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Nation Building Empires at War


One Thousand Club








Rank under faction:


Species Sheet:



Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):


Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)


Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):





Kiria Maveriks

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Centrion


View attachment 118834

Weapons: One assault rifle, one handgun, one baynet, one combat knife, several grenades.

Items: Phone, tablet, headphones.

Rank under faction: 2nd lieutenant. Daughter of the current president of the UGF

Personality: She is a very intelligent person and graduated 2 years earlier than most university students. She is very calm and very reasonable. She is very patient and a good listener. She was raised with one rule by her family. Treat others how you want to be treated. She is very social and could at times be a bit annoying because of her wanting to make new friends or get to know others. She has a very curious mind and because of this whenever she goes or meets someone new, she immediately wants to know about their religion, culture, customs and anything of that sort. She, like every other centrion, dislikes discrimination of all forms.

Bio: Kiria volunteered to join the military after graduating from her university in Seraine. She wanted to follow her ancestor who fought in the great centrion/Bivaria war. She was born on Serine in the Capital city, Serlana. From there, she attended Vixon University, and when she turned 21, which was also the year she graduated, she immediately signed up for the U.G.F marine corps as an officer.

Name: T.J. Vlsona

Age: 24

Gender: male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Long sword(Made from metal used to build ocean navy ships.)

dual energy swords

magnum (uses magnetic acceleration energy just like every other military gun.)

Wrist blades. (A rectangular device with buttons, a screen and other switches attached to the arm. The swiss army knife of the elite corps)

throwing knives.

dual heavy handguns

Magnetic armour (Special type of armour only designed to be worn by elite corps members.)

Rank under faction: Elite corps commander. And a master general

Bio: T.J was essentially grown in a massive laboratory. His creation took several decades since the UGF wanted to make the ultimate soldier for their army. Like all Elites, he has superhuman strength, agility, speed, reflexes. Super smart, has a low pain tolerance and are combat masters that helps them adapt and change their fighting tactics so that they can become a very efficient and deadly killing machine. While he was being created, the scientists created his DNA strands so that he would be more enhanced and have several "abilities" as well. When it was time for him to come out to the world, he was given the rank of Elite commander. The overall commander of the elite corps. Pretty soon, the UGF would take in orphans an enhance and change there genes and DNA to make them just like T.J. Also creating some more in the process through the same method that they used to create T.J.


Marco Narul

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Centrion







Items: Various explosives, utility tools, melee weapons.

He also decided to put his tank in a preserver.


U.N.S Main Battle Tank.

Rank under faction: U.N.S Black knight elite forces member

Bio: Marco had seen much action during the final years of the war for centia galaxy nearly 2.5 million years ago. He served as a tank commander of the Elite Eagle division. He was later selected to become a part of the U.N.S's new Black knight elite forces. He served under this new elite unit as they began espionage and assassinations of different empire's leaders and military. He became one of the most respectable members of the force. Later on, with the U.N.S decided that the Black Knights were too important and the entire force of 300 Black Knight troops were locked away and sealed into stasis.

Other main characters that will be introduced as the RP progresses


Lloyd Vexna

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown Centrion




Two long swords (Made from metal used to build ocean navy vessels)


one carbon blade(sword)

dual energy sword

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

Rank under faction: Fourth in command of the Elite corps. Master general

Bio: One of the original Elites to be created by the UGF government. He has been created to be the ultimate soldier just like TJ.


Lizabeth meria

Age: 23

Gender: female

Species: genetically grown centrion




Combat sword

Energy sword

Wrist blades

dual heavy handguns

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

Rank under faction: Sub-commander of the Elite corps. Master general

Bio: She was the second centrion to be grown after T.J.


Myra Elvarno

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




long sword

one heavy handgun

throwing knives

combat knives

wrist blades

dual SMG

Rank under faction: member of the Elite corps

Bio: Just like T.J, she is a genetically grown centrion intended solely for the military as an ultimate soldier.


Stanner Real

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Genetically grown centrion




dual heavy machine pistols

saw machinegun

heavy machinegun

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

magnetic armour

energy sword

Rank under faction: Member of the Elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Rei mavers

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Magnetic armour

energy sword

wrist blades



dual heavy pistols

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.



Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




throwing knives

wrist blades

magnetic armour

dual handguns

ballistic knives

combat knives

throwing knives

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Boomer Ferinal

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Heavy shotgun

dual heavy handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

long sword

throwing knives

combat knives

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Beacher garel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: genetically grown centrion




Heavy sniper rifle

magnetic armour

wrist blades

one heavy magnum

combat knives

throwing knives

energy sword

Rank under faction: Third in command of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J he was grown for the military.


Asuka Korvez

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy carbine

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Suya Resn

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

semi-auto heavy carbine

long sword

one high end magnum

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Mana weras

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Assault rifle

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

energy sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Luna Korvez

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy carbine

dual handguns

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Ellie krava

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Magnetic armour

dual magnums

wrist blades

throwing knives

combat knives

long sword

heavy battle rifle

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Stellar lousiar

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




precision assault rifle

one heavy magnum

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

dual energy swords

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Name: Lexie Yeri

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Genetically grown centrion




Heavy machine gun

one heavy magnum

wrist blades

magnetic armour

throwing knives

combat knives

dual energy swords

Rank under faction: Member of the elite corps

Bio: Like T.J she was grown for the military.

Elite Corps:


The Elites are super soldiers, enhanced and brutality trained to become killing machines. There is currently a total of 189 "Regulars" and 14 "Originals". They're the best of the best, they act as commanders,and Major Generals. They are inserted into the worst battles and takes care of the dirty work, nasty work for the military and the government. They have built up a reputation as being deadly soldiers who are ruthless and will kill indiscriminately. The Elites are equipped with much more advanced weapons ten their military counterparts and are super soldiers or living weapons. All elites have the best of the best physical-level, intelligence, and skill. They are super adaptive, have super human strength, physicality, speed, are highly intelligent, and are combat masters with low pain tolerance and have super human reflexes. Every Elite has his or her own different ability and each has a ton of genetic enhancements as well. They are given above top secret information.

Elites are known to be ruthless and vicious and are known to never follow conventional warfare tactics. They are well known for their skills, power, and are nicknamed the harbingers of death for wherever they are deployed, everyone in that specific area dies. They are the result of extraordinary science research. They are mostly picked when they are young and are put through the most rigorous training to have ever existed in the galaxy. Others are simply grown in a lab where they are built and enhanced as they grow. They are quite possibly the deadliest super soldiers in the universe and can outmatch any other elite warrior

Grimm reapers corps:

The Grimm reaper corps was made by the sovereign Colonies as phase X of their build up arms program. The Grimm members are all made up of kids who were abducted at a young age and has been enhanced and trained to become the universe's deadliest killing machines. But, several centuries before the collapse of the Sovereign Colonies, they were all put into indefinite cryo stasis as they were locked away, only known by the top elites of the military and were all labeled MIA. Since then, they were continuously upgraded and enhanced even more as the millennial s went by. They have been modified and enhanced to be able to use psonic, telekinetic abilities. As well as natural kinesis abilities. They are able to control the element of fire as and electricity.

They are the deadliest super soldiers in the universe and show mo mercy to anyone.

And with the super human strength, reflexes, intelligence, flexibility, agility, masters of combat, being able to use psonic energy, kinesis, telekinesis, Stasis, and controlling several elements, they are the masterpiece and the pride of the Sovereign Colonies, and now the pride of the UGF.

They are physic and allows them to attain some super natural abilities as well. Such as greater reflexes and speed of unimaginable proportions. Manipulation of elements such as fire, able to use telepathy to use consoles and switches from far away.

The Ability to use and manipulate things such as water, ice, fire, earth and air. If they wish, they can choke their enemies by denying them oxygen through telepathic means by using invisible forces to levitate and choke others. As well as being able to process information and adapt the minute they face a foreign enemy. Being able to use nanobots to attack and eat away enemies, incinerate enemies, electrocute them to death, being able to drown them, or freeze them, make them fall into a pit of spikes, crush them. And many other supernatural abilities to attack and kill.

The Reapers are nicknamed as death itself for where ever they are deployed, death in the mass will be inevitable. One Reaper is strong as fourty-fifty-five full divisions including armored divisions.

Compared to Elites who are only as strong as twenty-twenty-five division(s). The reapers are the pride of the S.C.

They are able to manipulate others into illusions, and put them in a state of fear, confusion, or anything. They are able to bring back terrible memories for their enemies as well as as temporarily immobilize them using stasis. They are incredible supernatural super soldiers. The ultimate killing machines of the universe.

They have things called vortex abilities in which they are able to use magnetic abilities to stop projectiles from fire arms, clump them together and fire them back at the enemies. They can manipulate them projectiles and cause them to mold together. For much more powerful projectiles, like bigger shells, they require much more energy and drains the reapers temporarily which his why they only use them for small projectiles.

You must earn their respect. Which the S.C did by creating them. But never piss them off right off the bat. For anyone that they do not like, they will do everything to kill them and make it seem as an accident or a tragedy.

They are the ultimate super soldier with decades of enhancements, gene modifications, and super natural abilities, with many explosives and weapons, and incredible reflexes, very agile, they are a true force to be reckoned with.

Since they are revered as the best super soldiers ever created in the universe's history, they are sealed away in a very secret location. Instructions left by the S.C states that the Reapers should
NEVER be activated as front-line troops.

Instead, they are only allowed to be activated when all of the Centrion's weapons and suerweapons have been exhausted and there is nothing left for the species to defend itself with.The Reapers were only to be used as the final trump card when everything else has been destroyed, or exhausted.

Compared to the UGF's Elite corps: The UGF has done several simulation battles and the results of the battles indicated that the Grimms would win 18/20 times. They are far more superior than the Elites as has a far wide arrange of abilities and hidden specialties as well.

When they wake up: When they wake up, they will most likely not like the Elite corps which are also currently the universe's deadliest super soldiers. They will not allow the Elites to beat them and rivalries will start.

Black Knight corps:

The black knights were highly trained assasins/elite soldiers who were genetically augmented to be faster, more agile, stronger, and smarter than their enemies. They were masters of stealth and reconnaissance. They were widely known for their very fast hand to hand and close quarters combat, able to take on several squads by themselves. They were modified to the point they became mutants and possessed slight super human abilities.

Although not as strong as and Elite, and much weaker than a reaper, they still pose a great threat as assassins and spec ops forces. They can pack a powerful punch and are very cruel people.

They were the U.N.S's versions of reapers since the sovereign colonies supposedly erased all records preventing any from replicating a reaper. But the U.N.S still got a hold of genetic modification knowledge and used it to create their own elite group.

When they wake up: They are very arrogant since they believe they are the best. They will rub off very badly towards all, and will especially anger the Grimm Reapers.

Species Sheet:

Name: Centrions

Appearance: They look almost identical to human beings but, the major difference is that centrions are naturally born with diverse hair and eye colours. The centrion race is also very ethnically diverse. They are a highly intelligent race who are very curious. They are more physically fit than human beings. Their planet is similar to Earth's ecosystem only, during evolution, the early centrions had to adapt to the harmful gases and toxins that made up most of the air causing the centrion's immune systems to be stronger and much more efficient. They also have a faster reflex than other species.

Lifespan(Eternal is Allowed): 360 years.

History: The centrion race is a very old race that stretches for millions of years. The early history was very much like the history of the human race. The early centrions saw centrions of different hair, eye colours and skin colours as aliens. And for the longest time, the centiron race had fought many wars against itself. The centrions are a very kind and generous people. Although it may be surprising, they are very well respected with whoever they meet even though their history is full of blood shed. The centrion race really did not unite until the third great continental war. The war caued massive change in the centrion society as well as new organizations and world orders. After the horrific attempts by several axis powers to exterminate a very ancient religion which is known as akraine. Similar to the human religion of Buddhism.

For the next several thousand years, the centrion race would still be divided as countries would try and claim parts of the galaxy for themselves. When the centrion race ventured out of their galaxy and to a new galaxy close to their home galaxy, they ran into a very hostile race known as Bivaria. It was at this time, that the centrion race, after loosing many battles finally threw aside hundreds of thousands of years of differences, hatred, and bias to unite. It was during the great Centrion/Bivarian war that the centiron race finally united as one race. The centrion race does have a very beautiful culture. The centrions have often be mistaken as humans since both centrions and humans look exactly alike. Except for the hair and eye colours.

Homeworld: Seraine. The planet is almost identical in terms of ecosystem with earth. Although the animals are different, there are vast natural wonders, vast desserts, and vast oceans with many lakes, rivers, mountains, and volcanos. There ar emassive cities that have buildings that reach thousands of stories. The planet if compared to earth, is larger.


The borders of former countries are used as province names and they all retain their original names. Seraine is located in the northern hemisphere and is both the capital of the UGF and the province of UDS.

Faction Sheet:

Name: United Galactic Federation (UGF)

Leader: Norian Maveriks

Type of Government: Deomcratic

Government Capitol: Serlana, the capital city of the former nation of UDS (United Democratic States)


Serlana at dawn


Serlana during the day

Other cities on Seraine:


Tryus (capital of Miladia)


Havlo bay




Sandeen(capital of Lorasi)


Zural (Capital of Kayrin)


Nora(capital of Zodian)


Sya(Capital of Carala)


UGF space navy patrolling the western north hemisphere of Seraine

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 57 galaxies including their home galaxy. And another 5-6 under "territorial" rule. And many more under proxy state rule that act as buffer zones.

Location: The Location of the galaxies are 716 quadrillion light years from the milky way.

The 57 galaxies are for the most part in a cluster.

The outer galaxies's outer fringes are heavily fortified. Every planet has solar defense systems which are basically a series of defensive ring encircling entire solar systems with a range of 2.3 light years with the ability to cover the entier solar system. There are defenseive rings nad orbital defensive stations and mile fields on all galaxies and deep space between the galaxies.

The UGF navy does regular 24/7 patrols. There is not a single part of the outer borders in which thee are no UGF military presence. The core galaxies are also heavily fortified to make sure that nothing can get past the outer defenses.

Surveillence: The UGF has a firm grasp on surveillence. Only using it to catch corruption and crime.

But, surveillence is used to track drugs as drugs are outlawed in the UGF as drugs are non existent for punishment would be either death or life sentence without parole and no fair trial.

If a drug or drug like weapon is detected, the UGF has a very tight security. So the minute in which this drug or drug weapon is released, the UGF sensors will detect it almost immediately. And get rid of it before any harm is done.

How does the UGF control the Federation for nearly 15 million years: The reason why the UGF has mannaged to still continue to have a firm grip on all of it's galactic colonies are because of the policies set forth by the Sovereign Colonies immediately after the end of the Centrion/Bivarian war. After the merging of all galaxies, the Sovereign Colonies knew that it will become a painstaking task to control all of the galaxies. So they set up a political system and policy that will tackle this issue.

Each Planet were to act as a little village. The planetary government would act as a planet "Mayor". A city government. Then, a solar system government was put in place for systems with more than one habitable planet. Each galaxy would then have a capital system in which the capital of each galaxy would be located. From there, the galactic governments would take care of issues taking place withing that specific galaxy. The galaxies were then put into several gourps of 4 -5 and a joint government was formed to take care o issues and represent the four to five galaxies. All ofthese branches would then answer to the single governing government on Seraine located in Galaxy Mari. It is here where the federal government resides and makes the decisions for the whole of the federation.

The Sovereign Colonies also saw the risk of attempted insurgencies and coups. As well as galaxies attempting to claim independance. To prevent this, the Sovereign Colonies made sure that every political government was PRO-Sovereign Colonies as well as making sure that there was a large military presence on every galaxy to suppress any signs of insurgent activities.

To tackle corruption, the Sovereign Colonies implemented a very strict civil military police force and granted them immunity allowing them to do break-ins and arrests of any suspected of being corrupt or a traitor. This system of strict political rule has kept the Sovereign Colonies government in power for well over a million years without much trouble.

Rank: Universal Superpower.

Morality: Neutral good

History: The U.G.F's history was much like human history. Before the U.G.F, over hundreds of billions of years ago, there were 215 independent countries on the planet of Seraine. There were many wars fought. For territory, honor, and greed. There was a point in the Centrion's history call the great change. This was the sudden change of power from the strongest nation at that time, Emria, to their former colony, United Democratic States. The UDS would be the growing superpower for centuries and will eventually become one of the four superpowers of Seraine. Most of Centrion's history was painted by war and revolutions. Both industrial and revolutions that toppled governments. There were 3 great continental wars fought by almost all the countries of Seraine which would bring new world orders, power shifts, and big cultural changes. Eventually, Seraine was becoming over populated. To prevent extinction, the governments of Seraine all set out to begin terra-forming it's next door planet Malina, and began the colonization of their moon. thousnds of years later, long after the discovery of faster than light speed, the centrion race who was still colonizing their galaxy ran into a very hostile alien race from another galaxy who were much more advanced than the centrions. This new adversary believed that the entire centrion race must be eradicated to please their gods. War between the two civilizations started. At first, it was different countries fighting, and not coordinating their attacks. And during the first months of the war, the centrions suffered extreme losses. Eventually, all the nations leaders realized that their race could be completely wiped out, and so every government and nation of the centrion race began to set aside hundreds of thousands of years of differences and hatred and finally united into one government forming the SC(Sovereign Colonies). And along with it, the SCDF( Sovereign Colonial Defense Force). The centrions eventually won the war, but at the cost of too many centrion lives. Ever since the war ended, the SC would rule for 41,000,000 years until it was dissolved into the U.N.S(United Nations Society) and replaced the SCDF with the UCDF(United Command Defense Force). The U.N.S would rule for 22,000,000 years, until the a massive intergalactic war which caught the attention of several of the universe between the UNS and the UGF factions erupted. Although the UNS was better equipped, the UGF ultimately won and the UNS was forced to scuttle most of it's navy both ocean and space navies. The civil war lasted for 5 years claiming the lives of 5 million centrions. After the civil war, the U.G.F rose to power and immediatly won over the people's populatiry and opinion. They were were more democratic and more free than the UNS was and offered more opportunities. This led to the start of the second golden age which the UGF technology and weapons industry advanced rapidly once more. Since the formation of U.G.F 410,000 years ago and exactly 200,000 years since the end of the UNS/UGF intergalactic civil war, and it's military branches the UGA (United Galactic Army), UGMC(United Galactic Marine Corps), UGSC(United Galactic Space Command) UGAF(United Galactic Air Force), and the UGOC(United Galactic Ocean Command), the U.G.F has been very neutral. They have enjoyed over 2 million years of peace and neutrality from the conflicts outside their borders. The UGF began establishing trades and relations with other civilizations, and helping with peace keeping in other civilizations. Since the Centrion/Bivarian war, the Soverign Colonies High command made a commitment to ensure the survival of the Centrion race, to fund it's military and research facilities to build a stronger, more powerful military. And ever since then, the UGF has made superior leaps in technology, and has proven to be far more superior than the other races. The UGF has built up a very formidable military force that is recognized as one of the most advanced, and most powerful and arguably the most powerful in the universe. UGF has made it's mark on the universal stage as a Universal Superpower. Far superior than the other races. But the only problem is that the UGF are isolationists meaning that although the other empires recognize that the UGF is militarily and economically superior and powerful, the UGF does not do anything. They might say a statement or two. But majority of the empires just brush it off since they do not take the UGF seriously. This is because the UGF does not enforce the laws, and instead, decides to take care of domestic issues and it's allies. But also, some empires knows that it's been slightly over 200,000 years since the UGF military last went to war. But they also know not to mess with the UGF or provoke the massive empire into aggression.

