[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I was kidnapped by my buddies for a whole week under the sun with no internet connection... so sorry for the delay... but I've got a great tan now ^^'
Oh I burn too, but after two days of agonizing pain it becomes tan :D

Also sorry but I'm working on getting a job and I got a serious lead on Monday and I have a second interview tomorrow so most of my time is dedicated to making sure I get that job... those things I do for a meager 40K per year :rolleyes:
Scene 20 is up, but cyl and WlfSamurai can continue Scene 18.

I am realizing that I am posting slowly not for lack of time to write, but for lack of brain time to think about the game. -_-
CrazyIvan has been at a conference with unexpectedly no internets. I'll try to catch up tonight, though the "No Found" error the site is throwing on every page is a touch irksome.

Clearing my cache isn't fixing the problem, and its rendering the site nigh unusable. Not to mention its not a regular popup, but some weird super-special can't be blocked by popup blockers popup.
I am always flabbergasted to hear those conferences still exist in this day & age. I hates them, I does. Even when I'm not the one stuck at them.

I hates them on principle.
JayTee & WlfSam: so... how do we save Lookshy ?

Obviously the opposition (well... Mask mostly) is strong and we sure can't afford having him making a move on us.

I'm kinda stuck with my good old plan: sabotage.

We take out the lieutenants, the knights, the staff, the salvage and we break his army and Juggernaut piece by piece until there's nothing left but him (and then we pray that he gets the hell out of here because we can't make him budge ourselves ! :D ).

Up until now I did not feel that much concerned about the fate of the prisoners (rescuing them still looks like a logistical nightmare), but one could argue that rescuing organizing and arming the captives would be much more efficient in the long run... if we attack in every direction at the same time (though one or two will be serious hits led by exalts) with additional support from people and magitech we can seriously do some damage to Mask's forces, and force him to realize he's stuck and he'll loose more than he will gain if he stays here.

You guys have thought of another angle of approach ?
Are you familiar with the concept of cordyceps? Basically mind-control fungus that's insanely contagious and actively forces the host to find more people for it to infect. I'm thinking of upgrading The Bloom to be something along those lines and then unleashing it in to the most heavily undead populated area we can find.
Kacie said:
I am always flabbergasted to hear those conferences still exist in this day & age. I hates them, I does. Even when I'm not the one stuck at them.
I hates them on principle.
I blame business hotels that have good conference facilities. The hotel assumes everyone has an expense account, and all the grad students are left going "Umm..."
Will reply to Stone, Rain and Silence tomorrow, need to check all the mechanical effects of actually fighting someone.
JayTee said:
Are you familiar with the concept of cordyceps? Basically mind-control fungus that's insanely contagious and actively forces the host to find more people for it to infect. I'm thinking of upgrading The Bloom to be something along those lines and then unleashing it in to the most heavily undead populated area we can find.
Someone's been playing The Last of Us :)

Two things though:

1- time is of the essence: I don't know how long it will take for you to get the expected results (we do have a sentient 'shroom base... but modifying behavior is something entirely different), but I fear Mask will have finished ransacking Lookshy by the time the modified Bloom is operational.

Plus you'd have to slow the Bloom's progress on a host down to get him to find others to contaminate, so even though it's a very interesting idea, I don't think it would help us speed up Mask's retreat.

A Bloom developing faster than it does right now is more likely to help us win back Lookshy IMHO.

Then again I'm not sure how fast you can cook this thing up. If it's only a matter of weeks, then it could be doable and Rhapsody and Malek can work together to buy Siham the time he needs.

2- butterfly effect: as someone reasonable pointed out before, we don't know what being destroyed by the Bloom implies for the souls.

Are they destroyed ? Do they go back to Lethe ?

If we contaminate populated area, we might exterminate thousands of innocents souls who just took the wrong turn at the moment of their death... and that would suck.
Retooling the Bloom will take time and a Genesis Lab.

Also, for the guys in Lookshy, please remember that "freeing Lookshy" is on the plate only if you completely forget about Cross and are willing to invest considerable time and effort (and risk) into the area, including one or more ways to press the Mask with more important matters than his face with the other Deathlords.

A few scenes where you cripple the Mask and save innocents? Definitely.

Several chapters fighting a DL in his own base to dislodge him, his undead behemoth toy, his deathknights and his vast army from his most important conquest? Not likely.

You are not powerful enough to soak the brunt of such a pissed foe. Not yet.
Arynne: Ok, let's get your scene moved.

I'd like to fast forward till you have HaM meeting directly with whomever you have planned.

Do you want to describe your set up directly?

Otherwise I'll need a description of your plan.

