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End of year awards?



Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have only really belonged to one other forum community. I was a part of it for so long and grew close to so many people there, even having met a few in person. It went down a few years ago, and since then I have tried other places here and there, but found it difficult to find my place. Well... now I am really enjoying RPN. The staff is truly a... well... staff. Involved in the community and finding ways, through suggestion as well as personal ideas, to keep the community together and moving forward. Which is to say I like it here. I like it a lot. And since you do awards (kinda sorta) with best player/character/rp/etc. I was wondering if end of the year voting for awards was ever considered. I went through the ordeal of mentioning the past site, because they did this. If I remember correctly, they would decide on some basic categories, (best writer, rp, character, etc.) and people could vote for or mention other categories they would like to see. Then there would be a thread for each category, where people mentioned who they would like to "nominate" for each award. Then... the voting itself, in a poll for each thread. There would be a first, second, and third place awarded. The winners would get an icon of a corresponding medal that they could put on their signatures. In this way, you would see people with awards from anything from best writer, to best debater, to most handsome, or "most likely to drop the soap" (pretty tight knit group haha). But I figure something like this could transfer over pretty easily to this site, as at the end of each year you could automatically have 12 candidates ready for best rp, character, etc. (The people mentioned in each newsletter) as well as the player mentioned categories and candidates. So... I hope I explained that clearly enough, or that it can be maybe translated into an idea feasible enough for consideration. Thank you very much for reading! Have a fantastic day!
Hey @GoodJobDino, glad to hear you've been enjoying the site so far! :D

Mmmm, we wouldn't want to do any sort of "best roleplayer" category or anything, because not only would that be a bit derogatory to the like... thousands of users that wouldn't win that, but also when we did some polling similar to that (the first character tournament that we held), that ended up being a bit of a popularity contest. That being said, I do like the idea of implementing more silly categories, like most handsome, as you mentioned. This could really be a fun thing to do!
I agree with Pine, think voting for best roleplayer or writer would be controversial and could easily become a personality contest. With that said, I would totally be down for awards on more silly categories.

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