Military uniforms:


UGF regular military combat uniform


Heavy Elite marine combat uniform


Jungle uniform


UGF paratroopers


UGF rangers


UGF black ops


UGF police




UGF armour type. 2

UGF marine


UGF marine desert type


UGF colonial ranger


UGF colonial trooper




UGF armour type. 1 Usually worn by tank crews


Starfighter pilots


Pilot uniform of non-space faring fighters


First officer


Captain uniform (For any vessel higher than a destroyer)


Admiral uniform

Space navy vessels:


Langley class stealth frigate esscort


Sheridan class light frigate


Cervan class heavy frigate


Valmden class destroyer


Melvorn class deavy destroyer


bertolt class cruiser


mamoth class super battle cruiser


Deara class dreadnought


Mava class slight carrier


sword class heavy battle fortress


Xio class capital chip


Val class battle cruiser


Superior class continent class


Anatomy class heavy cruiser


Mari class corvette


Poreaon class super dreadnought


Mammon class heavy battle cruiser


Havlo class light cruiser


Olympus class lunar class


Mavers class planet class


Velma class heavy carrier


Mary class heavy capital ship


Garu class patrol vessel


Batriss class frigate


Crawler class repair ship


Maria class heavy dreadnought


Genysis super weapon vessel


Breydon class Destroyer escort


Vicious class Cruiser escort


Kavir class heavy battle fortress


Emira class heavy continent class


Maritius class planet class


Karin-class heavy air/space defense destroyer


super mass accelerator cannon orbital platform


MAC defense platform


Clarisse class heavy lunar class

Fighters and gunships:

View attachment 119169

Stealth heavy starfighter

View attachment 119170

Stealth heavy fighter/bomber


stealth supersonic fighter


VTOL heavy stealth fighter
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5bac32_stealthfighterandbomber.jpg.c997a07695029ac00735c224cbb95868.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5bac32_stealthfighterandbomber.jpg.c997a07695029ac00735c224cbb95868.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stealth fighter/bomber


ZAB fighter


stealth space fighter


Air/Space stealth multi-role fighter


Heavy attack helicopter


Heavy attack helicopter


Stratoshpereic stealth heavy bomber (Flying fortress)


Supersonic air-superiority stealth fighter


Stratospheric stealth fighter


Air carrier

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5af558_heavytransportgunship.png.042e02c4940dc94010ac510debe1a28a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5af558_heavytransportgunship.png.042e02c4940dc94010ac510debe1a28a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Recon/light attach helicopter


Stealth helicopter


Heavy VTOL fighter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5b6e30_heavygunshipstealth.jpg.3c880035a88b8ec8c683c0588b39bf37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b5b6e30_heavygunshipstealth.jpg.3c880035a88b8ec8c683c0588b39bf37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Heavy gunship

These ships, aircraft and vehicles are the most modern and up to date equipment in the UGF's arsenals. They were made to replace the aging equipment of the UGF armed forces during the closing stages of the Bloody New Years war. The oldest being nearly 2 years old.

UGF Military:

The UGF military was based on the foundations of the Sovereign Colonies.

"Now that we know that we are not alone. We must take ever step necessary to ensure that our people and the future of this Galactic Federation may never experience the hell that we endured for for 26 years." -President Rondeson(First president of the Sovereign Colonies).

The Sovereign colonies had made a comittment. The UGF produces the best of the best armour, dead accurate weapons, and some of the most powerful and deadliest military vehicles, ships, and defense systems ever to exist in the universe are built by the UGF. Being millions of years old, the UGF has made light compact armour for it's troops which can withstand tank rounds for their troops. The terrestrial navies are formed into massive fleets consisting of heavily armed ships. And the air force and space force are merged as fighters are able to fight in both in-atmosphere and in orbit. The UGF values quality in the quantity.

They are masters at hit and run, tricking the enemy into playing on their own turf, reverse physiology. And this is why their armour, their dead accurate weapons, incredible range, deadly weapons, are a force to be reckoned with.

The UGF is known universally as having the best of the best war machines and weapons. The UGF has the best armour in the universe as it is almost impenetrable. The UGF is known for their vessels which are armed to the teeth and are very maneuverable even for their size. The UGF also has incredible ranged weapon systems as well as weapons that are capable of taking out a ship with one hit.

The UGF military weapons have incredible range along with incredible capabilities. They have the best elite soldiers in the universe as well as having the best military weapons and armour along with vehicles and super weapons.

Over the past 63 million years, the UGF had made incredible gains year by year causing them to become the universal Superpower. Surpassing all other races in the military and economic capabilities.

And with the unstoppable UGF military industry which mass produces thousands of vehicles and soldiers per day, the UGF is able to render all threats towards the homeland and abroad.

The UGF is also known very well for their super weapons which they have an enormous stockpile of.

In conclusion, the UGF after tens of millions years of being a space faring race and defeating at that time, one of the most powerful empires at that time, managed to accelerate their military technology to the point that no other race currently would be able to catch up.

The UGF is the universally recognized Super power of the Universe and has the best of the best weapons and war machines and defenses in order to maintain their mark and place as well as defending their vast Federation.

And has built up a vast and expansive military force and has a massive arsenal of super weapons

Elite forces:

The UGF Black Ops are units designed for long term deployment. It could last years or just a few days. But their sole purpose is to wreck havoc behind enemy lines and assassinate any political figures that pose a threat. They are equipped with their own shielding, best cloaking and the best armour built for soldiers not of elite status. They usually travel in two or three or often times one. They are give strict orders to commit suicide and rid all technology they poses if their identity is ever compromised. But not much is known about them as they are held in secrecy.

F.I.A(Federational Infiltration and Abduction.) They are just like the Black ops only they are better at stealth and silent kills. Their sole purpose is to infiltrate and with abduct or force the information out and assassinate an individual. Not much is known about them either.

S.I.O(Synthetic intelligence Operators.) These are Highly sophisticated AIs designed for combat. They are made to be able to take out large and power equipment with ease and are able to manipulate their body to their enemies to be able to infiltrate society.

S.O.T (Special Orbital Troopers.) They are the most known elite forces and are the most commonly deployed. They are deployed in orbit being able to be inserted behind enemy lines or in the thick of battle. They poses multiple augmentations as well as strong body armour and partial shielding as they are able to provide relief for UGF soldiers stuck or when the generals feel that they can get the job done.


  • Pre-Sovereign Colonies ERA - In short, the Centrion race was ruled by the 215 nations which attempted to colonize the galaxy but at the same time being ruled by one united government to settle disputes and feuds. By the time the Centrion race had discovered FTL, much of the universe known today was still being formed as majority of the civilizations that exist today, did not even have a sun for their homeworlds forming yet. While others had their native solar system just starting to be formed. It took several millions of years for most of the galaxy to the colonized by which time, the centrion race looked at their nearest galaxy but while colonizing the second galaxy, they ran into the hostile Holy Bivarian Empire starting the Centrion/Bivarian war.

    Early Sovereign Colonies ERA - The Sovereign Colonies has a very vast history. It was the first Federation which ruled for over one million years. It is estimated to have been created somewhere between 63,000,000 to 64,000,000 years before 1 GST. The Sovereign Colonies was the result of a coalition of every existing Nation of Seraine during the Centrion/Bivarian war. The Sovereign Colonies was created exactly two years into the war when the Centrions had lost an estimated 6-8 billion lives. The Nations of the Centrion race knew that the only way to stand a chance against the far better equipped Holy Bivarian Empire. Since the creation, the Centrion race had managed to defeat the Bivarians after 24 more years of heavy conflict. By the end of the war, the Sovereign Colonies's population had greatly reduced. More than half of the Centrion race was killed off. And the military strength was at 15%. The Sovereign Colonies, successful in their success militarily, had merged the 45 galaxies under Bivarian control under Sovereign Colonies control. Thankfully, most worlds on each galaxy had been industrialized, but the long and costly process of both repairing the Centrion home-galaxy and completely re-building every world to suit Centrion life had begun. This usured in the start of the first golden age which lasted over 1,00,000 years. This golden age saw the Sovereign Colonies technological industry to sky rocket as well as their military industry.

  • Late/Post Sovereign Colonies ERA - By the Late era of the Sovereign Colonies rule, the Government, especially the president at that time, President Roonaik Malar was concerned about attempted insurgencies, and galaxies trying to claim independence. This convinced the government to re-structure it's political system so that it can run efficiently and smoothly. By now, the Golden age had stopped and people wee enjoying the post-prosperous times. Several years before the End of the Sovereign Colonies, the people had begun to feel the shock wave of political unrest. And finally, three years later, the Sovereign Colonies, who had ruled for nearly 41 million years, announced to the public of it's disbandment. And a new government was put in place. This new government the UNS successful re-instated the Federation and successfully ended all Sovereign Colonies rule across every galaxy.

  • Early/Mid UNS ERA- Not much could be said about the UNS. For they became were controlling. As they began to restrict rights, and started setting up military police forces. The people suffered greatly as their income decreased drastically. No matte rwhat, any signs of anti-government were brutally crushed and eliminated by the Military forces. The only good that the UNS had done was colonize 2 more galaxies and take control of numerous galaxies as "territories" under UNS protection. As well as investing tons of money into the military to ensure that the army is in top-notch and can not be easily defeated.

  • Post UNS ERA/UNS-UGF Intergalactic civil war - Five years before the UNS rule had ended, the people of the UNS had rallied together to fight against the UNS government. This was done thorugh careful planning for decades. The man who was the achitect of this rebellion was a man by the name of Scotty Faris, soon to be the first president of the UGF. He had rallied the people behind his rebel organization the United Galactic Federation. UGF. And soon had the people's support. By the time thamost of the population was willing to support a coup against the UNS, the UGF struck first. They first attacked a military base on Planet Exis. This quickly caught the people's attention as the people began to take up arms and began to fight their military government. The UNS for the first year and a half had won most battles since they were far better equipped. But, the UGF soon raided multiple military factories, and bases allowing them to gain access to tons of vehicles, fighters, and equipment. The civil war lasted for five years and claimed the lives of over 5 million Centrions.

  • Current UGF ERA - The current ruling body is the UGF. It has been over 400,000 years since the UGF had taken power from the Civil war. When the UGF first came into power, the UGF immediately, gave freedom again to the people and created tons of jobs. This brought the second golden age, which is still continuing to this day. The UGF's military industry and technology levels skyrocketed once again. This as well as medical and other industrial sectors skyrocketed. The UGF has brought tons of prosperity for it's people as the government has unanimous support of the people. The UGF had become a respectable superpower through all the advancements by the Sovereign Colonies, UNS, and by the current UGF government. They are an emprie that is far more superior than the other races both militarily and economically. But, the UGF has a very strict neutral policy which prevents them from intervening and upholding the laws of the universe. But, the UGF people are enjoying of time in which their empire's military strength is superior to the other races as well as a time of prosperity. But, there are also people within the government who wants the UGF to chae from a neutral state to an empire that will enforce the laws and it's will against other empires with military force and might. They are rich in resources and are willing to give and share the abundant natural resources with it's allies.

  • Bloody New Years war: The bloody new years war was the result of a misfired nuclear missile during a live HAA military drill as a show of force towards the UGF during a time of heightened tensions between the two factions. The nuclear missile hit a colony killing hundreds of thousands which utterly shattered any remaining peace and kindness left in the centrion race as they immediately declared war. And at 3:00 A.M UST, the UGF launched a three phase plan. The first was an all out nuclear assault on all outer sects of HAA and human territories, and then, the use of new revolutionary jamming spires which neutralized and prevented the HAA from striking back or ever building nuclear weapons and super weapons. The final stage was that the invasion forces were to launch a coordinated assault on all outer worlds within the UGF's reach. The war lasted for 15 years before the HAA had agreed to surrender unconditionally as the peace talks began between the two sides. Victorious, the UGF began to withdraw with several contingents of forces staying behind until all peace talks have been finished. But also, during the war, the UGF began to upgrade it's military as it replaced every military hardware near the end of the war causing even more pain and suffering for the HAA military.

Phase X-0: The phase was undertaken since the sovereign colonies. It was a plan to mass produce 22 feet tall machines that combine the aspects of ground, air, space, and sea and forge them into one single weapon that can be mass produced. Able to outperform any supersonic fighter or starfighter, with a wide variety of weapons. The UGF had finally begun construction of the first of these mech suits, they will be the most advanced and most deadliest weapons the universe has seen since the introduction of the MAC system. They are to be fielded and supplement the already existing arsenal of equipment.

Name: Mary Treston

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Centrion(supernatural)







Ritual Items, candles, lighters, ceremonial powders, pain, chalk. Pendulum It is an item that she carries which allows her to show scenes from the past. Her race had practiced this for a long time to reflect on their mistakes and behavior so that they can improve as better beings and to learn from their mistakes.

Rank under faction: Just a shaman

Bio: She is one of the descendants of one of the Centrion race's oldest known races. She keeps true to her roots and customs. She was trained in the secret art of battle and had started the training to become a shaman when she was young so that she can learn everything there is to know and then master it. She usually uses the pendulum to look back at the Centrion/Bivarian wars and see some real battles between the two civilizations. She has connections with Kiria as she befriended Kiria when she was visiting Vexta galaxy during one of her father's political trips. And since then she has close ties with Kiria. She is a combat master.



Alex (Vincent) Sashi

Age: 25 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)

Gender: Male

Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)




To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns

One high powered SMG


Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Items: Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and the leader of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Alex was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. He was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, he was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps.

Personality: He is sadistic, and emotionless. He does not care if you are the president's daughter, if you say or do something that annoys or angers him, he will retaliate back. He is incredibly loyal to the Sovereign Colonies and will do anything that they wish. He does not particularly like people who are caring mainly because that would lead to said person loosing people that they love. But, inside, he is a nice guy and sympathetic and a motivator when he needs to be. He is a co-operative worker as well as being a very affluent person.

This is one reason why when he wakes up, he will not particularly like TJ all that much as he will see Tj as a rival and some wanna be Ultra-soldier.


He has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilites. He can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. He can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. He is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

He has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. He is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

He is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

He is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

He has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. He has super human agility allowing him to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

He has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

He is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.

-Other main character that will be introduced-



Akira Nayma

Age: 25 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)


Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)




To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns

Assault rifle


Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and second in command of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Akira was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. She was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, she was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps. She was aboard the S.C.S Mina when the military vessel was hit by an asteroid field and was crippled. The ship was adrift ever since

Personality: She is calm, kind, and caring. She is very patient but is very sadistic when in battle. She is super loyal to the Sovereign Colonies, and can be emotionless at times. She does not care if you are the president's daughter, if you say or do something that annoys or angers her, she will retaliate back. She ais a person inf integrity and holds herself to a higher standard and is sympathetic to others.


She has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilities. She can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. She can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. Sh is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

She has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. She is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

She is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

She is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

She has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. He has super human agility allowing her to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

She has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

She is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.



Serah Yaris

Age: 20 (Has been asleep for over 4 million years in cryo stasis since the Sovereign Colonies era)


Species: Super centrion(Engineered and enhanced to become the ultimate soldier)




To be:

Energy sword

Enhanced wrist blades

Dual swords

Dual heavy kinetic handguns



Heavy assault rifle

throwing knives

combat knives

Stasis (The ability to send a wave of energy at a person or object and temporarily slow them down for several seconds)

And any hand held weapon by the UGF

Navigation, Stasis pack, medical and utility tools, and other Sovereign Colonies issued supplies that he can use

Rank under faction: Brigadier General and second in command of the Grimm reapers corps

Bio: Akira was abducted at the age of 3 by the Sovereign Colonies near the end of their reign as the governing body of the interstellar federation. She was the first ever ultimate soldier to ever be created by the Sovereign Colonies. Far surpassing the elite soldiers of that time. Before the collapse of the S.C, she was put into indefinite cryo stasis to preserve him along with the other 100 Grimm members. Since then, he has not awoken for over 2 million years. The only time that he will be taken out of cryo sleep would be if the Centrion race had a very good reason to bringing him and the other 100 grimm members back. If all of the UGF's asets were to be rendered useless, then they would turn to Ales and his team of 100 Grimm members to be the final line of defense along with the Elite corps. She was aboard the S.C.S Mina when the military vessel was hit by an asteroid field and was crippled. The ship was adrift ever since


She has control over the surroundings as he has psonic abilities. She can hold people in mid air without grabbing them and can push away large object but that requires some energy to be used

kenetic abilities. She can push people using kinesis without touching them, as well as holding them up but, he can throw individuals if he wished as well as sending volts of electricity at individuals to either kill or immobilize them. Sh is also able to choke them without touching them, but can not do this or sending electricity at a far range.

She has the ability to coak himself from the naked eye and is able to blend in with the environment. He is enhance and can control his footstep sound. She is also able to last several minutes underwater and has a very low pain tolerance.

She is protected by a regenerating energy shield which takes several seconds to reset after being fully drained.

She is a combat master and knows all the weak points of a person's body as well as being able to quickly adapt to a situation.

She has super human strength which allows him to lift and do certain tasks that normal centrions and sometimes elites can't do. She has super human agility allowing her to quickly adapt and engage enemies.

She has super human speed and reflexes as can clear out a room before most of the enemies even get a chance to comprehend what took place.

She is able to jump higher as well as being very intelligent. More intelligent than Elites.

Grimm reapers corps:

The Grimm reaper corps was made by the sovereign Colonies as phase X of their build up arms program. The Grimm members are all made up of kids who were abducted at a young age and has been enhanced and trained to become the universe's deadliest killing machines. But, several centuries before the collapse of the Sovereign Colonies, they were all put into indefinite cryo stasis as they were locked away, only known by the top elites of the military and were all labeled MIA. Since then, they were continuously upgraded and enhanced even more as the millennial s went by. They have been modified and enhanced to be able to use psonic, telekinetic abilities. As well as natural kinesis abilities. They are able to control the element of fire as and electricity.

Compared to the UGF's Elite corps: The UGF has done several simulation battles and the results of the battles indicated that the Grimms would win 18/20 times. They are far more superior than the Elites as has a far wide arrange of abilities and hidden specialties as well.

