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Realistic or Modern em's one x one search [modern]


New Member

hey there I go by Emerald, or Em, and I'm seeking a couple long term literate roleplays to pass the time.
I'm 29 year old female so I'd prefer if you were over twenty, it's just a preference.
I've been roleplaying for just over ten years, and am just returning after a lengthy hiatus.

I mostly roleplay modern genres, but may be willing to branch out and try something different with a convincing plot.
right now I'm looking for mxf pairings, and possibly mxm with a good plot.

what I'm looking for in a partner

• I can usually write three paragraphs per reply, maybe more depending on what's happening.
I also understand when the inspiration isn't flowing and you end up with less than that.
however, the one thing that I ask that you not post one liners. ;-;

• I write in third person, and prefer if you did the same.

• typically I like to play male characters, but I don't mind a getting the chance to play a female character.
it's nice to be able to switch things up every once in a while.

• my characters typically range anywhere from late twenties to early thirties.

• be prepared to double up with characters, I usually have multiple side characters in my roleplays.

• I personally don't bother with character sheets, as I feel like my starters usually sum up my characters quite well.
however, I do use realistic face claims for my characters. you are still more than welcome to make a character sheet if you'd like, but not a must.

• I'm ghost friendly, but try to give me a heads up so I'm not waiting around for replies that are never going to come.

• I can reply usually multiple times a day, with covid I am not working at the moment so it gives me lots of free time.
life gets busy and I understand not always being able to respond daily, but if it's less than once a week I tend to lose interest in the roleplay.

• I love to plot and world build, but it's boring when I'm the only one coming up with ideas and such.
I'd like my partner to be able to help me brainstorm and come up with ideas, I'm always down for a good brainstorming session. c:

• I prefer to roleplay over private messages as opposed to the forums, if you don't want to roleplay on here I'm also willing to do so over e-mail.

• romance, angst, and drama is a must for my roleplays. I'm a sucker for drama ;-;
I also like themes that revolve around addiction, tragedy, topped with loads of angst.


• bad boy x good girl
• friends to lovers
• addicted x recovering addict
• kidnapped (hostage x captor)
• addicted x addicted
• enemies to lovers
• nurse x patient
• doctor x patient
• patient x patient (either hospital setting, or impatient rehab setting)
• something mafia related (have never done one, but willing to try)

I'm open to suggestions, and am also willing to hear any plots/ideas that you may like to share with me.

as of right now I have a couple plots in mind, but not for every genre that I've listed.
I'm really wanting to do something hospital related at the moment, even if it's incorporated into another genre or plot somehow.
if any of this interests you, please send me a message as opposed to posting on this thread.

thank you, hope to hear from you c:


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