[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@xarvh : Totally fine. I was surprised by the ruling on no exp-buying of a bow, due to how the conversation went with the Lord of Thorns. Then I phrased my question poorly. (And cross-posting happened.)

Regarding initiations into Necromancy, do you prefer to treat that as a scene or as a Project?
Mirror stated that she can't use a normal bow because she's too strong, so Lord Ebon tells Amil to teach her archery up to the point where she can use a mundane bow without breaking it.

Yes, he was insulting you.
xarvh said:
Arynne, if you switch to some other improbable language, I swear, the Dragon Kings will start to speak Italian with a Don Corleone accent.
Given the whole "here's his head in a box, bee-yotches, so don't fuck with us" thing, that's not too far-fetched. ;)
@Kacie: why do you need to spend 1m at all? oO

Also, thanks to Infinite, your attack/defense pool goes up from 6 to 9.

If you want, you can spend XPs to rise War.

Anyway, Fangs and Mirror can declare their attacks.
The 1m is in case the Melee excellency isn't directly applicable - the 1m would switch it to "war" excellency (thanks to the charm I have).

I'm only good with the personal combat mechanics - I've never been in War actions beyond coordinating attacks. This scene is me getting to learn Mass Combat.

Also - regarding the end of Path of Pain -- *now* I understand why the ghost was nervous! I kinda got she was being insulted, but I thought she was getting a bow out of it as well as training, so figured she could take the insult and still act as she did.

Doesn't matter - in fact, if the Lord thinks she's stupid, so much the better.
Ok, waiting for @Norts to post in Ripping Roots.

I was considering a Scene in Cross with Argis, Kalak, 5OD and Flicker where they can discuss IC their next moves before we close the Chapter.

I think it sounds like a good idea; hopefully nobody in the militia has gotten lazy in Flicker's absence and she will not need to eat them, that would make a very awkward prelude. ;)

Not to mention making her look a bit of a hypocrite.
Okay - looking at the mass combat house rules, and have a few more questions.

The Solo Unit is presented as thus:

== Solo Unit ==
* Have always Magnitude 0.

* Have all "SA:" values at 0.

* Have Drill equal to their War.

* Can use Strength rather than Charisma for the base damage.

And this covers soak, armor, and health levels in terms of SA:

* Armor = SA:Armor

* Soak = Drill (instead of Stamina)

* Health Levels per dot of Magnitude = SA:HLs + SA:Valor

(SA:HLs considers all -0, -1 and -2 levels)
Xarvh, these are the initial stats (not counting charms we pulled up)

I'll stat things out for you:
Since you are commanding no troops, this is the "weapon" you are considered wielding:

Speed: 3

Acc, Def: +0

Dam: +0L

Rate (= War) 4 (Mirror), 1 (Fangs)


Attack/Defense Pool: Wits + War = 6 (DV 3)

Damage (= Strength) 7L


Attack/Defense Pool: Wits + War = 3 (DV 2)

Damage (= Charisma) 3L

1) How many HL do we have? The equation is Magnitude*(SA: HL + SA: Valor), and it's stated that for solo units, SA = 0 for all stats. That implies we have 0 HL, and thus if we are touched, we go down immediately.

Is this correct? First that we have no HL, and second that if we are ever successfully hit, we go down immediately?

2) After the basic charm stuff, including the Dusk anima and Inf Mastery, Mirror's stats look like:

Attack: 6 (+3), Defense DV 3 + 3 (anima stuff) +3d= DV 6 +3d, (3d from Inf Mastery)

3) You have declared that all charms that are Martial & Martial-Ready are applicable -- does this also include all Melee charms? Mainly, can I use Iron Whirlwind and attack 6 times? (This one seems important to clarify.)

EDIT -- I ask about Melee charms because they don't have Martial or Martial-Ready. I'm guessing because they're already considered "Martial" by the book?

Thanks, sorry for the questions.
First I'm answering to your edit above, that I saw now.

Necromantic initiation will likely be normal IC stuff.