When they wake up: When they wake up, they will most likely not like the Elite corps which are also currently the universe's deadliest super soldiers. They will not allow the Elites to beat them and rivalries will start.


Their entire body is a weapon. No other genetically augmented being can come close to what a reaper can do.



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((I just copy and pasted the latest version of ym race from the last rp I used it in, will adapt it to your CS sheet)

[species Sheet]

: Klavikan

General Life-Span (Eternal Allowed): 450 years

Appearance: Will try to find a picture

The Klavikans are a humanoid species with primarily wolf like characteristics. Through much study over the course of millions of years, Klavikan scientists believe that Klavikans decended from a now extinct wolf/fox hybrid they called the Prelavikan which was more wolf than fox. It is believed a these creatures were somewhat bipedal and had thumbs. Scientists generally agree that these creatures would climb trees to ambush their prey. Through study of the fossil record Klavikan scientists believe an evolution of their prey allowed their prey to fight back, causing the Klavikan species to evolve, as tools were needed to properly hunt the new prey.

Most would describe them as werewolves, which is a fair physical comparison except that Klavikans typically have lighter fur. Common fur colors are light gray and orange, due totheir relation to foxes. Other fur colors include white and black. They have retained the large teeth and the feet of wolves but their hands are more human-like. Biologically they are quite akin to humans, although their senses are much more sensitive.


The Klavikans are typically large or small, depending entirely on their IQ. The smarter they are, the smaller they are. While the larger they are the dumber they are. Females are smaller relatively, but the same applies. A typical 6ft Klavikan sports an IQ of about 105. The largest Klavikans can reach up to 8ft and are three times stronger than the average Klavikans, but their IQ is typically 80-85. The smallest Klavikans are 5ft and can have IQs that are not measurable. The smaller Klavikans are almost always scientists or tacticians, whole the larger are typically common workers or soldiers. While sporting Wolf and Fox like features, they are not as cruel or brutal. Their society bares no resemblance to a wolf pack, as all are seen as equal and as having the ability to equally benefit their people. The most renown scientist is seen as equal to the bravest war hero.

Name: Rovilans

General life-span: 250 years

Appearance: Rovilans appear as bipedal over-grown house cats. That have almost identical features except for the fact they walk on two legs and instead of 4 legs they have arms and thumbs. Their fur comes in many different colors and patterns, although the most common is a gray tiger stripe and black. They have claws that they can sheath inside the space between their fingers. Their teeth are teeth or relatively smaller than a normal cats teeth, but they are extremely sharp and strong.

Attributes: Rovilans typically sport an average IQ of 115, which is not related to size or any other physical features. Rovilans typically grow to an average height of 5 feet and are not as strong as Klavikans but they are fast and agile. They are able to server in any position in Klavikan society, as they generally are seen as equals.

Other: In Klavikan society, Rovilans are not referred to as a separate species, simply as "Klavikan". Klavikan itself refers primarily to a member of the nation itself, regardless of species. This is because of the Klavikan's goal of integrating conquered civilizations seamlessly into their society. Because of this Rovilans are typically seen as equals and many hold positions of power within the nation.

[Faction Sheet]

Second Klavikan Republic

Type of Government: Dictatorship with a puppet parliament. While it is present as a "Democracy", Dravak always seems to win the elections and the parliament always seems to vote in his favor.

Leader(s): Dravak Darkfur

Home Planet: Klavika

Klavika a large planet with a beautiful combination of green and blue. The surface is covered by about 60% water and 40% land. The Oceans are full of unique and diverse life. The land is covered in large jungles dotted with plains.


A view from the planets surface:

Morality: Neutral Evil - While aggressive and eager to conquer other species, they do so in a relatively kind manner and seek to incorporate conquered species into their society. While sporting wolf and fox like features they do not share the same mentality and therefore are not brutal in their conquests

Society and Culture

Klavikan society is typically very conservative and stable. The Klavikan people typically stay untied under a single Empire for millions of years and have little to no unrest. All people, despite race or position are believed to be of value to the nation and are respected as such. Starting from the age of 10 Klavikan children are sent to federal schools where they receive a 10 year general education at the end of which they take a long psychological and physical test to determine what jobs they are suitable for. After taking the tests they choose their career based on the results, and then attend a specialized school to train in that career. After graduating they can then typically work in their career for the rest of their life.


Klavikan and Rovilan share a unique culture that is a combination of the two formerly separate cultures. Klavikan children are scene as the key to the future and so the government fights to protect children from harm and strives to provide every child with a in depth education, although this is somewhat hypocritical since Klavikan society looks down upon poor families and their children, since it is believed that these people were too lazy and weak to unlock their full potential and therefore didn't help the Klavikan people.


100,000 years ago - first Klavikans appear in the geologic timeline

94,000 - First Klavikan civilizations appear

Evidence of cities with over a hunted people appear although little is known about them

11,345 years ago - First Klavikan in Space

The first Klavikan astronaut, Stonk Sharpclaw, becomes the first Klavikan ever to leave the upper atmosphere of their home planet. He successfully orbits the planet in his "Tooth" mk1 capsule. This success spurs a new age for the Klavikan people

11,146 years ago - First working probe explores another solar system

Probes "Stonk 1" and "Stonk 2" explore a solar system 1.4 light years away. They discover 3 planets, 2 of which seem to be possible of harboring life. Both of these will latter be colonized.

10,921 years ago - STL (slower than light) travel invited, easy travel thought home system possible

Scientist Larvok Tooth invents the first engine system capable of accelerating a spacecraft to half light speed in a reasonable time. This invention revolutionizes Klavikan space exploration.

8,932 years ago - Light Speed travel invented, first alien solar system explored by humans

Scientist Ravon Darkskin develops engines capable of going the speed of light. This invention will play a key role in non robotic exploration of other systems

8,921 years ago - First Klavikan Moon colonized by civilian colonies

Klavikans largest and most hospitable moon "Dosh" is inhabited by Klavikan civilians. This is due to the completion of a large aboveground and underground facility designed to be self sufficient and to exploit the moons resources.

8,840 years ago - First planet colonized by Klavikan civilian colonies. Terraforming of terrestrial bodies begins

The third planet from the Klavikans home sun, Roff, is composed by a colony.similar to the one on Dosh. Although this new colony is much more advanced. This new colonies primary objective is to test the feasability of terraforming

6,789 years ago - FTL travel invented

This invention by scientist Lorsh Snarff allows other systems to be colonized

6,450 years ago - Alien solar system colonized

Planets Wortok and Lorsh are colonized and Terraforming begins.

5,980 years ago - First contact with intelligent alien life

The Klavikans first encounter another intelligent alien species, the Rovilans. This is a shock to the Klavikan scientific community, as the general belief was that they were alone in the universe. Relations and trade with these people are quickly set up.

5,870 years ago - First war with extraterrestrials, Klavikans conquered them

Trade arguments the refusal of the Rovilan government to hunt down Rovilan pirates who destroy Klavikan trade ships leads to all out war. The war lasts approx. 57,00 years and results in approx. 1 billion total military causalities and 3 billion civil in causalities, although the Rovlians take most of the losses.

5,460 years ago - first Klavikan inter solar system civil war

Unrest had been growing among the Rovilan people ever since they had been conquered. Despite the Klavikan goal of integration, discrimination against the Rovilan species was present. Rovilans were denied jobs, positions of power and even basic needs. This unrest sparked into an all out civil war when a Klavikan man killed a Rovilan child, and got away with it despite all evidence to suggest his guilt. This sparked massive uprisings among the Rovilan people and ultimiatly led to a 100 year civil war. After all the bloodshed had ended, millions were dead. But this conflict ultimately set the stage for Rovilan equality and a true integration of Rovilan and Klavian people.

4,570 ago - Second inter solar system civil war

For millions of years, the First Klavikan Republic had been relatively stable, minus the Rovilan Civil War. But over the years, curroptions and greed had taken hold of the once noble and respected leaders of the republic. They passed laws favoring the rich and consolidated power for themselves.s THis led to high amounts of un rest which exploded in a series of assasinations of poitical leaders. This cuased the corrupt government to respond viplently, killing anyone who was suspected of harboring negative feelings/resentments towards the government. These mass killings led to a second civil war, in which the People's Republic of klavika formed as a separate nation from the First klavikan Republic.

4,002 years ago - Klavika reunited

Aver a little over 2 million years, the Klavikan people were reunited in a massive offensive by the Peoples Klavikan Republic. The war lasted a few hundred years and resulted in a loss of 4 billion lives, one of the largest death tolls in Klavikan history.

3,670 years ago - 5th solar system colonized

Thanks to advances in science Solar sytem "Munsh" was colonized, a sytem over 8 light years away from Klavika.

3,560 million years ago - Inner galactic travel technology being developed

The discovery of several systems on the other side of the galaxy that seem suitable for habitation spurred the development of technology for traversing the vast galaxy

3,250 years ago - 5x FTL possible. 10 solar systems colonized

With invention o the 5x FTL warp drive solar systems on the far reaches of the glaxy become available for colonization. This leads to a vast colonization effort in which over 12 celestial bodies are colonized within a 100,000 year time span.

1,400 ago - Third Civil war

As the Klavikan people spread across the galaxy, colonies appear on the outer reaches of the galaxy. These colonies tend to be isolated form the rest of the Klavikan Empire and typically feel as if they are their own people with their own culture and history. 6 million years ago these feelings lead to a civil war in which outlying colonies fought to free themselves as a separate confederacy of aligned colonies. While their revolution failed, it did spark worries about the effects of isolated colonies, leading to infrastructure being built to better connect the colonies.

980 years ago - Fourth Civil war

For years resentment towards the communist government had grow amongst klavikan people. The government had ultimately foaled in its promise of "a world free of corruption and the evils of greedy capitalist ideals". The communist government had slowly consolidated power to the higher party members, so slowly it took hundreds of thousands of years before people even realized what was happening. By then it was too late add the party had consolidated all power and made election so one faced most didn't even vote. After several million years of continual oppression and rule by fear, one man dared to stand up. His name with Lork Redclaw. Lork led his fellow miners in a failed rebellion in a mining colony that led to rebellions all over the galaxy. This civil war lasted for almost a thousand years and resulted in the death of almost 35 billion people and the destruction of countless colonies. In the end though, the Second Klavikan Republic was founded.

609 years ago - Reunited

After a bloody 500,000 year struggle the Klavikan people are finally united under one empire.

Present - Inner Galactic Travel Possible


Info: The Klavikan military, unlike the Klavikan society, is split up between Rovlian style military forces and Klavikan style military forces. This division, while causing some friction between the tow species, is ultimately believed to be the strongest set up for their military.

Rovilan Soldiers:

Rovlian Soldiers focus on being fast and agile. They wear light "Kitty" Armor suits that provide protect against most small arms fire and are designed to increase the wearers speed and mobility. he Rovilan troops usually use fast firing Laser SMGs which are supported by a few soldier wielding heavy Laser Blasters to kill an troop that is wearing armor too thick for the SMGs.

Light "Kitty" Armor

-Light weight armor made from advanced metal alloys

-Designed to protect against light arms fire

-Gives wearer increased agility and speed

"Lasher" Laser SMG

A light and fast firing SMG that sprays laser beams at its enemies

"Eater" Heavy LMG

A mobile heavy machine gun with a slow rate of fire but a powerful punch.

Rovilan Ships:

Rovlian specialize in speed and agility. Their fighters are designed to be fast, agile and small, thus making them hard to hit. The downside to this is that their fighters pack a relatively soft punch and cannot take much of a beating. As for large ships the Rovlians typically use Speedy light cruisers designed to jump in, launch missiles at the enemy, then use speed to avoid enemy fire while firing lasers at them and waiting for their FTL drives to recharge. They also use larger battleships that focus on shields on lasers to take out their enemies although they are not as common or as strong as Klavikan battleships

Rovilan "Hydra" Light Frigate

The hydra gets its name for the multitude of missiles it launches at its enemies. The Hydra is a small fats and agile frigate with relatively heavy shielding but weak armor. Its primary weapon are missiles but it has powerful lasers it uses while the missiles are reloading. The tactics used are typically hit and run fleet attacks.

Rovlian "Seether" mk5 battleship

The Rovlian Seether battleship is a a relatively small battleship equipped with heavy shielding and powerful laser cannons. It uses missiles as support to its main cannons. It typically relies on its heavy shielding to outlast the enemy.

Klavikan Soldiers

Klavikan soldiers focus on armor and firepower. They wear Heavy "Titan" armor suits that protect against most hand held arms fire and give the wearer extra strength, allows them to survive falls form higher distances and jump higher. For weapons they typically use a "Spitter" Plasma blaster that shoots a bullet of ionized gas at high speeds to penetrate enemy armor. The same blaster also shoots an explosive plasma round that explodes on impact shooting plasma everywhere, but its is only effective against light armor.

"Titan" heavy Armor Suit

A heavy armor suit that is quite expensive to make

- Gives the wearer protection from most hand held arms

- Gives the wearer increased strength, vitality and jump height

- Reduces agility

"Spitter" Plasma Blaster

Medium weight semi-auto blaster that fires an ionized gas (plasma) projectile that burns through enemy armor

Also fires explosive rounds that are only effective against light armored enemies, but can damage multiple at once

Klavikan Ships

Klavikan ships focus on armor and firepower. Their Fighters are heavily armored and focus on firepower and vitality over speed and agility, although they are mounted with small turrets that can turn 360 degrees around and 180 degrees vertical to hit faster targets. They use a combination of Heavy Frigates, Destroyers and battleships to overwhelm enemy forces. Their ships primarily use Ionized plasma launchers with missiles as support. Their ships are bulky and slow and expensive to make, so they have ess of them than a normal military would.

Atlas Heavy Frigate

Heavy Frigate with medium armor plating a light shields. Its armoring causes it to be slower than most frigates but it can take more of a beating. Equipped with 4 missile silos and 3 Medium Plasma Cannons.

[Character Sheet]

: Dravak Darkfur

Morality: Neutral Evil - While he will kill to increase his power he generally wont unless he needs to. He does not support torcher but if it is necessary he will not hesitate to do it. As the leader of his people, he usually puts the needs of his people first, but sometime his greed and lust for power gets in the way.

Age: 87

Species: Klavikan

Appearance: He stands 7ft yet he has an IQ of 165. He has gray fur

Paraphernalia: He wears a light exo suit at all time that is equipped with a personal shield generator and a built in Plasma Pistol. It also allows him to jump higher, run faster and carry more weight.

History: Dravak grew up on a Klavikan moon colony known as Back Claw. The moon was a black planet dotted with dead volcanoes. Thanks to Klavikan engineering it was turned into an oasis of green. Despite such a lavish home he lived a hard life as a street urchin. He stole and scavenged to survive. He almost starved to death but was saved by a military recruiter who took pity on him and managed to get him in a military training school despite not having any basic knowledge required to join. There he was trained in the arts of combat, as well.as receiving an advanced educations. Despite his lack of previous schooling, Dravak excelled in his studies, much to his instructors surprise. Despite this, Dravak faced hardship. He was an outsider among his fellow students, separated by the great difference of their experiences. His fellow students were.from wealthy and prominent families, a stark opposite of Dravak. His fellow.students tormented Dravak nearly everyday, but despite this he the age of 30 he graduated at the top of his class and served as a grunt in the navy to hunt pirates. His superiors quickly noticed his unusual intellect and he rose through the ranks. After years of hard work and shady business, he became the second in command of the Klavikan people. In a burst of shady assassinations that worked in his favor (although he denies any part in them) he became the sole leader of his people.
Last edited by a moderator:
Bobisdead123 said:
((I just copy and pasted the latest version of ym race from the last rp I used it in, will adapt it to your CS sheet)
[species Sheet]

: Klavikan

General Life-Span (Eternal Allowed): 450 years

Appearance: Will try to find a picture

The Klavikans are a humanoid species with primarily wolf like characteristics. Through much study over the course of millions of years, Klavikan scientists believe that Klavikans decended from a now extinct wolf/fox hybrid they called the Prelavikan which was more wolf than fox. It is believed a these creatures were somewhat bipedal and had thumbs. Scientists generally agree that these creatures would climb trees to ambush their prey. Through study of the fossil record Klavikan scientists believe an evolution of their prey allowed their prey to fight back, causing the Klavikan species to evolve, as tools were needed to properly hunt the new prey.

Most would describe them as werewolves, which is a fair physical comparison except that Klavikans typically have lighter fur. Common fur colors are light gray and orange, due totheir relation to foxes. Other fur colors include white and black. They have retained the large teeth and the feet of wolves but their hands are more human-like. Biologically they are quite akin to humans, although their senses are much more sensitive.


The Klavikans are typically large or small, depending entirely on their IQ. The smarter they are, the smaller they are. While the larger they are the dumber they are. Females are smaller relatively, but the same applies. A typical 6ft Klavikan sports an IQ of about 105. The largest Klavikans can reach up to 8ft and are three times stronger than the average Klavikans, but their IQ is typically 80-85. The smallest Klavikans are 5ft and can have IQs that are not measurable. The smaller Klavikans are almost always scientists or tacticians, whole the larger are typically common workers or soldiers. While sporting Wolf and Fox like features, they are not as cruel or brutal. Their society bares no resemblance to a wolf pack, as all are seen as equal and as having the ability to equally benefit their people. The most renown scientist is seen as equal to the bravest war hero.

Name: Rovilans

General life-span: 250 years

Appearance: Rovilans appear as bipedal over-grown house cats. That have almost identical features except for the fact they walk on two legs and instead of 4 legs they have arms and thumbs. Their fur comes in many different colors and patterns, although the most common is a gray tiger stripe and black. They have claws that they can sheath inside the space between their fingers. Their teeth are teeth or relatively smaller than a normal cats teeth, but they are extremely sharp and strong.

Attributes: Rovilans typically sport an average IQ of 115, which is not related to size or any other physical features. Rovilans typically grow to an average height of 5 feet and are not as strong as Klavikans but they are fast and agile. They are able to server in any position in Klavikan society, as they generally are seen as equals.

Other: In Klavikan society, Rovilans are not referred to as a separate species, simply as "Klavikan". Klavikan itself refers primarily to a member of the nation itself, regardless of species. This is because of the Klavikan's goal of integrating conquered civilizations seamlessly into their society. Because of this Rovilans are typically seen as equals and many hold positions of power within the nation.

[Faction Sheet]

Second Klavikan Republic

Type of Government: Dictatorship with a puppet parliament. While it is present as a "Democracy", Dravak always seems to win the elections and the parliament always seems to vote in his favor.

Leader(s): Dravak Darkfur

Home Planet: Klavika

Klavika a large planet with a beautiful combination of green and blue. The surface is covered by about 60% water and 40% land. The Oceans are full of unique and diverse life. The land is covered in large jungles dotted with plains.


