[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Mechanically it seems fine, although you'll have to forgive me if I stick to GET and SCA, they seem more broadly useful.
Part of the reason why I designed this charm is because GET destroys souls, and this is not what I want my character to accomplish.

You can stick with SCA and GET if you want to, just take care not to use GET on ghosts... because the result is almost as bad as throwing a human soul into the Mouth of the Void.
So, basically this is like GET but sends the soul to Lethe rather than destroying it?

Does GET permanently destroy the undead?
Ghost Eating Technique makes sure that anything that could come back from the dead after being killed stays dead. I'm not actually sure it applies to actual ghosts, despite the name. I think if you put them down a second time, they stay down.
xarvh said:
If the only difference is Lethe vs Annihilation, I have no problems. -_-
Xarvh, I've been meaning to ask you about this, when you use the emoticon " -_- ", what emotion are you conveying? In the circles I run in it's used to convey frustration, annoyance or irritation, but you've used it when saying something when you don't seem to be frustrated or annoyed.

I guess it's all that that you listed, plus a "meh" or "whatever", such as in this case.
JayTee said:
Ghost Eating Technique makes sure that anything that could come back from the dead after being killed stays dead. I'm not actually sure it applies to actual ghosts, despite the name. I think if you put them down a second time, they stay down.
Quoted from the book: "If the spirit loses its last health level to this attack and dissipates, this Charm consumes the spirit utterly. Its Essence dissolves, and it will never be remade."

GET applies to any type of spirit: demons, gods, elementals and obviously ghosts.

While slaying demons or abusive gods and elementals is probably okay (because you know, they can always make more...), destroying human souls poses a big problem.

That is not something I figure my character is going to be cool with, not unlike using the Bloom offensively until we know for sure what it does to a ghost when it makes it go "POOF".
I was always under the impression that killing ghosts did little more than shove them back in to the cycle of reincarnation. Where does it say otherwise?
ROGD 2 p.95 mid paragraph.

When you destroy a ghost's corpus the ghost needs to roll wp (diff 3) to see what happens to him.

There are three possibilities:

- he succumbs to the pull of Lethe on a failed roll.

- he rejoins the Underworld and reforms; most of the time for stubborn ghosts it is the case because their Fetters (= intimacies for the living) ties them to Creation (just like the Neverborn... which is why they want to destroy Creation) and gives them bonuses on the wp roll.

The more Fetters you have the higher the bonus and the less chances you find Lethe.

- he is swallowed up by Oblivion (botched roll)

If you destroy a ghost with GET, the soul is unmade just like it would if the ghost had botched his roll and went the Oblivion way, which is not cool at all if you think about it.

The point of this charm is to suppress the need for the wp roll and the risk of either reforming or being destroyed, and to even actively permit ghosts willing to find Lethe through the solar's help.

Unwilling ghosts destroyed with this charm will enter the cycle of reincarnation again even though it doesn't stop them to become ghost in their next life at all.

With it solars can aim to free lost souls from the harsh lands of the Underworld and the threat of the Deathlords and I kind of also want to use it tactically to reduce the Mask of Winters' staff and legions without condemning all of them to annihilation as we would have using GET.

It's a more merciful approach IMHO, but cultists of Oblivion may surely have philosophical disagreements with that one. :P
Hm, if they only get destroyed via a botch, then it seems like the risk is fairly small. Either way, I'll need to rewrite reality somehow in order to remove the risk entirely, although that's far in the future after I get Shinmaic Calibration.
JayTee said:
Hm, if they only get destroyed via a botch, then it seems like the risk is fairly small.
Well not if you use GET obviously. Then there is no roll, you just destroy a human soul for good.

But it's fixing the broken wheel and depriving Deathlords of their ghostly supporters that I am after.

I thought it could be cool at first to build an artifact weapon with similar powers but I was afraid it was not personal enough and would have been too zanpakuto-esque.

A charm demands larger sacrifices and investments so it fits more thematically.

JayTee said:
Either way, I'll need to rewrite reality somehow in order to remove the risk entirely, although that's far in the future after I get Shinmaic Calibration.
I don't know what scares me more, the fact that you think about it, or the fact that one day soon you might be able to pull that off :D
cyl said:
I thought it could be cool at first to build an artifact weapon with similar powers but I was afraid it was not personal enough and would have been too zanpakuto-esque.
I'll build you a ring or something. Maybe make it so that it also grants a single automatic success per day when used by a Zenith when praying to the Unconquered Sun. "Ring of the Wayward Child" or something.

cyl said:
I don't know what scares me more, the fact that you think about it, or the fact that one day soon you might be able to pull that off :D
Selina was smalltime compared to what I have planned.
JayTee said:
Hm, if they only get destroyed via a botch, then it seems like the risk is fairly small. Either way, I'll need to rewrite reality somehow in order to remove the risk entirely, although that's far in the future after I get Shinmaic Calibration.
Its not rare enough that it should be used at any large scale.
CrazyIvan said:
Its not rare enough that it should be used at any large scale.
Indeed, and since there is no way to mark a soul to see if it actually reincarnates, and the reincarnation process is completely out of our hands, we have no choice but to use the Bloom for defensive purposes with great signs saying "undead, enter at your own peril - ye been warned"

JayTee said:
I'll build you a ring or something. Maybe make it so that it also grants a single automatic success per day when used by a Zenith when praying to the Unconquered Sun. "Ring of the Wayward Child" or something.
That would be ideal for Rhapsody then... the artifact I had in mind was more along the lines of a Constantine's holy fucking brass knuckles ^^
Wow I haven't been able to look at this game in forever. Um...i'm really sorry that i'm a terrible person. Please forgive. while I hope to play in game still, my current activity level is rather unacceptable, even from me. Should I just drop until I have time again?
Your call Norts.

I think everybody wants you to stay, me included.

I am trying to arrange things so that even if you don't post the game moves forward anyway, so far it's not much of a problem.
No reason to leave if you have to. :)

Speaking of posts, Xarvh, when can we expect a post in the Fear thread?
Er, sorry Xarvh, apparently the internet ate the post that I had made in that thread. My mistake. :oops:
Probably for the best, I suppose. I don't think Wlf, Cyl and I formally decided what our plans were for the Mask. Other than me building some kind of superweapon, I guess.
On the bright side, this extra time has let me see that Siham and Kalak really are rather different. I see Siham as more the classical Twilight Mad Scientist, while Kalak occupies this particular niche of kung-fu warrior scholar.
Agreed. Aside from some keyword defenses and the basic 2/7 filter, I don't plan on investing too heavily in to combat charms.

Why fight when you can sic a semi-autonomous biomechanoid killing machine on your enemies?

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