Galahad, one of their strong points is the myriad of personalities in their roster. Someone was bound to make an interesting way to deal with an enemy's strength. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox rulesbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESPECT[/div] My philosophy on GMing is fairly relaxed: respect me, I respect you. As a GM, I'm in a position of authority over participants of my roleplays. If I reject someone, there's a reason for it, and I'm willing to take a second look if they decide to listen to my criticisms. In that same vein, if my players decide to (politely) criticize me for a decision I made, I will take it into account with no hard feelings. I'm willing to listen to discussion and disagreement, but when I draw a line, I don't budge it.
Respect extends to beyond the roleplay sphere however. If a player has a history of things like theft or character plagiarism, remaining unapologetic about such things, I reject them. I don't tolerate bad behavior in my roleplays. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LITERACY[/div] I don't care much for labels. As long as you can post a cohesive paragraph, then you're good. We all start somewhere, so if we offer feedback on your writing, it's because we want to help you grow. Occasional misspellings are understandable, we all have those days. But if you can't get your their/they're consistent, then I think you should brush up a bit more on English before trying out here. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESERVATIONS[/div] Are non-existent, unless you've been personally invited to this roleplay. Everyone goes through a screening process; you submit a character concept, and we'll see if it's up to standards. Failure to comply with this will mean automatic rejection. Unlike most roleplays, ENDGAME will be operating on a roleplayer cap rather than character cap. Feel free to create as many as you can handle once you've passed the application. Click the pro players in the menu to access the code for the cs. You are required to use it. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*COMMITMENT[/div] Should you fail to speak with me within a month, you're booted from the roleplay, no exceptions. I don't mind long absences so long as you keep us updated on your current status. Likewise, should you no longer feel like participating, I want to be informed instead of leaving us with question marks. I take more offence at being dropped like a hot potato than being told directly that you no long feel like you can commit. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox csbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*CODE[/div]
[class name=images]
--playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/Q2heE9e.jpg');
--ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/vepXSVY.jpg');
[comment]to keep the code neat, I placed nobr tags around the entire thing. you'll need to use [br][/br] to create linebreaks. the images are squares; as long as it's a square, it'll stretch to fit![/comment]
[div class="ratio images"]
[div class="root"]
[div class="diacontainer"]
[div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div]
[div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div]
[div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"]
[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"]
[div class="contentblock mobileinfo"]
[div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div]
[div class="loadoutinfoarea"]
[div class="contentinfo"]
[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
[div class="infotitle"]full name[/div]
full name here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]gender[/div]
gender here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]age[/div]
age (#)
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div]
This is where you talk about your character's personality and all that shit.
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div]
strengths as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div]
weaknesses as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div]
you can make separate preference contents my copypasting the contentblock class for likes/dislikes. or just combine them here
[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"]
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div]
what happened to them in their personal life? bad break ups??? idk man. you can mention shit that went on in their player history and how it impacted them, but the focus is definitely their personal life.
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div]
their rise to fame, have they ever switched teams, that kind of thing here.
[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"]
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div]
honest this is whatever you feel like putting
[div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"]
[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"]
[div class="contentblock mobileinfo"]
[div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div]
[div class="loadoutinfoarea"]
[div class="contentinfo"]
[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
[div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div]
player tag here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]team[/div]
team here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div]
number of seasons played (#)
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div]
how do they play? do they prefer to go in, act as decoy, set up traps? go crazy.
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div]
strengths as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever.
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div]
weaknesses as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever.
[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"]
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div]
[div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div]
type c
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div]
equip 1[br][/br]
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div]
equip 2
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div]
feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div]
[div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div]
type c
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div]
equip 1[br][/br]
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div]
equip 2
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div]
feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock
[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"]
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div]
[div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]participants[/div]
name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc
notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes.
[div class="contentblock"]
[div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div]
[div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]participants[/div]
name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc
notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes.
[div class="imagesflexbox"]
[div class="imagecontainer player"]
[div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div]
[div class="imgbox"]
[div class="filter playerimg"]
[div class="stripes"]stripes[/div]
[div class="darken"]darken[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="divider"]divider[/div]
[div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"]
[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
[div class="infotitle"]full name[/div]
full name here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]gender[/div]
gender here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]age[/div]
age here (#)
[div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div]
[div class="imagecontainer ig"]
[div class="invi"]igNAV[/div]
[div class="imgbox"]
[div class="filter igimg"]
[div class="stripes"]stripes[/div]
[div class="darken"]darken[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
[div class="divider"]divider[/div]
[div class="infoarea iginfoarea"]
[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
[div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div]
player tag here
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]team[/div]
[div class="teamanswer"]zer0[/div]
[div class="infoblock"]
[div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div]
number of seasons played (#)
[div class="nav playernav"]
[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"]
[div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div]
[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"]
[div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div]
[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"]
[div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div]
[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"]
[div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div]
[div class="nav ignav"]
[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"]
[div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div]
[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"]
[div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div]
[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"]
[div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div]
[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"]
[div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div]
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