Kacie: new scene arriving. -_-
Kacie: right or wrong, both Amil and Ebon are assuming that "Mirror of Hypocrisy" is a deathknight's title rather than a name.
xarvh said:
Retooling the Bloom will take time and a Genesis Lab.
Also, for the guys in Lookshy, please remember that "freeing Lookshy" is on the plate only if you completely forget about Cross and are willing to invest considerable time and effort (and risk) into the area, including one or more ways to press the Mask with more important matters than his face with the other Deathlords.

A few scenes where you cripple the Mask and save innocents? Definitely.

Several chapters fighting a DL in his own base to dislodge him, his undead behemoth toy, his deathknights and his vast army from his most important conquest? Not likely.

You are not powerful enough to soak the brunt of such a pissed foe. Not yet.
One cannot hit what he cannot see.

The whole point is not to make the Mask of Winters loose Lookshy, it's to make its occupation strategically non viable anymore.

We can't afford direct confrontation because he's just too damn powerful, that is certain, but the fact that you can't kill an enemy does not mean that you can't weaken him.

A Deathlord is a formidable force, just like any Elder Celestial... but there is a limit to what even he can achieve if he is alone.

So - correct me if I am wrong - we should be able to guerrilla the hell out of the logistics behind the occupation and looting process and make it harder and harder for him to continue occupying the city.

If we force him to loose more and more resources to a point that ransacking Lookshy will not be profitable any longer he should leave the place with his army while he still has one (thanks the gods for the Bloom and Magitech explosives ! :P ) because the alternative is loosing power, and I would assume that if his losses are truly substantial, at one point, if his ego doesn't take over, he'll have to call it off to keep his positions both in the Underworld and in Creation.

And even if he doesn't back off, he'll loose power overall, which is always a good thing, and worth the risk... because I believe there is much more at stake than the fate of Cross here.

I agree that this is not what any of us had planned (for the game I mean), but this epic change in the setting kind of switched the priorities (well at least it did for me) and brought up the question: what is the alternative ?

Saving a bunch of people in our retreat and letting a Deathlord get a hold of Lookshy's arsenal ?

If we let that happen he'll be truly unstoppable and then I hardly see how we could ever build anything that he will not be able to destroy.

There are only two paths I can see for us right now:

- Resistance (and lots of sabotage) which is what the trio of solars is going for at the moment.


- Diplomacy to ensure survival of the human race in the area and safe exodus to our lands plus the insurance that anything past the Grey River the East stays out of his conquest for a period of time (we'll still have to deal with Walker in the Darkness then)... but we have very little to bargain with aside from threatening to deploy the Bloom.

If anyone can think of some clever way out of this situation, please share :)
Well, I imagine he already has Lookshy's arsenal yes? And with their air power it is going to be hard to sustain a guerilla war. But, given its exalted we are talking about maybe we can make a big enough dent to get him to pull out, if he does, you can bet he will load the ships with toys and not leave much behind.

I personally don't think we're going to get much of anywhere with diplomacy, but we may have to pretend here and there, dunno. If you want to focus on Lookshy hard then definitely you can make a dent in terms of survival of displaced people and probably sabotage. Depends on what you want to do I think.
xarvh said:
Ok, let's get your scene moved.
I'd like to fast forward till you have HaM meeting directly with whomever you have planned.

Do you want to describe your set up directly?

Otherwise I'll need a description of your plan.
What Flicker has in mind is to see if her sifu can use Ancient Understanding to access HaM's memories of what happened (I always figured Clear Air and Shaping Wood to be his primary Paths). Since he's a shapechanger, meeting with her wouldn't require revealing his Dragon King nature.
Last of Us uses Cordyceps? I thought it was a zombie game?

How long do we have to mess around in Lookshy before we need to head back to Cross? The answer to this question is vital to me being able to propose anything else.
JayTee said:
Are you familiar with the concept of cordyceps? Basically mind-control fungus that's insanely contagious and actively forces the host to find more people for it to infect. I'm thinking of upgrading The Bloom to be something along those lines and then unleashing it in to the most heavily undead populated area we can find.
A couple thoughts as well:

1. Fungal infections aren't actually all that fast.

2. Contagiousness isn't actually what the Bloom has a problem with. The problem is that it's currently isolated to a miserable middle of nowhere setting where it can be easily steered around. It's not contagious we need, it's easy to deliver. That's a different engineering problem. And one Fangs is currently trying to work on - her current exploration of Necromancy is actually a hope she'll figure out how to artificially introduce Necrotic essence into Creation without a set of Deathlord puppet strings. Said Essence keeps it fed until Fangs and a sorcery induced windstorm get it where it needs to be.

3. She's still wary about a mass deployment of the Bloom, especially as a counter attack on shadowlands or the Underworld - that could very well end up looking like an Underworld genocide, and that will make her a touch uncomfortable.
JayTee said:
Last of Us uses Cordyceps? I thought it was a zombie game?
Zombies as an infectious disease outbreak is a pretty standard narrative these days. So standard I've taught a class on it.

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