[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Have laptop and hotel should have interwebs tonight! Time? I think it's likely. Posts inc tonight. Should be able to establish a schedule again starting next week. Woo
Which reminds me.

Can one of the non crafty type but social enough to persuade the exiles from Lookshy (The Cross is starting to look like a melting pot... what's next imperials from Grey Falls ?! ) to cooperate and help use one of his project posts to help rebuild the magitech lab ?

If Malek and Rhapsody can't both use a PP, at least one of them should have a chance to help, yes ?
These things require Space Shuttle+ level maintenance.
My point exactly.

Bullets are just cheaper.

Sita Sings the Blues is just awesome and weird, I am still undecided about which print to buy.

It's nice because through Sita's story the author herself found the will to move on.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

@Kacie, CI: do you want to close the Path of Pain Scene and have some down time?

@JayTee: lap or lab? oO

The lab within the Library will just move forward with a Project Post.

Otherwise I'm not sure I understand your question. =(
@cyl: if you save them they will easily cooperate.

We are close to ending the current chapter, and at the end there will definitely be PPs.
You will need 3 PP to have the basic Genesis stuff up and running.

Since the Lookshians can help Siham with operating the Magitech Lab, if you save them the project will be reduced to 2 PPs.
I'll then focus my 2 PPs on building up the allies alert network we talked about.

If someone wants to help with that, it's welcome !
Well, technically she's still in the middle of conversing right now. :P

But the gist of it will be that she needs help to take down these @$$holes, given that they're powerful enough to poke holes in Hard as Mountains. Preferably sorcerous help.
xarvh said:
Using a ship as a baseball bat was definitely a nice touch.
Did Del Toro also manage to find an excuse as why huge fists are better than missiles that's not pathetic?

Still, it was about time someone did a mecha movie.
Technically, huge fists are better than missiles.

The physics required to get the machines to move the way they do in the movie is essentially predicated on them having profoundly staggering amounts of force behind them.

Basically, if you can make huge machines work like that (and somehow can't make missiles work similarly) they are better. They must be. Because math.
Saw it, loved it, it even has Tom Morello's guitar riffs... how can anyone say anything bad about this movie ? :D
Arynne said:
Well, technically she's still in the middle of conversing right now. :tongue:
But the gist of it will be that she needs help to take down these @$$holes, given that they're powerful enough to poke holes in Hard as Mountains. Preferably sorcerous help.
I don't know if the trio of Lookshy can help or not, but Malek would definitely feel obligated towards HAM... she did save our bacons and... well I'm quite fond of her.

I want to see more HAM (and not just because she can kill deathknights with her bare hands ! :D )
I'll reply to scenes tonight.

xarvh said:
@CI: as a solo unit, you can use Strength in place of Charisma.
I used Fangs' Charisma because she has it higher than Strength, but with the warstrider thigs will change.

I do hate Mass Combat myself, but seriously, if the house rules are not making thing simpler, we can go back to the core rules.
Is that a no to my "brilliant" social mass combat plan? ;)

I think the thing I was missing was that I can use Charisma, not must use Charisma.

cyl said:
The greatest boon the warstrider brings you is the soak too.
Even if you have a low DV and get hit often, the soak will absorb most of the damage reducing it to ping... and then the damage roll still has to roll a success to inflict any wound.

All in all even if you are going to be rather clumsy with it in battle and probably going to faint because of the exhaustion (IIRC the fatigue value is completely ridiculous on those things), when you do hit you'll most likely crush the targeted unit.

Edit: in the future if you want to use it in battle (tactically now River's gone, you have the more instant punch with that spell), most trainers (Argis - Flicker - Malek) should be able to help boosting Fangs' traits tied to using the warstrider (stamina, resistance, war, wits) in a matter of weeks instead of months.
This raises a question: Is it day or night?

I'd prefer not to do much training for it, though I am doing stuff with Argis at the moment, mainly because while the training time isn't a thing, XP is.
JayTee said:
By the way, Ivan. I meant to ask this earlier, but could you elaborate more on the whole "Fangs hates Agatha" thing?
Sorry I missed this.

There's a scene where Fangs says very unkind things about Agatha after one of her demons takes a lungful of chemical weapons. But its a bit more than that - there's a deep division between what Fangs views as The Right And Proper (i.e. her) way of doing things, and what Agatha does.

It wouldn't be fair to say that Fangs' first age incarnation was a intellectual rival of Agatha, because Agatha being a Solar essentially renders that impossible. I have however suggested that they disagreed on more than one occasion.

Beyond that, Agatha's building a tool of conquest and then abandoning it, and ignoring the consequences of some of what she was doing, is close to the antithesis of Cunning Fangs. Her entire narrative is built on personal sacrifice and carrying your own burdens. She reads Agatha's work as reckless and irresponsible - not wrong in its intent, but wrong in the same way someone who leaves their lab dirty and mouth pipettes is wrong. They're doing it sloppily, haphazardly, and it's going to get people killed.

That's why she doesn't trust weaponizing the Bloom.

Beyond that, Fangs fears Agatha, or more accurately, Fangs fears what Siham can become when left with Agatha's notes, her library and her labs. She doesn't trust the Solars, not even a little bit. But she's confident she can contain them. All of them except Siham. He's the only one who has a powerset that fully counters her own, and the only one she can't reliably outsmart.
CrazyIvan said:
I'd prefer not to do much training for it, though I am doing stuff with Argis at the moment, mainly because while the training time isn't a thing, XP is.
I can relate to that.

But considering the long run and the scope of the game... a warstrider is probably one of the most powerful war machine in Creation and a great advantage one can have in battles, but Fangs low pools in Mass combat attack and resisting fatigue will prevent us from benefiting from the warstrider during a battle.

It's probably not the way you intend to use the spell, and nobody can blame you for not having made a sorceress the ultimate warstrider pilot, obviously, but you may have to use it in a battle context again at one point or another in the future.

I'm just throwing ideas here, but a few dots in Resistance & War, and Wits & Stamina excellencies should be enough to do the trick, and you can always use those in different circumstances anyway, so it would not be a complete loss.

Plus... it's still cheaper and faster than summonning a horde of demons ! ;)
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Beyond that, Fangs fears Agatha, or more accurately, Fangs fears what Siham can become when left with Agatha's notes, her library and her labs. She doesn't trust the Solars, not even a little bit. But she's confident she can contain them. All of them except Siham. He's the only one who has a powerset that fully counters her own, and the only one she can't reliably outsmart.
Does she really need to outsmart him when she can just trample him with her 104 foot size warstrider boot ? :D
I find myself inclined to agree with Cyl on this. I'm not as familiar with Lunar charms as I could be, but Siham's powerset revolves mostly around "building stuff" and "not dying". This doesn't strike me as something that the more adaptable Lunars should have trouble circumventing.

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