A view from the planets surface:

Morality: Neutral Evil - While aggressive and eager to conquer other species, they do so in a relatively kind manner and seek to incorporate conquered species into their society. While sporting wolf and fox like features they do not share the same mentality and therefore are not brutal in their conquests

Society and Culture

Klavikan society is typically very conservative and stable. The Klavikan people typically stay untied under a single Empire for millions of years and have little to no unrest. All people, despite race or position are believed to be of value to the nation and are respected as such. Starting from the age of 10 Klavikan children are sent to federal schools where they receive a 10 year general education at the end of which they take a long psychological and physical test to determine what jobs they are suitable for. After taking the tests they choose their career based on the results, and then attend a specialized school to train in that career. After graduating they can then typically work in their career for the rest of their life.


Klavikan and Rovilan share a unique culture that is a combination of the two formerly separate cultures. Klavikan children are scene as the key to the future and so the government fights to protect children from harm and strives to provide every child with a in depth education, although this is somewhat hypocritical since Klavikan society looks down upon poor families and their children, since it is believed that these people were too lazy and weak to unlock their full potential and therefore didn't help the Klavikan people.


100,000 years ago - first Klavikans appear in the geologic timeline

94,000 - First Klavikan civilizations appear

Evidence of cities with over a hunted people appear although little is known about them

11,345 years ago - First Klavikan in Space

The first Klavikan astronaut, Stonk Sharpclaw, becomes the first Klavikan ever to leave the upper atmosphere of their home planet. He successfully orbits the planet in his "Tooth" mk1 capsule. This success spurs a new age for the Klavikan people

11,146 years ago - First working probe explores another solar system

Probes "Stonk 1" and "Stonk 2" explore a solar system 1.4 light years away. They discover 3 planets, 2 of which seem to be possible of harboring life. Both of these will latter be colonized.

10,921 years ago - STL (slower than light) travel invited, easy travel thought home system possible

Scientist Larvok Tooth invents the first engine system capable of accelerating a spacecraft to half light speed in a reasonable time. This invention revolutionizes Klavikan space exploration.

8,932 years ago - Light Speed travel invented, first alien solar system explored by humans

Scientist Ravon Darkskin develops engines capable of going the speed of light. This invention will play a key role in non robotic exploration of other systems

8,921 years ago - First Klavikan Moon colonized by civilian colonies

Klavikans largest and most hospitable moon "Dosh" is inhabited by Klavikan civilians. This is due to the completion of a large aboveground and underground facility designed to be self sufficient and to exploit the moons resources.

8,840 years ago - First planet colonized by Klavikan civilian colonies. Terraforming of terrestrial bodies begins

The third planet from the Klavikans home sun, Roff, is composed by a colony.similar to the one on Dosh. Although this new colony is much more advanced. This new colonies primary objective is to test the feasability of terraforming

6,789 years ago - FTL travel invented

This invention by scientist Lorsh Snarff allows other systems to be colonized

6,450 years ago - Alien solar system colonized

Planets Wortok and Lorsh are colonized and Terraforming begins.

5,980 years ago - First contact with intelligent alien life

The Klavikans first encounter another intelligent alien species, the Rovilans. This is a shock to the Klavikan scientific community, as the general belief was that they were alone in the universe. Relations and trade with these people are quickly set up.

5,870 years ago - First war with extraterrestrials, Klavikans conquered them

Trade arguments the refusal of the Rovilan government to hunt down Rovilan pirates who destroy Klavikan trade ships leads to all out war. The war lasts approx. 57,00 years and results in approx. 1 billion total military causalities and 3 billion civil in causalities, although the Rovlians take most of the losses.

5,460 years ago - first Klavikan inter solar system civil war

Unrest had been growing among the Rovilan people ever since they had been conquered. Despite the Klavikan goal of integration, discrimination against the Rovilan species was present. Rovilans were denied jobs, positions of power and even basic needs. This unrest sparked into an all out civil war when a Klavikan man killed a Rovilan child, and got away with it despite all evidence to suggest his guilt. This sparked massive uprisings among the Rovilan people and ultimiatly led to a 100 year civil war. After all the bloodshed had ended, millions were dead. But this conflict ultimately set the stage for Rovilan equality and a true integration of Rovilan and Klavian people.

4,570 ago - Second inter solar system civil war

For millions of years, the First Klavikan Republic had been relatively stable, minus the Rovilan Civil War. But over the years, curroptions and greed had taken hold of the once noble and respected leaders of the republic. They passed laws favoring the rich and consolidated power for themselves.s THis led to high amounts of un rest which exploded in a series of assasinations of poitical leaders. This cuased the corrupt government to respond viplently, killing anyone who was suspected of harboring negative feelings/resentments towards the government. These mass killings led to a second civil war, in which the People's Republic of klavika formed as a separate nation from the First klavikan Republic.

4,002 years ago - Klavika reunited

Aver a little over 2 million years, the Klavikan people were reunited in a massive offensive by the Peoples Klavikan Republic. The war lasted a few hundred years and resulted in a loss of 4 billion lives, one of the largest death tolls in Klavikan history.

3,670 years ago - 5th solar system colonized

Thanks to advances in science Solar sytem "Munsh" was colonized, a sytem over 8 light years away from Klavika.

3,560 million years ago - Inner galactic travel technology being developed

The discovery of several systems on the other side of the galaxy that seem suitable for habitation spurred the development of technology for traversing the vast galaxy

3,250 years ago - 5x FTL possible. 10 solar systems colonized

With invention o the 5x FTL warp drive solar systems on the far reaches of the glaxy become available for colonization. This leads to a vast colonization effort in which over 12 celestial bodies are colonized within a 100,000 year time span.

1,400 ago - Third Civil war

As the Klavikan people spread across the galaxy, colonies appear on the outer reaches of the galaxy. These colonies tend to be isolated form the rest of the Klavikan Empire and typically feel as if they are their own people with their own culture and history. 6 million years ago these feelings lead to a civil war in which outlying colonies fought to free themselves as a separate confederacy of aligned colonies. While their revolution failed, it did spark worries about the effects of isolated colonies, leading to infrastructure being built to better connect the colonies.

980 years ago - Fourth Civil war

For years resentment towards the communist government had grow amongst klavikan people. The government had ultimately foaled in its promise of "a world free of corruption and the evils of greedy capitalist ideals". The communist government had slowly consolidated power to the higher party members, so slowly it took hundreds of thousands of years before people even realized what was happening. By then it was too late add the party had consolidated all power and made election so one faced most didn't even vote. After several million years of continual oppression and rule by fear, one man dared to stand up. His name with Lork Redclaw. Lork led his fellow miners in a failed rebellion in a mining colony that led to rebellions all over the galaxy. This civil war lasted for almost a thousand years and resulted in the death of almost 35 billion people and the destruction of countless colonies. In the end though, the Second Klavikan Republic was founded.

609 years ago - Reunited

After a bloody 500,000 year struggle the Klavikan people are finally united under one empire.

Present - Inner Galactic Travel Possible


Info: The Klavikan military, unlike the Klavikan society, is split up between Rovlian style military forces and Klavikan style military forces. This division, while causing some friction between the tow species, is ultimately believed to be the strongest set up for their military.

Rovilan Soldiers:

Rovlian Soldiers focus on being fast and agile. They wear light "Kitty" Armor suits that provide protect against most small arms fire and are designed to increase the wearers speed and mobility. he Rovilan troops usually use fast firing Laser SMGs which are supported by a few soldier wielding heavy Laser Blasters to kill an troop that is wearing armor too thick for the SMGs.

Light "Kitty" Armor

-Light weight armor made from advanced metal alloys

-Designed to protect against light arms fire

-Gives wearer increased agility and speed

"Lasher" Laser SMG

A light and fast firing SMG that sprays laser beams at its enemies

"Eater" Heavy LMG

A mobile heavy machine gun with a slow rate of fire but a powerful punch.

Rovilan Ships:

Rovlian specialize in speed and agility. Their fighters are designed to be fast, agile and small, thus making them hard to hit. The downside to this is that their fighters pack a relatively soft punch and cannot take much of a beating. As for large ships the Rovlians typically use Speedy light cruisers designed to jump in, launch missiles at the enemy, then use speed to avoid enemy fire while firing lasers at them and waiting for their FTL drives to recharge. They also use larger battleships that focus on shields on lasers to take out their enemies although they are not as common or as strong as Klavikan battleships

Rovilan "Hydra" Light Frigate

The hydra gets its name for the multitude of missiles it launches at its enemies. The Hydra is a small fats and agile frigate with relatively heavy shielding but weak armor. Its primary weapon are missiles but it has powerful lasers it uses while the missiles are reloading. The tactics used are typically hit and run fleet attacks.

Rovlian "Seether" mk5 battleship

The Rovlian Seether battleship is a a relatively small battleship equipped with heavy shielding and powerful laser cannons. It uses missiles as support to its main cannons. It typically relies on its heavy shielding to outlast the enemy.

Klavikan Soldiers

Klavikan soldiers focus on armor and firepower. They wear Heavy "Titan" armor suits that protect against most hand held arms fire and give the wearer extra strength, allows them to survive falls form higher distances and jump higher. For weapons they typically use a "Spitter" Plasma blaster that shoots a bullet of ionized gas at high speeds to penetrate enemy armor. The same blaster also shoots an explosive plasma round that explodes on impact shooting plasma everywhere, but its is only effective against light armor.

"Titan" heavy Armor Suit

A heavy armor suit that is quite expensive to make

- Gives the wearer protection from most hand held arms

- Gives the wearer increased strength, vitality and jump height

- Reduces agility

"Spitter" Plasma Blaster

Medium weight semi-auto blaster that fires an ionized gas (plasma) projectile that burns through enemy armor

Also fires explosive rounds that are only effective against light armored enemies, but can damage multiple at once

Klavikan Ships

Klavikan ships focus on armor and firepower. Their Fighters are heavily armored and focus on firepower and vitality over speed and agility, although they are mounted with small turrets that can turn 360 degrees around and 180 degrees vertical to hit faster targets. They use a combination of Heavy Frigates, Destroyers and battleships to overwhelm enemy forces. Their ships primarily use Ionized plasma launchers with missiles as support. Their ships are bulky and slow and expensive to make, so they have ess of them than a normal military would.

Atlas Heavy Frigate

Heavy Frigate with medium armor plating a light shields. Its armoring causes it to be slower than most frigates but it can take more of a beating. Equipped with 4 missile silos and 3 Medium Plasma Cannons.

[Character Sheet]

: Dravak Darkfur

Morality: Neutral Evil - While he will kill to increase his power he generally wont unless he needs to. He does not support torcher but if it is necessary he will not hesitate to do it. As the leader of his people, he usually puts the needs of his people first, but sometime his greed and lust for power gets in the way.

Age: 87

Species: Klavikan

Appearance: He stands 7ft yet he has an IQ of 165. He has gray fur

Paraphernalia: He wears a light exo suit at all time that is equipped with a personal shield generator and a built in Plasma Pistol. It also allows him to jump higher, run faster and carry more weight.

History: Dravak grew up on a Klavikan moon colony known as Back Claw. The moon was a black planet dotted with dead volcanoes. Thanks to Klavikan engineering it was turned into an oasis of green. Despite such a lavish home he lived a hard life as a street urchin. He stole and scavenged to survive. He almost starved to death but was saved by a military recruiter who took pity on him and managed to get him in a military training school despite not having any basic knowledge required to join. There he was trained in the arts of combat, as well.as receiving an advanced educations. Despite his lack of previous schooling, Dravak excelled in his studies, much to his instructors surprise. Despite this, Dravak faced hardship. He was an outsider among his fellow students, separated by the great difference of their experiences. His fellow students were.from wealthy and prominent families, a stark opposite of Dravak. His fellow.students tormented Dravak nearly everyday, but despite this he the age of 30 he graduated at the top of his class and served as a grunt in the navy to hunt pirates. His superiors quickly noticed his unusual intellect and he rose through the ranks. After years of hard work and shady business, he became the second in command of the Klavikan people. In a burst of shady assassinations that worked in his favor (although he denies any part in them) he became the sole leader of his people.
Seems good. Accepted, and if you want you can make a first post. Also, you can put all the tagged names into the thread if you wish.
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="tims run]Seems good. Accepted, and if you want you can make a first post. Also, you can put all the tagged names into the thread if you wish.

will do tonight
Character Sheet

Movli Ngugerak III



Appearance:Basically something like this:

(sorry if the spoiler is not working,I don't really know how to use it as I'm new)

Weapons:a AMPW(Anti-matter Propulsion Weapon,will be described later)


Items:An Imperial Seal,Communicators,and various surival equipment

Rank under faction:Emperor


Bio:Movli Ngugerak III(better known as Movli III) was the grandson of Emperor Movli the Great,the founder of the New Guin Empire.As the Third Emperor of the empire,Movli III sought to unite his home galaxy which is invaded by various outsiders.Movli III was crowned emperor at the age of 15,making him the youngest emperor in Guin history.He was trained in several aspects since young so that he can lead the Guin well.Movli is a cautious person when it comes to intergalactic affairs,and despises other races due to Gorok aggresiveness.

Species Sheet


Appearance:They resemble turtles in many aspects,just that they have fingers,toes and their legs are developed.

Lifespan:546 Earth years(Some Guins are known to live as long as 1000 Earth years old in ancient times)

Homeworld:Digop.A planet basically similar to Earth in most aspects except that the planet is mostly covered in water(83%) and little deserts exist due to the humid conditions.The planet is slightly larger than Earth and has 3 moons:Shak,Liad,and Jin.

Digop,viewed from space.


The three moons of Digop,Shak,Liak and Jin,viewed from the planet's surface

Faction Sheet

The New Guin Empire

Leader:Emperor Movli Ngugerak III

Government:Absolute monarchy


Morality:True neutral

History(Major Events):

-Ancestors of the Guin appeared on the planet.However,these creatures are known to be non-sapient:60 million years ago

-First sapient Guin appeared on the planet,the Guin started to form groups to increase their surival capabilities:56 million years ago

-Guin civilization was formed.Groups of Guin people are united to serve a god:50 million years ago

-First Guin nations appeared.Cities were built and agriculture was discovered:49 million years ago

-Metallurgy was discovered by one of the nations,the Dok:45 million years ago

-First Guin war erupted.The Dok waged war on several nations and defeated them with their superior weapons.Remaining nations banded together to fight the Dok.The Dok managed to defeat the remaining nations and establish world dominance.The war lasted for approximately 500 years.:45 million years ago.

-The Dok was overthrown by revolting citizens.The world was split back into several nations.Dok rule lasted for 400,000 years:44 million years ago

-Guin technology has entered a golden age.New advances and discoveries\s are constantly made:40 million years ago.

-First Guin rocket was launched into space:39 million years ago

-Second Guin war erupted
Sorry,accidentally preseed the Post Reply button while it is not completed.Will complete it soon
Nyq said:
Character Sheet
Movli Ngugerak III



Appearance:Basically something like this:

(sorry if the spoiler is not working,I don't really know how to use it as I'm new)

Weapons:a AMPW(Anti-matter Propulsion Weapon,will be described later)


Items:An Imperial Seal,Communicators,and various surival equipment

Rank under faction:Emperor


Bio:Movli Ngugerak III(better known as Movli III) was the grandson of Emperor Movli the Great,the founder of the New Guin Empire.As the Third Emperor of the empire,Movli III sought to unite his home galaxy which is invaded by various outsiders.Movli III was crowned emperor at the age of 15,making him the youngest emperor in Guin history.He was trained in several aspects since young so that he can lead the Guin well.Movli is a cautious person when it comes to intergalactic affairs,and despises other races due to Gorok aggresiveness.

Species Sheet


Appearance:They resemble turtles in many aspects,just that they have fingers,toes and their legs are developed.

Lifespan:546 Earth years(Some Guins are known to live as long as 1000 Earth years old in ancient times)

Homeworld:Digop.A planet basically similar to Earth in most aspects except that the planet is mostly covered in water(83%) and little deserts exist due to the humid conditions.The planet is slightly larger than Earth and has 3 moons:Shak,Liad,and Jin.

Digop,viewed from space.


The three moons of Digop,Shak,Liak and Jin,viewed from the planet's surface

Faction Sheet

The New Guin Empire

Leader:Emperor Movli Ngugerak III

Government:Absolute monarchy


Morality:True neutral

History(Major Events):

-Ancestors of the Guin appeared on the planet.However,these creatures are known to be non-sapient:60 million years ago

-First sapient Guin appeared on the planet,the Guin started to form groups to increase their surival capabilities:56 million years ago

-Guin civilization was formed.Groups of Guin people are united to serve a god:50 million years ago

-First Guin nations appeared.Cities were built and agriculture was discovered:49 million years ago

-Metallurgy was discovered by one of the nations,the Dok:45 million years ago

-First Guin war erupted.The Dok waged war on several nations and defeated them with their superior weapons.Remaining nations banded together to fight the Dok.The Dok managed to defeat the remaining nations and establish world dominance.The war lasted for approximately 500 years.:45 million years ago.

-The Dok was overthrown by revolting citizens.The world was split back into several nations.Dok rule lasted for 400,000 years:44 million years ago

-Guin technology has entered a golden age.New advances and discoveries\s are constantly made:40 million years ago.

-First Guin rocket was launched into space:39 million years ago

-Second Guin war erupted

I'll accept it as it is now. Just make sure to finish it.
Disclaimer:I don't own the images and they are used for roleplay purposes only

History(Major Events):

-Ancestors of the Guin appeared on the planet.However,these creatures are known to be non-sapient:60 million years ago

-First sapient Guin appeared on the planet,the Guin started to form groups to increase their surival capabilities:56 million years ago

-Guin civilization was formed.Groups of Guin people are united to serve a god:50 million years ago

-First Guin nations appeared.Cities were built and agriculture was discovered:49 million years ago

-Metallurgy was discovered by one of the nations,the Dok:45 million years ago

-First Guin war erupted.The Dok waged war on several nations and defeated them with their superior weapons.Remaining nations banded together to fight the Dok.The Dok managed to defeat the remaining nations and establish world dominance.The war lasted for approximately 500 years:45 million years ago.

-The Dok was overthrown by revolting citizens.The world was split back into several nations.Dok rule lasted for 400,000 years:44 million years ago

-Guin technology has entered a golden age.New advances and discoveries\s are constantly made:40 million years ago.

-First Guin rocket was launched into space:39 million years ago

-Second Guin war erupted.The world is split into two factions:the Curps and the Coalition.The Curps committed vast genocide on the people of other nations to ensure their superiority.The Coalition was formed to fight the Curps and stop their inhumane act.The war lasted for 5 years and the Curps were defeated and exterminated.The Coalition was soon replaced by the UGG(United Guin Government):39 million years ago.

-Guins launch deep space exploration probes to know more about the universe:39 million years ago.

