[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Warstrider adds already Strength, and loads to it.

I do not understand the necessity to add more rules to an already bloated system.

Getting rid of Might is a huge plus to me, as well as of magnitude differentials, bonus successes and War caps.

Hell, if I was to redesign the system I'd remove Willpower and do everything with Virtues, remove the difference between armour B and L soak, and possibly even remove the damage roll and just divide the raw damage by two.

Some rules and features just make the game more bloated without adding anything to the actual fun.
xarvh said:
Warstrider adds already Strength, and loads to it.
I do not understand the necessity to add more rules to an already bloated system.

Getting rid of Might is a huge plus to me, as well as of magnitude differentials, bonus successes and War caps.
So... str 12, armor 20.

And on the other hand, Magnitude becomes min dmg... so all in all a pilot WILL take considerable damage when facing large numbers.

It's okay then :)

xarvh said:
Hell, if I was to redesign the system I'd remove Willpower and do everything with Virtues, remove the difference between armour B and L soak, and possibly even remove the damage roll and just divide the raw damage by two.

Some rules and features just make the game more bloated without adding anything to the actual fun.
+1 with all of the above.

When do we start using them ?! :D
OTOH, the drama-based combat where you can go for the kill only after you built enough dramatic advantage over your opponent is a must, i am really curious to see how they implement it.
Agreed. It could amazing if done right. And they have proved that they can pull something like that off well. They've also proved they aren't always so competent. So, we'll find out, I guess.
It's hard to say, they are all equally awesome / fun.

But if I were to pick one, for me, it would be this time when the characters realized the Widow had taken the notes and how she had done it.

It made perfect sense, and to know she was the one able to pull off the "poisoned cigar of victory" was just a moment of pure evil awesomeness. :D

Even though realizing Big K's true nature was mind blowing, it still is my favorite moment for now because I just felt a complex, well thought and very twisted plot and personality.

To me, one of the things that makes this game really great is the particular flavor you add to each npc.

There are some you just want to slap around or even kill, some you could even remain civil with despite their obvious penchant for evil, and some you become extremely fond of, but you can rarely remain indifferent when you meet someone in EOTFS.

Each npc feels like he has its own complex personality and soul.

Exalted has a really rich setting and you make very good use of its diversity and density IMHO.
cyl said:
To me, one of the things that makes this game really great is the particular flavor you add to each npc.
There are some you just want to slap around or even kill, some you could even remain civil with despite their obvious penchant for evil, and some you become extremely fond of, but you can rarely remain indifferent when you meet someone in EOTFS.

Each npc feels like he has its own complex personality and soul.

Exalted has a really rich setting and you make very good use of its diversity and density IMHO.
I agree.

For my part, I can't pin-point a favorite. I like them all so much and Rhapsody has approached her scenes pretty consistently the same way. With that said, I actually did enjoy the super-long scene in the throne room with all the various personalities and social nuances being thrown around. That was a lot of fun and very deep despite having a single location.
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My favorite scene was when I realized that this game had been going on for over two and a half years.

Granted, it's more an OOC scene than an IC scene, but still.
Was out of town buying a car, so haven't had a chance to post. Still debating what to do - I hate mass combat, and modded rules make my head spin, so I'm trying to wrap my mind around them still.

For example, from this statement:


Attack/Defense Pool: Wits + War = 3 (DV 2)

Damage (= Charisma): 3L

It appears that boosting my Strength will do no good whatsoever. And sadly, my really oddball plan for boosting my Charisma doesn't work because it's not actually a social attack.


...can I make social attacks in Mass Combat? I'm pretty sure I could come up with a stunt for Fangs just being appallingly, searingly alive. That seems like something she'd do.
Hmmm, best scene in game?

Very hard to determine. Obviously i'm more attached to the ones I was in, but i'm willing to bet beer money that those aren't the best scenes. Gimme some review time.
@CI: as a solo unit, you can use Strength in place of Charisma.

I used Fangs' Charisma because she has it higher than Strength, but with the warstrider thigs will change.

I do hate Mass Combat myself, but seriously, if the house rules are not making thing simpler, we can go back to the core rules.
The greatest boon the warstrider brings you is the soak too.

Even if you have a low DV and get hit often, the soak will absorb most of the damage reducing it to ping... and then the damage roll still has to roll a success to inflict any wound.

All in all even if you are going to be rather clumsy with it in battle and probably going to faint because of the exhaustion (IIRC the fatigue value is completely ridiculous on those things), when you do hit you'll most likely crush the targeted unit.

Edit: in the future if you want to use it in battle (tactically now River's gone, you have the more instant punch with that spell), most trainers (Argis - Flicker - Malek) should be able to help boosting Fangs' traits tied to using the warstrider (stamina, resistance, war, wits) in a matter of weeks instead of months.
@JayTee, @WlfSamurai ; how do you guys want to proceed with the narration of the rescue ?

I thought we could make a series of 3 posts (one per step of the plan) to describe what is done, the challenges we meet and their consequences on our characters ?
JayTee said:
I'm good with that
WlfSamurai said:
That sound pretty good. Ours first?
We can post our stuff step by step, no matter the order; once the three have done their post for one step, we go to the other one.

1- preparations (traps & supply)

2- the rescue (attack & liberation- diversion - taking the prisoners away - staying behind)

3- the getaway (staying behind - moving away - joining up - going to Cross)

Or we could use the Arabian telephone method and use each post to build up the story without limiting ourselves to 1 post per step, that would probably be a bit more interesting though it would mean a slower progression.
I've technically already started the former method with my whole "build the bombs" post, although it could easily be a starter point for the latter method.
Yup. I'll give it a go now that we have a proper plan in mind... right after I dined with some friends.
Work snuck up and hit me from behind. I'll be working today, but taking breaks to try and get posting.

Also, if you haven't seen Pacific Rim - go see it already!

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