[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Yes but she's not very subtle.

And there is still the question about if there are indeed some rations to steal in the first place.

Let's wait on Xarvh's feedback to see what our options are and decide then.

Edit: to sum it up we have 3 options to get the supplies:

1- from the Ledaal couple (the longest but also the most discrete solution)

2- from the local spirits (fast and easy, though you can expect to be counterparts to that help)

3- from Lookshy's stash (provided there is any and we can steal it)
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back from the crazy of the comic con days, still trying to find a house, apartment and start new job on monday... will be as present as I can
cyl said:
1- from the Ledaal couple (the longest but also the most discrete solution)

2- from the local spirits (fast and easy, though you can expect to be counterparts to that help)

3- from Lookshy's stash (provided there is any and we can steal it)
4- Spam the 2nd Survival Excellency like a mofo

We'd be better off with Food Gathering Exercise... but it has its flaws.

The first being... Malek doesn't have it ^^

Besides that itty bitty detail, it also needs 5 applications per day to keep a group well fed (okay... maybe 3 applications then :P ), and you can only get +2 rations for every 10 people foraging.

It mostly is going to slow us down in the end, and make us really easy to spot while foraging (even though I could at least cover our tracks with traceless passage).
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Both 1 and 2 are very legitimate reasons.

Regarding 3, I will prod people once or twice, as I did with you, but beyond that it becomes a diminishing chore.

Next time, just speak your mind: at least we'll know not to wait for you and ease the pressure on you.


And yes, you aswered my question 100%.


To keep things practical, let's keep 'two weeks' as time limit for your rescue.

Setting traps that Siham prepares will require you 1 day.

Yes, ever force of Creation has pretty much withdrawn away from Lookshy.

Yes, the even the spirits will be spent and weakened by the war and victory of the Mask, but they will also be more willing to collaborate.

All the three alternatives about how to gather food are viable.

Also consider that if you can reach any friendly block within a week, you need only water.

@JT, CI:

Just to be perfectly clear (which is my Sacred Duty as ST), Agatha, like any other respectable FA Solar, is soaked in the blood of the innocents from head to toes.

Still, I take pride in having NPCs with a solid (at least in their minds) rationale for what they do.

In short: you don't need to be mad in order to be evil.
So there are supplies to be salvaged in Lookshy... that changes things a bit indeed.

At what distance is the closest friendly block we could use to resupply ?
WlfSamurai said:
Okay, so tell me how best I can help, cyl, and I'll get on it.
The plan is still undetermined yet.

Right now here's the situation:

- 50 people being kept captives by the Mask's forces, stuck between crates and lightly guarded

- among them are highly skilled personnel from the Cathedral Factory, and rest is their families

- we want to save those people and bring them home to work on the magitech lab, the sooner the better

Our rescue plan is simple:

1- blow shit up and set fires to distract the army while we free the captives and take them away

2- find our way back to The Cross, hiding, walking, and finally reaching a boat

The undetermined variables are:

- how do we take them home ? This will determine the amount of supplies we're going to need and how we will gather them, how we will move and where we will go, knowing that we can put at the very least 10 miles per day between us and Lookshy without leaving tracks

- from which source we grab the necessary supplies for the trip ? This will determine how long the preparations need to be prior to the rescue

There are several jobs for Rhapsody here:

- prior to the rescue she can either help Malek with the preparation or Siham with setting the traps

- during the rescue, she can kick ass

- after the rescue she can keep the people focused, motivated and more manageable
@Arynne What are your plans now?

If you like the current scene, I'd like you to investigate a bit further and then wrap up the Chapter, so that if you want to continue you can come back in the area with a few other PCs to support you.

I'm open to your feedback and ideas.
Latest draft for the plan:

1- preparations

- hiding spot for the first night: check (1 day)

- getting supplies: I did some research on the intarwab (never pass on an opportunity to learn something new ! :D ), and a humanitarian daily ration (what any hooman need to... not die) weighs 850g so if we take supplies for a week it's around 6 kgs per person which is totally reasonable.

So it changes things a bit. My suggestion (thanks to Kacie's pragmatism)

We take the 1st week of supplies from Lookshy and then we deal with spirits before the first week end.

We avoid friendly blocks because those probably contain Mask's agents and we don't want to attract unwanted attention on us or said friendly blocks

Considering we have to steal 300 kgs of supplies from Lookshy so yeah, Malek's going to need Rhapsody's arms to work faster. And since Malek can share his stealth, it should not pose much trouble. (2 to 3 days)

Is that going to affect the other "free" citizens mentioned ? We wouldn't want to condemn other innocents to starve either...

- setting traps: 2 to 3 days

- preparing for a boat to pick us up in Homor (2 days tops to seal the deal with a smuggler and get back to Lookshy and then 1+ week to make it happen)

So the preparation time is approximately a week to do things right.

If we skip the boat thing we can do it in 5 days, and if we skip the rations collecting and decide to rely on spirits for help day to day (which is not necessarily a good plan) we can do it in 3.

2- rescue: check (one day) we kill the guards and free the prisonners, everything blows up and fires spread, and we leave Lookshy undetected.

3- going to The Cross: we win when we reach Homor and the boat.

We can cover between 70 (worst conditions possible) and 140 (normal conditions) km per week but I'd say we don't want to be too fast and take the easy roads where we could be spotted.

So it will take us an average of a week and a half to reach Homor, just to stay on the safe side of things.