-Guins invent automatic-terraforming technology and starts colonizing nearby planets:30 million years ago.

-The UGG Energy Crisis happened.Citizens revolt due to the lack of enough energy to power the colonized planets.The crisis was solved by the invention of Nuclear Disintegration Power Generators,which the Guin heavily relies on now:29 million years ago.

-FTL technology was invented:20 million years ago.

-The Guin encountered the Gorok,which declared war on them due to the Guins look "funny".The Guin-Gorok War erupted.The UGG was at the upper hand at first due to their technological superiority,but soon lost due to the Gorok's vast numbers(thanks to their faster colonization and technological development).The UGG collapsed under economic pressure and surrendered to the Goroks.The Goroks then mastered Guin technology and annexed Guin colonies,which composes 1/3 of their home galaxy:13 million years ago

-Groups of Guin militia unite into the TGU(Temporary Guin Union) and launched a suprise attack on the Gorok homeworld.Billions of Gorok died to TGU bioweapons.The Gorok launched a large- scale operation to purge the TGU: 10 million years ago.

-After 7 million years of guerilla war against the Gorok,the TGU has emerged victorious as the Gorok collapsed economically as their colonies are severely damaged by regular Guin bombings and bioweapons.The TGU has disbanded into several nations.Guins enjoy a 3 million year peace as the Gorok rebuild their civilization:3 million years ago.

-Goroks recover from the TGU guerilla and redeclares war on the Guins:900 years ago.

-Guins lose the second Guin-Gorok war and hands out their colonies.Guins realize that their technological development speed are too slow to cope with Gorok aggression and enters the second golden age of techological development:842 years ago.

-Guins readopt absolute monarchy as they realize that democracy doesn't suit the Guins well.The New Guin Empire was established by Emperor Moveli Ngugerak:700 years ago

-Guins declare war on the Goroks to reclaim their colonies.The Third Guin-Gorok War has erupted:578 years ago

-The Guins claim victory over the Goroks and massacred Goroks as revenge towards the Gorok attempt at exterminating the Guins:312 years ago

-Guins attempt to rebuild their civilization to their former glory.The Guins continue to develop their technology due to fear that another race similar to the Goroks will emerge somewhere in the galaxy:Present


Guins usually rely on tanks and space ships in battle,as they can't afford mass casualties due to the sheer number of Goroks.Guin soldiers have extremely durable exosuits to minimize their chance of death in battlefield. Guin tanks and spaceships are designed to be mobile to be able to escape Gorok pursues after bombings.Guins excel at anti-spaceship guns and anti-matter weapons.Their soldiers are picked and trained since their birth and are seldomly deployed in the battlefield.

Guin tanks

-Nguk-36 Anti-aircraft tank


Normally used to escort troops through heavily guarded zones,the Nguk-36 anti-aircraft tank was designed to withstand plasma cannons and is equipped by 2 plasma anti-aircraft turrets and 4 missiles to strike nearby encampments.

-Nguk-12 Battlemech


The Nguk-12 Battlemech is used to counter enemy infantry and is designed to withstand plasma gun fire.It is equipped with 2 plasma turreta

-Nguk-67 Mortar


The Nguk-67 is used for siege missions and to deal large damage to enemy infantry at a long range.However,it's self defense capabilities are weak and has to be heavily escorted.Equipped with an antimatter cannon and multiple plasma incinerators.

Guin exosuits:

-Gop-34 exosuit


The Gop-34 exosuit was standard issue exosuit for the Guin.Equipped with 2 plasma turrets,the exosuit was designed to withstand plasma guns and are used for logistic missions.

-Gop-90 heavy exosuit


The Gop-90 exosuit is a heavy exosuit designed to withstand plasma cannon fire.Equipped with multiple antimatter turrets,it is used in large scale battles.

Guin-aircraft and spaceships:

-Lokan-45 Stealth aircraft


Equipped with 2 plasma turrets,the Lokan-45 is used for recon missions.

-Lokan-31 Bomber


The Lokan-31 is equipped with 10 plasma turrets,2 antimatter cannons and multiple bomb drop-points.Used in bombing missions.

-Lokan-54 fighter


Equipped with 5 plasma turrets and 2 antimatter turret,the Lokan-54 is used to escort bombers and engage in dog fights.

-Lokan-94 all-use spacecraft


The Lokan-94 is the only Guin large-scale spacecraft currently in use.Equipped with 20 antimatter turrets,10 antimatter sniper cannons and 3 antimatter cannons,this space fortress is used for transporting resources and military equipment through large distances,planetary sieges and large scale space battles.

Other Guin technology:

-The Swarm

Due to the nature of guerilla warfare engaged by the Guin for most of their time,the Guin has developed the Swarm to decrease the reliance on soldiers in the battlefield.The Swarm is a gigantic horde of battlebots(5m in size) that will be deployed and fully controlled by a Swarm Deployer in distance.The Swarm is equipped with 2 plasma turrets and a scanner to indicate the enemy's location.


The Guin usually uses bioweapons during bombing missions.The currently commissioned bioweapon is the Fiok virus.The virus is spread through air,liquid

and bodily fluids for maximum efficiency.Once infected,the Fiok virus will disable the immune system and inflict major damge on internal organs,causing death.


Basically grey goo designed to fully destroy a colony by corroding the structures on it,also used in bombing missions.However it is easily disabled by a large scale EMP,which is implemented intentionally into the machines to be able to control it if the situations goes out of control.
Btw,the pictures of Movli III(it's hard to find,so i got only this) and the Nguk-36(which failed to show) :


Nyq said:
Disclaimer:I don't own the images and they are used for roleplay purposes only
History(Major Events):

-Ancestors of the Guin appeared on the planet.However,these creatures are known to be non-sapient:
60 million years ago

-First sapient Guin appeared on the planet,the Guin started to form groups to increase their surival capabilities:56 million years ago

-Guin civilization was formed.Groups of Guin people are united to serve a god:50 million years ago

-First Guin nations appeared.Cities were built and agriculture was discovered:49 million years ago

-Metallurgy was discovered by one of the nations,the Dok:45 million years ago

-First Guin war erupted.The Dok waged war on several nations and defeated them with their superior weapons.Remaining nations banded together to fight the Dok.The Dok managed to defeat the remaining nations and establish world dominance.The war lasted for approximately 500 years:45 million years ago.

-The Dok was overthrown by revolting citizens.The world was split back into several nations.Dok rule lasted for 400,000 years:44 million years ago

-Guin technology has entered a golden age.New advances and discoveries\s are constantly made:40 million years ago.

-First Guin rocket was launched into space:39 million years ago

-Second Guin war erupted.The world is split into two factions:the Curps and the Coalition.The Curps committed vast genocide on the people of other nations to ensure their superiority.The Coalition was formed to fight the Curps and stop their inhumane act.The war lasted for 5 years and the Curps were defeated and exterminated.The Coalition was soon replaced by the UGG(United Guin Government):39 million years ago.

-Guins launch deep space exploration probes to know more about the universe:39 million years ago.

-Guins invent automatic-terraforming technology and starts colonizing nearby planets:30 million years ago.

-The UGG Energy Crisis happened.Citizens revolt due to the lack of enough energy to power the colonized planets.The crisis was solved by the invention of Nuclear Disintegration Power Generators,which the Guin heavily relies on now:29 million years ago.

-FTL technology was invented:20 million years ago.

-The Guin encountered the Gorok,which declared war on them due to the Guins look "funny".The Guin-Gorok War erupted.The UGG was at the upper hand at first due to their technological superiority,but soon lost due to the Gorok's vast numbers(thanks to their faster colonization and technological development).The UGG collapsed under economic pressure and surrendered to the Goroks.The Goroks then mastered Guin technology and annexed Guin colonies,which composes 1/3 of their home galaxy:13 million years ago

-Groups of Guin militia unite into the TGU(Temporary Guin Union) and launched a suprise attack on the Gorok homeworld.Billions of Gorok died to TGU bioweapons.The Gorok launched a large- scale operation to purge the TGU: 10 million years ago.

-After 7 million years of guerilla war against the Gorok,the TGU has emerged victorious as the Gorok collapsed economically as their colonies are severely damaged by regular Guin bombings and bioweapons.The TGU has disbanded into several nations.Guins enjoy a 3 million year peace as the Gorok rebuild their civilization:3 million years ago.

-Goroks recover from the TGU guerilla and redeclares war on the Guins:900 years ago.

-Guins lose the second Guin-Gorok war and hands out their colonies.Guins realize that their technological development speed are too slow to cope with Gorok aggression and enters the second golden age of techological development:842 years ago.

-Guins readopt absolute monarchy as they realize that democracy doesn't suit the Guins well.The New Guin Empire was established by Emperor Moveli Ngugerak:700 years ago

-Guins declare war on the Goroks to reclaim their colonies.The Third Guin-Gorok War has erupted:578 years ago

-The Guins claim victory over the Goroks and massacred Goroks as revenge towards the Gorok attempt at exterminating the Guins:312 years ago

-Guins attempt to rebuild their civilization to their former glory.The Guins continue to develop their technology due to fear that another race similar to the Goroks will emerge somewhere in the galaxy:Present


Guins usually rely on tanks and space ships in battle,as they can't afford mass casualties due to the sheer number of Goroks.Guin soldiers have extremely durable exosuits to minimize their chance of death in battlefield. Guin tanks and spaceships are designed to be mobile to be able to escape Gorok pursues after bombings.Guins excel at anti-spaceship guns and anti-matter weapons.Their soldiers are picked and trained since their birth and are seldomly deployed in the battlefield.

Guin tanks

-Nguk-36 Anti-aircraft tank


Normally used to escort troops through heavily guarded zones,the Nguk-36 anti-aircraft tank was designed to withstand plasma cannons and is equipped by 2 plasma anti-aircraft turrets and 4 missiles to strike nearby encampments.

-Nguk-12 Battlemech


The Nguk-12 Battlemech is used to counter enemy infantry and is designed to withstand plasma gun fire.It is equipped with 2 plasma turreta

-Nguk-67 Mortar


The Nguk-67 is used for siege missions and to deal large damage to enemy infantry at a long range.However,it's self defense capabilities are weak and has to be heavily escorted.Equipped with an antimatter cannon and multiple plasma incinerators.

Guin exosuits:

-Gop-34 exosuit


The Gop-34 exosuit was standard issue exosuit for the Guin.Equipped with 2 plasma turrets,the exosuit was designed to withstand plasma guns and are used for logistic missions.

-Gop-90 heavy exosuit


The Gop-90 exosuit is a heavy exosuit designed to withstand plasma cannon fire.Equipped with multiple antimatter turrets,it is used in large scale battles.

Guin-aircraft and spaceships:

-Lokan-45 Stealth aircraft


Equipped with 2 plasma turrets,the Lokan-45 is used for recon missions.

-Lokan-31 Bomber


The Lokan-31 is equipped with 10 plasma turrets,2 antimatter cannons and multiple bomb drop-points.Used in bombing missions.

-Lokan-54 fighter


Equipped with 5 plasma turrets and 2 antimatter turret,the Lokan-54 is used to escort bombers and engage in dog fights.

-Lokan-94 all-use spacecraft


The Lokan-94 is the only Guin large-scale spacecraft currently in use.Equipped with 20 antimatter turrets,10 antimatter sniper cannons and 3 antimatter cannons,this space fortress is used for transporting resources and military equipment through large distances,planetary sieges and large scale space battles.

Other Guin technology:

-The Swarm

Due to the nature of guerilla warfare engaged by the Guin for most of their time,the Guin has developed the Swarm to decrease the reliance on soldiers in the battlefield.The Swarm is a gigantic horde of battlebots(5m in size) that will be deployed and fully controlled by a Swarm Deployer in distance.The Swarm is equipped with 2 plasma turrets and a scanner to indicate the enemy's location.


The Guin usually uses bioweapons during bombing missions.The currently commissioned bioweapon is the Fiok virus.The virus is spread through air,liquid

and bodily fluids for maximum efficiency.Once infected,the Fiok virus will disable the immune system and inflict major damge on internal organs,causing death.


Basically grey goo designed to fully destroy a colony by corroding the structures on it,also used in bombing missions.However it is easily disabled by a large scale EMP,which is implemented intentionally into the machines to be able to control it if the situations goes out of control.
Nyq said:
Btw,the pictures of Movli III(it's hard to find,so i got only this) and the Nguk-36(which failed to show) :

Okay. Accepted. You can start posting when you are able to.
@GrieveWriter @Anaxial @Jarkov Malachai @NeoLeaf

Same concept as "Ghost in the Machinr". It will be entirely character driven, so pretty much "Ghost in the Machine" but run my Tim :D

And Jarkov you said only tag you for Nation Builders I think you would be seriously interested in, and this is not like regular nation builders and is the same(ish) as Ghost in the Machine so I think you would be interested
I will never, in my life roleplay or write with someone as annoying, insufferable and agonizing as Tims Run/Tank.
Last edited by a moderator:
NeoLeaf said:
I will never, in my life roleplay or write with someone as annoying, insufferable and agonizing as Tims Run/Tank.
that's mean. Apologize and hug him


"What is Viari? It is a blight upon the universe, a word and world that have spilled more blood than the deadliest of diseases. It is hell and the people produced from that nether plain, demons. The Viarians have no other purpose than to fight, die and kill for their nation. Various dictators in the past have used their ego and strength of will in order to further their evil ambitions. I wished it was that simple with the Viarians. No, in their minds their cause reaches beyond doubt or the self. From the lowest of their people to their Autarch, they will always view their country as one fighting for survival against oblivion, even as they place the barrels of their weapons upon the heads of newborn babes and helpless innocents." -Professor Heranic, University of Morain. He was executed for treason and his work sealed away after the fall of Morain to the Viari Nation.

Viarians (Originals)

Appearance: Ascetically human, though with pale skin. Often combined with cybernetics, visible or otherwise.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Average: around 300 years.

History: Originally human, the Viarians evolved rapidly away from traditional humanity due to the extreme nature of their homeworld, then later their biological modifications pushed them into a sym-bionic species as a whole. Their bodies, abundant with muscles due to the high gravitational nature of Viari, along with the near toxic atmosphere, made all adults tough, as the weak quickly perished after birth. After the successful revolution and the subsequent conquest of their original patron, the Viarians pushed their nation's limits with every war, every conquest, every loss, and more importantly every technological acquisition and breakthrough. Eventually, individuals, then entire branches of the nations began crossing over the point that separated Viarians and machines, until today where one would be hard pressed to find a single Viarian without any cybernetic implants in him/her. There are even those that have transcended the flesh, pouring their consciousness into informational and communication systems, becoming intelligences far more complex and sophisticated than any AI in the universe.



Lifespan (Average): Around 300 years (due to elongation of lifespans of each species through technology)

Appearance: Nearly all citizens of the Viari Nation wears their full body uniform (completed with masks) during all times, therefore regardless of their original species or cybernetics, the look of their soldiers remains the same. The most common are the average armored "civilian" suits, though any other nation would considered them average armor for their regular infantry. The companies are also divided via height and weight, thus giving them a very monotone look. Remove the suit however, and one would be hard pressed to find much superficial similarities between any two Viari, with the wide amount of species (and genetic variations within each) and augmentations available to enhance each citizen's ability to conduct his/her responsibilities. The average citizen, both educated by an impressive training system and improved by the cybernetics, is fairly intelligent.


Homeworld: Viari





Characteristics: Viari, originally an inhospitable planet to begin with, only grew worse as time went on. The air, hardly breathable before, is now completely toxic to any off world lifeforms after the detonation of countless chemical and nuclear weapons within the planet's atmosphere. Various foreign researchers with clearance to the surface of the planet have declared the water on the surface as "pure poison" and the soil as completely "barren." Interestingly enough, even after the worsening of the planet's surface, the Viarians, even the indoctrinated species, had no problem surviving on the planet. They went so far as to build cities over the old ruins rivaling that of the capitals of their defeated foes, though visible only to Viarians due to the nature of the surface. Same can be said of the original non-sentient lifeforms on the planet, who only grew more vicious and terrifying with each cataclysm. In order to accommodate foreign diplomats and guests, the Viarians extended their capital up to low orbit, covering a portion of their planet with almost a sheet of metal constructions, safely beyond the harsh environment and unforgiving ecosystems where they may discuss international matters.







Faction Sheet:

"We will strike, without warning, and without mercy. Fighting as one hand, one heart and one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares; drenching our ancestor's grave with their blood! And as our last breath tears at their lungs, as we rise again from the ruins of our cities, they will know: Viari belongs to the Viarians." -Speech by Autarch Primus , moments before the 5th invasion of Viari.


The Viari Nation

Leader: Autarch Heinrich Mercin

Type of Government: Fascism

Government Capitol: Planet: Viari, City: Liberton

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): Half of Beta Theon. Around 100 million colonies or other types settlements.

Morality: Lawful Evil


Note: For the sake of conciseness smaller conflicts won by the Viari Nation were not recorded here.

1100 years ago: Planet of Viari colonized by the Killion Confederacy, set up as a penal colony.

1000 years ago: The Viari Nation declares its independence, but as a vessel state of the Confederacy.

950 years ago: The Killion Confederacy demands the demilitarization of the Viari Nation. When the demand was refused the Killion Military attacked, starting the first Killion-Viari war.

949 years ago: Hallarch destroyed, Killion invasion fleet annihilated. Peace treaty between two sides signed.

949-944 years ago: The Reformation. The Viarian society and military restructured.

942 years ago: The Blitz, an all out attack on the Killion Confederacy by the Viari Nation. Beginning of the Second Killion-Viari War.

940 years ago: The last planet of the Killion Confederacy fell, end of the Second Killion-Viari War.

938 years ago: First expansion front, the outer edges of the Beta Theon Galaxy colonized. Contact with the Rhythus Empire made.

935 years ago: War begins with the Rhythus Empire.

933 years ago: Deep attack by the Rhythus Empire stuck Viari, first invasion of Viari.

932 years ago: Contact made with the Lonu Republic, alliance made to create two front war against the Rhythus Empire.

930 years ago: Last Rhythus Imperial Planet fell, end of war with Lonu Republic.

927 years ago: War broke out with Lonu Republic over settlement disputes, the Republic's allies, the Jusic Fiefdom and the Iornic Kingdom, both declare war against the Viari Nation.

922 years ago: The Jusic Fiefdom surrenders, incorporated into the Viari Nation.

920 years ago: At the risk of the Iornic Kingdom falling, the Lonu Republic offers peace talks. The Viari Nations rejected any offers outside of unconditional surrender.

915 years ago: Both the Lonu Republic and the Ironic Kingdom falls. The Last Republican planet glassed from orbit then resettled by the Viari Nation.

900 years ago: First contact made with the Worque Federation. Immediate hostilities and war.

