[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Feantari said:
Oh, I was waitin for crazy spell stuffs. :-P
But yeah, his style is pretty much wait for you to do things. So if she stops attacking we can call it done. One of these days he will pick up a more aggressive style I think...
"The five warstriders speak as one for a moment, their voices a disconcerting choir before the spell ends and they collapse back onto a single Moonsilver figure, standing in the middle of the field as massive tenticals of vine and tree root thrust from the ground, guarding her."

The spell is concluded. Come at me bro.
I don't care what is implied, I care for the giant mecha action I see.

Also 11h stopover in Shangai, I might not be in my best moods.

But at least I haz inter tube s.
Ok, so, Siham is making a mess outside and Rhapsody and Malek enter the warehouse?

If so, @JayTee, could you post to describe the mayhem?
Been a while since I saw it, but I would tend to agree with you in a way... at least it was better than the Postman :D

But it's hard for me to hate Costner... movies he performed in and I often watch like The Untouchables, A Perfect World, Robin Hood, Mr Brooks and lately Man of Steel make it even harder.
That was awesome JayTee. =D

I never really understood all the flak against Waterworld, not a masterpiece but still watchable.

Regarding the article, I think it is arguing semantics. A "flop" is something that does not sell (objective) while something "disappointing" is something you don't like (subjective) and obviously the two things are loosely correlated.
It is weird though that something people dislikes turns out to be a financial success.

I don't picture a dirty feet flavored yoghurt selling, but apparently it seems it would.
So... there is a mole somewhere working for the Realm or the Bronze Faction, and it's targeting solars.

Interesting... it's the third time that damn thing is there when it's not supposed to know we were coming.

- the first time was during the exile from Mirunda

- the second time was when Malek and Walker got back in Mirunda

- and now with Kalak and Argis

We might indeed have someone in our midst selling us out.

Figuring out who and how is going to be a lot of fun !
Of course, but that would be the logical thinking of someone who doesn't know what siddies are capable of.

Somewhere, somehow, someone saw us coming and planned accordingly...

It could come from Cross (since we have 2 precedents) but it could also come from Sanctuary (Tirana pointed us at these villages and she might as well have sent the Hunt on our backs to slow us down / get rid of us).

And unless Malek knows of Sidereal methods of tracking down solars, I can't really have him suspecting anything else, or can I ?
Argis otoh knows a teeny bit about sidereals and it is enough to make him suspicious, though not nearly as much as he should be probably.
Lore 5, Occult 5, Investigations 5, Integrity 5. I'm pretty sure Siham knows of Sidereals :tongue:
Well he's not supposed to unless he has had flashbacks about them or met some in person.

In the setting people forget about the sidies because of the mess they made during the Usurpation (breaking the Mask n all), that's why it's so hard to connect to mortals when you are a sidereal... they keep forgetting about you and you have to build yourself fake ids so you can interact with them on a deeper level.

Sidies are so messed I almost feel bad for them at times... and then I remember what kind of bastards these guys are !
You can make a Wts + Integrity roll to remember. It's at a -3 penalty, but the difficulty is only 1. For Siham that means he has 4 dice in his pool to remember them. Since 4 dice on average is 2 successes, he likely deduced their existence via his high lore/investigation/occult skills, and managed to remember them with his high integrity skill.
You guys know about siddies, especially siham.

Agatha was openly paranoid about them.

Also, i landed ^^
And now to figure out how to usurp control of the Bronze Faction. :D

Also, glad to hear you landed safely!
Okay - finally, finally, not on 3 projects any more. Now to get my posting rate back up.

@xarvh Sure, we can close Path of Pain. May I spend exp to buy a standard soulsteel power bow? It's a backup weapon, so nothing fancy; I think power bows are 2 dot artifacts?

@xarvh, @CrazyIvan : Rolling Join Battle. Assuming as this is the same scene that Inf Mastery is still up.

At some point Mirror would like to investigate that mausoleum in Thorns - wants to very badly, in fact. My interpretation at the end of Path of Pain was that Mirror had effectively been given freedom to wander around Thorns, so Fangs & Mirror could poke around some more.
@Kacie: The Lord is not giving you a soulsteel bow.

Exalted tends to cheapen artefacts, which is a pity IMHO.

Also, while I am not opposed to you finding another bow, I think it would be much nicer if Mirror got back Berek's one. IIRC the DKs have it, and Flicker may have found a way to deal with them that's acceptable to everyone.

Also yes, there is a reason why I stick to one thread per Scene. ^_^

Your Infinite is still up.

Indeed, as a Deathknight of fame, Mirror is afforded ample liberty.
We can make that one of the things we challenge for....along with their still-beating hearts torn from their chests, of course.

That's assuming we win, not lose and get sacrificed ourselves. :P
@Arynne: in the meanwhile, the ST is getting crazy with the Nahuatl dictionary to slap together an appropriate response, possibly one where I can substitute the US for "iesu". -_-
Dealing the DKs remains a super-high priority for me/Mirror, then. Whenever Flicker returns...

EDIT: Oops! Xarvh, you answered my question in the thread close.

Regarding initiation, is that something that needs to be done in a scene, or is it a Project?
Yeah, because normal ST have their notes, the manuals, maybe a custom map and the Exalted Calendar, I'm the only one that has to keep also a goddamm Nahuatl dictionary.

Arynne, if you switch to some other improbable language, I swear, the Dragon Kings will start to speak Italian with a Don Corleone accent.

@Kacie: I used it to introduce stuff.

Usefulness for your character is secondary and mostly due to what you will make out of it.

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