[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
JayTee: WaWM allows you to summon "advanced tools" so I'd say you can.
Excellent. How long would it take me to dig a pit one mile deep and one mile wide?

cyl said:

IIRC you have the charm that divides that interval by a factor of "omg how much ??? :eek:", but you still need the raw materials though... but you also have a charm for that, don't you ? :P

Theoretically I could build anything from nothing. WaWM is pretty boss like that.
Argh. :(

My apologies again. I'm still trying to get my juggling act of work under control, and it seems I've also picked up the bad habit of forgetting to check this site.

Trying to fix that.
Enough apologies, posting is more than enough. ^_^

Also, rather than checking the site, you may want to just subscribe to the threads.

For example, this morning I got 5 notifications from EotFS, courtesy of you and CI, and was all :D :D:D:D:D:D:D
My primary complaint is it only informs you when *a* unread post appears, and then goes silent. It's easy to get a quick reply and then forget >.>
Even with WaWM, you still need the main construction materials for whatever you do, as well as exotic components if required.

If you want to forge a sword, you will need metal.

A ship will need wood.

To dig a tunnel, you might need beams to support the sides and the ceiling, for example.

(In this specific case, Siham is just good enough to work around the requirement.)

Did I answer your question?
Ah, yes. I want to make a mile deep/wide pit to trap the juggernaut in. Assuming it's stationary, I plan to do this by digging a series of tunnels under it, and then using explosives to collapse all those tunnels, resulting in a massive sinkhole being formed.
Juggernaut is very stationary, but I see a few problems:

1) It's difficult to do this without sinking half the city with it.

2) It is definitely NOT a one-man job: Siham would have to remove and transport and HIDE somewhere a volume of rock at least two times greater than Juggernaut's volume, even with CNNT it would take you a shitload of time.

You didn't write anything outrageous and all that Malek is doing is well within his skills.

Still, even Malek can't do all of that in two weeks.

You are travelling around the Scavenger Lands, searching and organizing.

The latter is a problem, because even if you are fast, you might have to wait for other people who in turn have to wait for other people...

Speed the Wheels would help, but you don't have it and, within the time constraints, I won't allow you to learn on the fly.
Xarvh, I've been meaning to ask this for a while now, but what kind of personality did Agatha have? I've gotten it in my head that she was ruthlessly pragmatic with little to no moral or ethical consideration, and had little respect for anyone who wasn't as smart as she was.

Is this at all accurate?
Mmmmh... It's difficult to put a mad Solar in a box.

By what Siham learned about her, Agatha deeply cared about humanity, but didn't give a shit about individuals, including herself.

She had ethics, but like any other FA Solar, she had a Vision, a Greater Good that trumped lesser ethics (and conveniently petted her own ego) and drove her with passion.

She wasn't a ruthless villain needlessly sacrificing minions.

She could be compassionate.

But she had priorities.
Rats, that kinda messes up the subplot I had going for Siham. Oh well, it's my own fault for making assumptions and then acting upon them like they were true.
Siham as he is now is still very much just a big kid poking at the world with a stick to see what happens. You can see his excitement and enthusiasm when he encountered Flickering Claw after the necro-essence dump. He was very eager to see what kind of effect it would have on the local wildlife, and was disappointed when it turned out to be "just" Flickering Claw.

Agatha on the other hand is very much the cutthroat scientist who cares for nothing but knowledge for it's own sake and has little regard for the consequences of the fallout of her research. If half of creation falls away to the Wyld for one scrap of obscure information, then she would consider it a successful test. She would be the epitome of the kind of Twilight the Sidereals were really nervous about back in the First Age.

The subplot was that Siham unofficially has Past Lives 5. He wouldn't get any dice from it, but it would cause his personality to switch back and forth between exuberance and ruthlessness when it came to subjects relating to his caste abilities. You can see Agatha!Siham when he gets in Malek's face about the Factory Cathedral. S/he flatly refuses to recognize that Malek knows what he's talking about, and declared the Cathedral His/hers like it's their divine right.

Likewise, you can see the real Siham in the project thread rebuilding the Magitech lab. He gets distracted from the overall goal of fixing the lab by messing around with a new bit of equipment he hasn't seen before, much like a kid playing with his toys while he cleans up his room.

I hadn't decided exactly where I was going to take this subplot in the endgame, but I knew it would be someplace not good.
As I wrote above, Agatha cared for humanity, so much that she wanted it established in the Underworld, both for expansion and for having a sort of back-up if things went really wrong in Creation.

She is DEFINITELY not the kind to sacrifice half Creation for some knowledge.

And she was the curious, the poker-with-a-stick and the ADHD.

Only her sticks tended to be behemoth-sized and, once she got the life patterns for the bloom, she completely forgot of Latystilum and left it to rot to its disease.
Yeah, that was the Agatha I had built up in my head. Like I said, it's my own fault for making assumptions, so no worries.
Ah, ok, didn't get it. -_-

I still see her as a rather evil character, as much as Exalted allows such B&W characterizations.

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