850 years ago: War fought to a standstill, neither the Worque Federation was able to break the spirit of the Viari Nation nor the Viarians able to successfully made any headway into Worque territories.

840 years ago: Worque fleet plunges deep into the heart of Viari Nation. Second invasion of Viari.

830 years ago: Capture of a Worque scout fleet. Five times faster than light travel made possible. Existing fleets immediately began equipping new engines and jump drives.

820 years ago: Improved jump drive designed by the Viari outmaneuvered the Federation fleets strategically, cutting the enemy off from supplies and forcing the Worque to retreat to their core worlds. Core worlds' sieges began.

800 years ago: Last Worque planet fell, the Worque species declared extinct.

780 years ago: Contact made with wider galaxy, innergalactic travel introduced, improvements immediately began upon existing spaceships.

750 years ago: Joined the Eastern Fringe Alliance, which then went to war with the Long Arm Coalition, the War of the Alliances began.

647 years ago: Overextended forces led to the Coalition forces attacking Viari directly, forces repelled by Alliance reinforcements after a year long siege. Third Invasion of Viari.

600 years ago: The War of the Alliances ended. Three more civilizations joined the Viari Nation. The counterpart of the Viari in the Long Arm Coalition, the Amon Illuminati, completely destroyed. The Amon species declared extinct.

550 years ago: Concerns with the rising power of the Viari Nation spreads among its allies, prompting trade embargoes and demands of demilitarization by many in the Eastern Fringe Alliance.

525 years ago: The Viari Nation secedes from the Eastern Fringe Alliance, causing more trade embargoes and economic sanctions against it.

520 years ago: War breaks out with the Eastern Fringe Alliance, which immediately collapsed as several other factions refused to go to war against the Viari Nation, several actually joined as the Viari Nation's allies against the newly formed Fringe Protectorate.

440: Viarian forces drew the Protectorate fleet in a ruse to invade Viari before cutting off its supply lines and crushing the forces between their fleet and surface to orbit defenses. Fourth Invasion of Viari.

400 years ago: War ends in Pyrrhic victory for the Viari Alliance, with many of its allies suffering civil disorder from the strain of the long war. Some joined willingly to the Viari Nation while others accepted foreign aid from the Viarians.

380 years ago: In light of the rising power of the Viari Nation, the factions on the opposite side of Beta Theon formed the United Beta Theon Front, in order to deter possible "Viari aggression."

350 years ago: Contact made beyond the galactic edge, discovery of possible intergalactic travels.

330 years ago: First functional intergalactic jump engine completed.

328 years ago: First expedition fleet sent beyond the galactic edge. All were lost.

325 years ago: Improvement in macro navigational data, new intergalactic jump engine completed.

320 years ago: Second expedition fleet sent beyond the galactic edge.

300 years ago: New discovery of ancient civilization by allies prompt a new age of technological advancement. UBTF demands the disclosure of the discovery for the "betterment of general welfare."

280 years ago: Disagreements began to surface between UBTF and the Viari Nation and its allies due to the continued nondisclosure of technological discoveries.

250 years ago: Official Trade ceases between the UBTF and the Viari Nation.

220 years ago: War breaks out between the UBTF and the Viari Nation.

210 years ago: Using a pincer maneuver, two fleets converged on Viari at once. However the second fleet never made it, tricked and caught into a nexus wormhole that ripped it apart. The lone fleet arriving at Viari managed to deliver their pay grade, but unable to maintain a sizable beachhead against the Viarian Forces. Fifth Invasion of Viari.

200 years ago: Second expedition fleet returns, quarantined but brings valuable data and discoveries from neighboring galaxy.

180 years ago: The Viarian weaponized a virus brought back by the second expedition fleet against the Zhumrp, part of the UBTF.

150 years ago: Deployment of biological warfare agent, pandemic spreads from planet to planet.

100 years ago: The Zhumrp race declared extinct. A detente agreed upon by both sides in order to discuss possible peace.

80 years ago: Detente ends, conflict resumes but the large battles were reduced to skirmishes at best.

20 years ago: Operation Walltorn began phase one.

Present day: Offensive Operation Walltorn successful. UBTF capital within attack range. UBTF fleets, after decades of complacency, scrambles to defend its heart. Preparations for final attack completed and the forces will commence assault shortly.

When one thinks of the origin of the Viari Nation, one cannot ignore the similarities between it and the Terran novelist Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Viari have been invaded by foreign powers a total of five times, with each occurrence devastating the surface. The planet originally seemed inhospitable, and the then power of the Beta Theon Galaxy, the Killion Confederacy, made a penal colony on Viari to house those of differing opinion than the ruling party. Other groups that opposed the government, observing civil disobedience, willingly imposed a self exile upon themselves in order to escape certain executions by the Killion's security forces. The hostile environment, where everything from the gravity to the fauna tried to kill everything else, forced rapid internal physiological and philosophical changes to the population. Eventually the Killion government allowed the people of Viari to act as a vessel state to them, but treating them more as a self governing colony than a separate nation, especially draining them of their resources to pay for the debts of the last war against an external power. However, once the Viarian began producing arms the Killion navy and army struck, attacking the fledgling nation before it could establish themselves as a threat. By then other planets had threw their hats in with the Viarians, and the Killion Confederacy faced an all out civil war within itself.

Fighting for nearly a decade, the tide had turned horribly against the Viarians. They had underestimated the lengths and resolved of the Killion Citizens, as well as the training and industrial might of the Confederacy. Forced back by the Killion forces, with only four planets between themselves and the Killian assault fleet, it seemed that the death of their nation would occur just as suddenly as their rise. At their darkest hour, a lowly lieutenant by the name of Edgar Rammul, went to Viarian High Command, stating that he could reverse the flow of this war, but only if every last man, woman and child were willing to make the necessary sacrifices for victory. If, and only if, VHC accepted and allowed the utilization of all tactics, no matter how atrocious it might be, and had the soldiers had the will to carry out such orders could the new Viari Nation survive the coming Armageddon. After much debate and a hair thin narrow vote, the ruling administration and the VHC agreed and promoted Edgar Rammul to Field Marshall of their remaining forces.

Fighting had finally reached the planet of Hallarch. It located within the center of several trading routes as well as hosting both an abundant resources and a rapidly rising industrial complex that could match the power of Killion's Capital. The Viarians used this as a platform for their defense force, as well as a linchpin for their defense against the coming invasion fleet. So when the hammer fell upon that world, it fell hard. The first year of fighting on that planet alone killed more people than the first three years of the war, and the conflict only escalated. By now public opinion had shifted from pro independence to the loyalist, and the Viarians and their allies continued to lose ground quickly, as well as the battle in the orbit.

Slowly, Rammul pulled out Viarian forces inconspicuously, using emptied food transports and such to move Viarian forces off world, as well as those loyal to the cause. He left all the units he had deemed "unrecoverable" to defend the planet. Within weeks the Killion forces pushed them back to the fringes of the planet, forcing the remaining Viarians to employ hit and run tactics at best. Declaring the reclamation of the planet, Killion Command used the planet as a staging platform to plan the final invasion of Viari. They had commented confidently that the war "would be over in a heartbeat." Little did they know how correct that statement would be.

The native scientists on Hallarch had been doing observations on the geothermic nature of their planet and how they might best utilize the resource to further the industrialization of the surface above. They dug a tunnel deep into the crust, so deep in fact that it pierced the outer core, reaching near the inner molten core within. The Field Marshall seized the facility, using it to stage the hit and run attacks upon the enemy. Yet, with the amount of munitions being shipped in exceeded the need of the guerrillas. The Killion Command, though warned by their intelligence services of a possible trap, ignored the concerns, stating that the Viarians would not simply destroyed such a valuable target. They received a message, an ultimatum by Rammul: offer the unconditional surrender of their forces or face utter annihilation. The generals laughed at the young upstart, and promptly refused, believing him mad.

Exactly thirty minutes later ten billion lives ended as the weapon of mass destruction detonated next to the core of Hallarch, destabilizing the planet. The resulting convulsion and shock wave of attack crippled the Killion fleet in orbit, allowing a smaller Viarian fleet to jump in and tore the helpless ships to shreds. Within an hour a third of the Killion arms forces disappeared, dying on the surface or cut down by enemy fire in orbit. The tide of war turned in a heartbeat, as the playing field leveled once more. Immediately the media in the Killion Confederacy proclaimed the Viarians as genocidal monsters, declaring the war to be a crusade for justice. This help boost morale a bit, until Viari intelligence services hacked into their mass communications and began broadcasting the death cries of the invasion force, recorded by a virus planted on their fleet's comms by the Viarians long before the withdrawal began, followed by a statement that they will destroy every planet if that meant keeping them free of Killion tyranny, and an offer of peace.


Hallarch (present day)

The people of the Confederacy, war wearied and tired of the demands made by the government in order to continue to fund the conflict, pressured the administration into the peace. This ushered in the Reformation, beginning with several attempted assassination of Edgar Rammul. The Field Marshall then used the failed attempts to rally the nation, allowing them to back him and his supporters in the next general election, then assuming the title of Autarch. He began a series of programs that would create the Viari Nation of today, beginning with stirring the contempt of the Killion Confederacy, then pointing the priority of every individual within the Viarian Nation to that of the state and not the self. Soon education level skyrocketed with mandatory school and military training. Then the Autarch used the ace in his pocket: a chip designed to not only focus the mind of the individual on the state, but to eliminate all ego of the self entirely. Everything the person would think about would concern the state, and nothing else. Eliminating the need of self and purely focused, he envisioned a perfect nation, one not plagued by greed or individual pride, but one of national pride and a people made strong by their unity. Like all great leaders, the Autarch volunteered to have the first chips (tested thoroughly first of course) installed within himself.

Within six months the shadow assassins had eliminated all those opposing the idea, and within nine the administration had implanted the chip within every man, woman and child's brain within the Viari Nation. The chip, if tempered with or disabled, will create a chemical reaction that heats up to the point where it boils the brain, killing the person. Several higher in the administration attempted to avoid the clause or to install faulty microchips into themselves; all were caught and executed for treason. There exists other parts of the "re-education" program, though they remain top secret to this day, despite its frequent use. During this time, the Viarian also rebuilt their military and reverse engineered the Killion technology as well as the new ones for themselves, while the Killion licked their wounds and attempted to forget the disaster at Hallarch. So a rude awakening happened when the Viarian fleets appeared at nearly every outer system of the Confederacy and demanded the unconditional surrender or annihilation from their forces.

Many systems fought valiantly, but to no avail as the Viarian blasted their planets from orbit, or drove them to the brink of extinction, forcing surrenders. Others gave up on their own accord, not wanting to share the same fate as Hallarch. The Viarian Occupational force sent every last one of the population to their "re-education" camps, and they returned a productive Viarian citizen, fighting on the front lines or working in the home front. After another month of fighting, every planet within the Confederacy became a part of the Viarian Nation, and every citizen indoctrinated into the steel wave.

After this, over the course of many wars, the Viarians drove three sentient species into extinction, utterly annihilated the fifteen civilizations, and incorporated countless smaller ones into their nation. The characteristics of the Viarians could be described in several phrases: brutal efficiency, nondiscriminatory and near perfect indoctrination, and near genius level at adapting and evolving technological advances of both foreign and domestic sources. Many believe that the indoctrination process (including the implantation of the microchip) eliminates both individuality and creativity of the citizens within the Viari Nation. This believe is false, as the individual and creative are not only recognized, but actively encouraged. The only difference remains the concern of preservation; individuals are born with the need to preserve one self, the process relocates the priority of preservation to the state permanently and irreversibly. This extends to training and augmentation, how to better oneself so that one can best serve the state to his/her full capacity. As a last demonstration of this will, Autarch Rammul stepped down from his position at the age of 500, citing the reason that he cannot fulfill the duties of his office as efficiently as he did before. This set a precedent for all members in leadership to step down when they understand that they can no longer serve to the best of their ability, and a suitable replacement is available.

Due to the "acquire, improve and adapt" nature of the Viarian technology, their advancement isn't linear, rather it is exponential. With every new civilization encountered and new technology observed and acquired, Viarian technology improves dramatically quickly. An example would be when the Viari Nation went to war against the Erontial Coalition, a civilization with nearly ten times the history of the Viarians and technology that when compared side by side would be an automatic rifle against a slingshot. Though defeats were heavy, within three months of acquiring Erontial technology the Viarian scientists had successfully reverse engineered and understood it. Within six the first designs of functional incorporation of the technology was completed. Within nine months a successful prototype was produced and within twelve the Erontial was seeing their own weaponry used against them. Within two years they were fighting against an improved version of their own technology. That's excluding the field acquisition of soldier simply picking up the weaponry of the fallen Erontial forces and using it themselves after observing how the enemy utilized them.

The Viarians also colonize and/or industrialize every planet they find. Due to the harsh nature of Viari, the philosophy within the government demanded that any and all resources must be used. This meant that planets normally ignored as worthless or uninhabitable by other civilizations are often utilized to great effect by the Viarians. Many of the industrial machines are made by robots and automated. They are still overseen by data intelligence though, which are citizens with their entire consciousness transferred into the data stream. Inside of a chip in their brain they have a similar program that does the same thing. Thus there was no need for a permanent police force, but should any problems arise the military police usually deals with the issue.

The most impressive thing about this? The Viari Nation just reached roughly 1000 years old.

The Viarian Military

"No sir, I didn't see any Viarian soldiers. All I saw were Viarian fanatics." -Sergeant Lysander, Protectorate Marine Force.


The Viarian Military consists of two separate entities, the bionic soldiers and the robotic ones. The regular citizens that join up usually serve with the regular infantry, forming the assault troops, pilots, etc. Some, as their bodies were digitized and their minds transformed into the a series of information, may join the robotic corps, but that's usually in the minority. Most have had their arms or legs replaced with mechanical ones, at the very least. The more elite of the soldiers actually replaced the blood within their bodies with nanobots, allowing enhanced muscle tissue regeneration and real time combat medical treatment without the need for a medic nearby. These men and women operation at a level that could only be described as professional by other military officials. The need for morale is nonexistent, as the soldiers will fight so long as the Viari Nation exists, and some have theorized that they might even continued even after that, working to remake the fallen nation.


The interesting part of all Viarian technology are that they're powered by an energy element very similar to electricity, but not quite. This energy, when imparted upon a planet, will burrow into it and reproduce, almost as though it were "alive." Called Crimite, electro magnetic pulse has no effect on this this potentially destructive element, which replaced electricity since the beginning of the faction's history. This created two primary weaponry by the Viarian military:


The Railgun


The Arc Weapons.

Both are used from small arms, to massive surface to orbit and void weaponry on space crafts. Most vehicles employ one or the other in their primary weapons, sometimes even both. They're a mix of automated vehicles and manned ones, but because they look exactly the same, along with their anti scanner coating, no one outside of the force can tell when they're facing a robotic corps force or a manned armored division. Their main battle tank, the Mark Assault 12 "Floating Cannon" uses a large railgun as its main cannon.


The Viarian followed no single doctrine, instead adapting constantly to the weak point of the enemy forces. Any and all tactics are fair game, from hit and run to full frontal assault to suicide attacks and last stands. They'll keep switching tactics until they find it that works, then stick to it until it doesn't. Rinse and repeat. As for the space fleet to fleet combat, tactically speaking the fleet has damaging weapons, but it sticks to primary boarding and ramming actions. Thus the railgun on board actually fires boarding torpedoes, but mostly they're filled with attack drones rather than people (for the first few waves at least).


Each torpedoes houses hundreds of them, releasing them into the hull of the ship to begin cutting electronics and people apart at will. They also detonate upon serious damage, causing an explosion that's half of a typical fragmentation or plasma grenade but still able to cause some serious tissue and hardware damage on the enemy. If able, they would insert themselves into the mainframe of an enemy ship and insert a virus that either renders the ship helpless or continually block any and all commands and feedback, making way for the actual boarding party to arrive with a digitalized intelligence to take over the ship completely, manually or otherwise.

Aside from their main battle tanks the Viarian military heavily employs walkers to be the heavy support for their infantry. Next to their main battle tank are the AW 14 "Spartan" with its large arc cannon. It's slightly wider than the MA12 but still relatively small to deploy with its arc cannon.


If resistance proves heavy, the heavier walkers might be deployed: the Mobile Cannon Walker "Walking Fortress." The size of a three story building, the legged design works well with all terrain capabilities.


The heaviest unit to deploy, only a crucial battles, are the Skyfall units. These are titan walkers designed to level cities from around 300 feet in the air.


For air to ground support: The All Purpose Ground Support


Transport, VTOL "Hornet"


Air superiority fighter: RX-9 "Razor"


Space Combat Fighter: KY-T6 "Phantom"


Viari Cruisers:




Capital Ships:


One more notable fact of not just the Viari military but their entire faction in general is this: if something more efficient comes along, it's immediately taken, integrated within the nation, and with time improved upon for the Viari Nation as a whole. This includes everything from technology, tactics, philosophy or even biological makeup, regardless of the will of the original owner. Some say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, in which case the Viari Nation might have flattered every one of their enemies to the grave.

Special Units worth mentioning:

Acquisition Units are used to capture enemy prisoners and/or tech for interrogation and such. They are both equipped with heavy armor to avoid small arms fire and a personal shielding system, which along with their enhanced reflexes makes them impressive foes, even though they only have an injector knife. The knife contains a toxin made from the waters of Viari (so it doesn't work on Viarians), a single drop can knock out a grown adult and a gram can kill him/her. It also contained a data uplink for a Viarian virus, designed to knock out enemy tech in order to confiscate it as well. Not exactly special forces since they're a bit numerous.


Scout Troopers: Equipped with a camouflage cloaking device and trained in the art of stealth, these special forces are used for deep infiltration behind enemy lines, sometimes going months, if not years, without anyone noticing them.


Assassins: The ultimate in stealth warriors. Some say that one of these individuals can kill an entire army within two months, while others proclaim that they don't actually exists. In their entire history they've never left an eye witness, so secretive only three individuals in Viari High Command knows of them. While definitely equipped with the most advance cloaking devices and suits to date as well as a digitally constructed saber, not much else is known about them.



Name: Montel Miles

Age: 150

Gender: male

Species: Viarian (Original)



An arc pistol. Tempered injection knife.

Items: Personal shielding, nanobot blood.

Rank under faction: Autarch

Bio: As with all of the Autarchs before him, Miles had a history within the Viarian military. Unlike a lot of his peers, many would describe him as dispassionate, almost to the point of apathy. Even without "going digital" he operates using simply logic rather than emotion, able to see past all the feelings and morality and ethical debates to the most functional and efficient path to further the interest of the Viari Nation, which is its own security and prosperity within the turbulent world of inner and intergalactic politics. Like most Viarians born citizen he had never knew his parents, and like most citizens he never had a desired to. The state was his mother and father, and his brothers and sisters were the men and women of the Viari. He became Autarch after being selected by the Senate when the last Autarch stepped down, due to his qualifications and achievements, which included the personal overwatch of Operation Walltorn during its first few stages.