1) I have been unclear in the Mass Combat.

My bad.

You have your normal HLs, but you can't take advantage of neither personal armor neither weapons.

The idea is that in Mass Combat if you are alone armor is not enough.

I will fix the text.

This means that Fangs can't exploit the 'strider armour unless she acts under Mirror's lead, because alone she will be easily overwhelmed by numbers.

One of the problems I had with vanilla mass combat is that a leader's artifact armour and weapon are more important than any quantity or quality or equipment of troop she might be leading, ie Rhino the Solar and his Army of Naked Boy Scouts wins against General Dawn and his Elite Tiger Warriors Legion, which frankly is a scenario I don't want to have.

2) We don't roll 1st Excellency, it's just a PITA, just add it to your pool.

Attack: 6 + 3 = 9

Defense: 6 + 3 -> DV = 5 + Caste Bonus = 8

3) Time-Scything Technique does not seem to be Martial, so no.

Nothing to be sorry about.

Mass Combat is a mess for me as well and I decided to make things even worse by house-ruling it. -_-
...as far as I can tell, this makes Warstriders, one of the most important piece of heavy artillery in the setting, utterly useless in Mass Combat?

My take: If I'm in an Abrams, and the enemy doesn't have the means to penetrate my armor, I am enough.
You can throw shit in its tracks until even a tank can't move.

Then you can overturn it, and then its armour won't help.

Also, a leader with a Grand Scythe is more useful than one bare-handed.

I wrote the rules assuming that a Warstrider would work within a complementary unit, as it is actually used fluff-wise.

Thing is, the map is not the terrain, every model has a point of failure by necessity, especially if you want to KISS.

I am not entirely satisfied myself with this, but how would you avoid this and at the same time the Naked Boy Scout scenario above?

We could rule that Solo Units can use their personal armour but with halved soak value.
@xarvh: For the life of me, I can't remember where I got that project point. Remind me again so I can better track my income/expenses?

Also, did I spend that point rebuilding the Magitech lab? I really have no idea what I'm doing. Considering I'm a Twilight, this is probably a bad thing on multiple levels :D
A timing/training question for you, Xarvh. Does the training time due to the scene Path of Pain allow us to buy charms we can use in this Mass Combat scene? (If yes, then do you have an exp gained update for Mirror?) --I'm cool with either a yes or a no, I'm unclear on the Fangs/Mirror timeline myself.

I found a War charm that is geared for *exactly* this situation - Solo unit vs. big magnitude unit.

I'll be picking up this charm later if I can't purchase it now. It's absolutely in character for Mirror.

EDIT -- oops, missed that you already did the xp totaling. Thanks!
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Actually, thinking on this some more, I only have enough xp for 2 charms. Getting that War charm requires getting the War Exc first.

Story-wise, I'd rather have Mirror and Fangs inducted into Necromancy at the same time, and I don't have enough exp to get all 3 charms.

So I'm just going to post and not worry about buying the charm now. I'll come back for it; this fight will be justification for wanting to learn it.

Now to do some attack math.

Did more thinking, and realized that before I take my action, I need to understand what changes if Fangs is technically "under my lead". I'd been assuming Solo was better for both of us, but the stuff about not having the Warstrider armor is making me reconsider.

I also don't know what being a "complimentary unit" means. What's the distinction and numbers if Fangs is a complimentary unit to Mirror?

...when I said I didn't know Mass Combat, I meant I'd never even read the section on it. *facepalm* I've never had a character with War before (and neither did any other PC - Mass Combat was handled by the ST).

I promise, as soon as I understand the numbers breakdown between Solo & Solo, and the other leader permutations, I will post and make my flippin' roll already.

(I've been watching a Ni No Kuni Let's Play, and have picked up "flippin' " as a fun word. Totally delightful to watch, if I may add.)
@Kacie I thought Mirror was using the blue jade short powerbow pseudo earmarked for argis from agatha's manse loot pile?

