[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Hey - forgot to post that I was going on vacation for a week. Sorry!

I'm back, and trying to catch up.
JayTee said:
cyl, WlfSamurai, did we ever finalize our plans for lookshy? 'cause we should probably get to doing that ;)
Well for now no, but we were still in the process of discovering what we can do and must do.

Up until now I have:

- rescue the captives (not very discrete, not very productive, but always good for karma and will probably help us get followers and points with all former 7th Legions officer in the future)

- destroy undead key personnel (we are still debating about how we can do that: charm / artifact / artifact grenades / artifact anti undead nukes / biotechnochemichalogical warfare... decisions decisions...)

- stop Mask's agents from using the Cathedral Factory (I'm tellin y'all it's sabotage ! :D ), either by setting up defenses or reducing the number of people able to help deactivating the already set up defenses (see free the captives and destroy undead key personnel)... or both

- blow up the Juggernaut (you gotta dream big if you want to get somewhere)

There are unfortunately a number of bits and pieces of important information that our trio is missing namely:

- Mask's Knights are on short staff (he lent some to Walker), so any one we take down now is going to hurt him a lot !

- Mask has the Ring (y'know the one we're after since the fucking Widow stole Agatha's notes from the Traveller who stole it from us)

- the fucking Widow is hiding inside the fucking Juggernaut (probably building up random evil plans to get her hands on the Ring before we can get to it)

But we can't get this intel without contacts with Fangs/Mirror & Flicker... and since we don't know there is intel to share, we have to ignore that until they find a way to contact us. (and I will laugh frantically at my screen when we'll gather and they tell us and my character says "but ... but... we were just there... that's so unfair! ")

From Xarvh's last posts I gathered that there is not much we should be doing in Lookshy aside slowing down Mask (blowing up the whole Factory seems like a decent way to do it), and rescue the captives, the rest is either too time consuming, considering we need to focus on our own dominion, or unachievable by us at this very moment because all celestial that we are, we still sorely lack the necessary punch to pull it off.
Arynne: sorry it took me so long.

I am writing this in the morning before going to work, it seems it's the only moment where I have time to read manuals and enough brain to wrap things together. =|

I am not sure about the names, so I Eneg will give you those after your next post. =P

cyl, JayTee: it seems that WlfSamurai as left us for good, so try to avoid interacting too much with Rhapsody.

I'll push Five Days forward hopefully today.

Kacie: waiting for you in both your Scenes.
cyl: blowing up the factory cathedral is unacceptable to Siham. Carefully and methodically removing critical and irreplaceable components is another matter entirely. The other suggestions are perfectly do-able with a bit of time and research :D

xarvh: Got it.
JayTee: it's also much easier to pull out, gives you a stash of precious components and it's much more difficult to track.

Very clever.
JayTee said:
cyl: blowing up the factory cathedral is unacceptable to Siham. Carefully and methodically removing critical and irreplaceable components is another matter entirely.
That works for me, and it will indeed slow him down.

If I can help let me know, otherwise I'll be focusing on freeing the captives, I have to think of a way to do it all by myself (because... challenge !).
I don't think we need to split up at all. Removing the parts shouldn't take too long, an hour at most. Then we can work together to hit the mask where it would hurt him most: The Juggernaut.

Injecting it with The Bloom would utterly undermine his powerbase, make him a laughingstock with the other Deathlords and remove a powerful symbol and weapon of his in one blow.

The loss of his additional captives would only further add insult to injury. :D
JayTee said:
I don't think we need to split up at all. Removing the parts shouldn't take too long, an hour at most. Then we can work together to hit the mask where it would hurt him most: The Juggernaut.
Injecting it with The Bloom would utterly undermine his powerbase, make him a laughingstock with the other Deathlords and remove a powerful symbol and weapon of his in one blow.

The loss of his additional captives would only further add insult to injury. :D
Killing his knights will hurt him too, probably not as much though but IIRC there is a legend about the Juggernaut that he cannot die like... ever until his day come.

EDIT: uh oh... I took the time to check the books... infecting the Juggernaut with the Bloom may actually the best or the worst thing we could do...

For starters the Juggernaut is not dead... it is only slooooooowly dying... so the Bloom will only cleanse his body of all the necrotic taint and undead operators... which brings me to the second point.

The only thing that's keeping him from healing and rampaging everything like in the good old days before the Primordial Wars is the necrotic essence.