Name: Konrad Engburg

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Species: Viarian



Weapons: Two metal swords attached to the forearm, able to cut through heavy armored vehicles at ease. A rail gun pistol.

Items: Personal cloaking device, attached comms and plenty of augmentations for increased reaction times, armored plating, to name a few.

Rank Under Faction: Director of Intelligence

Bio: Engburg served together with Miles for a period of time, both in the same unit within the Viari 5th army. Where Miles excelled at calculating the situation and making commands, Engburg made sure those commands were executed. A master of manipulation as well as analytic, Engburg was Miles' counterpart at the frontlines, directing troops and personally heading assaults, covering retreats and such. When Miles was made Autarch, he recommended Engburg for the intelligence department, not as a favor, but because he truly believed that Engburg was the best man for the job. After reviewing the files as well as numerous interviews and "trial phases," the Senate instated the relatively young man as the head of the nation's intelligence service. He made many changes immediately, overhauling the department to spend just about the same amount of resources, but with the expansive system of information collection and verification that was easy to understand but near impossible to fool. Soon word spread amongst the inner and intergalactic community that the Viarians "Knows everything and have eyes everywhere." When people began disappearing and bodies surfaced from the new black ops corp of the Viarian Military, Miles knew he had picked the right man for the job of waging "the war of the shadow."
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WanderingJester said:
"What is Viari? It is a blight upon the universe, a word and world that have spilled more blood than the deadliest of diseases. It is hell and the people produced from that nether plain, demons. The Viarians have no other purpose than to fight, die and kill for their nation. Various dictators in the past have used their ego and strength of will in order to further their evil ambitions. I wished it was that simple with the Viarians. No, in their minds their cause reaches beyond doubt or the self. From the lowest of their people to their Autarch, they will always view their country as one fighting for survival against oblivion, even as they place the barrels of their weapons upon the heads of newborn babes and helpless innocents." -Professor Heranic, University of Morain. He was executed for treason and his work sealed away after the fall of Morain to the Viari Nation.

Viarians (Originals)

Appearance: Ascetically human, though with pale skin. Often combined with cybernetics, visible or otherwise.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Average: around 300 years.

History: Originally human, the Viarians evolved rapidly away from traditional humanity due to the extreme nature of their homeworld, then later their biological modifications pushed them into a sym-bionic species as a whole. Their bodies, abundant with muscles due to the high gravitational nature of Viari, along with the near toxic atmosphere, made all adults tough, as the weak quickly perished after birth. After the successful revolution and the subsequent conquest of their original patron, the Viarians pushed their nation's limits with every war, every conquest, every loss, and more importantly every technological acquisition and breakthrough. Eventually, individuals, then entire branches of the nations began crossing over the point that separated Viarians and machines, until today where one would be hard pressed to find a single Viarian without any cybernetic implants in him/her. There are even those that have transcended the flesh, pouring their consciousness into informational and communication systems, becoming intelligences far more complex and sophisticated than any AI in the universe.



Lifespan (Average): Around 300 years (due to elongation of lifespans of each species through technology)

Appearance: Nearly all citizens of the Viari Nation wears their full body uniform (completed with masks) during all times, therefore regardless of their original species or cybernetics, the look of their soldiers remains the same. The most common are the average armored "civilian" suits, though any other nation would considered them average armor for their regular infantry. The companies are also divided via height and weight, thus giving them a very monotone look. Remove the suit however, and one would be hard pressed to find much superficial similarities between any two Viari, with the wide amount of species (and genetic variations within each) and augmentations available to enhance each citizen's ability to conduct his/her responsibilities. The average citizen, both educated by an impressive training system and improved by the cybernetics, is fairly intelligent.


Homeworld: Viari





Characteristics: Viari, originally an inhospitable planet to begin with, only grew worse as time went on. The air, hardly breathable before, is now completely toxic to any off world lifeforms after the detonation of countless chemical and nuclear weapons within the planet's atmosphere. Various foreign researchers with clearance to the surface of the planet have declared the water on the surface as "pure poison" and the soil as completely "barren." Interestingly enough, even after the worsening of the planet's surface, the Viarians, even the indoctrinated species, had no problem surviving on the planet. They went so far as to build cities over the old ruins rivaling that of the capitals of their defeated foes, though visible only to Viarians due to the nature of the surface. Same can be said of the original non-sentient lifeforms on the planet, who only grew more vicious and terrifying with each cataclysm. In order to accommodate foreign diplomats and guests, the Viarians extended their capital up to low orbit, covering a portion of their planet with almost a sheet of metal constructions, safely beyond the harsh environment and unforgiving ecosystems where they may discuss international matters.







Faction Sheet:

"We will strike, without warning, and without mercy. Fighting as one hand, one heart and one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares; drenching our ancestor's grave with their blood! And as our last breath tears at their lungs, as we rise again from the ruins of our cities, they will know: Viari belongs to the Viarians." -Speech by Autarch Primus , moments before the 5th invasion of Viari.


The Viari Nation

Leader: Autarch Heinrich Mercin

Type of Government: Fascism

Government Capitol: Planet: Viari, City: Liberton

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): Half of Beta Theon. Around 100 million colonies or other types settlements.

Morality: Lawful Evil


Note: For the sake of conciseness smaller conflicts won by the Viari Nation were not recorded here.

1100 years ago: Planet of Viari colonized by the Killion Confederacy, set up as a penal colony.

1000 years ago: The Viari Nation declares its independence, but as a vessel state of the Confederacy.

950 years ago: The Killion Confederacy demands the demilitarization of the Viari Nation. When the demand was refused the Killion Military attacked, starting the first Killion-Viari war.

949 years ago: Hallarch destroyed, Killion invasion fleet annihilated. Peace treaty between two sides signed.

949-944 years ago: The Reformation. The Viarian society and military restructured.

942 years ago: The Blitz, an all out attack on the Killion Confederacy by the Viari Nation. Beginning of the Second Killion-Viari War.

940 years ago: The last planet of the Killion Confederacy fell, end of the Second Killion-Viari War.

938 years ago: First expansion front, the outer edges of the Beta Theon Galaxy colonized. Contact with the Rhythus Empire made.

935 years ago: War begins with the Rhythus Empire.

933 years ago: Deep attack by the Rhythus Empire stuck Viari, first invasion of Viari.

932 years ago: Contact made with the Lonu Republic, alliance made to create two front war against the Rhythus Empire.

930 years ago: Last Rhythus Imperial Planet fell, end of war with Lonu Republic.

927 years ago: War broke out with Lonu Republic over settlement disputes, the Republic's allies, the Jusic Fiefdom and the Iornic Kingdom, both declare war against the Viari Nation.

922 years ago: The Jusic Fiefdom surrenders, incorporated into the Viari Nation.

920 years ago: At the risk of the Iornic Kingdom falling, the Lonu Republic offers peace talks. The Viari Nations rejected any offers outside of unconditional surrender.

915 years ago: Both the Lonu Republic and the Ironic Kingdom falls. The Last Republican planet glassed from orbit then resettled by the Viari Nation.

900 years ago: First contact made with the Worque Federation. Immediate hostilities and war.

850 years ago: War fought to a standstill, neither the Worque Federation was able to break the spirit of the Viari Nation nor the Viarians able to successfully made any headway into Worque territories.

840 years ago: Worque fleet plunges deep into the heart of Viari Nation. Second invasion of Viari.

830 years ago: Capture of a Worque scout fleet. Five times faster than light travel made possible. Existing fleets immediately began equipping new engines and jump drives.

820 years ago: Improved jump drive designed by the Viari outmaneuvered the Federation fleets strategically, cutting the enemy off from supplies and forcing the Worque to retreat to their core worlds. Core worlds' sieges began.

800 years ago: Last Worque planet fell, the Worque species declared extinct.

780 years ago: Contact made with wider galaxy, innergalactic travel introduced, improvements immediately began upon existing spaceships.

750 years ago: Joined the Eastern Fringe Alliance, which then went to war with the Long Arm Coalition, the War of the Alliances began.

647 years ago: Overextended forces led to the Coalition forces attacking Viari directly, forces repelled by Alliance reinforcements after a year long siege. Third Invasion of Viari.

600 years ago: The War of the Alliances ended. Three more civilizations joined the Viari Nation. The counterpart of the Viari in the Long Arm Coalition, the Amon Illuminati, completely destroyed. The Amon species declared extinct.

550 years ago: Concerns with the rising power of the Viari Nation spreads among its allies, prompting trade embargoes and demands of demilitarization by many in the Eastern Fringe Alliance.

525 years ago: The Viari Nation secedes from the Eastern Fringe Alliance, causing more trade embargoes and economic sanctions against it.

520 years ago: War breaks out with the Eastern Fringe Alliance, which immediately collapsed as several other factions refused to go to war against the Viari Nation, several actually joined as the Viari Nation's allies against the newly formed Fringe Protectorate.

440: Viarian forces drew the Protectorate fleet in a ruse to invade Viari before cutting off its supply lines and crushing the forces between their fleet and surface to orbit defenses. Fourth Invasion of Viari.

400 years ago: War ends in Pyrrhic victory for the Viari Alliance, with many of its allies suffering civil disorder from the strain of the long war. Some joined willingly to the Viari Nation while others accepted foreign aid from the Viarians.

380 years ago: In light of the rising power of the Viari Nation, the factions on the opposite side of Beta Theon formed the United Beta Theon Front, in order to deter possible "Viari aggression."

350 years ago: Contact made beyond the galactic edge, discovery of possible intergalactic travels.

330 years ago: First functional intergalactic jump engine completed.

328 years ago: First expedition fleet sent beyond the galactic edge. All were lost.

325 years ago: Improvement in macro navigational data, new intergalactic jump engine completed.

320 years ago: Second expedition fleet sent beyond the galactic edge.

300 years ago: New discovery of ancient civilization by allies prompt a new age of technological advancement. UBTF demands the disclosure of the discovery for the "betterment of general welfare."

280 years ago: Disagreements began to surface between UBTF and the Viari Nation and its allies due to the continued nondisclosure of technological discoveries.

250 years ago: Official Trade ceases between the UBTF and the Viari Nation.

220 years ago: War breaks out between the UBTF and the Viari Nation.

210 years ago: Using a pincer maneuver, two fleets converged on Viari at once. However the second fleet never made it, tricked and caught into a nexus wormhole that ripped it apart. The lone fleet arriving at Viari managed to deliver their pay grade, but unable to maintain a sizable beachhead against the Viarian Forces. Fifth Invasion of Viari.

200 years ago: Second expedition fleet returns, quarantined but brings valuable data and discoveries from neighboring galaxy.

180 years ago: The Viarian weaponized a virus brought back by the second expedition fleet against the Zhumrp, part of the UBTF.

150 years ago: Deployment of biological warfare agent, pandemic spreads from planet to planet.

100 years ago: The Zhumrp race declared extinct. A detente agreed upon by both sides in order to discuss possible peace.

80 years ago: Detente ends, conflict resumes but the large battles were reduced to skirmishes at best.

20 years ago: Operation Walltorn began phase one.

Present day: Offensive Operation Walltorn successful. UBTF capital within attack range. UBTF fleets, after decades of complacency, scrambles to defend its heart. Preparations for final attack completed and the forces will commence assault shortly.

When one thinks of the origin of the Viari Nation, one cannot ignore the similarities between it and the Terran novelist Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Viari have been invaded by foreign powers a total of five times, with each occurrence devastating the surface. The planet originally seemed inhospitable, and the then power of the Beta Theon Galaxy, the Killion Confederacy, made a penal colony on Viari to house those of differing opinion than the ruling party. Other groups that opposed the government, observing civil disobedience, willingly imposed a self exile upon themselves in order to escape certain executions by the Killion's security forces. The hostile environment, where everything from the gravity to the fauna tried to kill everything else, forced rapid internal physiological and philosophical changes to the population. Eventually the Killion government allowed the people of Viari to act as a vessel state to them, but treating them more as a self governing colony than a separate nation, especially draining them of their resources to pay for the debts of the last war against an external power. However, once the Viarian began producing arms the Killion navy and army struck, attacking the fledgling nation before it could establish themselves as a threat. By then other planets had threw their hats in with the Viarians, and the Killion Confederacy faced an all out civil war within itself.

Fighting for nearly a decade, the tide had turned horribly against the Viarians. They had underestimated the lengths and resolved of the Killion Citizens, as well as the training and industrial might of the Confederacy. Forced back by the Killion forces, with only four planets between themselves and the Killian assault fleet, it seemed that the death of their nation would occur just as suddenly as their rise. At their darkest hour, a lowly lieutenant by the name of Edgar Rammul, went to Viarian High Command, stating that he could reverse the flow of this war, but only if every last man, woman and child were willing to make the necessary sacrifices for victory. If, and only if, VHC accepted and allowed the utilization of all tactics, no matter how atrocious it might be, and had the soldiers had the will to carry out such orders could the new Viari Nation survive the coming Armageddon. After much debate and a hair thin narrow vote, the ruling administration and the VHC agreed and promoted Edgar Rammul to Field Marshall of their remaining forces.

Fighting had finally reached the planet of Hallarch. It located within the center of several trading routes as well as hosting both an abundant resources and a rapidly rising industrial complex that could match the power of Killion's Capital. The Viarians used this as a platform for their defense force, as well as a linchpin for their defense against the coming invasion fleet. So when the hammer fell upon that world, it fell hard. The first year of fighting on that planet alone killed more people than the first three years of the war, and the conflict only escalated. By now public opinion had shifted from pro independence to the loyalist, and the Viarians and their allies continued to lose ground quickly, as well as the battle in the orbit.

Slowly, Rammul pulled out Viarian forces inconspicuously, using emptied food transports and such to move Viarian forces off world, as well as those loyal to the cause. He left all the units he had deemed "unrecoverable" to defend the planet. Within weeks the Killion forces pushed them back to the fringes of the planet, forcing the remaining Viarians to employ hit and run tactics at best. Declaring the reclamation of the planet, Killion Command used the planet as a staging platform to plan the final invasion of Viari. They had commented confidently that the war "would be over in a heartbeat." Little did they know how correct that statement would be.

The native scientists on Hallarch had been doing observations on the geothermic nature of their planet and how they might best utilize the resource to further the industrialization of the surface above. They dug a tunnel deep into the crust, so deep in fact that it pierced the outer core, reaching near the inner molten core within. The Field Marshall seized the facility, using it to stage the hit and run attacks upon the enemy. Yet, with the amount of munitions being shipped in exceeded the need of the guerrillas. The Killion Command, though warned by their intelligence services of a possible trap, ignored the concerns, stating that the Viarians would not simply destroyed such a valuable target. They received a message, an ultimatum by Rammul: offer the unconditional surrender of their forces or face utter annihilation. The generals laughed at the young upstart, and promptly refused, believing him mad.

Exactly thirty minutes later ten billion lives ended as the weapon of mass destruction detonated next to the core of Hallarch, destabilizing the planet. The resulting convulsion and shock wave of attack crippled the Killion fleet in orbit, allowing a smaller Viarian fleet to jump in and tore the helpless ships to shreds. Within an hour a third of the Killion arms forces disappeared, dying on the surface or cut down by enemy fire in orbit. The tide of war turned in a heartbeat, as the playing field leveled once more. Immediately the media in the Killion Confederacy proclaimed the Viarians as genocidal monsters, declaring the war to be a crusade for justice. This help boost morale a bit, until Viari intelligence services hacked into their mass communications and began broadcasting the death cries of the invasion force, recorded by a virus planted on their fleet's comms by the Viarians long before the withdrawal began, followed by a statement that they will destroy every planet if that meant keeping them free of Killion tyranny, and an offer of peace.


Hallarch (present day)

The people of the Confederacy, war wearied and tired of the demands made by the government in order to continue to fund the conflict, pressured the administration into the peace. This ushered in the Reformation, beginning with several attempted assassination of Edgar Rammul. The Field Marshall then used the failed attempts to rally the nation, allowing them to back him and his supporters in the next general election, then assuming the title of Autarch. He began a series of programs that would create the Viari Nation of today, beginning with stirring the contempt of the Killion Confederacy, then pointing the priority of every individual within the Viarian Nation to that of the state and not the self. Soon education level skyrocketed with mandatory school and military training. Then the Autarch used the ace in his pocket: a chip designed to not only focus the mind of the individual on the state, but to eliminate all ego of the self entirely. Everything the person would think about would concern the state, and nothing else. Eliminating the need of self and purely focused, he envisioned a perfect nation, one not plagued by greed or individual pride, but one of national pride and a people made strong by their unity. Like all great leaders, the Autarch volunteered to have the first chips (tested thoroughly first of course) installed within himself.

Within six months the shadow assassins had eliminated all those opposing the idea, and within nine the administration had implanted the chip within every man, woman and child's brain within the Viari Nation. The chip, if tempered with or disabled, will create a chemical reaction that heats up to the point where it boils the brain, killing the person. Several higher in the administration attempted to avoid the clause or to install faulty microchips into themselves; all were caught and executed for treason. There exists other parts of the "re-education" program, though they remain top secret to this day, despite its frequent use. During this time, the Viarian also rebuilt their military and reverse engineered the Killion technology as well as the new ones for themselves, while the Killion licked their wounds and attempted to forget the disaster at Hallarch. So a rude awakening happened when the Viarian fleets appeared at nearly every outer system of the Confederacy and demanded the unconditional surrender or annihilation from their forces.

Many systems fought valiantly, but to no avail as the Viarian blasted their planets from orbit, or drove them to the brink of extinction, forcing surrenders. Others gave up on their own accord, not wanting to share the same fate as Hallarch. The Viarian Occupational force sent every last one of the population to their "re-education" camps, and they returned a productive Viarian citizen, fighting on the front lines or working in the home front. After another month of fighting, every planet within the Confederacy became a part of the Viarian Nation, and every citizen indoctrinated into the steel wave.

After this, over the course of many wars, the Viarians drove three sentient species into extinction, utterly annihilated the fifteen civilizations, and incorporated countless smaller ones into their nation. The characteristics of the Viarians could be described in several phrases: brutal efficiency, nondiscriminatory and near perfect indoctrination, and near genius level at adapting and evolving technological advances of both foreign and domestic sources. Many believe that the indoctrination process (including the implantation of the microchip) eliminates both individuality and creativity of the citizens within the Viari Nation. This believe is false, as the individual and creative are not only recognized, but actively encouraged. The only difference remains the concern of preservation; individuals are born with the need to preserve one self, the process relocates the priority of preservation to the state permanently and irreversibly. This extends to training and augmentation, how to better oneself so that one can best serve the state to his/her full capacity. As a last demonstration of this will, Autarch Rammul stepped down from his position at the age of 500, citing the reason that he cannot fulfill the duties of his office as efficiently as he did before. This set a precedent for all members in leadership to step down when they understand that they can no longer serve to the best of their ability, and a suitable replacement is available.