If Malek doesn't take the time to arrange for the boat to come and take us away prior to the rescue, we might get stuck for some time around Homor.

Obviously when I say "the boat picks us up in Homor", I don't mean we all go to that city. I don't mean to walk those 50 refugees through the streets where any enemy agent could spot us.

We will have to embark outside of the city, but that is just a technicality to think of.

@WlfSamurai @JayTee : so do we take our time for the rescue or focus on making it happen the fastest way possible leaving some variables undefined (the rations and the boat departure to The Cross) ?
How do personal melee charms interact with this solo-unit mass war? Specifically, charms like 5-fold Bulwark and counter-attack charms?

Also, this is the errata text for the Dawn/Dusk anima power: "While this power is in effect, the character exudes a fear aura which causes all opponents attempting to attack or oppose her (socially or physically) to suffer a -1 external penalty on all at-tack rolls. This unnatural Emotion effect costs five points of Willpower to ignore for the rest of the scene. The Dawn’s terrifying glory unbound also disrupts attempts at coordinating attacks against her, increasing the difficulty to arrange such at-tacks by 2. Additionally, the immense Essence pressure within the character’s anima slows all incoming attacks, increasing the character’s DVs by 2. Finally, Solars of the Dawn Caste are immune to all fear-based Emotion effects while their anima power is active. If a complementary mass combat unit is forced to check for rout because of the Dawn Caste’s actions while this anima is active, they suffer a -2 external penalty to the roll."

As soon as Mirror spends motes, that is going to jump into effect. Does this change any of the numbers?
The roll is for all intent and purposes a War roll.

Still, I we went 2.5 without adapting our Mass Combat.

So: All Charms that have the keyword Martial or Martial-Ready towards some other ability have it automatically extended to War.

Does it make sense?

By the wording, I'd say that Dawn anima fully applies to Mass Combat without any need for house rules.

So yes, many numbers will change.
xarvh said:
No, stealing from Lookshy's supplies is not going to impact any resistance movement.
What resistance movement? ;)

@cyl: I'm fine either way, although if forced to choose I'd err on the side of "better safe than sorry." We are dealing with a Deathlord after all.
JayTee said:
What resistance movement? ;)
@cyl: I'm fine either way, although if forced to choose I'd err on the side of "better safe than sorry." We are dealing with a Deathlord after all.
Which safe and sorry sides are you referring to ?

The ones where we need to rescue them ASAP taking chances with their survival outside of Lookshy, or the ones where we don't want to take chances with the survival and delay the rescue, taking chances with their survival in Lookshy ? :D
I agree with the "safe/sorry" sentiment, maybe even to the point of adding time to make sure EVERYTHING is in order and we have selected the right time to launch the plan. Something's going to go wrong, so we should control what we can. So I vote take our time.

Rhapsody is down with helping Malek get everything in place and moved. She wouldn't be good at setting traps, I don't thing. Would it be beneficial for her to be part of the distraction? With her anti-undead powers, should cause trouble and run amok, confusing the enemy.

Just an idea.
I thought about using her in all her shining glory serving as a decoy, but that would expose her way too much for us to be able to reel her back in.

But... I guess that if Siham has that joint sneak charm and Malek lends his cloak of vanishing escape... once we freed the captives, Siham & Rhapsody could make a very destructive duo generating even more chaos and also be able to sneak out safely in a flash, while Malek smuggle the people out of town and takes them to the rendez vous point.

The trick would be not going totemic as to be able to sneak out quietly.

That whole "we have solars in the city, they attacked us and now we can't find them" vibe would definitely keep them busy in the city for a while on top of the explosions and fires.

And that means more time for the captive to escape... which is always good.

So ?

1- 5 days of preparation: we skip the boat part (I'll handle after the rescue) + collect a week's worth rations from Lookshy (we'll pick up the rest from spirits as we go along) + traps

2- rescue & get away : the trio kicks butts and frees peeps, Malek leads them to safety untraced.

3- diversion: kaboom + the destructive duo makes a scene and gets out safely

4- we gather and head out east to take a boat back home.

We could even consider leaving Siham and Rhapsody behind to keep Mask's forces extremely busy in Lookshy for a few days giving Malek enough time to put a lot of distance between his group and Lookshy.

With 2 solars in the city Mask is not going to be keen on mobilizing troops to chase captives.
Not to drag out the conversation, but I think Rhapsody might have a tough time not going totemic. She's pretty skilled at doing so...
Does she really want to light up a beacon of solar fire saying "hey guys, I'm right here, come get me !" in the middle of Lookshy ?

Because I'm quite sure that is not going to end very well for her ! :D

In the eventuality that we want to take the diversion to the next level with Siham and Rhapsody, the idea would be to strike, to be seen and identified as a solar (caste mark only) and then to sneak away nice and quiet.

This way we can make the ghosts a little paranoid, delay the realization that the captives have been taken.

Obviously, if the duo stays in Lookshy they will become Mask's priority and not the captives, or the Cathedral... and if they don't get caught, it's a big win for the living.

No Cathedral, no captives, and living in the fear that a few solars may come back and screw his plans.

The Legion does not have the monopoly on low blows and sudden devastating appearances :)
No, that's what I'm saying. I agree with you, perhaps using her as a diversion is a bad idea. She'll go totemic too easily.
She'd just need following Siham's calls on when to pull back and use only personal motes.

Malek would be perfect for the diversion too, but he is the only one with the survival charms so he has got to go with the group and lead them.

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