[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@JayTee : how do you feel about the extra diversion ? Are you okay with Siham and Rhapsody staying behind for a few hours / days to focus the attention on the two in order buy the captives some time ?

@Kacie: your input has been invaluable, if it weren't for you, we would not be there :)
@xarvh, @CrazyIvan : next question for you; the Infinite Mastery is a "scene-long" charm. Does this formally count as part of a new scene? (Need to ask, since answer determines which charms get pulled up.)

Oh - another stupid question for you. Since Fangs & Mirror are technically a Unit, does that mean that Martial & Martial-Ready charms we pull up work on both of us? For example, if I pull up the 5-Fold-Bulwark or a similar charm, does that also work for Fangs?

I'll need to check the books at home to make sure all charms I want to use are tagged appropriately.

@cyl: Glad to have been of use. ;)
@Kacie: right now, Mirror and Fangs fight as two separate Solo Units.

You can have Mirror be the Leader and Fangs be the troop with Mag 0 and Drill 0, at that point Mirror's War (or Martial) charms will work for the complementary unit Mirror+Fangs.

This also means that all damage will go to Fangs though.

Did I answer your question? oO
How do you factor Might in these house rules ?

Because sure, Fangs doesn't have much drill... but she's got to have like Might 5.
cyl said:
@JayTee : how do you feel about the extra diversion ? Are you okay with Siham and Rhapsody staying behind for a few hours / days to focus the attention on the two in order buy the captives some time ?
I don't mind
Okay so; final draft

1- preparations: 5 days

Siham: traps

Malek & Rhapsody: stealing rations and stashing them away

2- rescue: the trio kicks some butts

Siham blows up stuff

Malek takes the captives away into the forest and start travelling with them

Siham & Rhapsody stay behind and make hit & run appearances just to keep the guards busy for a few days

3- we meet up on a designated spot and we bring'em home.
Ouch... so you mean there is very little to no difference between a unit made of hoomans and one composed of spirits ?


Good news guys, Deathlords and their legions don't stand a chance ! :D

That also means that the horde of demons Fangs has been prepping is totally overrated.

You might want to fix that in the near future...
You just factor in their excellencies.

The demons have attack stats, HLs and armor that make any mortal pale in comparison. Now it is just more important than the weapon/armor the leader is using.
xarvh said:
You just factor in their excellencies.
How exactly are you going to do that ?

Besides, they will only affect Acc & DV and by a mere + 1 or 2.

xarvh said:
The demons have attack stats, HLs and armor that make any mortal pale in comparison. Now it is just more important than the weapon/armor the leader is using.
Yes, but

1- tiger warriors

2- it all falls on the leader, the unit is just a weapon.

Let's compare the stats of a magnitude 3 unit, baidaks vs regular troops.


Speed 5 (2+3)

Acc: X + 4

Def: X + 3

Dmg: X + magnitude 3 + sa damage cut in half 4 (I took the liberty of toning down the 11L baidak down since we switched to 2.5 and turned their +7L naginata into a +4L naginata) / min damage 3

Total soak: 15L / 17B

Regular troops:

Speed 5 (2+3)

Acc: X + 3

Def: X + 3

Dmg: X + magnitude 3 + sa damage cut in half 4 / min damage 3

Total soak Armor: 5L / 10B (considering a Drill of 3)

There are only 3 advantages for the baidaks here, as you said, and they are all tied to the characteristics of the Baidaks (and those are born for war !)

- a huuuuge soak means that they will endure only min damage from the humans

- a fuckload of HLs (seriously they have like 15...)

- the low soak of humans means that they will most likely endure more losses, more rapidly than the baidaks

But... if you compare the stats of the unit besides those two traits (armor / HLs), you don't see much difference... and I considered only regular troops.

Pit Elite Soldiers (armor becomes 9L / 16B) against the Baidaks and the demons are going to feel a serious itch at the end.

Obviously the leader's personal power and charms are going to make all the difference on the attack / defense.

If the Baidaks don't hit, the humans will win.

But... other spirits (like warghosts) are not even half that tough... so that means that besides the Deathlords being huge WMD with their spells and stuff... their armies are far from being unstoppable.
I'm perfectly fine with the Baidaks being just a lot sturdier than mortals (because that's what they are) and warghost not being significantly stringer than mortals (because that's how I see it).

Still, if you guys are confused by the house rules, we can switch back to vanilla, no problem with me and actually, some of the NPCs were optimized fort he original rules anyway.

It will definitely NOT play in your favour.
I'm not confused about them... they clearly give us a fighting chance. :)

They are actually more vanilla than the original rules (where might grants auto suxx on the attack rolls and therefore additional damage).
My aim was to handle mass combat just as normal combat, adding as little mechanics as possible.

I hope that 3.0 will clean this up too.
xarvh said:
My aim was to handle mass combat just as normal combat, adding as little mechanics as possible.
I hope that 3.0 will clean this up too.
Aw... naivety... that's so cute coming from you :D

Lets see...I can easily boost my damage. What specifically are you suggesting for sorcery to "pump myself up"?
By the way, Ivan. I meant to ask this earlier, but could you elaborate more on the whole "Fangs hates Agatha" thing?
xarvh said:
My aim was to handle mass combat just as normal combat, adding as little mechanics as possible.
I hope that 3.0 will clean this up too.
Me too. I actually am hoping that armies and mass combat get a huge simplification in 3.0.
I've read that there wont be any such thing as "mass combat rules" in 3E. Just regular combat rules that you can shove an army in to without issue.
@CI: I don't know the full extent of your spells, but going Warstrider would help a lot, especially combined with Claws of the Silver Moon; Instinctive Dex Unity also factors in, even if it's not as efficient.

I am undecided about Virtuous Guardian of Flame, not sure how it would work in Mass Combat.

Your two area effect spells would be quite devastating: depending on the area they cover, they may multiply the damage to up the enemy's magnitude.

Magma Kraken is also a nice thing.

All in all, your sheet needs some love. =P
I am undecided about Virtuous Guardian of Flame, not sure how it would work in Mass Combat.
I'd say it's all in the description of the spell.

It gives the sorcerer a nice PDV of (Wits + Occult + Essence) /2 and it looks like Fangs could use it.

And if and only if the attacker use barehanded / natural attacks (i.e. if they don't wield any weapon) you inflict environmental damage.

Obviously the environmental damage has to be proportionate with the magnitude of the unit using it and the magnitude of the unit attacking... perhaps you could consider lowering the damage sustained by a factor of (attacking unit's Magnitude - defending unit Magnitude) to represent the fact that the damage still exist, but is absorbed by the numbers.

If a unit using only natural attack and with Magnitude 3 attacked Fangs (Magnitude 0), the damage would then be reduced by -3.

Also I don't know how you feel about warstriders, but since you got rid of the Might trait, you may want to give them extra magnitude points (like Magnitude 2 or 3) to represent their size and the fact that they can pretty much send dozens of human sized enemies up in the air with a football kick.... or you know... just jump in the air and scream "whale strike" and crush like 30 + people by letting themselves fall to the ground. (I had a 1st ed lunar who used to do that for fun at my table. :rolleyes:)

That's what they did with Juggernaut, he's so big, he counts as a Magnitude 9 unit IIRC.
Why would I care about a Warstrider's Might when its strength and armour are nicely factored in?
Well because Might factors in as extra damage in the Mass Combat system.

Hence my suggestion to add Magnitude for big things or AoE spells to the house rules since now Magnitude plays a part in damage.

A Magma Kraken for example could easily be considered a Magnitude 2 unit.

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