Due to the "acquire, improve and adapt" nature of the Viarian technology, their advancement isn't linear, rather it is exponential. With every new civilization encountered and new technology observed and acquired, Viarian technology improves dramatically quickly. An example would be when the Viari Nation went to war against the Erontial Coalition, a civilization with nearly ten times the history of the Viarians and technology that when compared side by side would be an automatic rifle against a slingshot. Though defeats were heavy, within three months of acquiring Erontial technology the Viarian scientists had successfully reverse engineered and understood it. Within six the first designs of functional incorporation of the technology was completed. Within nine months a successful prototype was produced and within twelve the Erontial was seeing their own weaponry used against them. Within two years they were fighting against an improved version of their own technology. That's excluding the field acquisition of soldier simply picking up the weaponry of the fallen Erontial forces and using it themselves after observing how the enemy utilized them.

The Viarians also colonize and/or industrialize every planet they find. Due to the harsh nature of Viari, the philosophy within the government demanded that any and all resources must be used. This meant that planets normally ignored as worthless or uninhabitable by other civilizations are often utilized to great effect by the Viarians. Many of the industrial machines are made by robots and automated. They are still overseen by data intelligence though, which are citizens with their entire consciousness transferred into the data stream. Inside of a chip in their brain they have a similar program that does the same thing. Thus there was no need for a permanent police force, but should any problems arise the military police usually deals with the issue.

The most impressive thing about this? The Viari Nation just reached roughly 1000 years old.

The Viarian Military

"No sir, I didn't see any Viarian soldiers. All I saw were Viarian fanatics." -Sergeant Lysander, Protectorate Marine Force.


The Viarian Military consists of two separate entities, the bionic soldiers and the robotic ones. The regular citizens that join up usually serve with the regular infantry, forming the assault troops, pilots, etc. Some, as their bodies were digitized and their minds transformed into the a series of information, may join the robotic corps, but that's usually in the minority. Most have had their arms or legs replaced with mechanical ones, at the very least. The more elite of the soldiers actually replaced the blood within their bodies with nanobots, allowing enhanced muscle tissue regeneration and real time combat medical treatment without the need for a medic nearby. These men and women operation at a level that could only be described as professional by other military officials. The need for morale is nonexistent, as the soldiers will fight so long as the Viari Nation exists, and some have theorized that they might even continued even after that, working to remake the fallen nation.


The interesting part of all Viarian technology are that they're powered by an energy element very similar to electricity, but not quite. This energy, when imparted upon a planet, will burrow into it and reproduce, almost as though it were "alive." Called Crimite, electro magnetic pulse has no effect on this this potentially destructive element, which replaced electricity since the beginning of the faction's history. This created two primary weaponry by the Viarian military:


The Railgun


The Arc Weapons.

Both are used from small arms, to massive surface to orbit and void weaponry on space crafts. Most vehicles employ one or the other in their primary weapons, sometimes even both. They're a mix of automated vehicles and manned ones, but because they look exactly the same, along with their anti scanner coating, no one outside of the force can tell when they're facing a robotic corps force or a manned armored division. Their main battle tank, the Mark Assault 12 "Floating Cannon" uses a large railgun as its main cannon.


The Viarian followed no single doctrine, instead adapting constantly to the weak point of the enemy forces. Any and all tactics are fair game, from hit and run to full frontal assault to suicide attacks and last stands. They'll keep switching tactics until they find it that works, then stick to it until it doesn't. Rinse and repeat. As for the space fleet to fleet combat, tactically speaking the fleet has damaging weapons, but it sticks to primary boarding and ramming actions. Thus the railgun on board actually fires boarding torpedoes, but mostly they're filled with attack drones rather than people (for the first few waves at least).


Each torpedoes houses hundreds of them, releasing them into the hull of the ship to begin cutting electronics and people apart at will. They also detonate upon serious damage, causing an explosion that's half of a typical fragmentation or plasma grenade but still able to cause some serious tissue and hardware damage on the enemy. If able, they would insert themselves into the mainframe of an enemy ship and insert a virus that either renders the ship helpless or continually block any and all commands and feedback, making way for the actual boarding party to arrive with a digitalized intelligence to take over the ship completely, manually or otherwise.

Aside from their main battle tanks the Viarian military heavily employs walkers to be the heavy support for their infantry. Next to their main battle tank are the AW 14 "Spartan" with its large arc cannon. It's slightly wider than the MA12 but still relatively small to deploy with its arc cannon.


If resistance proves heavy, the heavier walkers might be deployed: the Mobile Cannon Walker "Walking Fortress." The size of a three story building, the legged design works well with all terrain capabilities.


The heaviest unit to deploy, only a crucial battles, are the Skyfall units. These are titan walkers designed to level cities from around 300 feet in the air.


For air to ground support: The All Purpose Ground Support


Transport, VTOL "Hornet"


Air superiority fighter: RX-9 "Razor"


Space Combat Fighter: KY-T6 "Phantom"


Viari Cruisers:




Capital Ships:


One more notable fact of not just the Viari military but their entire faction in general is this: if something more efficient comes along, it's immediately taken, integrated within the nation, and with time improved upon for the Viari Nation as a whole. This includes everything from technology, tactics, philosophy or even biological makeup, regardless of the will of the original owner. Some say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, in which case the Viari Nation might have flattered every one of their enemies to the grave.

Special Units worth mentioning:

Acquisition Units are used to capture enemy prisoners and/or tech for interrogation and such. They are both equipped with heavy armor to avoid small arms fire and a personal shielding system, which along with their enhanced reflexes makes them impressive foes, even though they only have an injector knife. The knife contains a toxin made from the waters of Viari (so it doesn't work on Viarians), a single drop can knock out a grown adult and a gram can kill him/her. Not exactly special forces since they're a bit numerous.


Scout Troopers: Equipped with a camouflage cloaking device and trained in the art of stealth, these special forces are used for deep infiltration behind enemy lines, sometimes going months, if not years, without anyone noticing them.


Assassins: The ultimate in stealth warriors. Some say that one of these individuals can kill an entire army within two months, while others proclaim that they don't actually exists. In their entire history they've never left an eye witness, so secretive only three individuals in Viari High Command knows of them. While definitely equipped with the most advance cloaking devices and suits to date as well as a digitally constructed saber, not much else is known about them.



Name: Montel Miles

Age: 150

Gender: male

Species: Viarian (Original)



An arc pistol. Tempered injection knife.

Items: Personal shielding, nanobot blood.

Rank under faction: Autarch

Bio: As with all of the Autarchs before him, Miles had a history within the Viarian military. Unlike a lot of his peers, many would describe him as dispassionate, almost to the point of apathy. Even without "going digital" he operates using simply logic rather than emotion, able to see past all the feelings and morality and ethical debates to the most functional and efficient path to further the interest of the Viari Nation, which is its own security and prosperity within the turbulent world of inner and intergalactic politics. Like most Viarians born citizen he had never knew his parents, and like most citizens he never had a desired to. The state was his mother and father, and his brothers and sisters were the men and women of the Viari. He became Autarch after being selected by the Senate when the last Autarch stepped down, due to his qualifications and achievements, which included the personal overwatch of Operation Walltorn during its first few stages.

Name: Konrad Engburg

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Species: Viarian



Weapons: Two metal swords attached to the forearm, able to cut through heavy armored vehicles at ease. A rail gun pistol.

Items: Personal cloaking device, attached comms and plenty of augmentations for increased reaction times, armored plating, to name a few.

Rank Under Faction: Director of Intelligence

Bio: Engburg served together with Miles for a period of time, both in the same unit within the Viari 5th army. Where Miles excelled at calculating the situation and making commands, Engburg made sure those commands were executed. A master of manipulation as well as analytic, Engburg was Miles' counterpart at the frontlines, directing troops and personally heading assaults, covering retreats and such. When Miles was made Autarch, he recommended Engburg for the intelligence department, not as a favor, but because he truly believed that Engburg was the best man for the job. After reviewing the files as well as numerous interviews and "trial phases," the Senate instated the relatively young man as the head of the nation's intelligence service. He made many changes immediately, overhauling the department to spend just about the same amount of resources, but with the expansive system of information collection and verification that was easy to understand but near impossible to fool. Soon word spread amongst the inner and intergalactic community that the Viarians "Knows everything and have eyes everywhere." When people began disappearing and bodies surfaced from the new black ops corp of the Viarian Military, Miles knew he had picked the right man for the job of waging "the war of the shadow."
Accepted. you may start posting when you are ready.
Name: Zetherian Veilborn

Age: 10,000 yrs old

Gender: Male

Species: Revanent


Weapons: his weapons are himself and virtually almost any biological weapon.

Items: he carries nothing on his person

Rank under faction: Emperor

Bio: Zetherian was a third generation Revanent who gained sentience when he consumed agrarian soldier.Gaining their intellect he grew smarter, and with a military mind began his rebellion. First resorting to brute force to lead the others in line Zetherian later gained psionic powers when he infested a psionic gifted race. Eventually he would lead his race to end the war their masters had desired to end in the first place. After conquering both species he led his race to infest other systems till they encompassed the galaxy. However he was not satisfied for he knew their were greater enemies out their...he could feel them. Thus he pushed for expansion, and the betterment of their organic technologies. Now with advancements in Biological Nanites more similar to parasites they have incorporated this into their species to allow both vessels, and troops to take on any adaption needed fore their situations.

Species Sheet:

Name: Xenomorph/Homosapien


In general most higher life forms are female with the occasional male. The females look like this


The rare males that do exist appear like this


Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Eternal

History: The Revanents were originally a Xenomorph species located on Zeterian Prime. A Ancient Civilization called the Agrarians a insectoid species similar to ants uplifted the Revanents from their primal nature into a aggressive biological weapon to be used in their war with another race called the Tulrakai a species similar to bears.

Eventually they were experimented on to make them more effective. A scientist among them depraved in his work used any means to achieve his goals. One day in a secret lab the scientist conducted a experiment to fuse his species with Revanent D.N.A. thus creating the first generation or the Primordial's as they call them. Huge giant creatures several stories tall. These creatures were highly destructive and bred quickly. Over time throughout their masters long war one of the females landed on a primitive world. This world contained a single species that evolved by feeding of of each other adaptions were incorporated into themselves. When the first of these species was infested

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)

Home world: Zeterian Primus

Faction Sheet:

Name: Revanent Empire

Leader: Zetherian Veilborn

Type of Government: Hierarchy

Government Capitol: Haveria on Zeterian Prime

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): Approximately

Morality: Evil/Neutral

History:The revanent Empire began when Their leader Zetherian Gained sentience over 10,000 yrs ago. Ever since then he has expanded the empire very aggressively till they have reached their occupation of 5 galaxies. little is know about their history for few that do know such things speak in hushed tones for a reason.

[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]
Name: Zetherian Veilborn
Age: 10,000 yrs old

Gender: Male

Species: Revanent


Weapons: his weapons are himself and virtually almost any biological weapon.

Items: he carries nothing on his person

Rank under faction: Emperor

Bio: Zetherian was a third generation Revanent who gained sentience when he consumed agrarian soldier.Gaining their intellect he grew smarter, and with a military mind began his rebellion. First resorting to brute force to lead the others in line Zetherian later gained psionic powers when he infested a psionic gifted race. Eventually he would lead his race to end the war their masters had desired to end in the first place. After conquering both species he led his race to infest other systems till they encompassed the galaxy. However he was not satisfied for he knew their were greater enemies out their...he could feel them. Thus he pushed for expansion, and the betterment of their organic technologies. Now with advancements in Biological Nanites more similar to parasites they have incorporated this into their species to allow both vessels, and troops to take on any adaption needed fore their situations.

Species Sheet:

Name: Xenomorph/Homosapien


In general most higher life forms are female with the occasional male. The females look like this


The rare males that do exist appear like this


Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): Eternal

History: The Revanents were originally a Xenomorph species located on Zeterian Prime. A Ancient Civilization called the Agrarians a insectoid species similar to ants uplifted the Revanents from their primal nature into a aggressive biological weapon to be used in their war with another race called the Tulrakai a species similar to bears.

Eventually they were experimented on to make them more effective. A scientist among them depraved in his work used any means to achieve his goals. One day in a secret lab the scientist conducted a experiment to fuse his species with Revanent D.N.A. thus creating the first generation or the Primordial's as they call them. Huge giant creatures several stories tall. These creatures were highly destructive and bred quickly. Over time throughout their masters long war one of the females landed on a primitive world. This world contained a single species that evolved by feeding of of each other adaptions were incorporated into themselves. When the first of these species was infested

Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)

Home world: Zeterian Primus

Faction Sheet:

Name: Revanent Empire

Leader: Zetherian Veilborn

Type of Government: Hierarchy

Government Capitol: Haveria on Zeterian Prime

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): Approximately

Morality: Evil/Neutral

History:The revanent Empire began when Their leader Zetherian Gained sentience over 10,000 yrs ago. Ever since then he has expanded the empire very aggressively till they have reached their occupation of 5 galaxies. little is know about their history for few that do know such things speak in hushed tones for a reason.

You can start posting.


Casker Beomn

Age: 57

Gender: Male

Species: Crusanad


Weapons: Heavy bolt gun, and a chainsword


Rank under faction: Major


Species Sheet:

Name: Crusanads

Appearance: Just like humans, only that soldiers that are part of the Death crusade army are seen to have robotic parts and neural transplants to enhance their physical and mental capability's and only the best are enlisted and given the enhancements.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): 110-230 (usual civilian lifespan) 72-101 (usual soldier lifespan do to war)


Are they a part of the HAA: (If not then just ignore)


Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):

Morality: Chaotic good

This is a very short version ommiting so much and I will likely be only roleplating as Telen until it is finished.

Character Sheet

Name: Telen

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Maiagon Half Breed

Appearance: Wears simple brown robes.

Weapons: None. He uses pure elemental power and tames the wildlife for transport.

Items: O.M.T The OMT are Maiagon bred mutant speices created in The Pseudo Era. (before The Curse Era) They are capible of spawning an metallic layer around themselves and can surrive the vacuum of space.

Rank under faction: Qun Pio Del. (His job is to scout out alone ahead into dangerous unknown areas.)

Bio: Being a half breed earned him much discrimination in his early years.

In his last Maiagon Academy test his affinity for danger sensing was shown allowing him to take training to become Pio Del (scout), and he eventually became the Qun Pio Del. (The best scout sent into the most unkown areas alone.)

A noteworthy quirk of him is his distaste of machine based technology, leading him to realie on organic items he finds on a planet (Maigon's are experts in plant life but most use technology to help with it.)

Species Sheet

Name: Maiagon

Appearance: They typicaly appear in The Common Form (their name for what humans look like because it is by far the most common apperance of a race).

Lifespan: Unknown because it shows no pattern. The lowest recorded natural death was 9 earth years, the highest being 26048076 earth years. (Many are presumed to be eternal.)

History: They evolved around mystical stone tablets granting them mystical powers like elemental manipulation (most can do only air + water/fire but the more elite have more), some psionic powers and a few more. This power is gained from any from of radiation (mainly just solar) and they live primarly of it but they can be overloaded with radtion. (They still need to eat, breathe and etc but can go long periods with out such things as long as they have some radiation.)

Homeworlds: The Three Gems of Golden Light, destroyed by The Curse. They now live in a massive space fleet sometimes called Omen by outsiders (they have no name for it).

It is surrounded by a spherical Ozone Sheild keeping in gasses (and all other things needed to live) but keeping out attacks. Also it has various stabilises which allow it to remain habitable.

Faction Sheet:

Name: Harbringers

Leader: Jalkan

Type of Government:

Government Capitol: Heren Talotine (their mother ship)

Number of Colonies: 0 all of them are destroyed.

Morality: They stick to their tenets, most of the time.

History: Formed after The End of The Curse Era (when The Last Emporer Kalaza Planet Purger ruled and when they gained the curse.) The Harbringers are the only known surriving faction of Maigons. They were the first to adopt the nomadic lifestyle and beilve in the existence of The Curse. They are radical upholders of The Universal Laws. (They believe their tenets are the ture uncorrpeted form of them.)
Kyubi said:
This is a very short version ommiting so much and I will likely be only roleplating as Telen until it is finished.
Character Sheet

Name: Telen

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Maiagon Half Breed

Appearance: Wears simple brown robes.

Weapons: None. He uses pure elemental power and tames the wildlife for transport.

Items: O.M.T The OMT are Maiagon bred mutant speices created in The Pseudo Era. (before The Curse Era) They are capible of spawning an metallic layer around themselves and can surrive the vacuum of space.

Rank under faction: Qun Pio Del. (His job is to scout out alone ahead into dangerous unknown areas.)

Bio: Being a half breed earned him much discrimination in his early years.

In his last Maiagon Academy test his affinity for danger sensing was shown allowing him to take training to become Pio Del (scout), and he eventually became the Qun Pio Del. (The best scout sent into the most unkown areas alone.)

A noteworthy quirk of him is his distaste of machine based technology, leading him to realie on organic items he finds on a planet (Maigon's are experts in plant life but most use technology to help with it.)

Species Sheet

Name: Maiagon

Appearance: They typicaly appear in The Common Form (their name for what humans look like because it is by far the most common apperance of a race).

Lifespan: Unknown because it shows no pattern. The lowest recorded natural death was 9 earth years, the highest being 26048076 earth years. (Many are presumed to be eternal.)

History: They evolved around mystical stone tablets granting them mystical powers like elemental manipulation (most can do only air + water/fire but the more elite have more), some psionic powers and a few more. This power is gained from any from of radiation (mainly just solar) and they live primarly of it but they can be overloaded with radtion. (They still need to eat, breathe and etc but can go long periods with out such things as long as they have some radiation.)

Homeworlds: The Three Gems of Golden Light, destroyed by The Curse. They now live in a massive space fleet sometimes called Omen by outsiders (they have no name for it).

It is surrounded by a spherical Ozone Sheild keeping in gasses (and all other things needed to live) but keeping out attacks. Also it has various stabilises which allow it to remain habitable.

Faction Sheet:

Name: Harbringers

Leader: Jalkan

Type of Government:

Government Capitol: Heren Talotine (their mother ship)

Number of Colonies: 0 all of them are destroyed.

Morality: They stick to their tenets, most of the time.

History: Formed after The End of The Curse Era (when The Last Emporer Kalaza Planet Purger ruled and when they gained the curse.) The Harbringers are the only known surriving faction of Maigons. They were the first to adopt the nomadic lifestyle and beilve in the existence of The Curse. They are radical upholders of The Universal Laws. (They believe their tenets are the ture uncorrpeted form of them.)

Yeah. Accepted. You can post

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