[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Hmmmm... that 5OD character intrigues me...

Couldn't a sidereal help us determine what happens to the soul of a ghost that has been destroyed by the Bloom ?
I doubt he could do it without but it's worth a shot... but those damn stolen notes probably could tell us.
You could get the Sidereal to steal the notes and give them to Siham, then he could figure it out. Alternately, get the ghosts of serial murderers and other really evil people, and let me experiment on them. :D
The sidereal or I guess anyone with Sorcerer's sight would have to be a part of the experiments.

I don't know if Sorcerer's sight allows to see where the souls go when people die, but I guess since souls are made of essence and they get in and out of the body with the first and last breath, looking at a ghost being torn apart by the Bloom with the sight on could reveal what happens to the soul.

The results could turn out like this

- so what did you see ?

- hmm hmm... so I've got good news, the ghost is definitely gone for good, but I've also got bad news... so is the soul.



Malek will probably object to such experiments, wether the ghost is a real scumbag or not, the soul itself is kind of sacred... you don't want to be experimenting on souls, that tends to turn you into a bad guy, and even Fangs' & Malek could agree on the necessity of putting you down then. :D

We're still stuck with plan A -> steal the Ring & trade them for the Notes if we want to take the "cautious good guy" road, and I'm guessing that Agatha was not the kind of chick to go down that one...
Wait, we might not even need to go through all that. Siham just needs get Evidence Discerning Method to construct a psychological profile of Agatha and use that to figure out if she would allow the soul to be destroyed via the Bloom.

Granted, while any of our Solars could do that, Siham might be the best bet, considering how he has an... insider's perspective, so to speak.

You know already that Agatha wouldn't hesitate of she was convinced that it was for some greater good.

This does not mean that the Bloom automatically destroys souls.
Feantari said:
I'm most worried about this whole someone keeps tipping off the wyld hunt thing honestly....
It's a more short term problem.

The risks of using the Bloom are more middle to long term...

But for now yeah, finding out how the Hunt finds us is a good objective as well as stopping those bastards who hurt the lovely HAM along with killing the Legion, retrieving the Ring and the other usual matters.
@Kacie I thought Mirror was using the blue jade short powerbow pseudo earmarked for argis from agatha's manse loot pile?
We had agreed on that, but before it could be retrieved the whole scene with Keyneya went down, and after that there was definitely no borrowing from the arsenal.

In the end, I'd rather get Barek's/Mirror's bow back. If even the Deathlords aren't handing out 2-dot soulsteel artifacts lightly, then that places a greater emphasis on getting back Your Stuff and Your Grave-goods. Having the old bow back would probably feel right in a way no other bow would. It might go so far as to say once you've personally attuned to a weapon, you imprint some of yourself into it, and so forth. Anyway, that seems to be the feel Xarvh is aiming for, in which case, random powerbow isn't a substitute for the original.

The other upshot of this - those jade artifacts are worth a hell of a lot more than was originally thought, and even the standard jade shortsword is well-neigh irreplaceable -- then trading any of them to Tirana is a grossly lopsided deal. Not to mention arming your neighbor who is thinking of getting rid of you anyway.
Yeah, we expected artifacts to be somewhat spare and much to work for. We're sort of silly for not having used the resources better by now.

Oh, other things... Medicine charms, should I just have Argis head that route? He probably needs to pursue some path or another of getting a functional second arm. Crane style with only one is kinda weird...
Kacie said:
We had agreed on that, but before it could be retrieved the whole scene with Keyneya went down, and after that there was definitely no borrowing from the arsenal.
In the end, I'd rather get Barek's/Mirror's bow back. If even the Deathlords aren't handing out 2-dot soulsteel artifacts lightly, then that places a greater emphasis on getting back Your Stuff and Your Grave-goods. Having the old bow back would probably feel right in a way no other bow would. It might go so far as to say once you've personally attuned to a weapon, you imprint some of yourself into it, and so forth. Anyway, that seems to be the feel Xarvh is aiming for, in which case, random powerbow isn't a substitute for the original.

The other upshot of this - those jade artifacts are worth a hell of a lot more than was originally thought, and even the standard jade shortsword is well-neigh irreplaceable -- then trading any of them to Tirana is a grossly lopsided deal. Not to mention arming your neighbor who is thinking of getting rid of you anyway.
You could also avoid getting weapons made of agonizing souls and steel, that could help with your karma thing :tongue:

Your armor is an obligation if you want to survive around lands infected by the Bloom as long as we haven't found out a way to make it go dormant even if you're exposed.

Oooooooooooh I KNOW !!!

Siham and Kalak must work on a pill to temporarily counteract the effect of the Bloom, we're going to make a freaking fortune off the Deathknights backs ! :D

JayTee said:
The Ring of Non, currently worn by Mask's Knight, permanent resident in the Juggernaut, the soulsteel equivalent to the Ring of Being (currently worn by Malek), the only thing that blocks the Bloom when your dead, or half dead.

I thought about having Malek get it for Mirror instead of trading it to the Widow for the Notes at one point, but that was before she said she wanted to kill Dragon Kings, became possessed by the NB and broke a Primordial.

He could still trade it for the safety of Ankss... but Mirror knows where it's at, and Malek doesn't.

And that sucks for the Dragon Kings of Ankss :D
Oh, what if the Ring of Non works exactly like the Ring of Being ?

Then powers not from the Underworld won't work against the one wearing it... that would make an abyssal or a Deathlord practically invincible...
Fear not mate, physical attacks still work just fine :)

But yes, my shiny trinket often makes me giggle like a 4yo holding a golden ticket offering unlimited access to Disneyland.

I guess the wielder of the Ring of Non must be doing the same, but you know, with more black / death / cruelty.
Okay, the party started tonight. Is there anyway for me to get description of the warehouse? Or is it somewhere else with a different post already?

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