@xarvh meeting of minds in cross would be good yes, Argis really needs to get to accomplishing crap because I need to get the defense force project moving >.<

The two Scenes are happening in no particular order, so I'd prefer you not to use in one the charms you learn in the other.

Complementary Unit = Leader + Troop.

If you go that route, Mirror will be fighting with her Wits+War pool in place of Dex+Melee, and with Fangs as a weapon in place of the Scythe.

Fangs's Deathbadger version as a troop (ie, a weapon for the leader to wield) are:

Speed: 3

Accuracy: (Dex+Melee+Spec+Accuracy+InstinctiveDexUnity)/2 = (5+4+1+3+5)/2 = +9

Defense: (Dex+Melee+Spec+Defense+IDU)/2 = (5+4+1+2+5)/2 = +9

Damage: (WarStrider's Strength + 5L)/2

Rate: 1

This will bring Mirror's Mass Combat Stats to:

Total Accuracy: 9 + 9 = 18

DV: (9+9)/2 = 9

If the complementary unit gets damaged, Fangs will soak it with her HLs.

She will be able to use her Armour but not her Stamina.

All in all, this is an edge case.

Again, any suggestion on the house rules is very welcome.
@xarvh : no worries on charm stuff, I decided it would be more cool to learn Necromancy with Fangs.

Numbers breakdown:

If Mirror and Fangs are both solo units, then Mirror looks like:

Attack: 6 + 3 = 9

Defense: 6 + 3 -> DV = 5 + Caste Bonus = 8

Damage: 7L (Mirror's Str)

Rate 4, due to War 4.

That seems pretty respectable without knowing what the nasty-ghost-things are throwing at me. But as far as I can tell, if Fangs is solo, her DV is 2. Not very good at all. But she goes before the ghosts - does that give her time to get off Magma Kraken before they act? If so, acting as solo units might be worth it - but only if the spell goes off first, or so I'm thinking.

Alternatively, Mirror "wielding" Fangs-as-Deathbadger (I see Mirror swinging Fangs around by the tail, and oh-gods-the-gore that results) is:

Attack 18

DV 9

Damage: Warstrider's Str

Rate 1

Option 2 is much slower at Rate 1, but DV 9 is pretty damn good. I'm inclined to wield the Deathbadger, although nothing would please me more than Fangs casting Magma Kraken here & now in the Labyrinth. (Okay, the Neverborn might be a tad pissed if that happened, but so worth it.)

On the other hand, dead lunar mate would really suck.

@CrazyIvan : I'm leaning the conservative route and having Fangs go horror show as the Deathbadger. Let me know if this is thumbs-up/bad. I'll post tomorrow (aka Sunday afternoon West Coast) regardless, and will take the more conservative route unless directed otherwise. I figure we can both describe stunting awesome, but let me know if you want Mirror to literally be wielding Fangs. I'm horribly amused by the mental images, but I defer to you.

Actual mechanics of stunting left in Xarvh's hands, but most of the fun of stunting is writing it all up, not the extra dice. ;)

Just remember that the metaphor for vanilla Mass Combat is "you wear them".

Skinning a dire mongoose should be instructive.
xarvh said:
@Kacie: The Lord is not giving you a soulsteel bow.
Exalted tends to cheapen artefacts, which is a pity IMHO.

Also, while I am not opposed to you finding another bow, I think it would be much nicer if Mirror got back Berek's one. IIRC the DKs have it, and Flicker may have found a way to deal with them that's acceptable to everyone.
Malek could probably help retrieve that, but considering the situation (Mirror & Fangs being indirectly responsible for the fall of Lookshy in his mind), he'd require they bind themselves to an oath not to take revenge on Ankss.... and I don't picture Fangs' ever binding herself to something like that or one of Malek's oath anyway.

Killing another deathknight or an enemy Dynast is faster, cheaper, and very much less constraining :D
@WlfSamurai as said previously, you can open the ball :)

Malek will probably have sheltered Rhapsody with his stealth charms so surprise attacks are a possibility.
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