He seeks either his final release (which has been written in the stars by the Primordials... which means we'd have to screw with the Loom of Fate if we wanted to kill him) or freedom from the Mask (which the Bloom will most likely grant him)... and freedom means rampage, a lot of it.

Apparently anyone who offers him one or the other will gain his loyalty... sounds like a good opportunity for an Eclipse... but there is still one problem though... how can shake on a Sacred Oath with him when his hand is the size of a freaking castle ! :D
Immortal is just another word for something an Exalt hasn't made a serious effort to kill yet.

Besides even if we can't kill it now, we can at least cripple it beyond all ability to function.
Uh, you guys might end up controlling not one but TWO behemoths...

Ok, who's learning Solar Heal Behmoth spell? =D

(Also, using the Bloom on Juggernaut might be a bit more difficult than you expect... Nothing you can't overcome, of course...)
JayTee said:
Immortal is just another word for something an Exalt hasn't made a serious effort to kill yet.
Besides even if we can't kill it now, we can at least cripple it beyond all ability to function.
Doubtful according to the books, that thing is only kept under control by the Mask's efforts and it regenerates like hell, I sincerely believe there is a risk of allowing to recover to full capacity and unleashing an unstoppable and very angry destroyer of cities.

That guy (and I quote) "wrestled with the Elemental Dragons, and he laughed with joy". :eek:

I think we should study him first before taking any actions or making plans... it's Xarvh's Juggernaut and he may not agree with the canon (which he is entitled to).

If he is indeed still sentient and wants to be freed... we may find in him a better WMD than the Bloom in the end.

It will not be hard to convince him to turn his urge to crush/trample/ towards Mask and his kind... although I dread what Xarvh could make of him... I can already imagine the Slayer of Nation acting like a simple minded spoiled brat.

I guess in that case our plans are

1: Study the Juggernaut to capture and/or kill it with The Bloom

2: Study the comings and goings of the Deathknights to find the best place to isolate and ambush them

3: Study the rotation of the guards on the civilian prison for the best way to free them.
Pretty much yep, along with removing key elements of the Cathedral Factory as to stop it from ever being exploited by the wrong hands.
Alright, I suppose we should get started on that then, although I'm a bit at a loss to how I should go about it.
Given Siham stealth, there isn't much they can do to stop you.

You can just write a post in They Shall Know Fear.

I'm eager to move this game forward.
This is for our Clever Girl:

Are there any strategic locations (besides the Juggernaut I mean) we could hit in Lookshy ?

Also there was a mention of "free citizens", can you expand on that ? Are the collaborators active or passive ?

How many people are we talking about, roughly ?
Nothing I really care about to add to the drama.

The "free citizens" are mostly well outside Lookshy's walls.

By your info, Dragon Bloods of Lookshy's Gens have already started to organize them in a loose network (which obviously includes spies from the Mask) but are still undecided on the next step.

The network comprises hundreds of loose groups and thousands of people.

Regarding the people within the walls, give that it's easier for the DL to extract information from the dead than from the living, it could be very well be that those 50 are the last living within Lookshy.
Roger that. I was not really inclined to leave them to their fate anyway.

Ooooh idea !

Could taking those captives back with us to Cross help restoring the Magitech Lab ?
Xarvh just wanna confirm a few things before I start making assumptions. Craftsmen Needs No Tools lets me work without tools and World as Workshop lets me work without a workshop. Does this mean I can do things like carve out underground tunnels without needing excavation equipment?
Considering we can take these guys to Cross and help (Project Post have at you !) we'll have to prepare the logistics for that (food, water, transportation).

I can arrange that but it's going to take some time (possibly a week), so feel free to play around Lookshy in the mean time :)
JayTee said:
Xarvh just wanna confirm a few things before I start making assumptions. Craftsmen Needs No Tools lets me work without tools and World as Workshop lets me work without a workshop. Does this mean I can do things like carve out underground tunnels without needing excavation equipment?
That counts as playing around Lookshy :)

And IMHO you should be able to do it.

The only mechanical difference between forging a sword and erecting a palace is the interval.

Massive projects such as the construction of houses and ships take an interval of months and possibly years for larger structures such as palaces. Truly monumental tasks could theoretically take even longer, although the Storyteller is encouraged to break such enterprises into smaller, independently resolved tasks.
IIRC you have the charm that divides that interval by a factor of "omg how much ??? :eek:", but you still need the raw materials though... but you also have a charm for that, don't you ? :P

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