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Fantasy End of Days| What Evil has been Released|Currently Open


The mind is a fearsome thing, don't tread on it.
There is a multiverse. It is set up on a massive cosmic tree. Every leaf on the tree is a realm of existence. The branches are cosmic streams that only special vessels can travel into. The trunk is the longest stretch of this cosmic highway and the roots sap nutrients from the Underverse. A dimension of pure chaotic magic that no mortal can hope to enter. A wretched place of chaos with such pure magic that only the gods and a select few beings in existence could hope to survive there. At the very tip of this massive tree of existence is the realm of the gods. Fueled by magic that has been purified by filtering up through the cosmic tree. As such, the realities on the tree have a sort of hierarchy, with realities at the top being treated as superior.

Travel between the realms is normal and only a few are cut off from it for one reason or another. Travel in this world is done by special ships. Cosmic ships that move with the help of a variety of different methods that allow all realities to be in contact with one another. There is a whole networking hub that travels all throughout the cosmic tree. Of course, there are also the spaces in between branches and surrounding the cosmic tree. These are places not even the gods want to go, simply because they have no power there. All of the cosmic creatures in the voids and cosmos are completely beyond their control, which is why most gods usually stick to the realm that they govern or the realm of the gods. The cosmic monstrosities there are simply beyond reason, control or imagination. The gods protect the tree from this chaotic cosmic terror by condensing a dome over the entire tree and smaller ones around the realms that worship them. A fort for cowards

Now, the reason they use the cosmic branches for travel is because of the Deep Space. The space between all of livable reality. This space is filled with cosmic monsters and threats that the magic of Zyfflhiem (The cosmic tree) keeps at bay. Of course there are legends of an ancient race that used to call Deep Space home, but they are only legends. The world is ordered by the gods, the cosmic tree and the forces they keep at bay. Yet, there are still so many threats. All of them cannot be stopped.

Throughout all realms there are stories. Old fables about evils so potent that the gods themselves had to intervene and save reality from being destroyed. They tell of beings so powerful and so evil that they aimed to sever the realm of the gods from the cosmic tree and rule over reality. These people are known by many titles, but named by the gods as “Colossals”. Colossals, despite what they are now, were once perfectly normal people. Some had talents, others had extraordinary skills, but all had one thing in common. For one reason or another, they used the power, influence and abilities they had for evil and attempted to dethrone the gods.

Many Colossals came close, but in all of history there has only been about 20 and a smaller number still are alive. Some Colossals simply refuse to die. They couldn’t be allowed to go free, so they were imprisoned. At the base of Zyfflhiem, there is a prison, built directly into the roots of the tree. Carved with the strongest stone and metal, this prison lowers specially made coffins into the underverse, trapping the still alive Colossals in the chaotic realm of darkness and pure magic. Guarded by legions of living status, this prison was the only thing keeping the greatest evils reality had ever known. That is until the harbinger arrived.
Okay, so the idea here is that one of us plays the harbinger, who for one reason or another released the living Colossals from the prison. They all escape, but believe that they must work together to bring down the gods. That’s right. We are the villains! Since the gods stripped everything and imprisoned the Colossals, they are without the resources they once had and must now prepare with the help of the harbinger to go to war with the gods.

I will not limit how your character came to hate the gods or the powers you want to have or what you have. Necromancer, artificer, fallen paladin, the sky's the limit here. All I ask is that you remember these people were not able to defeat the gods and therefore should not have godlike powers. They are a team in this. Granted, some may have selfish reasons and others may be more pure, but they all want the gods dead and out of the picture. There will be enemies we can’t beat or scenarios where we can’t win. The idea is to get through it. I haven’t decided if the RP will use some sort of combat system or not. Let me know in your request if you think we should make one or not.

As usual, there are rules:
  • I would like a post every few days. At least three paragraphs. I understand that life happens and you may not be able to post, but let me know if that's the case.
  • Posting will be done in rounds with my post signaling the beginning and end of that round's posts. There isn’t an order, but this allows for players that need to take a break to easily catch up by going back and reading from their last post without being lost.
  • Each round will last three days or until all parties have posted. Also in your request, tell me your current favorite song.
  • I write in third person, past tense. I would prefer it if you did as well.
  • Darker themes, romance and other such things are allowed, but I must insist that you be the age of 21 at least for this roleplay. I don’t mind the younger players, but for this I would prefer to have people closer to my age in this.
I will need one person to take the harbinger role. We can discuss that in greater detail later, but I think that covers everything. I can’t wait to see what you all create and the story we can tell.
I appreciate the enthusiasm. However, you didn't read it all.
Don't need to read it all. Cuz... I'm the baaaaaad guuuuy. Duh! (Bad guy - covered by the interruptors)

My bad dint read the Eula lol. But k. No dice. Ewww. Just free form fighting to keep it simple. Like we over 21. So we can discuss it like adults ooc right?

Im over 21. not interested in the harbinger role. Thinkin some kinda shapeshifter or like demon enhanced baddie.
Don't need to read it all. Cuz... I'm the baaaaaad guuuuy. Duh! (Bad guy - covered by the interruptors)

My bad dint read the Eula lol. But k. No dice. Ewww. Just free form fighting to keep it simple. Like we over 21. So we can discuss it like adults ooc right?

Im over 21. not interested in the harbinger role. Thinkin some kinda shapeshifter or like demon enhanced baddie.
You're in. Welcome to the destruction of the gods fellow Colossal!

I love the shape shifter idea.
First of all,satisfaction.

Second of all,just out of curiosity,is there a general parity of power between the Colossals? Should they have been expected to conquer their own planet or even their universe before being capable of challenging the gods?
First of all,satisfaction.

Second of all,just out of curiosity,is there a general parity of power between the Colossals? Should they have been expected to conquer their own planet or even their universe before being capable of challenging the gods?
Yes. They had their own rise to power. You can say they took over their own realm and maybe others, controlled space traffic in their section of the cosmic tree. Basically anything you can think of to show their rise to power in whatever way you want. From the shadows, in the light, just so long as they gain some sort of power to fight the gods.

Since I am asking for all adults, I think we are all mature enough to create powerful characters and discuss the interactions between the colossals powers. One might be stronger in another way. It's really all up to you. Since we are all adults, I would like to think that we could peacefully discuss whose power is better at what and stronger than whose without any issues. Like adults.

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